Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Sunday, January 30, 2022

"No Covid Work Accepted"

 Not much to report; no pithy snarky comments on the current state of things in UFO Land. (I mean, I could, but I won't. At least not now.)

But, our global lives being turned inside out due to Covid continue to be turned inside out, and sideways, and back in/out again. People are tired, nuts, full of rage and ignorance. 

I'm tired. We're all tired. Fed up. Sad. Depressed. But . . . that is our new reality. 

Anyway, one of the artist groups I belong to on Facebook rejected my drawing:

Still Here: Covid 2022, ink, marker on paper

It was rejected because the group rules state "No Covid related material." I didn't read the rules, which is a bit hypocritical -- though I prefer lazy -- since I run several groups myself. It's their right to have any rules they want. But I just found it such an odd reaction. 

I'm not making any political statement. Covid is still here. Expressing our angst, outrage, fear, and fatigue through artistic methods is a healthy way to deal with it all.  Is the thinking that, by simply ignoring the existence of Covid, it will go away? Is there some assumed political agenda embedded in the title, the drawing? What if I titled the drawing "Bugs," or something?  Do we now have to disguise Covid themed work in order not to ... what? Offend? Disturb? Anger? 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Covid Dreams

 It took a while, but the last year I started to have dreams with Covid themes. Not wearing masks, forgetting to wear a mask, etc.

Last night, I had  a dream involving someone very close to me who decided, for some unknown reason, to cut me off from their life. This hurt. Still hurts. It's baffling, confusing, hurtful. It also has ignited a huge flame of "fuck you what the fuck are you doing to us?" reaction.

Last night, I dreamt this person agreed to my invitation to come down to her state and be with her. The dream begins:

I'm in the back seat of a car with "Martina." We're in the middle of the back seat, with her husband, then Marinta, then me, then her son. Her daughter is no where to be seen. I don't know who is driving the car.

I am so happy!!!!! So happy! So happy that after more than a year, Martina has finally decided to bring me back into her life. So we're sitting in the back seat, and I hug her and kiss her. and all the past year is a non-issue. We will move on. So happy!

Then, very casually, "Martina" says to me "Oh, I have Covid." 

I say, "What? What do you mean, 'I have Covid?!"

Martina tells me that sure, she has Covid, but so what?

I am shocked, hurt and angered. I ask her how could she agree to meet with me knowing she will expose me to Covid?! She tells me I'm just being silly and paranoid and to get over it.

In the car, I open an envelope from my doctor. The forms say I did have Covid, a long time ago. But am free now.

Meanwhile, I am still very upset -- and hurt-- that this person so very close to me would be so cavilerabout Covid.

This dream is about how Covid seeps into our subconscious and our dreaming states, despite our intentions to not let the negative take over our lives.

On a very personal note, the person in my dream is someone very close to me -- a family member -- and I think that politics have merged into the twisted, gas lighting, mind fucking realm of Covid. This person, who I love and have protected and stood up for since her birth, has allowed politics (I think, for she won't say) take over love.

So, a reminder. Love. Patience. Compassion Non-judgement. Hard to do!!! I KNOW! But ...  when it comes to family, it seems to be that any system, be it political or religious, that demands your allegiance over you own family and friends, be on the side of family and friends. 



Friday, August 3, 2018

The Left vs. the Right and 'Constricters'

 Satanic Abuse/ Egregores & the Occult - Shows (Coast to Coast)
Last night's Coast to Coast was interesting. Except for one point; the point I've been writing about these past few weeks. Which is the relationship between the political right and the left in context of UFO, paranormal research.

I think it was guest Russ Dizdar, (I think it was Dizdar) who, on discussing the deep state, negative energies, mind control, etc. -- which makes sense, and is, in my opinion, a non-debatable reality -- went off on what he called "constriction." Except, according to Dizdar, it's the left who is responsible for this constriction!

He went on to talk about Communism, which, according to him, is the agenda of the left. And then placing blame for all kinds of crazy onto the left, in context of "constriction," which is the egregores, and the occult's, purpose.

If anyone, anything, is doing "constricting" it is Trump, the orange one, the POTUS, the 45. He, and the followers, supporters and kiss assers, are the ones who "constrict." And if I have to explain it to you, you are doomed.

