I bit of a follow-up I did on a sighting of mantis like beings along the Willamette River in Oregon over at Lon Strickler's blog Phantoms and Monsters.
Friday, September 1, 2023
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Those strange lights in the sky over Portland will be back Sunday night | News | kezi.com
Sunday, August 14, 2022
The 1990s, Locally
It seems there was a lot of UFO interest in the 1990s in my town of Eugene, Oregon. A group came through, putting on presentations (Stan Johnson, (deceased of Sutherlin, Oregon, was one guest. He self-published a couple of books on his contacts with UFOs and Bigfoot.) I forget the name of the group, or its leader, but they stuck around awhile, making the local news. Of course, like most, they had their own agenda, and that was "no negative" stuff about UFOs, the government, aliens, ET, etc. "No negative stuff" is open to interpretation. (They read a letter I wrote to them about my thoughts on things to the group. Did not give my name but used my letter as an example of what not to delve into, for, it was "negative." My letter was something about just because the aliens say they are what they are doesn't mean it's what they are and also, possible MILABS.)
The Eugene paper, The Register Guard, didn't seem shy about printing items concerning local witnesses who saw UFOs.
All kinds of people, "believers" and non, seemed to be open to discussing the topic. For a few years I threw a "UFO Party" every summer. Started my own study group of like minded people.
And, UFO researchers appeared in our town to share their thoughts. Going through my files (a never ending process) I found two flyers from the 1990s. One announcing a talk by Derrel Simms, the othera talk by Melinda Leslie. Both at Lane Community College.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Unidentified Body Found In Cemetery
Sunday, March 6, 2022
The Case of the Curious Dollhouse
Which remains unsolved.
I found this photograph as I was working the book room we're clearing out. It was near an envelope from the U of O, Folklore Department. I majored in folklore there; and yard art, outsider art was an interest of mine, still is. So I know I spent a lot of time taking pictures of yard art, things I found along the way, colorful mailboxes and folk art, especially religious or spiritual inspired folk, or outsider art. (The two; folk and outsider, are not necessarily the same thing.) In fact, the photo was near an envelope full of photos I took at the Saturday Market, where a woman who went by the name of Sister Bear decorated holy cards and night lights of Jesus and Mary.
I have no memory of taking this photo though. None. What an odd thing to find; a dollhouse in the middle of a pasture. Just sitting there. The area looks to be in the Lorane area, a rural area right outside of town, an area I drove through all the time and still do.
This will make a very neat mixed media, collage piece!
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Orange Orb Moves
I'm posting the Orang Orb over on WordPress now. So please, check it out! I'm not gone, or have been abducted (not recently) just over on another platform. Links and mentions welcome.
Orange Orb Blog, on Word Press.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Clipping From Mom: 'Beached boxes mystery'
This clipping is the only mention of those "mystery boxes" that have turned up (Friday's Newport Times) --- maybe its because the story took place in another county (Lane) and therefore not of interest to people in Lincoln County and so it goes--- who said we were narrow-minded, ha!
About Bill Hanshumaker of the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC), Dillman wites:
Hunshumaker told the News-Times that he couldn't even venture a guess as to what the boxes might be, espeically without direct examination. Two sets of HMSC volunteeres dispated to Bray's Point found nothing.
In other articles Hunshumaker has been quoted as suggesting the boxes were debris from docks or piers where construction has taken place, or some such...
The article goes on to say that volunteer groups, like CoastWatch, as well as the Oregon Parks and Rec department, have sent out people to look for the boxes; none were found.
And yet, as my mother herself commented, as well as others I've spoken with -- to paraphrase -- "The government can come in and whisk away anything they want and silence whoever they want, when they want." Well, we all know that's true. No argument there. Whether or not that's true in this case, well, I just can't help but think there's no there there.
Masko defends his on-line postings in the Dillman article:
...reproters today "spend all their waking hours" in front of various screens, gathering the news vicariously via computer ...rather than following the tried-and-true "old school" way of "wearing out shoe leather and actually talking to people."Masko seems to do a bit of a back pedal by basically shrugging and saying the story has taken on its own life about "some junk on our beach."
