Showing posts with label Illuminati. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illuminati. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Dark Depths of Soceity are being Revealed!

 I found my horoscope for today to be oddly weird. And sounding a bit like it was created by AI. 

AI warning me of the "dark depths of society" being revealed. If they're dark depths shouldn't I be worried?

Monday, August 13, 2018

Adam Gorightly: From Pizzagate to Q-Anon: The Influence Campaign that Keeps on Giving'

Wow. I recommend reading Adam Gorightly's recent article at The Daily Grail. Especially if you're a conspiracy nerd, like myself, or, at the very least, still wake up every morning with a "Why the fuck is the rotten mango headed one still in office ... " and all that follows that surreal awareness. Here's the opener:

From Pizzagate to Q-Anon: The Influence Campaign that Keeps on Giving – The Daily Grail: Just when you thought Pizzagate was the dumbest conspiracy theory of all time (the Bowling Green Massacre notwithstanding), along comes “follow the white rabbit” or “calm before the storm” or “the Great Awakening” or “Q-Anon” or whatever you want to call this latest in a long line of overlapping conspiracies that oozed out of the 2016 Presidential campaign like a backed-up toilet that keeps on giving. (Thanks, Vlad!) The Q-Anon conspiracy could be considered Pizzagate 2.0— or perhaps better, Pizzagate on the “brown acid.” (Pizzagate on bad drugs if it wasn’t on bad drugs already).

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (and even rocks have internet service these days) you’ve no doubt come across bits and pieces of Pizzagate in the form of Instagram photos depicting child sex slaves at Comet Ping Pong, child porn code words (CP!), celebrity “spirit cooking,” and tunnels connecting a vast satanic underground supposedly constructed by Democratic Party pervs. [Adam Gorightly, The Daily Grail]

Friday, August 3, 2018

The Left vs. the Right and 'Constricters'

 Satanic Abuse/ Egregores & the Occult - Shows (Coast to Coast)
Last night's Coast to Coast was interesting. Except for one point; the point I've been writing about these past few weeks. Which is the relationship between the political right and the left in context of UFO, paranormal research.

I think it was guest Russ Dizdar, (I think it was Dizdar) who, on discussing the deep state, negative energies, mind control, etc. -- which makes sense, and is, in my opinion, a non-debatable reality -- went off on what he called "constriction." Except, according to Dizdar, it's the left who is responsible for this constriction!

He went on to talk about Communism, which, according to him, is the agenda of the left. And then placing blame for all kinds of crazy onto the left, in context of "constriction," which is the egregores, and the occult's, purpose.

If anyone, anything, is doing "constricting" it is Trump, the orange one, the POTUS, the 45. He, and the followers, supporters and kiss assers, are the ones who "constrict." And if I have to explain it to you, you are doomed.

I have no argument concerning negative energies, from our own -- humans -- as well as non-human yet intelligent entities. Call these energies Satan, demons, daimons, Djinn, fallen angels, ET, aliens, faerie, elementals ... wait. They are not all the same thing. But they are all, all. Some of them are negative. Malevolent.

Some are not. Some don't care either way. Sometimes we just get in their way. Other times, there is a specific agenda to fuck with us. Some of the energies involve humans.

But to seriously inject that liberals are the cause -- this is the point I find myself in despair. I can only go so far when I hit that wall. That wall put up by conservatives who abruptly veer off from delving into the paranormal -- the real, actual, at times insidious, paranormal, including UFOs, and all its deception -- and scream "liberal."

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Coast to Coast's George Noory Pushes Newsmax

New television program: Newsmax. Coast to Coast's George Noory pushed this program on his radio show. Newsmax is a conservative channel. A few of the various pundits demonstrate this right wing bias.  Conservative ex-congressman Joe Walsh, who aligns himself with the tea party and, according to Wikipedia, told Obama to "secure our borders with moats and alligators." Walsh had a career in broadcasting before joining Newsmax. Here's a bit of Walsh for you:

On July 7, 2016, the night of the 2016 shooting of Dallas police officers, Walsh wrote on Twitter, "This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out Black Lives Matter punks. Real America is coming after you." These comments were interpreted by some as threats.[79][80] After deleting the tweet (by his account it was deleted by Twitter), Walsh wrote later, "I wasn't calling for violence, against Obama or anyone. Obama's words and BLM's deeds have gotten cops killed. Time for us to defend our cops."[81] The next morning, Walsh stated in an interview with the Chicago Tribune that Twitter suspended his account and deleted the tweet itself: "The pre-condition for me reopening my account was they had to delete that tweet." He said, "Of course I didn't mean 'let's go kill Obama and Black Lives Matter.' I was not trying to incite violence against Obama and Black Lives Matter. That's crazy and stupid and wrong. It would end my career and it's wrong."[82]
On October 24, 2016, Walsh wrote on Twitter, "On November 8th, I'm voting for Trump. On November 9th, if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket. You in? (Wikipedia)
Alan Dershowitz is also a member of the Newsmax crew. I know, surreal, but he's been out there for awhile. Supporting Trump proves that.

Callista Gringrich, ex of Newt, is also a pundit.

African American Jesse Lee Peterson, Biil O;Reilly (!)

And on and on.

So what this have to do with UFOs?

I've written beofre about those holding right wing views -- particularly Trump supporters -- who are also involved in UFO research. (and by extension, other types of paranormal research.) Why does this matter? Should it matter?

It does matter. Our views are part of who we are; how we percieve things. If you're conservative, to the point you are so brain damaged you support Trump, how can you be trusted to not judge based on class, race, cultural affiliation, religion?

Joining the far right and being a UFO/paranormal researcher seems contradictory. The government covers up, but, we trust the government, don't we? Not only does the government cover up, but experiments upon its own citizens. Why support such a government?

To be fair, much of the left -- the majority, in my non-scientific experience -- seems to simply ROFL when it comes to UFOs and the supernatural. That's not good either.

I've mentioned before how, years ago, I spoke with Peter Davenport about a UFO sighting I had. He is very conservative, politically. So he scolds me for being hesitant to report it since I had a "duty as an American" (his words) to report such things. A duty to whom? My government, who denies, lies, hides and manipulates the UFO phenomena?

It seems insane, this, not patriotic feeling, but nationalistic behavior, in context of UFO study.

Friday, December 19, 2014

A Quote About Ancient Aliens

Jim, on Ancient Aliens: "They either go too far, or not far enough." 
That sums it up!

"Jim" being my dear one.

We still love you Ancient Aliens. It's just that, at times, it just gets so …. 

You know.

But as I said. We still love you!

In spite of … 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trickster Theater: "Earthquakes" and the Pope

The world shared a global shudder of anxiety at the news that North Korea's earthquake yesterday was no "earthquake" but an earthquake due to a "nuclear test."

Checking the U.S. government's earthquake site, which I do several times a day, I see that Tonopah Nevada and surrounding area has had four earthquakes today. The largest being 5.1. That seemed very odd to me, so I Googled Tonopah, Nevada, to find that the area is a test range:
Tonopah, Nevada carries a legacy of being the home to the nation’s development and testing of smart bombs extending back to World War II where it was noted for its bomber bases. Follow the links to learn more about Tonopah’s role in our nation’s wars.
Not a coincidence.

And to really go down the rabbit hole, while I don't seriously think there is a connection between the above and the Pope's resignation, that last news item is a biggie. The Trickster Theater has been very busy these past few days!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back to Conspiracy Park

For a few years now, in various parks around here, I've been coming across  images of NWO, electronic harassment and anonymous/V spray painted on the ground, on light poles, on support beams of bridges, or on stickers and paper stuck on poles and walls.

Last summer I found one on a telephone at the end of my block:

About a block from my house, last summer 

 Here's a picture I took in August of 2009 at the other end of the park:

Taken at Valley River/Greenway Bridge, August 2008
The above, spray painted at either end of the bridge, was painted over by the city. Same signage on the ground at the other end, near where we were today, at the intersection of two paths, since covered over by the city.