I have no argument concerning negative energies, from our own -- humans -- as well as non-human yet intelligent entities. Call these energies Satan, demons, daimons, Djinn, fallen angels, ET, aliens, faerie, elementals ... wait. They are not all the same thing. But they are all, all. Some of them are negative. Malevolent.

Some are not. Some don't care either way. Sometimes we just get in their way. Other times, there is a specific agenda to fuck with us. Some of the energies involve humans.

But to seriously inject that liberals are the cause -- this is the point I find myself in despair. I can only go so far when I hit that wall. That wall put up by conservatives who abruptly veer off from delving into the paranormal -- the real, actual, at times insidious, paranormal, including UFOs, and all its deception -- and scream "liberal."

Sunday, May 27, 2018

#Metoo in the Fringe

Not to say males have been notoriously lousy with each other when it comes to UFO Land ... And Beyond! -- but women in this field have also experienced really vile stuff. No, this is not 'old news' --- it's been going on, it  continues to go on.

I've been a feminist since I was fifteen. That's a few months shy of fifty years. Same shit, same shit. More awareness, more men speaking out against misogynist behavior, and yet, still. . . it does goes on. Just because it may not be going 'as much,' (that is sarcasm by the way) or, that many good men are also aware, doesn't mean us women folk have to stop pointing out the obvious.

In this process of speaking out, is accountability. And it seems to be, that many have been given a huge pass in this field. Stalking, lies, name calling, threats, calling to question a woman's mental stability, her sexuality (real or imagined), and more,is a huge NOT OKAY. And yet, when these behaviors have been blogged about, discussed, pointed out, the ones responsible for these behaviors go on about their business. They still blog, post on Facebook -- oh, now under their 'real names' so that makes it okay. As if their previous behavior was simply a creative exercise in Anomalous Street Theater -- they get invited to speak at UFO conferences, their work is published, men and women (sigh) support them.

Yes, woman are more present and vocal in this field. All the time. And there have always been some women in this field. I'm not talking so much here as to the number of women in this field, but the behavior directed towards them, as well as the lack of accountability.

One more point: I've had some women say to me in various anomalous fields -- Bigfoot research, etc. -- that they've never had any problems at all.  As if this somehow diminishes, or dismisses completely, the experiences of those who have  encountered such behaviors from males. This is not an argument, or, a contest. If we can't extend respectful listening and non-defensive responses to our sisters, then how can we expect researchers to be respectful and non-judgemental to witnesses?

Saturday, December 23, 2017

'Belluminati', Pentagon UFO News

I know I'm not the only one who's noticed the new Taco Bell commercial:

Timing is interesting, and of course my conspiratorial oriented mind sees high strangeness with the juxtapositions of the Solstice season, Trump's tax cuts, and the Pentagon releasing the latest batch of UFO information.

As for the commercial, sure it's advertising just goofing on a trend, but those of us living in fringe world can't help but sense there's more to it than just pop culture appropriation of us fringe dwellers.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

"Boring" UFO Tales: Some Kind of Other

And by "tales" I do not mean lies or fiction, but narratives, stories, witness reports. All right. Let's take the Rendlesham case. Oh hell, let's take a whole lot of UFO cases, where one take on those cases is -- there's no there there. They weren't space brothers, inner earth dwellers, flying fairy carriages, or anything supernatural. Okay. But they were something. Let's agree that they weren't any of those things. But again; they were something. 

Discarding the debunker explanations: owls, hallucinations, mistaken whatevers, the uneducated masses misinterpreting mundane events, we're left with pretty much two categories. One, the supernatural-paranormal-metaphysical weirdness realm (which includes ET.) Or, two, the something else that is not that, including debunker-ville's dismissive materialist and blithe responses.

Which leaves us, concerning strange machine-craft emitting often harmful effects upon humans and animals, with the very likely cause of man made objects. That is almost no less frightening and interesting as ET, etc.

The idea that we, ourselves, operate so covertly and illegally with black projects that cause anxiety, panic, hysteria, confusion, illness, mind-fuckness, job loss, relationship havoc and culture chaos is pretty damn horrible. Unfortunately, it is  not a fantastic idea; it is actually very possible.

This possibility (which is actually a reality) should be addressed with at least as much intensity as aliens from space UFOs, and a hell of a lot more outrage.