All this is interesting from a variety of angles: folklore, UFO data, artistic license and expression, Fortean stuff for its own sake. To be fair, I haven't personally spoken with anyone involved in this story, or even been able to make it out to the coast yet to see for myself. (and by this time, that window of finding anything on the beaches seems long closed.)
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Entering the Orb: Location Connection in Dream
I drive out to the coast, but it wasn't a place I'd been to before. Like most dreams, this location is all mixed up. Part coast, (50 miles west) but part south of me towards the small town of Cottage Grove, a straight shot down 1-5 from Eugene. About 25 min. away. (Cottage Grove is said to be haunted in a lot of ways: UFOs, strange things, and in fact, I've always felt uneasy and, well, "haunted" whenever out there. That includes the outlying areas like Dorena Lake.)It wasn't until I started writing this, sharing it with others (because of the person dying, mainly) that I realized with a jolt the Cottage Grove-orb-missing time connection. Jim and I were coming back from Cottage Grove, at night, when we had our orange orb sighting and missing time.
I arrive at my destination. Jim is with me. We're all about UFOs, Mothman, ghosts... lots of talk about that with others who are researchers and witnesses. The woods are all around us. It turns into night. I become very nervous because I have to drive back to Eugene but don't like to drive at night, especially on a road I'm not used to. Jim seems to have disappeared around this time; for some reason, I have to drive back alone. Several of the people here accuse me of being a big chicken and not serious about UFOs because I want to wait until morning to drive back. I try to make them aware that driving at night, in the dark without lights and on an unfamiliar road in an unfamiliar town is irresponsible.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sinister Orbs?
Are orange orbs negative "entities?" Read more here.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Book Project: Entering the Orb
I've begun a new project. Not sure yet how I'll end up doing this; interactive, as Nancy Birnes suggested, e-book, Kindle, self-publish, blog, pay per installment...so many options. I think, however, that it will be in a sort of journal format, fairly traditional in terms of publishing (e-book/Kindle/self, or through a publisher) with segments posted here at The Orange Orb.
So here it is, working title: Entering the Orb: A Couple's Journey into Missing Time, Screen Memories and UFOs.
Jim and I have decided, spontaneously and independently of each other, to go through some kind of regression and retrieval process to find out what happened during our missing time experiences. We've agreed that we would not share what we found out about our own experiences until all the work has been done. We don't know yet if we would see different people, or the same person. If we saw the same person, there's the possibility that person would be unconsciously influenced by the both of us. Than again, maybe not.
A lot of this is absolutely trust based. How can we prove to others that we're telling the truth when we say we won't discuss with each other what's been discovered, until it's all done? We can't.
There's also a large issue of vulnerability here. Some possible causes for the missing time episodes are obvious -- as in, oh my god they really were Reptilian Overlords. Other reasons concern memory. As you'll see in my next post, Jim and I have very different memories of one of our missing time events. Clearly, one of us is wrong. So why the difference in memories? And if it turns out the cause for missing time isn't UFO related, alien related or some other esoteric or metaphysical cause, then what, and why? Are we unstable? Did someone drug us? (If so, why, and that's certainly scary on its own.) I could handle any of those, (I think) but what I don't think I could handle is the possibly we made it all up. Unintentionally of course, but made up nonetheless. If that is so, why in the world would we do so? That in itself is intriguing.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Invisible Aliens in Boston: A Dream Inside a Dream
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James Rich, Sentinels, acrylic on board |
I hadn't been thinking particularly of UFOs, aliens, my own experience, or listening to C2C late at night while drifting off to sleep, nor reading a UFO related book; all things I do on a regular basis. If anything, the past day or two, while working like mad on the house, inside and out, and enjoying our walks, I've been mindful of the importance of stepping outside of all the UFO-paranormal-esoteric-Fortean realm that swirls around me. I realize you can never escape it, and that's not the idea anyway. It's not a dichotomy, no contest here about anything adversarial. Just a balanced perspective so one doesn't get sucked down into an unhealthy and murky place.
And I still managed to have the following dream last night, despite my intentions:
I'm very excited because I've been invited to Boston to meet/collaborate with a well known UFO researcher. (won't say who, he's big time in waking life, though he doesn't live in Boston.) As dreams are wont to do, "Boston" (which I've never been to) is just a town or two away from me here in Eugene, Oregon. At the same time, it's also very far and a huge city and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed but also excited. I go to where the researcher -- Joe X,lets call him -- works, which is a sort of university type setting, sort of huge apartment complex, sort of grade school. In fact, I see some of my co-workers and a few students from my waking life day job. Seems the school where I work has moved and they're already setting up offices for September.