I'd been seeing these for at least a year. Randomly (so it seemed) one of the local news programs aired a small segment on these signs; I wrote about it at Oregon L.O.W.F.I.:

A couple of nights ago, the local news had a short segment on these signs. Some neighbors in the area are “upset” because the signs are offensive. Apparently someone, and I suspect someone else not the original sign maker, sprayed swastikas on some of these signs. I haven’t come across any with swastikas. The news said the signs were publicity for “a movie.” I’m not so sure about that, it seems like a strange explanation, especially when no title was given or reason why they came to that conclusion. Hand lettered signs on cheap paper stuck to bridge supports, telephone and light poles; hand painted banners on flimsy paper stuck to wooden fences — doesn’t seem like much of publicity campaign.
I couldn’t find anything on-line about this from any of the local news outlets. I’m not sure which local news it was either, since they’re all the same and I switch back and forth. The short segment ended with the warning that it is illegal to affix any kind of flyer or poster, etc. to city property such as telephone and light poles.

Today, I came across these, at the other end of where we usually walk, and where I've seen the images. Today, we were walking close to the University side and Alton Baker Park. The lettering reads "What is the plan? We won't forget. Expect us." I didn't do a great job of taking pictures, I'm no photographer and my camera is just a cheap one, but I think you get the idea.

Friday, January 21, 2011

(Updated) UK School Tells Students WWlll Has Broken Out

Another story from the UK about teachers playing mind games with students. In the past couple of years or so there have been several stories of English schools creating scenarios -- presented as being real -- of crashed or landed UFOs on school property, complete with local police arriving on the scene. One school had a crashed UFO scene along with claws and body parts of the 'dead alien,' along with the news that a teacher had been abducted by the aliens. ( see also my UK Still Staging UFO Crash Drills.)

Not all of these scenes were about UFOs. A teacher in Scotland told several students to quickly get their things together because they were being picked up and possibly sent off to an orphanage. Students were told their parents knew about this and had given permission for their children to be taken away:

Deputy head teacher Elizabeth McGlynn segregated nine pupils and told them they were to be sent away. After 15 minutes they were told it was all an act but that the role play would carry on up to lunchtime.

In a letter sent to council bosses, the unnamed mother said: 'Mrs McGlynn told the children they would probably have to be sent away from their families and that their parents had been informed about this and knew all about it.
The students were told they had to be segregated because they had "lower IQs" due to a "lack of sunglight in their mother's wombs."

Another staged event: the "murder" of a teacher on school grounds, which, naturally, severely upset students. Still another staged an "assault" on one of the female school employees, complete with fake blood on the ground.

In most of these cases, if not all, parents were not notified that  these little scenes were going to take place, permission asked from parents. Sometimes, the scenes were enacted while parents were there as volunteers at their schools.

Yesterday, news from the UK of a school who told students that London was under attack; World War III had broken out. The students were not just told this; they were shown footage from the Blitz in WWII and a tape of "Neville Chamberlain's war address" was played over the PA system to simulate real time news about "WWIII." Then, students were taken by teachers to a basement to hide:
Teachers then led them to a cellar when an air raid siren sounded and a firework was let off to simulate a bomb.
Headmaster Mike Richards is quoted as saying, many times over, that the exercise was to make students "sympathetic" to war victims. Studying WWll, the thinking behind this staged stunt was that students would really get it, since apparently Richards believed students were incapable of believing their teachers:
'The idea of it was to get the children to empathise with what it was like.  "The big concern we had was that the children wouldn't believe it.
Parents were angry and upset, students scared and confused.

In all of these staged events there are shared elements. The plot may differ: UFOs, government officials taking you away, murder, war, but they all contain the following:
An element of violent surprise.
Authority figures assumed to be trusted and respected (teachers,school staff, police) carry out these fake events.
Parents are not notified that these events are planned; permission is not asked for.
The local police are often involved; appearing on the scene, pretending to take part.
Specific character traits and emotional states are the target of these scenes:sympathy,empathy,feeling emotions, compliance, unquestioning volunteerism/work.

The rationale for given by schools for these events vary: sometimes it's to foster creative thinking and expression, in this case, make it real so students believe it. In other words: real (as far as students and parents know) events of a violent, unexpected and even bizarre (UFOs) nature are to be fully, completely believed, lived, accepted and experienced.