Instead, there are the naive ones who ignore this idea, still -- still, even after the bizzaro-falling-waaaaaaay-down-the-rabbit-hole reality of Trump as our POTUS -- that don't consider our, or any government, capable of such things. Or, worse, that this is a reality, but, shrug, ain't no big deal.

It's a huge fucking deal.

Keep in mind, too, that it's not an either or situation. UFOs are not all only one thing. They're often mistaken every day events, they're also from other realms, and they're also ours. That latter does not make UFOs hum drum; exactly the opposite.

Wake up. The ones that are ours are often the most dangerous. And that is worth investigating, whether it's seventy years ago, thirty years ago, or yesterday.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Gatekeepers: On Whose Authority?

UFO Gatekeepers. They come from all sides; uber-skeptics, debunkers, as well as those who believe, but insist on scientific approaches to exploring all that is UFO. The Gatekeepers wrangle one tentacle of the UFO Kraken, ignoring the rest -- even while it strangles them -- rejecting the elements that annoy them.

They decide who gets to, what methods, which cases.

On what authority?!

There is none.

James Mcgaha, uber-debunker, asks UFO witness if "she's qualified to look at the sky"

There is no UFO Authority, no matter how desperately some want there to be. There is no Official Method, case, researcher, witness, spokesperson.

No one is more, or less, qualified than anyone one else in this realm.

As soon as someone starts spouting off a need for standards: academic, scientific, "legitimate" cases, etc. I do not take them seriously.

Honesty is expected, at all times. That's about all we should expect. Sincere desire to explore, to share, to research, while holding the ball of integrity.

Other than that, the rest is a form of bullying. Self-righteous and arrogant demands to join, if you don't, then you're not honest, sincere and legitimate.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rejecting Witness, Assassinating Character...

Self elected UFO Police, whether it's someone who runs a podcast or forums, or researchers who get up organizations with manifestos and rules about what speculations will and will not be entertained, are annoying, sure. They're liars. They're manipulators. All that is certainly a drag, but, while on the surface it may seem like petty bullshit, it's actually very dangerous.

It's dangerous because pundits decide, for whatever personal whims and biases of their own, that a witness is full of crap. Whatever witness comes forward with her or his story, these would be gurus of UFO Land are no better than the psycho-skeptoids who debunk fringe topics, including UFOs. Demands are made by these Flying Saucer Fascists that the witness reveal their true name. Sometimes it is their real name, but try convincing these thugs of that. Other times anonymity is absolutely understandable, to protect family or jobs, but that's not good enough for those who make these demands. The goal posts are moved -- again something the uber-skeptic does constantly -- but it's baffling when UFO folk do it. The witness is expected to suddenly be of the highest caliber of UFO researcher, familiar with all of UFO history and theories. The witness is supposed to stop "whining" if they tell their story, or portray themselves as a "victim." And yet these same little fascists tell us they want to solve the Big UFO Mystery; collect data, and do diligent research. How can any of that happen if the witness is rejected? If the witness is consistently treated with insults, suspicions and even threats? 

And great goddess help the witness if they question theory or, worse, reveal their personal interactions with a researcher that conflict with ones' personal views.

The witness doesn't owe anyone anything. As a given, in all human interactions of every kind, honesty and integrity are expected. I assume those are present when talking with a witness. If it turns out they're not -- the witness is a lunatic or a liar, then, oh well, that's life. I'll  survive. UFOlogy will survive. Back to the star map. If a witness trusts me to share their story, I owe that witness, actually. I owe them respect and I owe them the honoring of their experience by retelling it faithfully and being honest in my responses to that experience. I may not understand their experience, or share the same cultural world views (ie, religious experiences) but that doesn't mean the witness is a liar.

Distractions and Paranoia
Meanwhile, all the insults and lies and attacks continue. The accusations of what someone said, without support, are made. Either the ones telling these made up stories about witnesses or writers they don't like are genuinely mistaken, or they're liars. Hard to believe adults can be so stupid as well as petty but UFO World and its cousins, like Bigfoot World, certainly have their share of stupidity. Egos are huge in the Flying Saucer Universe. No proof is provided to back up accusations, yet accusations are made. I know, amazing!