I have to sort of chase down Joe X, lol, he's so busy and it's hard to catch up with him. People are stopping him every few moments to talk with him, he's very popular and everyone wants to have some time with him. He reminds me of one my waking life professors and in the dream, the two people kind of morph back and forth. Joe X sees me and waves me over to catch up. As we walk (rapidly, lots of people, lots of hubbub) to a conference room he tells me "Lots of researchers have plenty of stories to tell about the witnesses they've worked with, the data they've collected, but I want to hear from the researchers themselves about their own experiences. There's not enough of that going on. So Regan, I want to hear about your whole thing: the orb, missing time, the aliens..."
I tell him that's a good point and I'm interested in that as well, but as for my own story, I've told it plenty of times, no one wants to hear it again. I've put it out there already. Joe X tells me that not everyone's heard it, there's always a new audience and venue, and he bets he can get to deeper levels about my experiences.
We go into the conference room -- comfortable but funky, old, like an old university setting would be -- still lots of people just coming and going all around. Joe X starts asking me my UFO experiences, and then, the aliens. And I start to get very frustrated as well as a bit panicked. I don't like this and I'm frustrated because I can't remember seeing any damn aliens. I've sensed them, had communications with them, felt their presence (verified by others) but not seen them. Why, why, I ask Joe X, can so many witnesses remember these things but I can't? He is very kind and supportive and steady, just keeps at it. Then abruptly, I "see" in my memory, little bits of what "they" look like. Just an image of a hand, or a foot, or a glimpse of some part of them. I'm surprised because, for one thing, they're tall, not the short grays that's typical. They're somewhat gray like in appearance, meaning those spindly buggers, but tall, six feet or so. They're a sort of tan, dark beige or sand color, not white or gray. I still can't see all of them, completely, but it's the closet I've come to actually seeing aliens in my dreams.
I say to Joe X that in my other dreams, I can never remember what they look like. And even now, I tell him, in this dream they're still being elusive. "Even in my dreams, I can't remember!" I tell him in exasperation.
Later, walking around this place, I run into one of the teachers I work with. She asks me about my summer and if I did anything fun, I tell her I went to Boston. She says, well, that's huge, tell me more! I say, well, it wasn't really anything, it was just a day and a night, then I was gone. As I walk away, I realize that I just told a co-worker I had been to Boston, but I didn't go to Boston, I just dreamed that I did. I just told her I thought my dream was reality. Now I have to think of something to tell her if she asks about it again. I'm very worried about how it looks, that I think a dream was reality. Then I wake up, and for a few moments, still have that thought, worried about telling her I didn't really go to Boston, just dreamed it. Until I realize, that was a dream too -- I only dreamed that it was reality.
Friday, June 10, 2011
It's the Paola Harris Show! Harris Speaks at McMinnville UFO Fest
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Paola Harris at McMinnville, OR UFO Fest 2011 |
All right, well, I can't seem to write anything worthwhile about old Paola. Except that it was the worst thing ever ... but [I have] nothing articulate or insightful [to add]. I thought I had taken better notes but apparently I was so amazed I had doodled numerous semi-psychotic renderings. Hey, maybe that's what I'll say.
Harris was introduced as “the Barbara Walters of UFOlogy,” and that title was reiterated by Ms. Harris herself, but it became clear to me she isn’t that, but I will say she’s clearly the Sarah Palin of UFOlogy.
So the talk begins, and I am telling you, it was the craziest, most disjointed, manic, ego-fueled thing I've been to. It was so bizarre and surreal that it was funny.
While I’m not much for the exo-politics aspect of UFOlogy, which is what Ms. Harris is all about, I was interested in Harris’s presentation for a couple of reasons. One, anything to do with UFOs (excluding the uber-psycho skeptics) I’m up for, and two, I was curious to hear about the San Antonio, New Mexico 1945 crash Harris promised to discuss.
