Orbs on the Brain, oil pastel on paper, Regan Lee May 2020
Showing posts with label orbs in sky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orbs in sky. Show all posts
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Friday, October 9, 2015
Orange Orbs, Pink Orbs, More Orbs, Oregon Orbs
Found this, while looking for something else: World UFO Watch - World UFO wATCH - UFO NEWS. UFO ANALYSIS. UFO STORIES. UFO PHOTOGRAPHS. UFO VIDEOS, which has the report on orbs from MUFON's New Jersey field investigator Robert Spearing. (Orange Orb Appearances and Behaviors, June 10, 2015)
Interesting for the similarities to my orange orb encounter in Eugene, Oregon years ago.
Also, the witness said the orb "retreated" and went up into the trees when she screamed, which suggests the orb was sentient, or, controlled by something sentient. My orb demonstrated the similar behavior of being aware of my presence, and reacting to it.
Other orbs of various colors in this article, pink, for example.
And here's something, something I can't believe I've missed all these years. My Orange Orb sighting took place decades ago in Oregon. I couldn't find much, if anything, in way of similar sightings to mine back then. But the article from World UFO Watch references a sighting of an Orange Orb in 1967 -- in Oregon!
Interesting for the similarities to my orange orb encounter in Eugene, Oregon years ago.
More interesting was the description of the orb itself. It was an orange churning ball of gas surrounded by an almost invisible membrane that was shaped like a bell or a jellyfish. The membrane was eight feet tall by five feet wide. The interior glow occupied about two thirds of the bell. (MUFON, World UFO Watch)The orb I saw had this same feature. I've never called it a "membrane" but there was a halo type effect surrounding the orange orb. Appeared more "solid" and darker in the center, slight glow around the edges. Lit from within.
Also, the witness said the orb "retreated" and went up into the trees when she screamed, which suggests the orb was sentient, or, controlled by something sentient. My orb demonstrated the similar behavior of being aware of my presence, and reacting to it.
Other orbs of various colors in this article, pink, for example.
And here's something, something I can't believe I've missed all these years. My Orange Orb sighting took place decades ago in Oregon. I couldn't find much, if anything, in way of similar sightings to mine back then. But the article from World UFO Watch references a sighting of an Orange Orb in 1967 -- in Oregon!
Of course, the article mentions MUFON's Terry Ray, author of The Complete Story of the Worldwide Invasion of the Orange Orbs, which I have not yet read, but naturally am looking forward to reading this book.
In journalist Frank Edwards’ last book “Flying Saucers Here and Now” written in 1967 shortly before his untimely and somewhat mysterious demise, he recounts a February 16, 1967 account on page 179 where Mrs. Esther Millard of Bandon, Oregon related a close encounter with an Orange Orb where she quite plainly saw the outline of a rectangle around the orb at 10:20 pm. A rectangular membrane? (World UFO Watch)
Sunday, March 22, 2015
UFOs, Orange Orbs, and Luminosities
The UFO Box
A life long experience with UFOs and what I’ll call loosely paranormal events has found me endlessly curious about what I call my Orange Orb encounter. I have assumed all these years that what I saw that night was a UFO. To be technical, it was a UFO: unidentified, flying -- or at least, moving through -- the sky, and it was an object of some kind. But was this “UFO” from outer space? Another planet? Was the orb inhabited, or operated by, some sort of non-human entity? As in, aliens? I have no idea. Being mainly immersed in the UFO category of anomalous events, I have always put this sighting into the UFO box. This box included the aliens or ETs, as well as human manipulated episodes; MILABS, for example.
I’ve discussed my orange orb sighting many times via blog postings, articles and podcast interviews, but to very briefly recap: Riding on the back of a motorcycle. at night on Lorane Highway in Lane County, Oregon. Saw a lit from within orange orb in the night sky, a large object. It was stationary, as soon as I looked at it and thought “What the hell is that?!” it “zoomed” from its position (I guessed it was about a mile away, above the KVAL TV station at the top of the hill) to right across the road. I had the distinct feeling it was laughing at me, or, with me. Playing with me. It followed us to the intersection where we turned the corner to our home. The orb stopped once again in the sky above a neighbor’s house, then dropped down into their backyard. (There was also missing time involved with this sighting. My husband saw the object only briefly.)
