Showing posts with label aliens and ufos in art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aliens and ufos in art. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Projects: Spell Jars and Paintings

 My husband painted this last year. He's titled it "Orange Orb." After all these decades, orange sphere in the sky still scuds along in our subconscious. 

'Orange Orb,' acrylic on canvas,  24" by 30", James Rich 2022.

I've been making spell jars and very much enjoying them. I have them up on Etsy and eBay.

Mother Mary talisman/spell jar.

Ocean Goddess spell jar.

Sweet Dreams witch ball

Yule Prosperity Protection witch ball

Monday, July 4, 2022

Orange Orb Dreams, UFO Tulpas, and Insectoids

 An Orange Orb dream the other night:

I'm on a Zoom like call; a UFO presentation. Sort of like a podcast, UFO conference and radio show all together. Some one recognizes my blog The Orange Orb and so I once again tell the tale. Of seeing the very large and up close orange orb, its following us, the feeling it knew what I was thinking and was responding, the missing time . . .

And then I say that each time I tell the story, the orange orb becomes more real, (not that it ever was not real) more concrete. Like a UFO Tulpa. It's still true, and "mine," meaning, my experience but it also is its own self. Aware. Solid. Separate from me. Its own thing. This is so damn hard to articulate! So hard. But a very important aspect of the whole encounter. 

Alien Ant, watercolor, James Rich

As I'm relating this, the night sky becomes a swirling geometric mass and several insectoids show up. Praying Mantis types, locust types. They are anywhere from six feet to ten feet tall. They're watching, listening. Aware. No threat -- yet. 

I tell everyone that they're here and very, very real. "Yes," I say, as bizarre and really, ridiculous, as it seems, these alien-insectoid beings are real. And here. And have been. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Vintage Find: Tim Beckley's UFO Review no. 27

 I figure it will take me a good month if not more before I am finished with my purging project, and getting that room -- now full of books and files and mysterious boxes -- ready for human habitation.

I found this today: Tim Beckley's UFO Review, no. 27 from 1988. Priced at $1.50!  Beckley was the publisher and editor of this mag. I loved getting these publications in the mail from Beckley. He also put out Conspiracy Journal and all kinds of old school U.F.O. stuff. (some of my work appeared in a few of his publications.)

I miss Tim. He was always very nice to me and helpful and appreciative of my input. The UFO world lost a real treasure when he passed away in May of 2021.

Can't wait to read this article!

You can learn how to talk to the Space Beings. . . 

Mixed media collage I did when Tim passed away.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Art and the X-Files

 I've been bingeing on X-Files lately. A feast! I've also been going through many of my art books, seeking inspiration. And found, to my surprise, The Art of the X-Files. Great find but have no memory of how I came to own this book. I don't remember, nor does my husband. Nothing mysterious here; no doubt, during my days as a folklore UFO nerd at the U of O, I purchased the book. Maybe it was a gift. Either way, nice discovery!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Oil Pastel: Orange Orb

 Orange Orb at Lorane Highway, oil pastel, metallic pastels on 90 lb. black paper 9" x 12" 2021

I've done a lot of orange orb drawings and paintings through the years, and some I liked, some I didn't. But this one I am very happy with. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Art Blog

 I occasionally post my artwork  with UFO and related themes here on the Orb. I've started a blog that shows all kinds of art work, not just UFO themed. Take a look, and comments are welcome. Thanks!

Regan Lee: Art Blog.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Black Eyes, Blue Orb, Violent Reptilian

 Two strange dreams last night. Oddly enough, I had not taken any melatonin, which can certainly cause some deeply surreal dreams. Nor did I listen to any paranormal podcast or Coast to Coast, which I often do when in bed. The subconscious works in its own language for sure.

At night, a couple dozen people. Some kind of party -- more like a celebration, or an observance of something. A rite, an homage, a recognition. We either eat or drink something psychedelic. Not exactly that; more like this substance enhances in a way what’s already within. There is a beach ball sized globe, or orb, solid, physical but also made of light. Hard to explain. It’s a light blue color. We pass it around, balance it, play with it. Dance with it.