The presentation began with a montage of UFO images -- “sixty-one years of UFOs” Harris told us -- accompanied by Buffalo Springfield's Something's Happening Here. Instead of ending the introduction at that point, it continued with another slew of slides, this time accompanied by some kind of screechy space age music. Harris introduced the images by telling us it’s “sixty-one years” of UFOs but it appeared to be 108 years, since the intro slide read “1870 to 2008.” It would have been nice to have captions of the photographs; when and where the UFO image was taken, or how the illustration related to what sighting, but all we got were slides. After slides. After. Slides. And then there were the slides.
After that overly long intro, Harris literally spent forty minutes talking about herself while showing several images of the book and magazine covers where she’s appeared in print, as well as photo after photo of her with various UFO bigwigs. “Here I am with so and so...” she announced. Over and over. Forty minutes! Literally. I timed it.
I detected an undercurrent of, not racism exactly, but a cultural ignorance or maybe it was cultural superiority. (Surprising since she has dual citizenship and lived in Italy for many years.) She showed a slide of Israel, referencing that country’s UFO sightings, informing us that “They talk Jewish over there.” She showed slides of UFO researchers -- Jacques Vallee among them -- meeting with politicians in the Middle East and slides of the Muslim Brotherhood, and insinuated there is something insidious afoot about their interest in UFOs. We're not told why this might be so. This was one of the problems with her presentations: lack of support for her case. (The other problem: her huge ego.) Harris mentioned several times that she was a retired teacher, something I found simply astounding given her consistent rambling, incoherent, point jumping circus act. But, she did teach in an Italian private school and among her students were “Mel Gibson’s kids,” and other VIPS which Harris felt was a relevant bit of information to share with us.
After more than forty minutes of It’s The Paola Harris Show, she gets to the 1945 San Antonio, New Mexico (not Texas,) crash. More slides of places and people but with little context. It was such a rambling and nonlinear WTF mishmash I had no idea what she was talking about and I didn’t learn anything about this case after her presentation. It was extremely disappointing.
There was also a video of Philip Corso; the video got stuck and there we sat, listening to audio of Corso while Harris looked adoringly on; again, how it connected to what Harris was talking about wasn’t made clear. (I noticed that Harris conspicuously did not mention Bill Birnes.)
Harris finished with her “12 Protocols” of exo-politics which, it turned out, was really 9 protocols. Or maybe it was 7. At that point however I didn’t give a damn how may there were. Besides, they weren’t exactly “protocols” as in: don’t use your salad fork when eating fish, but assumptions about the coming of the Space Brothers. The slide got stuck on number 1 and remained there; she either didn’t notice or didn’t care, and at one point said “It says there are 12 protocols but there’s really only 9” which is where I was afraid to look at Deirdre O’Lavery who was sitting next to me, because I knew we’d both lose it.
Glitches happen, but there were so many in Harris’ presentation I had the impression there was no care taken; just a thrown up mess of stuff at the last minute. Even those technical errors could be forgiven if Harris herself hadn't been so inept. Take your pick: her massive ego, her incoherent presentation, her rambling, her lack of cohesiveness, the lack of support for her case, the lack of editing: put it all together and it was one bad, very bad, UFO lecture. I was entertained but that was inadvertent. It was a completely pointless presentation and absolutely embarrassing. And I’ve seen Stephen Greer speak, so that’s saying something.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
UFO sighting signature Sri Yantra discovered in Oregon, now found...
Hainsworth said the “Sri Yantra” is known to “just about everyone who’s interested in UFO’s” here in Oregon, but it may not be known or understood by others.I'm not in the loop, because I didn't know anything about this.
The symbolism of this sign:
In brief, the Sri Yantra is similar to an ancient Hindu mediation symbol, “but, we’re told it’s much, much older than any civilization from India,” adds Hainsworth while presenting a recently found copy of this proposed UFO “signature” at a recent “watchers” meeting at Seaside.(thanks to Lesley at The Debris Field for link.)
According to this site, Sri Yantra mandala is the mother of all mandalas; all that follow are aspects of Sri Yantra.
It is a mandala, a geometric abstract that symbolizes the cosmos which, in this case, is also the body of the goddess. The goddess is supposed to reside in her physical, visible form in the dot or bindu at the center of the Yantra while simultaneously permeating the entire universe. This 'double presence' concept is vital in grasping the Sri Yantra. Her seat has four 'pillars': Brahma - the creator, in the Northeast; Vishnu - the preserver, in the Southeast; Rudra - the dissolver, in the Southwest; and Sadasiva - the eternal Shiva, in the Northwest.