While I’ve always referred to this as an orb, due to its shape (round, sphere, circular) I never meant orb as in something nebulous. Not a spirit orb. Again, still in the UFO box, and, a somewhat nuts and bolts UFO box. After all, it was an object, a craft, a lit from within round thing. A machine with a light inside.
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Orange Orb Above Lorane Highway, pastel drawing, Regan Lee |
Through the years I searched for similar sightings. Nothing on orange orbs for a long time. Now of course orange orb sightings, as well as red, green and blue, are plentiful. People have captured these colored lights in the skies on video. But they rarely seemed to match up with what I saw that night decades ago. Usually these orange and other colored “orbs” are much smaller, sometimes don’t exhibit any kind of intelligence, and don’t behave quite the same way. Due to their shape, we call them orbs, but that often seems to be the only similarity.
There is the category of spirit orbs, ghosts, that are smaller than my orange orb sighting, and don’t fit the category. Or so I’ve always thought. I am no stranger to ghostly encounters and have captured an orb or two myself but have never put that into the UFO box. Completely unconnected. Again, size differs greatly: spirit orbs are small. They do appear in different colors, including orange. But their connection to UFOs? Apples and oranges. But now I’m wondering if, at times, there are cross overs between UFOs and the more ephemeral types of orbs.
Orbs as Luminosities
In the book Beyond Photography: with Orbs, Angels and Mysterious Light Forms, by Katie Hall and John Pickering, they talk about “luminosiites” -- their word for lights and orbs that appear in the sky.
This photograph from their book is very similar to what I saw years ago. While what I saw appeared larger, it’s appearance as well as its behavior is close to my experience:
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Photo source: Beyond Photography, Kati Hall and John Pickering |
Missing Time
I mentioned that my orange orb sighting included missing time. This missing time is not at all unusual in UFO cases. Is the missing memory an amnesia implanted by aliens? If we stay in the UFO Box the answer would seem to be yes.
But if the UFO is also a luminosity in some cases maybe it’s a part of being in the “zone” -- that area in the Oz Factor that researcher Jenny Randles wrote about. Why is it that most spectacular of UFOs can appear, complete with alien beings and all kinds of phenomena (including missing time) and only one or two witnesses will experience those things? Others close by don’t see a thing. They remain unaware that anything strange happened at all. This zone of weirdness, this "Oz Factor" is present in so many UFO encounters. Randles Oz Factor can also be found in many other anomalous events, which seems to support a cross over effect, or, a single source manifesting as many things.
Randles theory makes sense in terms of many a UFO encounter, and it also makes sense in other types of encounters. I’ve had that same strange “cone of Oz-ness” in other supernatural situations, but not UFO related, in an episode where we were discussing Bigfoot. (Although, the discussion did include a Bigfoot-UFO witness...) If the source of all this is a single source, that could explain cross over cases. Again, this is not to say there aren’t literally aliens (I believe there are, in fact) and UFOs from space, but that, in many cases, what appears to be a UFO and or alien isn’t. Also, UFOs/aliens and luminosities or “spirit orbs” interact with each other.
Sentient Orange Orbs
I had said that my orange orb seemed to be intelligent -- either controlled from within, or remotely by an intelligent, sentient being. The orb responded to me; I had the strong feeling it was waiting for me, could read my thoughts, and was playing with me. It was as aware of me as I was of it.
Hall and PIckering write of this same type of communication in their book. Relating the experiences of UFO researcher Tony Dodd and his orange orb encounter:
“...Dodd...affirms that many of his own encounters with mysterious balls of lights left him in little doubt that they were intelligent, or intelligently controlled. . . on the Yorkshire moors at night, ... a large orange coloured ball of light glided about 30m feet above his head. As it passed, he tried to send out his thoughts to it; asking it to acknowledge his presence. Whereupon it immediately stopped in mid air, blinked out for about 3 seconds, and the reappeared. Taking this as a response, Tony then thought the question: “Who are you?” (Beyond Photography, Hall and Pickering, p 93.)To which the orb replied, telepathically, “I am the father of fathers and you are the sons of sons.” Typical trickster type behavior! (This also mirrors Marian apparitions; there is a hint of the religious here -- the authors have a section on Fatima and orb consciousness.) We also get this silly kind of response from many a UFO connected entity.