It's a distraction.  Those who smugly attack others for sometimes ridiculous reasons (like their use of the English language-- they don't get it, so the writer is the buffoon, not them), accusations without support when called on it, or, more profoundly, attacks, slanders, slurs and literally libelous statements about crimes that were never committed, actual research and data reporting are being ignored.

It's incredible to me many of these characters are held in some kind of high UFO regard as credible contributors to UFO research.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back to Conspiracy Park

For a few years now, in various parks around here, I've been coming across  images of NWO, electronic harassment and anonymous/V spray painted on the ground, on light poles, on support beams of bridges, or on stickers and paper stuck on poles and walls.

Last summer I found one on a telephone at the end of my block:

About a block from my house, last summer 

 Here's a picture I took in August of 2009 at the other end of the park:

Taken at Valley River/Greenway Bridge, August 2008
The above, spray painted at either end of the bridge, was painted over by the city. Same signage on the ground at the other end, near where we were today, at the intersection of two paths, since covered over by the city.

I'd been seeing these for at least a year. Randomly (so it seemed) one of the local news programs aired a small segment on these signs; I wrote about it at Oregon L.O.W.F.I.:

A couple of nights ago, the local news had a short segment on these signs. Some neighbors in the area are “upset” because the signs are offensive. Apparently someone, and I suspect someone else not the original sign maker, sprayed swastikas on some of these signs. I haven’t come across any with swastikas. The news said the signs were publicity for “a movie.” I’m not so sure about that, it seems like a strange explanation, especially when no title was given or reason why they came to that conclusion. Hand lettered signs on cheap paper stuck to bridge supports, telephone and light poles; hand painted banners on flimsy paper stuck to wooden fences — doesn’t seem like much of publicity campaign.
I couldn’t find anything on-line about this from any of the local news outlets. I’m not sure which local news it was either, since they’re all the same and I switch back and forth. The short segment ended with the warning that it is illegal to affix any kind of flyer or poster, etc. to city property such as telephone and light poles.

Today, I came across these, at the other end of where we usually walk, and where I've seen the images. Today, we were walking close to the University side and Alton Baker Park. The lettering reads "What is the plan? We won't forget. Expect us." I didn't do a great job of taking pictures, I'm no photographer and my camera is just a cheap one, but I think you get the idea.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ed Komarek at UFO Digest: MUFON Psyops?

Ed Komarek on the morphing of MUFON, from investigative UFO entity to apologist faux serious UFO research entity. MUFON Psyops?. For some time now, MUFON has just gone over the edge, with upheavals in staff and shifts in philosophies.
MUFON's corporate decision to promote Astronaut Musgrave as its featured speaker at it's July symposium is a slap in the face to its membership and to the general public as well. Already Musgrave has been interviewed by the press speaking the NASA-SETI propaganda and misdirection deceptions that aliens may be out there, but are not here.

Komarek points out that it may be old news, but still valid news, to consider MUFON has ties to the intelligence community. I don't know if I agree with Komarek's ideas on what to do about this, only because it wouldn't do any good, in my opinion but MUFON is really a dead entity at this point.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brazen Hussies Invade Earth! Serious UFO Research Attacked!

 Cigarette Smoking Woman Single-handedly brings down UFO research! In her slip, no less!

Disclosure:  I write for both the on-line 'zine, UFO Digest, as well as the print publication UFO Magazine. 

When Deirdre O'Lavery of Interstellar Housewife and JAR announced she was UFO Magazine's newest columnist, I was thrilled. She shared some of her ideas for her column's title with myself and a few others, including fellow UFO Magazine columnists Lesley Gunter at The Debris Field  and Alfred Lehmberg of Alien View.  The one column title that really said "Deirdre" to me was Saucers, Slips and Cigarettes, which is the one she chose.

A member of the Stuffed Shirt faction of the UFO Police doesn't appreciate Deirdre's cheeky 'tude, the brazen hussy, she.  David P. Kuhlman, FFSc, in his article for UFO Digest (UFO Mag Columnist is an Insult To Readers,) tells us why O'Lavery's column is offensive. Clues to Kuhlman's personal philosophy can be found in comments like the following: 
Do people give in to secular pressures, which can change the outlook and product for everyone? [bold and italics mine]
Indeed, in another article he wrote for UFO Digest; An Alien Reasoning, Kuhlman wrote:
I am a Christian. I was brought up through the years in church and I have strong roots with all Christian beliefs. I believe in God.
The use of the word "secular" in this context is clear: Deirdre O'Lavery has been seduced by the devil and away from the light, and is bringing the rest of us down with her into the roiling pits of hell.

