Showing posts with label subconscious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subconscious. Show all posts

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Mythical Painting

 Been working in the studio lately and it feels good. Three of the latest:

Dragon Smoke, acrylic on canvas, 18" by "24

Dracula's Hall, acrylic on canvas

Mermaid's Sky, acrylic on board

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Please Support the UFOlogy Tarot Campaign on Kickstarter - The Daily Grail

Please Support the UFOlogy Tarot Campaign on Kickstarter - The Daily Grail

I'm excited about this idea! Greg Bishop and RPJ (Red Pill Junkie) have collaborated on a tarot card project -- a UFO Tarot deck. 

If you can, donate to the cause. 

I often use the Tarot to help in discovering clues to my UFO experiences. Various decks. (The most interesting one being the Deviant Moon deck.) So a deck created specifically to address the UFO experience, well, pretty creative.