In writing about orbs, or “luminosiites” the authors of Beyond Photography mention the intelligence behind these orbs. Often, the orbs seemed to respond to human thought; mind reading orbs, one could say. Another case reported by Hall and Pickering:
Friends of the authors had an encounter with orange orbs in 1997. Two orange orbs, one the size of “a grapefruit” flew at their car at night while they were traveling on an isolated highway. Shortly after the first orb, another orange orb appeared, flying alongside their car. Their friends told them that “...in retrospect they both felt as thought the orange balls were checking them out for some unknown reason.” (Beyond Photography, p 94)
Plasmas, Ball Lighting and Consciousness
For decades “ball lighting” has been a throw away explanation for these balls of light. As if giving them a label resolves the phenomena. Hall and Pickering have no argument about the fact these orbs are often plasmas, and or "ball lightening" but that is not all there is to these intelligent, interactive orbs.
While a physical reason may exist for the existence of these orbs, it does not explain their intelligence, their intentional movements, synchronicity, and their responses to human thought. Hall and PIckering write, of plasma and the intelligent behavior of orbs: “We now have two possibilities; plasma energy and luminosities with consciousness.” (Beyond Photography, p 96)
The Oz Factor implies that the UFO close encounter has a visionary component. You might interpret that as meaning it is all in the imagination, but it really means that there is a direct feed, if you like, from the source of the encounter to the consciousness of the witness. (Jenny Randles, The Oz Factor)
This idea of sentience, of a non-human intelligence that is UFO related interacting with us is nothing new. Jacque Vallee suggested this decades ago with his ultra terrestrial hypothesis. But it seems that, even with this history from many researchers of exploring such a connection, the UFO community is still missing this huge piece of the puzzle.
Entities, ET, Djinn, Angels, and, Oh My
Hall and Pikcering do not discount the reality of UFOs and aliens from other planets. For the purposes of their book, they are mainly concerned with so-called spirit orbs (as well as beams of light, humanoid type light figures, etc) captured on film. Are these lights earth spirits, fairies, etc.? Are there sometimes cross over interactions between what we call aliens -- meaning, ET entities -- and more elemental beings? Spirit energy? What some of us call Djinn?
I still have no idea what it was I saw that night, why it happened, or what it meant. I do know it was very important, and not a mere case of ball lighting, or some mistaken sighting of, say, a helicopter.
It’s possible that on that night so long ago I did not see a UFO in the classic sense, but had an interaction, not with an ET from another planet, but something else involving an earth based consciousness. Which makes this not any less fantastic, nor does it negate any of the other UFO experiences I’ve had.
It could be that these things -- UFOs, entities,ETs, missing time, synchronicities, games, telepathy -- are connected. Aspects of the various and often seemingly separate phenomena join in a performance, one where we’re surprised to find we’re witness to.
“Something makes them pay attention by tuning out the normal sensory flow and looking up to watch the show. Where that show is being projected from remains the subject of great fascination. And it certainly does not eliminate another intelligence as running this show. To me the Oz Factor is a vital key to the UFO mystery, and may help us to resolve what is happening. We should not be afraid of its implications, just because they seem to suggest a fuzziness to the phenomenon. In truth we should embrace these cases.” (Jenny Randles, The Oz Factor)Link:
The Oz Factor
astral plane,
Bigfoot-UFO relationship,
green orbs,
Jacques Valleee,
Marian apparitions,
missing time,
orange balls/lights,
orbs in sky,
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Witness Account: Orange Orb Encounter
I received the following report of an orange orb encounter from witness Tom Ford. He kindly gave me permission to post his experience here.
A couple of things I find interesting. One is the synchronicity factor. The day I received Tom's email, I had just started work on my book Entering the Orb, which included sections on synchronicities. I also wrote about a possible psychic or telepathic communications with the orange orb (and UFOs in general.)
In Tom's account, he was meditating when "visited by an orange orb." Tom notes that he "... be one who can contact these entities."
In my own sighting of the orange orb decades ago, I had always felt that the craft was waiting for me; when it was aware that I was aware of it, it interacted with me. And since there is missing time with this sighting, as well as confused cover memories (my husband was present and also saw the orb, but to this day we disagree on where we were coming back from, which direction, etc. We both agree however that we both experienced missing time) my sense that the orb was sentient, or controlled by sentient beings, feels right.
I have had other sightings where a telepathic communication of some kind -- some sort of psychic knowing surrounding myself and the craft -- took place.