I found this while looking for more on Sri Yantra: orbs appear during a Sri Yantra meditation.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Entering the Orchid: A Glimpse Into the Orb?
Progress, maybe, or something, on my experiment here with intent, conscious recall, retrieving memories of the Orange Orb sighting. . . as I do every night, I go through a sort of meditation/prayer/vision routine. I wasn't thinking consciously of anything to do with UFOs, the paranormal but mundane things, when suddenly my head sort of exploded in a burst of orange. (Sharing a similar experience with this.) As that was happening, I felt myself, not leaving my body, as has happened many times with OOBEs, but a sort of reverse OOBE; I was falling inward. Falling into my third eye, into the orange, and then a large flower shape appeared that was an off white, cream color, oval or almond in shape, that opened to reveal another shape. This shape was more of a figure with an inverted triangle head, very faint. It had eyes, that were closed, but as I "zoomed" or fell in closer, it abruptly opened its eyes, which were the typical huge black eyes of the so-called grays.
At that moment, I had a vivid lucid dream experience. I "shouted" "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" which sounds very funny right now, but at the time, I was almost pissed at the idea this pop-culture icon that's become a cliche and a joke in many ways, appeared to me. Arriving first almost invisibly, as a shadow, a faint outline, then becoming more defined, sharper in detail and image --- for what? Was this an accurate and literal mind post-card, a psychic encounter of something that is just as it appears, or something created out of my own mind because it's familiar, no matter how silly?
If looked at with the tools of imagery and metaphor, maybe this was a sign that I'm getting somewhere, and these images: orange light, oval petal, small gray, are offered because they are familiar acting as guides. Guides to what, is yet to be discovered.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Triangle Manipulations

This is a pic of a drawing I did a few years ago of the giant triangle UFO I saw several years ago in Dexter, Oregon. I was just having fun with some computer manipulation of images. I did the little sketch in pastel crayon, than played around with the color, etc. on the computer.
The triangle sighting I've posted about before on-line; briefly, it goes like this:
Outdoors at a large gathering in a rural area in August; about five of us standing under a small tree, something, don't know what because there was no sound, made me look up and I saw the huge triangle. No lights, but the shape was definite, and blended in with the night sky. It was still light-ish, not yet totally dark. The triangle blocked out the stars, etc. so you could see a giant triangle shape of dark blue something, not sky, and the surrounding sky was a bit lighter, with stars, etc.
I told everyone with me to look up, they did. We made silly jokes about missing time and checked our watches (there wasn't any) and we just stood there, looking at it. We even commented that we should go tell people, but we couldn't move. Also, sound seemed muffled. Cris and Mark Bales, who had an incredible triangle sighting in Idaho and gave a great presentation on their sighting at the recent McMinnville UFO Fest, said that it was as if a giant blanket had been placed above them. That explains the feeling well.
The triangle left; it just zoomed/slid off, very fast, and very silently. How something so damn big can move so fast, and so quietly, ... very weird. As soon as the thing left, that ears stuffed with cotton ball feeling was gone, and we felt our normal selves again. That sense of apathy and physical sluggishness was gone.
We told others what we'd seen. Just about everyone thought it was interesting, the owners of the property were almost jaded, saying they see stuff like that "all the time around here."
One person was very rude; off the wall rude. He actually, literally made the "you're crazy" motion with his hands; I mean, who does that, as an adult? Then he made a comment about how much beer I'd had; when I told him I hadn't had any beer, since I was the driver, he then said I was smoking too much pot, or on something, for sure. No to all that as well. So then he just said I was lying. Okay, that's when I got pissed off and called him on his calling me a liar, which made him mad, and he walked off.
Anyway. The triangle sighting was different in many ways from other reports; it really wasn't visually as dramatic. It wasn't even black. And no lights. But it was still something else, indeed.