Someone has the orb now. There is a deep and intense connection here between me/this someone and the orb. Everyone else stands back. They know the orb has chosen its person. 

The person is in rapture. Holds onto the orb, talks in tongues, falls down onto the ground. On his back, this person is holding up the orb, signing, talking in a strange language. Purple lights appear and swirl around him. Then he turns into a violet reptilian type being, with huge black eyes. I lean into this being and stare into those eyes. Nothing on this earth has ever been as black as the black of its eyes. Huge deep glossy black eyes. 

There is nothing malevolent about this but it is terribly  profound. True awe. I cannot believe this blackness, this never ending sea of dark. I am sort of screaming out about this -- wanting others to look, to pay attention to this. These eyes, this black it’s so damn important!

In the dream, I tell myself I have to remember this and write it down right away. The urgency is vibrating, I must get this down! I’m writing this dream down and Jim comes in to talk to me about something. I tell him to go away, I have to get this dream down immediately! Later, I tell him about the dream. And then it starts over again: the violet, the purple, the huge black eyes, the reptilian, the blue orb, the chanting and dancing . . .

Same night, different dream:

I’m in an empty room on the tenth floor of a building -- office building? -- built in the 1950s, maybe 1940s. dingy, frayed carpets, not many people about. I don’t know why I’m here. I look down into the street. Thousands of people, literally nose to nose. No room to move. Yet move they do. Crawling, scrambling, shoving, climbing on each others. Violence. People fighting. Something bout gas. Some force is stealing gas. I stay up here because I sure as hell don’t want any of that! A few people come into the building but they stay on the first few floors. Once they realize it’s an empty building (except for me or a few others in the upper floors) they leave.

After a few hours of this madness, two gigantic mothership UFOs appear overhead. They lift up two huge silver domes. Domes that have been covering the city. The aliens or beings or whoever, whatever, they are, put the domes in place to disguise their presence while they sucked up all the gasoline in the city. Once they filled their own tanks, they lifted the domes and left. Once they left, everyone was back to normal. No memory of what just happened.

This second dream doesn't make much sense to me, since, on the west coast, a lack of gasoline has not been an issue.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Two New Drawings: Dark Aliens, Praying Mantis

 'Dark Aliens,' pencil on paper, Regan Lee 2021

Playing around with monochromatic looks, and a sort of Shadow Person/Alien being.  I think this will become a painting.

'Insectoid Visitor,' oil pastel on black paper, Regan Lee 2021

Experimenting with drawing on black paper, and the giant insect alien imagery. 


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Men in Black, Men in Red

 Of deserts, MIB, and MIR (Men in Red.) Don't know where that last one came from. Anyway, two little sketches that just came to me. Why the MIR? I have no idea.  I used ink, water-soluble NeoColor on paper.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Orange Orb Moves

I'm posting the Orang Orb over  on WordPress now. So please, check it out! I'm not gone, or have been abducted (not recently) just over on another platform. Links and mentions welcome.

Orange Orb Blog, on Word Press. 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Orange Orb, Silver Sphere

Aside from my writing about UFOs and the paranormal, supernatural realms in general, I also write fiction, poetry, prose. (If so inclined, you can visit my fragments, found blog.) I rarely write about the fringe, anomalous stuff in my fiction life, but, occasionally I do come up with something. Here's a prose-poem I wrote recently about UFOs:

an orange orb, silver sphere
follows, hovers
beam of light
dreams follow:
paralyzed, silent screams
beams of light, again, so bright-white, vision transcends the norm.

awareness of cognizance, familiarity from the Other and yet, 
memory plays tricks, 
missing time, a lost drive begun
on a late summer afternoon.

waiting for a friend, a heavy sudden wind in the woods, a no show.

finding ourselves back home, hours later . . .
watching the orb stop, hover, drop in a neighbor's yard.