Back to Tom's sighting: while there are some similarities, there are differences as well. I did not see any beams coming from the orb, while Tom recalls seeing a green beam of light. Also, his craft "buzzed" close to the ground, as well as rising up from the ground. However, the orange orb I saw did stop, then drop, silently behind a house, seemingly landing in a neighbor's backyard.
Tom also writes that he was meditating right before the orb appearance. I had an experience years ago during meditation where grays entered the room. They were definitely there, present, but if anyone had walked into the room, they wouldn't have seen anything.* The grays were angry at my meditating, and angrier still that they couldn't get at me -- I was meditating with crystals, including amethyst and a purple fluorite copper wand. While some UFO researchers refuse to seriously consider stuff like this because it isn't' scientific and is perceived as embarrassingly hippie new age fluff, I can't help that. It happened. Which suggests that for some UFO occurrences, whatever force it is that operates here manifesting as entities and craft, lights and sparkles, exists on other levels other than the mundane. Nothing new in this at all but I mention it because of my own frustration that, after decades of exploring UFOs, this nebulous side of some UFO experiences isn't getting the attention it should.
Note: By the way, when I say "orb" I do not mean a spirit orb or some sort of ectoplasmic, misty type phenomena, as you'd see in a ghost investigation. I mean a literal, solid craft.
Many thanks to Tom Ford for sharing his sighting. And if you dear reader have either UFO or supernatural/paranormal sightings of your own you'd like to share, you can email me at orange orb@mail.com.
*The entities I saw during my meditation were sensed by another. That same night, across town, a friend of mine attended a meditation meeting. She had invited me to come but I didn't go. I knew nothing about the people, only my friend, who told me the next day that the meeting went well, but the woman leading the group looked at her and said "Your friend (meaning me) is, at this moment, battling her own entities."
A couple of things I find interesting. One is the synchronicity factor. The day I received Tom's email, I had just started work on my book Entering the Orb, which included sections on synchronicities. I also wrote about a possible psychic or telepathic communications with the orange orb (and UFOs in general.)
In Tom's account, he was meditating when "visited by an orange orb." Tom notes that he "... be one who can contact these entities."
While performing a very personal and sacred meditation I was visited by an orange orb. May 12th 2012 midnight (approx.) The meditation was a plea for help regarding the state of the world & asking for help for all who live here. Wars, BP oil GoM, Fukushima, Hidden weaponry used against the populace, etc. After finishing the meditation I then went outside and within a few moments the orange orb appeared from the back fence above the power line pole. It looked like it came up from out of the ground.... I walked towards the craft an orange orb about the size of the craft from flight of the navigator movie. It was maybe 50-100' above ground, hovering it emitted a green flash ( not a beam) that lit up the sky. I braced myself and put my hands across my face. The next few moments were just myself and the object being aware of each other. The craft took off at 10's of thousands mph. Trajectory of the orb when it took off looked like a check mark in the sky. It returned after disappearing, the next pass by it came down in a spiral from directly above, then vanished. After that it again buzzed the yard (VERY LOW) & made a nearby dog bark so loud & gutteral it sounded like it had seen a ghost. I may be one who can contact these entities. I have been wanting to share this & more details with you ever since I stumbled into this world of synchronicity. Peace Tom
In my own sighting of the orange orb decades ago, I had always felt that the craft was waiting for me; when it was aware that I was aware of it, it interacted with me. And since there is missing time with this sighting, as well as confused cover memories (my husband was present and also saw the orb, but to this day we disagree on where we were coming back from, which direction, etc. We both agree however that we both experienced missing time) my sense that the orb was sentient, or controlled by sentient beings, feels right.
I have had other sightings where a telepathic communication of some kind -- some sort of psychic knowing surrounding myself and the craft -- took place.
Back to Tom's sighting: while there are some similarities, there are differences as well. I did not see any beams coming from the orb, while Tom recalls seeing a green beam of light. Also, his craft "buzzed" close to the ground, as well as rising up from the ground. However, the orange orb I saw did stop, then drop, silently behind a house, seemingly landing in a neighbor's backyard.