Monday, December 29, 2008
New blog: Saucer Sightings
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sunday Orb
My Trickster Realm column for Binnall of America is on, now bet you can't guess . . . yep, that's right, the Biscardi Georgia Bigfoot Circus. I know, everyone has been commenting on this, including me. But this piece is inspired by a comment The Anomalist posted the other day: "have there been any positive takes on this story?" as well as Danielle Lee's piece on her blog The Spirit Guide, and Women Of Esoterica. So do I decide that I've been too harsh, too grumpy, too humorless? Read Turn That Frown Upside Down! and find out.
Speaking of animals, (as we all are) I had a series of odd animal encounters today. I comment about them on Trickster Northwest.

Pin Up Art
Nothing to do with esoterica, UFOs or anything of that nature, but I'm shamelessly promoting Jim's artwork. So go take a look, okay? I suppose I have to put a warning and say that some of the work is "adult" so if you're offended by naked women, don't look. Visit James Rich Studio, also his gallery, with over 159 paintings, at Yessy.com.
Speaking of Pin Up art and such, I have a new blog: Pulp Jello. I had to have a place to indulge my love of vintage ads and cover art!
Image: The Brink of Sleep, original artwork by James Rich
Friday, June 20, 2008
Today's Chemtrail Synchronicity:It's a Bit Eerie

It's June. Summer, school's out, warm-hot days, etc. But things are askew here in Eugene, Oregon. The school I work for, a public school, is on an alternative schedule; we don't get out until July 1, and the days here this June have been cold, rainy, strange indeed. The past few days however have been June like: hot. And all under a chemtrail laden sky.
Today and yesterday were particularly bad; tons of chemtrails in the skies. And not just straight ones, but criss crosses, loops, half circles. And a huge "chembow" around the sun today at about 1:00 pm. Yesterday gave us a sky fulll of trails, and patches of iridescent oily patches.
We've seen the chem bows before, and we've seen the oily rainbow bits as well. Not too often, but there.
Today the trails came out early, squashing hope of a blue sky, as the morning promised. Soon the sky was littered with the trails. And by 4:00 pm the sky had gone from blue and sunny with a few clouds, to a glazed milky haze that covered the sky, going from hot to muggy.
At work, outside, and three of us (and another adult nearby but out of ear shot, I assume. . .) discussing all the weird stuff up there, particularly the chembow. Someone thought it was because "it's the first day of summer." They hadn't heard of chemtrails; both asked me what I meant when I said that. I just told them to Google it. At least they looked up, and had noticed the weirdness, and even commented on the weirdness. One person said they don't look up much, and that anything could be going on up there, they don't think about it. I'm paraphrasing but that was the sense of it.
(With these kinds of perceptions and responses to what's right above us, it's not surprising the government can blithely get away spraying that stuff right over our heads.)
So I go inside, on break, check my e-mail. And find an e-mail from someone who said they read one of my "blog postings" about chemtrails They also live in Eugene, and commented on the chemtrails, including the chembow. Indeed, he or she called it a chembow.
What's even stranger is that the e-mail was sent at the same time (1:00 pm) I was outside with the others, looking at sky, talking about the trails. Pretty eerie!
Reminds me of the stories of people discussing crop circles and then go out to find, later that day, or the next day, a crop circles in the very spot they were discussing, etc.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I Dunno . . .
Trickster's Realm
Anyway, I feel myself getting back to normal. Look for my new Trickster's Realm column to go up sometime tomorrow on Binnall of America. The article is about We TV's program Alien Abductions: True Confessions.
New Blog
Yes, it's true. Trickster Northwest, focusing on UFO and paranormal things in the Pacific Northwest.
Dana Howard
Synchronicity is still happening around Dana Howard. Co-blooger Richelle Hawks over at Women Of Esoterica found this tee-shirt. She also mentioned to me she found a signed edition of a book by contactee Dana Howard; I'm jealous! I recently bought one of her books as well; I found it on eBay. And more synchronicity; it was the only Dana Howard book listed on eBay, and the bookseller was right here in Eugene, about two miles away from me. Somethings telling me to pursue this, I think.
With MP3 players, CD drives, and software. Nothing at all to do with the paranormal or UFOs unless you think my laptop is haunted, or being controlled by MIBS from their remote location inside an unmarked, black helicopter. Nope, just had to share. I have a Mac, believed the computer geeks who insisted the SanDisck would play on my Mac, which it didn't, even after the Lepoard upgrade, now the CD drive is acting snooty. Sigh.