Sunday, May 19, 2024

Why Don't I Remember?

 Just musing along here. . . me: lifetime of UFO/alien-entity/paranormal experiences. Tons of UFO episodes since childhood. But I can't say I've been abducted, because I have no memory of such. Of seeing craft, yes. Of telepathically communicating with "them" yes. Of almost seeing them, yes. But not quite. Not quite! I call them the "invisible" aliens. No memory of being inside a ship. Lots of memories of waiting for them, for their craft. Lots of .... almost there. Just about ... there. Then, blank.What does this mean? If anything?

IF (and that's a big IF) I was abducted, why can't I remember? So many people who have been abducted remember. I don't. Is it me, or, them? 

In one case, both my husband and I suspect we were abducted but of course, we don't know. Neither one of us has any distinct memory of being inside a craft or seeing weird creatures. Why is it that neither one of us remembers? Maybe it's because we weren't.

All the classic textbook Abduction 101 motifs are there: strange glowing giant orange orb, follows us, telepathic communication, missing time. Vivid dreams afterwards as well as a long list of psychic episodes afterwards. But no memory of an abduction.

Maybe "they" checked us out and said "Nah, not these two" and threw us back. Like fish; just not big enough.

But then, I keep going back to my childhood, which was full of high strangeness. Maybe they were bored with me. Or they got what they wanted and were just checking in and there's no "there there."


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Catalina Island, UFO/USO Hotspot

Watching an old episode of UFO Witness last night about the UFOs and USOs seen by many a witness on Catalina Island. (Catalina Island is roughly twenty miles west of southern California.) The episode featured Preston Dennett’s book Undersea UFO Base: An In-Depth Investigation of USOs in the Santa Catalina Channel.

I love Catalina Island and have many great memories of visiting there. We went there often, starting when I was a little kid. The place always seemed magical to me. Watching the program last night I wondered, for the first time, if anything UFO related happened to me or family members while on the island. I’ve known that Catalina was a UFO hotspot, but never once wondered if anything unexplained had happened to me there. Last night however I wondered.

I don’t have any memories of anything weird happening. I do remember being on the glass bottomed boats at night, out on the water, watching the “flying fish” as they leapt through the air, and the murky green water seen through the glass at the bottom of the boat. I remember drives around the island and seeing wild  buffalo in the hills at twilight.

I remember being so happy while playing in the water on the beach, and sleeping in the hotel room on the soft sheets and hearing the ocean as I drifted off to sleep.

A child’s memories of Catalina Island. A place I want to return to. Hell, I’d love to live there but of course, it is out of this world expensive. But a nice fantasy.

So, did anything UFO wise happen to me on my several visits? I highly doubt it. But magical and mysterious regardless.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Phantoms and Monsters: Why is John Ventre Still in MUFON?

 Lon Strikcler at Phantoms and Monsters has a good post about MUFON's history regarding racism. He asks the question: why is John Ventre still allowed to run around MUFON? Blog post includes thoughts from Karyn Dolan on this.

  Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Vintage Dragons

 Vintage photos of men who captured dragons. Really! On Boing Boing.




Dark Depths of Soceity are being Revealed!

 I found my horoscope for today to be oddly weird. And sounding a bit like it was created by AI. 

AI warning me of the "dark depths of society" being revealed. If they're dark depths shouldn't I be worried?

Monday, March 4, 2024

"More Real Then Real": The Persistence Of Memories

 Memory: about four years old, if that. Spread ealged on a bed no covers. Mom, Dad, Grandmother, stuck in doorway to bedroom.  They can't move past the threshold. They're stuck, watching. Waiting. I am waiting. I know "they, " or "it," will arrive soon. I am not afraid. A little anxious a little in awe, but not afraid.

The ceiling above me opens. Like the roofs of an observatory; the sides of the roof slide open, revealing one huge open space exposing the night sky. Full of stars.

I am still in my bed, no covers, on my back, parents and my maternal  grandmother waiting the yellow light of the doorway.

(Odd my father was there; parents divorced when I was about two and I don't ever remembeer my dad in life as a young child.) 

I, on my back, ceiling open, night sky, and then, a giant eagle type of bird comes swooshing down through the sky, through they open roof and captures me. Thing is, I was waiting for him, or, it. I knew it would come, I waited his arrival with a combination of respectful awe, gratitude, and overall weirdness.