John Collier, Lilith, 1892

Kuhlman goes on for quite awhile discussing what we all know far too well: UFOlogy has a difficult time being taken seriously, hoaxes hurt us all, there are good researchers who are "respectable," but some are not, and they're talking the rest of us down.  One of those who are not respectable, writes Kuhlman, is Deirdre O'Lavery, who should cause us all not only "concern" but "out-rage." Something about slips and cigarettes causes Kuhlman great distress:
Paging through to the seventh one [column] I noticed an unfamiliar face, a columnist. It initially caught my glance simply because I am familiar with the magazines layout since I read it often, and I knew this was a new addition immediately. I was curious and thumbed back to the index page and sure enough, the magazine had added a new columnist to its list, Ms. Deirdre O’ Lavery, Hmmm… never heard of her. Instantly I knew this was the place to start my reading journey through this months issue and quickly paged back to the column titled “Saucers, Slips, and Cigarettes”. That is where my blood began to boil!
I understand not liking a column, but really, his "blood began to boil?"  Sex, -- especially the "wrong" kind of sex, as in, anything you don't approve of between consenting adults -- is clearly the issue here, not UFO research. Women should be demure; we should speak softly and refrain from being sassy. Especially if we're wearing underwear. (Note to Kulhlman: some people prefer that kind of thing.)

The title of the column was strange I thought after reading it, it really didn’t seem to “fit” a serious publication on UFO research, but sometimes the title is to get the attention of the reader and it certainly did its job there and at least one word did correlate with the cigarette hanging out of the side of Ms. O’ Lavery’s clown painted, rose red lips. [italics mine]
Deirdre O'Lavery, get thee to a nunnery! And lest you think I am being overly flip here, Kuhlman himself is serious; of all the things in UFO land to get upset about, he finds O'Lavery's "rose red lips," cigarette smoking, and use of the word "slips" to be the targets of his repressed and misogynistic outrage:

"I have never been more agitated at any other piece of writing on UFOs than I am on this one . . . As I read I was disgusted and nauseated at her attempt to break the ice with the reader. Foul language and an utter sense of ignorance and disrespect to serious readers was her route. She goes on to write her column like a heathen speaks. [italics mine]   
He was nauseated? And "heathen?" "Heathen?" Did he really write that? Yes, yes he did. 

All that mishegas aside, he completely misunderstands O'Lavery's column, focusing instead not only on her lips but her "drunkenness":
Can people really take the UFO phenomenon seriously when it is painted that only sorry drunk people with no life dabble into this subject? Folks, this article is a disgrace to everyone that considers UFOlogy worth of investigation!
Kuhlman borders on the libelous; if it weren't so damn funny, it might be of concern. He not only finds Ms. O'Lavery "drunken," and what not but also believes she should be shunted off to the nut house:
She is certifiable for this piece of worthless paper with all of her slang and ignorant insight.
Her "slang?" Hey Daddyo, you sound like a real square!

Of all the columnists that write for UFO Magazine, this is the one that has caused Kuhlman --- after just one column! -- to stop reading the magazine altogether. If O'Lavery's one column can upset a supposed UFO researcher so much that he writes a rant about it and demands a "formal apology" from the publishers, then Ms. O'Lavery is one hell of a writer!

Painting by James Rich
One last point about Kuhlman's apoplectic response to Deirdre O'Lavery: he includes all of "us" (well, except for O'lavery) in his rant, beginning with his title: UFO Mag Columnist is an Insult to Readers. No, Kuhlman, it's not an insult to all readers; not to me, obviously. Speak for yourself. Clearly it's an insult to you, and possibly, to some others, so be it. But don't include me in your campaign to rid UFO land of Ms. O'Lavery. This is the problem with the UFO Police; they expect everyone to join them in their outrages and edicts about what they perceive to be right.

Congratulations, Ms. Deirdre O'Lavery, for bringing UFOlogy down to such a shameless level with just one column!

Friday, November 12, 2010

No Owls, But Hey, There IS Frankenfish. . .