Tom also writes that he was meditating right before the orb appearance. I had an experience years ago during meditation where grays entered the room. They were definitely there, present, but if anyone had walked into the room, they wouldn't have seen anything.* The grays were angry at my meditating, and angrier still that they couldn't get at me -- I was meditating with crystals, including amethyst and a purple fluorite copper wand. While some UFO researchers refuse to seriously consider stuff like this because it isn't' scientific and is perceived as embarrassingly hippie new age fluff, I can't help that. It happened. Which suggests that for some UFO occurrences, whatever force it is that operates here manifesting as entities and craft, lights and sparkles, exists on other levels other than the mundane. Nothing new in this at all but I mention it because of my own frustration that, after decades of exploring UFOs, this nebulous side of some UFO experiences isn't getting the attention it should.
Note: By the way, when I say "orb" I do not mean a spirit orb or some sort of ectoplasmic, misty type phenomena, as you'd see in a ghost investigation. I mean a literal, solid craft.
Many thanks to Tom Ford for sharing his sighting. And if you dear reader have either UFO or supernatural/paranormal sightings of your own you'd like to share, you can email me at orange orb@mail.com.
*The entities I saw during my meditation were sensed by another. That same night, across town, a friend of mine attended a meditation meeting. She had invited me to come but I didn't go. I knew nothing about the people, only my friend, who told me the next day that the meeting went well, but the woman leading the group looked at her and said "Your friend (meaning me) is, at this moment, battling her own entities."
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sinister Orbs?
My new Trickster's Realm is now up at Tim Binnall's Binnall of America.
Are orange orbs negative "entities?" Read more here.
Are orange orbs negative "entities?" Read more here.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Images and Old Poems
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pastel drawing by Regan Lee |
unconnected with moon women
a silver orb waits silently in a
musty corner on a wooden shelf,
hidden by sharp shadows like Chinese meat cleavers poised
on thick pegs above labeled spice jars, corked and racked,
full of the herbs of mid-wives, now forgotten.
on the windowsill, tart purple grapes, hot and shriveled
grapefruit and pomegranate exposing their soft pink and secret glistening red waiting to be eaten.
unconnected with moon women i wait,
a single artichoke on a a scalloped plate, my tips half chewed, strewn about the cream white edges
the sliver orb shifts forward slightly in the night, and
one sliver gleams bone white
capturing my frozen eyes.
~ 1982
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Meet Me in the Orb: Jim’s novel
Yesterday I wrote about something Jim had written in his novel that reminded me of our missing time, our "dreams" of UFOs and our Orange Orb sighting.
The following is an excerpt from Jim’s novel. It’s difficult to describe what it’s about or what genre to put it into. Sci-fi, kind of. Conspiracy novel, definitely; there’s a lot concerning MKULTRA and mind control. But it’s more than that as well, with metaphysical aspects, estoeric themes. . . This is from the rough first draft which fills several notebooks -- yes, he’s writing it in longhand!. Jim estimates the book would run about 600 pages; he’s considering creating three seperate books; sequels. I realize the reader won’t know the characters, or where in the novel the following two scenes take place, but here they are:
Looking at this the same way I've been looking at dreams and other expressions might reveal something about our experiences.
The following is an excerpt from Jim’s novel. It’s difficult to describe what it’s about or what genre to put it into. Sci-fi, kind of. Conspiracy novel, definitely; there’s a lot concerning MKULTRA and mind control. But it’s more than that as well, with metaphysical aspects, estoeric themes. . . This is from the rough first draft which fills several notebooks -- yes, he’s writing it in longhand!. Jim estimates the book would run about 600 pages; he’s considering creating three seperate books; sequels. I realize the reader won’t know the characters, or where in the novel the following two scenes take place, but here they are:
Untitled Novel by James (Jim) Rich, copyright 2010.
[The following scene takes place on an ocean liner. Martina is on the deck of the ship with Dr. Bremoli; it is her voice that’s speaking:]
I noticed that there appeared to be a light, just off the bow deep beneath the surface . “Another way for what?”
“Another way for you. Your way is the most difficult.”
For the first time, he seemed old and scary. The light was growing bigger and brighter. Something was rising out of the depths; something huge. “What's that?”
“I haven’t much time. You must listen very carefully: you won’t always remember this.”
The light resolved into a bright central light surrounded by a ring of smaller multicolored lights that rotated around the perimeter of an immense, circular, metallic object. Dr. Bremoli put his lips to my ear speaking softly in a lilting language that I almost understood. It was a song, or a poem, or a lullaby to calm a distressed child. It sank deep into my unconscious tickling the hairs of memory, rustling the leaves of my senses. The craft (at this point I could think of it as nothing else) emerged from the sea like nothing I’d ever seen its passage seemingly displacing no water creating no wave, leaving the sea undisturbed, as it hovered just above me a dozen yards off the bow.