Do I follow? Call an authority? Instead, I dream 
of orbs and spheres, lights 
and enormous spinning shields above my head.

something intelligent, aware, knowing, follows, 
tracks my journeys on the astral.

so what? where? who, how, why?

questions, decades later, answers

Monday, June 26, 2017

Found Myself in the Archives: Abduction Narratives

I was searching for poetry and literature in Oregon, came across this from 1995: Folkloric Significance of Abduction Narratives, written by moi.
Content Description:Using Thomas Bullard's structure of UFO abduction narratives as an object of analysis, this paper looks closely at UFO lore and makes comparisons with Greek mythology. 
Long time ago...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Jim's Popcorn Machine UFO

In June of last year, I wrote about an experience Jim had when he was around ten or so. One of those dreams-that-aren't-dreams-but-we-tell-ourselves-they-were-dreams-encounters. 

When we were first together, Jim painted this watercolor the UFO he dreamt saw.

James Rich, "Popcorn Machine Alien/UFO" watercolor
He gave the painting to a friend of his many years ago, and I recently was able to take a picture of it with my phone. 

I love this painting, not only for its personal and parallel connection with childhood and encounters, but the painting is reminiscent of all that great science fiction cover art from the 1950s and '60s.

Monday, June 15, 2015

UFO Themed Dreams and Memory

Rosemary Ellen Guiley was the guest on last night's episode of Coast to Coast. The topic: dreams. Host Noory asked Guiley why it is that we don't remember dreams. (We may remember dreams a day or two later, but not over time, certainly not years.) Guiley said that dreams are in the "short term memory" part of the brain. (Realize I'm paraphrasing here and working from memory.) She explained that, unless something very intense and important happened at the time of the dream, trying to remember it, if trauma happened, then the dream would be remembered. 

Salvidor Dali, Persistence of Memory

So, that had me thinking. The dreams that I remember involved UFOs and or entities. The "Patio Alien" that I've written about here in the past happened a good fifty-five years ago. Yet I remember that "dream" to this day. And, in fact, I have only called it a dream because, what else could it have been? 

The second was a dream -- the Geisha Woman-Alien "dream" -- but, the question is, based on what? Why does that dream out of the thousands of dreams stand out? Was the dream a cover memory dream of an actual event? (In that dream, I am inside a domed spaceship out in space. The walls are glass. I sit across from a very tall, chalky white alien with the big eyes, but she is wearing a black "geisha" style wig. She is one cold detached being. I am angry, furious, that she will not let me go, and will not let me see my husband, who is somewhere on this ship.)

Speaking of this second dream/memory, I had this dream in the same time frame and location as our missing time episode. I've written about both many times. I asked Jim, who was present during the missing time episode, if he remembers if I had this Geisha Woman-Alien dream before or after the missing time. Neither one of us remembers. What is for certain though, is that the dream did happen during this phase.

There is also my eagle "dream" from when I was about four. Again, I remember this in vivid detail and emotion, and have to put it in the category of "dream" because, once again, how could it literally be? (A few nights ago I had a weird experience regarding this eagle presence, which I posted about at my Mothman blog.)

And of course, there are the dancing invisible aliens that came to visit me during my childhood. All "dreams" and yet . . . they remain, in vivid detail, stand-out episodes of my life. Why those and not others?

Finally, Jim remembers a "dream" he had when he was a child that haunts him to this day. He calls it his "Popcorn UFO" dream.  An excerpt from an article I wrote for Tim Binnall's site a few years ago:

When he was ten years old, he said he had what he calls the “pop corn machine dream.” He was living in Hawthorne, California, at the time. Back then the area was almost out in the sticks, no sidewalks, brush, tumbleweeds. He woke up -- or, as he put it, he dreamt he woke up -- to see a craft outside his window. He went on board, where he saw a machine that “smelled like popcorn, and it reminded me of one of those popcorn machines.”  
“I knew they were aliens, and they weren’t good. Over my life, of all the dreams I’ve had about aliens, they’ve never been good in any of them. They’ve been all about bad, or Trickster at best.” (To this day he talks about how he hated living out there, moving from the Hollywood area to live in the middle of nowhere. 
This could probably be chalked up to being a kid, and suddenly uprooted from friends and school. But I wonder if some of this intense dislike has something to do with his “alien” experiences.) 
I told him I rarely see aliens in my dreams. (But then I immediately remembered my “Geisha Woman” dream of the tall female gray being; where I found myself on board, sitting across a tall “gray” female with black hair.) He said “I have. They’re usually human looking, but alien nonetheless. I just know they’re aliens. I don't’ think I’ve ever had gray aliens, specifically, but I have had insectoid aliens, giant preying mantis kind of things.” (When he said that, I almost fell out of the chair!) 
He continued: “You never see them completely, but more like parts of them, and they appear in parts, revealing themselves slowly. I never see the whole thing.”
“Do you still have alien dreams?” I asked him.
“Yeah, occasionally.”
“I don’t have bad dreams or scary dreams that often, but when I do, they’re about aliens. Whatever it is I’ve been seeing all my life, it hasn’t been good,” he said again. (Regan Lee, July 2007,  Trickster's Realm at Binnall of America.)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Airships and Moon: Steampunk Tarot

I received a steampunk tarot deck for my birthday. These two cards fit in well with what the Orb is all about: Ace of Airships, and Moon Voyage.

The Steampunk Tarot, designed by John and Caitlin Matthews

Friday, December 19, 2014

A Quote About Ancient Aliens

Jim, on Ancient Aliens: "They either go too far, or not far enough." 
That sums it up!

"Jim" being my dear one.

We still love you Ancient Aliens. It's just that, at times, it just gets so …. 

You know.

But as I said. We still love you!

In spite of … 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Jeffrey J. Kripal

Last night's Coast to Coast was excellent. First of all, George Knapp was the host, and he is, as always,  an enjoyable host; smart, reads the material, asks great questions, really listens to the guests. The guest last night was author Jefferey J. Kripal of Rice University. Now, I haven't yet read any of his books, but I do remember when Monsters and Mystics came out, thinking: "I want to read this!" Now of course I am adding his works to my list of books I must read.

Anyone who references, as Kripal did last night, George P. Hansen's  important book The Trickster and the Paranormal with insight and respect demands to be read.

Paraphrasing, and probably badly, a couple of Kripal's points: the way the term paranormal came to replace the term supernatural, and his opinion (one I share) that the sciences for the most part are easier than humanities. Humanities get the bad rap (I studied folklore, I know) but you know, 1 + 1  = 2, and you're either "right" or "wrong" in deconstructing Joyce (depending on the whims of the prof) or defending your philosophical take on what-I-would-do-as-the-only-woman-in-the-class "moral" dilemma presented to us regarding saving family members during a tornado. (Me: I'm "morally bankrupt", according to the barley able to stand upright for more than five minutes philosophy professor. He was so old he knew Noah.)

Kripal isn't just about the humanities and comparative religions, but has had his own experiences that most academics do not discuss, and this includes UFOs. His take on that subject is one I've been harping on for years as well. We'll never get to the scientific answer, because there isn't any. Throwing the UFO realm at the hard sciences -- and those residents of UFO Land who believe UFOlogy should become more "scientific" -- so woefully miss the whole point.

Prof. Jeffrey Kripal of Rice University discussed comparative religions and various aspects of the paranormal. In a sense, the study of religion is more difficult than the sciences because religious experience is difficult to quantify, and challenges people's deepest values and world views, he noted. When people compare religions in a rigorous manner, they recognize that their own world view is filled with certain gaps, he revealed. The ancient Greeks used to send out scouts to foreign cities or countries to study religious spectacles, and they were often changed by what they'd seen. (Coast to Coast)

Anyway. Jeffrey Kripal. Try to listen to the archived interview if you can.