Not much, owls are gone, oh, there's the occasional owl motif/image but that's about it. No synchronicities, no sightings, and I don't have much to say, for now anyway, about recent UFO events. Everyone else is saying things, and I simply don't have anything to say, yet, about things like "missiles" in the skies, authorities and their passive-aggressive attempts at appeasing the mainstream media and populous,  and so on. So here I am, saying how I don't have anything to say.

There is my response to a blog post about airships on The C Influence. And a new post on my blog Animal Forteana about what's cutely being called Frankenfish; genetically altered, DNA tweaked, Dr. Evil enhanced salmon that the FDA, corporate entities (like the prettily named AquaBounty, which lulls us into peaceful accepting slumbers of an endless supply of soothing hued foods from the sea to ensure we continue to exist in an endless stream of plentiful fishiness. . .) don't think we have the right to choose or think for ourselves. Oh it gets worse. . .

Monday, November 1, 2010

In UFO Magazine: Jeremy Vaeni's 'Aliens vs. Predator: The Incredible Visitations at Emma Woods

There is so much to say about the fantastic article by Jeremy Vaeni in this issue of UFO Magazine. (Aliens vs. Predators: The Incredible Visitations at Emma Woods.)

But for now, please, please, go and get yourself this issue, and read the article. Vaeni has done an excellent job with unraveling the seeming madness that is David Jacobs, the always precarious method of hypnosis used by some researchers to get at the submerged bits of missing time and nebulous memories of aliens, examinations, trips aboard saucers, and all the rest of "Abductions 101", and subject/witness Emma Woods.

From the beginning of this episode in UFO culture, I wondered why there wasn't more outcry from the UFO community. And yet, there still isn't; what there mainly seems to be, still, are a few stubbornly standing up for Jacobs, and misogynist pronouncements about Emma Woods' sanity, and worse. Other than that, little has been really said about this.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Controlling Information: Colin Andrews on Conference Cancellation and the Future

Earlier today I posted a link to Colin Andrew's site, with a brief note on the cancellation of the Power Places International Crop Circle Conference. The conference was cancelled because, according to
Andrews, the conference coordinators refused to give in to the demands by researchers Michael Glickman and Gary King, who insisted Power Places directors dis-invite Colin Andrews, also scheduled to speak. Rather than acquiesce to Glickman's and King's ridiculous and arrogant demands, the decision was made to cancel altogether.  (Andrews linked to further commentary on his post; see here.

Andrews is both understanding and respectful of that decision, yet also understands what's at stake and who's responsible for the chilling reality that there are those on the inside -- our side -- as well as the expected outside, who would control information, and our ability to think for ourselves:
The public is treated as if they are no longer considered
worthy of receiving all points of view. Free thinking has
become a threat to easily led masses and many, from all
sides, are trying to control available information.
Andrews is not surprised that this happened however, and urges us to acknowledge these realities and then move on. At least, that's how I interpret his message; we are responsible for what can happen:
The situation we find ourselves in is not unexpected. It
fits perfectly into the discussion of “2012” and the
transitional period we are in. This is a time when old
structures of deceit and manipulation are failing.
Transformation into new and better structures for the
future is underway. What the future will look like
depends on what we create in the actions and decisions
we make today.  It depends on freedom of thought,
freedom of information and freedom of spirit. This is
what my research has been based on.
The point here, for me, is not whether one agrees with Andrews or anyone else; it's about access to information. There are those on the inside, let alone the outside of the fringes, who think nothing of making threats, behaving arrogantly and making demands in regards to information. That of course sends the clear message to the rest of us that we can't be trusted to think for ourselves. 

I've been commenting a lot here and there about the meme that UFOlogy is dead, and how it isn't dead at all. It's shifting, as all things are, within and without the esoteric world. The demands made by Glickman and King is just one more example of the shifts taking place in "fringe world." And while that may sound flippant, I will say, New Agey as it may be, that this is very important, and does affect, and will affect, all aspects of our world on many levels; from the mainstream to the anomalous.

I was surprised to hear that Glickman pulled this low brow stunt. I don't much of the crop circle research world or the researchers but from what I've seen of Glickman  -- primarily the Star Dreams DVD on crop circles -- he seemed above this kind of thing.