Morning Shower, James (Jim) Rich, acrylic on canvas
It was dry as a bone. Not a drop of water clung to it; strangely it reminded me of Jillian in the shower. It was incompressible, defying all reason. It was immense - at lease a mile in diameter - and there it hung, motionless, suspended, silent, but for a faint hum so low that I felt it in my gut rather than heard it. Unlike the top, there were no lights on the vast, featureless underbelly of a dark matte finish metal that was practically invisible, blending in with both sky and water. It seemed impervious to the laws of nature, like Magritte's Castle of the Pyrenees.
“What did you say?” I asked, glancing over at the doctor, but he was gone. I spun around; he was no where to be seen among the still, almost motionless passengers. I looked back at the craft, just in time to see it depart, which it did in a fashion I never experienced, moving off in a direction perpendicular to everywhere, shrinking away into nothingness. I turned back around; once again the passengers were promenading around the deck, enjoying the now cool evening air, oblivious to the strange event that had transpired between moments.
Castle in the Pryenees, Rene Magritte
I found the orb/sphere imagery interesting, as well as the description of time standing still, the unwareness of the ship's passengers of the USO/UFO, and the scientist character hidden away in the depths of the ship.
[A scene or two later, Martina goes down into the ship to meet with the very wealthy genius -scientist, Rainier Brancusi, in his labatory:]
I set off on my journey, taking the elevator to the lowest deck, where I switched to a service elevator which took me deep into the bowels of the ship. To the rear was the engine room. The air was hot, thick with diesel fuel, throbbing with machinery, but I made my way forward through a maze of narrow passageways to a hatch, beneath which a rusted ladder disappeared into uncertain darkness, and from which a nauseating stench issued like the breath of some infernal beast. “Really?!” I thought attempting to deal with my growing sense of claustrophobia, “was all this necessary? “ I considered turning back; after all, why was I going in the first place?
“Because he knows something,” said Medusa. [Medusa is an MKULTRA created personality that resides within Martina] and we need to find out what.”
I started down the ladder into the unwholesome darkness, like Orpheus descending into the underworld. I preceded rung by rung, my footsteps preternaturally loud, reverberating in the cavernous space accompanied by the creaking of stressed metal and the listless lapping of the liquid below.
The dim interior was lit primarily from a number of small unknown sources above, and an eerie bioluminescence billowing in the water below. As my eyes adjusted, I could make out a catwalk leading from the platform where the ladder ended, across the looming, phosphorescent abyss to a geodesic sphere suspended from cables in the center of the bilge. A figure was waiting for me on the platform.
Looking at this the same way I've been looking at dreams and other expressions might reveal something about our experiences.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
An Orange Orb Blip
Something slightly odd and startling happened the other day. It was around 5:30 in the afternoon. I was relaxing on the sofa, not asleep but just in that semi-drowsy, pleasant light trance state. I had a short little dream -- a dreamlet, you could call it -- but I was awake on some level at the same time.
I “dreamt” I had a strong urge to go outside and look at the sky full of stars. (this is something I do almost every evening) and I walk out onto the path to the sidewalk, and scan the dark sky. I hear a voice inside my head, or more like a telepathic nudge, to turn around and look towards the south. I do, and see, very high up, a bright orange light, which is rotating. As far away as it is, and as small as it is -- like a large, bright star -- I can tell it’s revolving. When I see this orange “star” I’m very scared, and I can feel my stomach drop with cold dread.
I wake up abruptly, feeling very uneasy. With the sighting of the orange object I again am aware of a telepathic message; this one tells me that I know exactly what it is I saw years ago, and to stop playing games. I assume it meant stop playing games with myself, but I had a sense it might have meant with it as well, whatever “it” is.
I’m not sure why I feel it’s important to keep track of episodes like this, but I’m sure one of the many purposes doing this serves is that is simply makes me feel better. No closer to any mystery but I don’t think that’s the point any more. Acknowledging these weird little moments and adding them to the collection of pieces gives the illusion of work, of study. It’s calming somehow. It’s also empowering; once you call it, reclaim the name of something, it’s power diminishes.