The eagle (or whatever bird like being it was, Mothman? Garuda?) was a familiar being that came to take me away. I was never afraid, thought at times aware of the whole "not all about me" vibe. So much more. So many things.

Waiting for "Them"

 I am soon to be seventy years old. Happy Birthday to me! I made it so far, including this bout with cancer. I will NOT give up. I am fighting every day. That aside. . . been thinking lately of my childhood encounters with aliens. Or, non-human beings, anyway. 

It occurred to me, recently, that these memories includes barely seen entities that resemble the "grays." Or, "greys." About my height at the time (age around ten years old even younger) yet, I don't remember these beings as being seen in a literal sense. Or they were they all right. Utterly aware of their presence. Vivid. To this day. But the visual memory, the visual appearance of the aliens (or whatever one wants to call them) escapes me. I know they were there, I know they were about my height, I know they were in "control." They l like to play, they liked to "dance" with me before taking me out through the front door of our home and place me on a branch high up in the fir tree in our neighbors yard, where I'd wait for "them" to appear. Them being ships, often in the guise of a weird bathtub type object with a large sail above it 

Sometimes a friend of mine from elementary school, and also high school, appears in these scenarios, we are both up in the tree, waiting for "them."

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

James Bond and Spatula

 Two episodes of synchronicity today; both trivial, if not also oddly humorous. Last night I had a funny dream where I'm in a fancy hotel suite, and James Bond (s) kept popping in. Different men, different ages and types, but each one was James Bond. They were all James Bond. There were even a couple of female James Bond. No idea what this meant just one of those silly dreams.

Earlier last night, watching an episode of Sex Education, a character utters the word "spatula" in a very specific way.

This morning, I'm reading the newspaper, and one of the word jumble puzzle things is about James Bond. And on the same page, the word "spatula" appears prominently in another word jumble thing.

As usual, at least with me, these types of synchronicities are vivid but also silly. The Cosmic Joker abides.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

A Moment of Deju Vu

 The other day I was thinking about deju vu. How, when I was a kid, I experienced it a LOT. I mean, a lot. And still experienced it into my twenties, but less. As an adult, still, but maybe a few times a year, if that. And I couldn't remember the last time I had a moment of deja vu. Age, I suppose. (I'm sixty-nine.) 

Then, yesterday, I had an intense moment of deja vu! Did my subconscious hear what I was thinking and respond? Did the universe hear and respond? Synchronicity? Definitely that. But more than that. 


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Healing Power of Cats

 I posted in November that our eighteen year old cat Mango has passed on. 

Two  weeks ago we adopted two cats. We didn't have any intention of getting two cats, but after visiting with a few cats at the animal shelter, we found this bonded pair (had to be adopted together) and we just fell in love. 

They are four years old. When we brought them home they immediately adjusted to their new environment. They behaved as if they've always lived here. Amazing.

Both cats are extremely affectionate. They sleep with me when I'm having an off day due to chemo. They sense my physical condition and it is very healing to have them with me.


Nicco, and Loki. (we changed Loki's name to Loki, originally it was Dexter. He is much more of a Loki.) I call Nicco The Emperor, I don't know why but he reminds me of an ancient Japanese ruler, a very regal personage.


Cats, of course, have long been associated with magick and mystery, witches and healers. Easy to see why. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Mythical Painting

 Been working in the studio lately and it feels good. Three of the latest:

Dragon Smoke, acrylic on canvas, 18" by "24

Dracula's Hall, acrylic on canvas

Mermaid's Sky, acrylic on board

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Cats and (Chickens): Energies

 Still missing our nineteen year old cat Mango, who went off on his own to die. We want to get another cat, but not quite ready yet. Looked at some at an adoption event last week; were tempted but the whole thing had Jim depressed and so, we wait. In the meantime. This is what I posted the other day on my Facebook page:


What a weird day. Last night, talking about how cats were all over this block; that's how we found four of our cats, all strays that just showed up and never left. Haven't seen cats around for some time. This morning, I was in the front yard and saw a calico looking cat in our yard. He or she froze. I spoke gently to it but she dashed away; stopped, looked back at me and froze again before taking off. Wary thing; she ran under the parked cars to the end of the block.  