But, again, this isn't about agreement with this researcher or that, but the control of information, and, by natural extension, the control of "the people."  It's a pitiful reality we see this over and over in all categories of Fortean, paranormal -- call it what you will -- research. That, to me, is what "hurts" UFOlogy, or Bigfootology, or whatever -ology it is you're involved in. 

When I first heard Colin Andrews discuss his now famously misunderstood idea that most crop circles are "fake" I didn't want to hear it. I felt betrayed, and confused. But I listened. And found out Andrews isn't saying anything so simplistic at all --- far from it. Far from it. It seems to me that certainly fellow researchers would get that. I'll go so far as to say they do get it, and that's what makes their actions even more reprehensible.  I have no proof they do get it and are lying, simply my opinion. It's difficult to believe that researchers would be so lax in their awareness of what a Colin Andrews is doing and yet go so far as to demand he be removed from the presenter's list.

New Trickster's Realm: "Twilight Language: Cold War Inklings?"

My new Trickster's Realm is up at Binnall of America: Twilight Language: Cold War Inklings?" about the numerous Russian connections popping up in the culture stream.
Politics and entertainment (I know, what's the difference) merged when Vice President Joe Biden appeared on the Jay Leno show. Biden joined Leno in a comedy sketch and later, they discussed the busted Russian spy ring. Leno showed a photo of one of the alleged spies, Anna Chapman, who's been described as "sultry" by every talking head and newspaper it seems. Leno showed a photo of alleged spy Chapman and asked: "Do we have any spies that hot?" to which Biden, a frustrated comedian, said: "Let me be clear. It was not my idea to send her back." 
One element I could have added but didn't think of: the new movie SALT, with Angelina Jolie. I haven't seen the movie but here is another example of a "sultry" sexy female spy and a Russian connection. Is Jolie's character a good spy or a bad (Russian) spy?

Things are not what they seem in these culture episodes; politicians as thwarted comedians, Russian spies as citizens, Russian lovers/actresses/entertainers, betrayals, non-Russians appearing as Russians . . . is the culture missing the Cold War?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

That Blue Spiral, and More Woman in Red Synchronicity

Many thanks to red pill junkie, who left a comment with the following link on my blog UFO Mary. The link rpj refers to is this:
Norweigan Sky Spiral-- Explained As HAARP/Project Bluebeam Demo at the Towards a New World blog. An excellent piece that includes links to articles that clearly show why the blue spiral in Norway was not a failed missile launch.

HAARP and Project Blue Beam, and in context of other weirdness in the world around the same time, like the BVM's appearance in Egypt, really, a big "duh."

Adding to the Fortean strangeness; I've been writing about the woman in the red hood and synchronicities with that and here's another one; when I went to the New World blog, the image on the left, of the blog's owner Lucretia Heart is a lovely picture of what I assume is her, all in red!

Monday, December 28, 2009

FAA and BAASS: An Octopus Creation

Many thanks to Atrueoriginal of Alien UFO & The Paranormal Casebook, who gives us daily links to dozens of stories of UFOs, ghosts, related TV programs, podcasts and more every day for the following link: FAA Issues Order On UFO Sightings.

My previous post acknowledged my unease with the FAA promoting Bigelow's para-government, newly formed official/unofficial UFO reporting center.

Aileen's link leads us to the original story, which is an enthusiastic piece on Bigelow's work, including the news from the FAA that Bigelow is their official, sanctioned collector of UFO sightings.

Now, the FAA says that you should call one of his mysterious companies if you see an UFO.
 Bigelow Aerospace – already has two private test space stations in low Earth orbit: Genesis 1 and 2. His plan is to have a hotel in orbit, and he’s steadily on course to achieve his objectives. The guy and his Errol Flynn moustache may seem eccentric to some, but he means business.

  Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies.
 According to the last order by Federal Aviation Administration – issued on December 10 – BAASS is now the organization to contact if you are a pilot or an air traffic controller who gets close to an Unidentified Flying Object:

Why has the FAA suddenly decided it will acknowledge the UFO presence, encouraging witnesses to report their sightings, when in the past, silence and repression of those who reported sightings were the norm?

 Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a sister company to Bigelow Aerospace, is a newly formed research organization that focuses on the identification, evaluation, and acquisition of novel and emerging future technologies worldwide as they specifically relate to spacecraft. BAASS is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.
 Candidates must qualify for secret and top secret clearances and must be willing to submit to a thorough background check.

Some see this as good news; as I commented in the previous post, good news! At long last the FAA has opened up, allowing pilots, etc. to report their sightings without fear of losing their jobs. I acknowledge my inner paranoia, or at least, find it suspect, that Bigelow "focuses on the identification, evaluation, and acquisition of novel and emerging ... technologies worldwide as they specifically relate to spacecraft." (italics mine) Whose spacecraft?

BAASS is in Nevada, and the obvious connection to Area 51 can't be denied. Background checks are a natural expectation, but if Bigelow is a civilian entity, why "qualify for secret and top secret clearances?" Of course, like defense contractors and other corporations in the increasing globalist-government, Bigelow is not strictly a civilian entity.

There are speculative scenarios; one being that the FAA, the shadow government, and Bigelow, are fully aware of an extraterrestrial presence and there is some sort of space chess game going on. Another is defense; man made uber- secret technologies, wrapped up in a tangled, octopus creation of espionage, war, and global control.

Whatever the real motive, the least likely is an altruistic gesture by the FAA to the public about disclosure or a benign appreciation for UFOs in context of the citizenry.

Monday, September 7, 2009

International Air Space and the Black Triangles

In past articles on the black triangles, I've often made the comment about the fact the triangles appear all over the world, which means they appear in international air space. I've stated that this is risky; the abrupt appearance of an unknown craft in another country's air space seems dangerous. But, if we don't know who the triangles belong to, if they're man made or alien, and so on, the issue is probably moot. However, I still assumed that the U.S. (assuming the triangles are ours) flying into the air space of other countries was a bad thing, unless of course that air space was part of NATO and so on.

No one's challenged me on my assumption or has bothered to set me straight. (Which means no one's reading what I write, :) But in talking with someone the other day who's interested in history and military stuff, I was told that at certain heights, craft flies into air space all the time. And if the craft is astoundingly fast, as the triangles appear to be, and their origin is unknown (presumably) no harm can come to either craft or nation. If a black triangle appears in China, who would China respond to? Not enough time or data to analyze to determine where it came from.

This is all very nuts and bolts and it's an area I am not at all familiar with or even too interested in -- I'm not an aviation maven or military buff -- but it is important to have some sense of these kinds of things to help us in our studies of UFOs.

So far, the triangles remain true UFOs. They may very well be man made, but we don't know that, not yet. Even if they are man made, there are a lot of mysteries surrounding the triangles. One being: are the triangles based on alien technology? If not, it is still an incredible creation; these triangles are huge and incredibly fast, even downright spooky. What is their purpose? They've been around for decades, why the continued secrecy?

If the triangles are man made (either the U.S. or some other nation) and are flying in the skies of the world, as they clearly are, are they doing so with the complicity of other governments? Or is there just one, or a very few, governments having their way with the rest of the world? In this scenario, we hardly need aliens here, we seem to be doing a good enough job on our own involving issues of deceit, subversion, secrecy, disinformation, and agendas.

My strong interest in the triangles is rooted in my own personal sighting. Which really wasn't very dramatic, given the experiences of so many other witnesses to the triangles. An example is the sighting of the Bale brothers from Oregon, who saw a triangle while camping in Idaho.

The triangle sightings continue, and have been occurring for so long, I think that for some researchers it's become almost a boring topic. Probably because of my own sighting, and my insatiable curiosity when it comes to unsolved fringe mysteries, I remain intrigued by the triangles. Alien or man made, almost doesn't matter, because the phenomena of the triangles is so weird (decades long event, fantastic speeds and maneuvers, odd effects upon witnesses, global appearances, secrecy, etc.) the topic stands on its own as a fringe object of study.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Building Juxtapositions in the Neighborhood

I'm not sure what this means, but the other day as I was taking my walk I noticed the oddness of the fact that the Army Reserve building sits directly across from the Scottish Rite Temple (Mason.) The two fronts face each other. Behind the Army Reserve building is the side street -- newly constructed, with the remodel of the elementary school-- that leads to the school. So elementary school faces the back of the Army Reserve grounds, the front of the Army Reserve building faces the Scottish Rite Temple.