And maybe, as has been said by Forteans and esoteric explorers, the Trickster or whatever you want to call it is alerted to our interest and responds. When we start noticing “it,” “it” starts to notice us back.
I “dreamt” I had a strong urge to go outside and look at the sky full of stars. (this is something I do almost every evening) and I walk out onto the path to the sidewalk, and scan the dark sky. I hear a voice inside my head, or more like a telepathic nudge, to turn around and look towards the south. I do, and see, very high up, a bright orange light, which is rotating. As far away as it is, and as small as it is -- like a large, bright star -- I can tell it’s revolving. When I see this orange “star” I’m very scared, and I can feel my stomach drop with cold dread.
I wake up abruptly, feeling very uneasy. With the sighting of the orange object I again am aware of a telepathic message; this one tells me that I know exactly what it is I saw years ago, and to stop playing games. I assume it meant stop playing games with myself, but I had a sense it might have meant with it as well, whatever “it” is.
I’m not sure why I feel it’s important to keep track of episodes like this, but I’m sure one of the many purposes doing this serves is that is simply makes me feel better. No closer to any mystery but I don’t think that’s the point any more. Acknowledging these weird little moments and adding them to the collection of pieces gives the illusion of work, of study. It’s calming somehow. It’s also empowering; once you call it, reclaim the name of something, it’s power diminishes.
And maybe, as has been said by Forteans and esoteric explorers, the Trickster or whatever you want to call it is alerted to our interest and responds. When we start noticing “it,” “it” starts to notice us back.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Recent Local UFO Sighting
I received an e-mail from someone very near my own neighborhood, coincidentally, who found my blog . I've changed his name and corrected some spelling but other than that, the e-mail is the way he sent it.
Hello Orange ORb...or R. Lee. :)
Hello Orange ORb...or R. Lee. :)
My name is John, I live in the Whiteaker in Eugene, and on Friday night, almost a week ago I saw some weird stuff. Ive seen an Orange light twice before this, always going north to south, always between 10 and 11 pm, and one so bright it was through dense cloud cover so thick you couldn't see the stars but you could see the light. Anyway, this time as I'm walking past Scobert park I look up to the right and just above the tree line was I first thought was Mars, because Jupiter? and another have been rising so early. But soon I realized it was moving, but very slowly, so I see it's this same orange light as before, this time going South to north. It had a candle/shimmering quality, also kind of like when you squint your eyes at a street lamp it had those rays of light, but horizontal. So it gets brighter and duller, brighter, and takes about 1 minute to get over head. I started to point it out to people, and as I look back, the one light splits into two, and then a third splits off the first one again and they form up into a perfect equilateral triangle with the point leading forward. They had a quality to the lights now like a Flashlight with a dying battery, and they fizzled out. 3 others and I kept transfixed on that spot, and about 20 seconds later..Whoosh ...shooting star (no sound obviously, that's my dramatic effect :) A second and a third shooting star, all orginiated from this small space in the sky where the objects had just disappeared. The third shooting star, had almost a colorful look to it but it was through the trees for me. I think my friend saw the last one too though from 13th st. He said that it exploded at the end.
Another friend who was out of the city that night said there were alot of shooting stars that night, but being in the bright lights these were the only ones I saw that night, but they were super bright.
Anyway, my neck hurts from looking up so much the last week. If you or anyone you know saw they something I'd love to share the story. No media or internet outlet is going to help me figure out what i saw. Also, I was told that we were testing Missile Intercept Defense systems from Alaska and California that day...if thats true, all the more interesting.
take care
-- Now all I need is to find Sasquatch and i'll die happy :)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Red Orb/Orange Orb: UFO Synchronicity and Similarities
I have a new article up at UFO Digest: Red Orb/Orange Orb: UFO Synchronicity and Similarities once again, inspired by something Chris Holly wrote.
alien abduction,
missing time,
orange balls/lights,
orbs in sky,
UFO Digest,
women in UFOlogy
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Entering Trickster Fortean Land: Orbs in the Skies
Curious about the white orb or sphere like objects I’ve seen twice now, I did an internet search. Nothing deep or terribly scientific, just an idle Google here and there on “weather climate control monitoring objects orbs” just to see what would turn up. I did “images” figuring if I saw something close to what I’d seen, I could look further.