The day just got better and better: 

Earlier this morning, woke up to a wet floor. The hall was wet, the bathroom floor flooded. Something happened to the pipe under the sink; went to the store to buy a part, it was the wrong size, went back to return it, they didn't have the size we needed.
So that was fun, cleaning all that up.
Also, noticed one of the hooks on the bathroom wall where I had some necklaces hanging had fallen off, onto the floor.
And to wrap things up, watching a movie in the "roku" room, with the big sound, and the sound bar wasn't working. Just kaput. Tried to figure out why it wasn't working but no clue.
Strange energies.

Night before last, had a dream :

that I found a shopping cart with a cat that looked just like Mango, except, it wasn't. Quite. I thought he was dead for he never moved at all, was curled up like he was sleeping. By his feet were two kittens that looked just like him. They were very sweet and friendly, so damn cute! I was angry at the people I lived with, because I would go out of town for a few days at a time and no one was taking care of the cats. "How could you be so cold and cruel as to ignore these babies?" I said. Shrugs on their part. So I decide to stay home and take care of them. 

Last night, dreamt I found a large white cat that looked just like our cat (who passed a few years ago) but it wasn't. It was, but wasn't. (typical dream logic.) He was outside in our bushes; I picked him up but was careful not to hurt him because his front paws were bleeding. He was very sweet and loving. HIs fur got stuck in my white nail polish which wasn't quite dry so I had to remove all my polish before going to a job interview. The woman at the interview mentions I hadn't done my nails. I tell her what happened, she laughed.

Today, out in the yard, I see a beautiful black cat. Never seen it before. Had a collar. Very friendly and sweet; was going back and forth between the neighbor's house and ours. A few moments late, when we went inside, we saw it sitting on our porch. Came right up to us. I assumed it's the new neighbor's  cat since they just moved in a few days ago and the cat is new to the street, plus it was hanging around on the neighbor's porch. 

Then, just to underline the animal energy vibe, I hear, then see, three chickens in my neighbor's driveway across the street. They walked down the drive and across the street in a single line. Her new neighbors recently bought a coop but obviously the chickens managed to get out. 

With all this cat energy around maybe our new cat will come into our lives very soon. I hope so!


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

And in Today's Creepy Clown News . . .

 Another creepy clown stalking residents. This one even has a Facebook page daring the coppers to catch him.

Forteana has its share of strange clowns alarming locals. Clowns in white vans, clowns in parks and at the edge of the woods, just . . . staring. Clowns have two sides; the sweet happy clown person entertaining children with balloon animals and silly tricks, and the other side. The Penny Wise, IT clown. The murderous clowns from American Horror. All those sweaty greasy clowns in smelly clowns with giant flapping shoes and garish colors that disturb us adults. Like me; I really detest clowns. Underneath all that gaiety is a plethora of nasty and dark intent. 

But that's just me. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Two Small Pre-cog Moments


Last night, watching the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Scene: actor at a desk. I said to Jim “Oh, that’s ‘Artie,” the guy from Fraiser and Warehouse 13.” I was convinced. At the last moment, I realized it wasn’t him at all.

Later in the program, different scene. One of the actors comes forward, and . . . yes, it’s the actor that I thought was the actor in the previous scene. This time, it was the actor Saul Rubinek. From Fraiser and Warehouse 13. 


 Actor Saul Rubinek

After watching Mrs. Maisel, I watched the third episode of the UFO documentary Encounters. (excellent show.) I was doodling while I was watching. This is what I doodled:

Later, a witness described seeing a skinny entity with pointy ears.

And another weird thing which has nothing whatever to do with the above, but it was odd and unnerving. Later that night, in bed, (listening to Coast to Coast)  I was wanting to change the station on my little C. Crane transistor radio, something I’ve done hundreds of times. Hundreds. And for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what to do! That’s why it was unnerving. Am I losing it? My memory finally going; a senior moment indeed. The more I tried to remember how to do such a simple thing I’ve done hundreds of times before, the more I couldn’t remember. Finally, just when I was about to give up because I was feeling downright panicky that I was clearly losing my mind, I remembered.

 I don’t know is these small moments were synchronicities, time slips,remote viewing or precognitive events. Or all of those. And while the last example, where I couldn't remember how to change the stations, had nothing to do with remote viewing, etc. I wonder if that energy behind it had something to do with the earlier episodes.