About the orb (s) I’d seen. They weren’t orbs in the ghostly lights spirit energy see through “orbs” but solid, real machines. Both times I saw them in relation to chemtrails. I have no idea if they had anything to do with the trials or not, but that was the setting. I saw them both during the day, about three weeks apart, and in the same location; right in the skies above my home. Both times there was a witness present.
We (we being my spouse and myself) thought it was some kind of monitoring device; to track weather, something like that. Maybe to gather data due to chemtrail activity, maybe something else.
Over the past couple of years I’ve come across a few photos of similar looking objects, and in similar situations. So something is up there, doing something.
I found a similar photo again during my search that linked over to Mac Tonnies Post Human Blues blog, but every time I clicked on the link, it froze. Then I found this at the bottom of the Google image page:
Things get stranger. I did a search for "orbs sky eugene oregon" and found this link. Scroll down a bit to “Alpehnhorn News Links Illness With Yellow Chemclouds, and click on photo. That’ll take you to more and a “click here for full story” which takes you briefly to what looks like a forum page and then -- whoosh -- a screen pops up in black with red lettering that the site’s been hacked by a Turkish terrorist group. Or anti-terrorist group. I don’t know what it’s about.
So okay then; we’ve entered the realm of trickster fortean land.
This morning I checked Lesley’s Debris Field, and find this. It’s not what I saw -- not white, nor sphere shaped -- but there have been a lot of things seen in the skies lately and in connection (seemingly) with mundane jets and trials, as well as the not so mundane trials.
Much closer to home, I found this on Rense.com. I did a search on his site: orbs chemtrails, and found this article from August of 2000 about trails and orbs. Photo accompanies report.
What does it all mean? I have no idea; though there are a lot of possibilities of course. They could be true so-called ‘ET UFOs,” plain old UFOs (well, they are that) simply man made objects to monitor effects of trials, or the weather, spy bots, who knows. Someone knows of course, but it isn’t any of us.
For those of us looking up and taking photos of these things, it’s data, and we know what we saw. It’s maybe not so surprising I guess that if you make the concentrated effort to look up all the time -- really look up -- you’ll see all kinds of things up there that, ostensibly, shouldn’t be there.
About the orb (s) I’d seen. They weren’t orbs in the ghostly lights spirit energy see through “orbs” but solid, real machines. Both times I saw them in relation to chemtrails. I have no idea if they had anything to do with the trials or not, but that was the setting. I saw them both during the day, about three weeks apart, and in the same location; right in the skies above my home. Both times there was a witness present.
We (we being my spouse and myself) thought it was some kind of monitoring device; to track weather, something like that. Maybe to gather data due to chemtrail activity, maybe something else.
Over the past couple of years I’ve come across a few photos of similar looking objects, and in similar situations. So something is up there, doing something.
I found a similar photo again during my search that linked over to Mac Tonnies Post Human Blues blog, but every time I clicked on the link, it froze. Then I found this at the bottom of the Google image page:
In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 2 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read more about the request at here.
Things get stranger. I did a search for "orbs sky eugene oregon" and found this link. Scroll down a bit to “Alpehnhorn News Links Illness With Yellow Chemclouds, and click on photo. That’ll take you to more and a “click here for full story” which takes you briefly to what looks like a forum page and then -- whoosh -- a screen pops up in black with red lettering that the site’s been hacked by a Turkish terrorist group. Or anti-terrorist group. I don’t know what it’s about.
So okay then; we’ve entered the realm of trickster fortean land.
This morning I checked Lesley’s Debris Field, and find this. It’s not what I saw -- not white, nor sphere shaped -- but there have been a lot of things seen in the skies lately and in connection (seemingly) with mundane jets and trials, as well as the not so mundane trials.
Much closer to home, I found this on Rense.com. I did a search on his site: orbs chemtrails, and found this article from August of 2000 about trails and orbs. Photo accompanies report.
What does it all mean? I have no idea; though there are a lot of possibilities of course. They could be true so-called ‘ET UFOs,” plain old UFOs (well, they are that) simply man made objects to monitor effects of trials, or the weather, spy bots, who knows. Someone knows of course, but it isn’t any of us.
For those of us looking up and taking photos of these things, it’s data, and we know what we saw. It’s maybe not so surprising I guess that if you make the concentrated effort to look up all the time -- really look up -- you’ll see all kinds of things up there that, ostensibly, shouldn’t be there.
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