In the WWIII scenario,  the headmaster said the goal was to get students to sympathize with war victims. The Scottish school said they wanted "the children to experience an accurate emotional response."

Foxhill Primary school, where the fake assault on a female staff member was staged, justified their performance with the two layered rationale for these scenes; fostering creativity:
We wanted to give the pupils a topic that would inspire their creativity and their imaginations which is why the crime scene was chosen.
And unquestioning acceptance of authority and compliance, as well as overall moulding of state sanctioned character traits:
"This was also done to raise pupils' aspirations and to reinforce a positive view of the police and the work they do in the community.
Who is observing these reactions of children, and why? It is not coincidence; these scenes are part of a larger agenda. Individual teachers may think they are doing something creative and different for their students, but the curriculum and the nudges to enact it are coming from somewhere else, and for specific reasons. A desensitizing program; get children to feel comfortable with the abrupt intrusions of authorities, of violence, of the unexpected. But it goes beyond that; even more insidious is the trauma factor.

If students (and parents, by extension) are told that all these purposeful staged events are to foster trust in authority, that contradicts the fact the authority has just come in and lied to everyone. The message is: 'It's fake this time, but just you wait, next time it might not be. And we're the only ones around who can determine that."  Keep people nervous, jumping with anxiety, never knowing when the next assault, war, murder, or invading aliens will come.

Friday, November 12, 2010

No Owls, But Hey, There IS Frankenfish. . .

Not much, owls are gone, oh, there's the occasional owl motif/image but that's about it. No synchronicities, no sightings, and I don't have much to say, for now anyway, about recent UFO events. Everyone else is saying things, and I simply don't have anything to say, yet, about things like "missiles" in the skies, authorities and their passive-aggressive attempts at appeasing the mainstream media and populous,  and so on. So here I am, saying how I don't have anything to say.

There is my response to a blog post about airships on The C Influence. And a new post on my blog Animal Forteana about what's cutely being called Frankenfish; genetically altered, DNA tweaked, Dr. Evil enhanced salmon that the FDA, corporate entities (like the prettily named AquaBounty, which lulls us into peaceful accepting slumbers of an endless supply of soothing hued foods from the sea to ensure we continue to exist in an endless stream of plentiful fishiness. . .) don't think we have the right to choose or think for ourselves. Oh it gets worse. . .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

And . . . more owls

Yes, more owls. Today in a room at work; the large bulletin board had . . . owls. Owl figures all over the place.

All this owl synchronicity -- in part, as I wrote earlier (see my owl posts below) it's messages, signals, signs, along the lines of "they're noticing you're noticing them" kind of thing. I put the intent out, as to conscious recall of orange-orb and related encounters, including missing time, and this is what happens. Throw in my affinity and relationship with animals, and we're off. But on a more mundane level, it's possible that owls are a new fashionable/trend/fad image in the culture stream; nothing esoteric, although, it is esoteric. The young person wearing a tee shirt with a giant owl on it is just wearing something they think is cool or looks good, but I doubt they're into esoteric-alien abduction-Illuminati symbolism.

But "they" know. Heh.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Richard Thomas Interviews Dean Haglund (X-Files, Lone Gunmen)

From June of the year: BoA contributor Richard Thomas interviews Dean Haglund of X-Files and Lone Gunmen. Haglund has interesting things to say about art, the culture's "zeitgeist of the moment," the trivialization of conspiracy theory-theory, Haglund's current projects and a lot more of course, including his thoughts on our world now vs. the world during X-Files days. 

And for more, visit

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Trickster's Realm: "Twilight Language: Cold War Inklings?"

My new Trickster's Realm is up at Binnall of America: Twilight Language: Cold War Inklings?" about the numerous Russian connections popping up in the culture stream.
Politics and entertainment (I know, what's the difference) merged when Vice President Joe Biden appeared on the Jay Leno show. Biden joined Leno in a comedy sketch and later, they discussed the busted Russian spy ring. Leno showed a photo of one of the alleged spies, Anna Chapman, who's been described as "sultry" by every talking head and newspaper it seems. Leno showed a photo of alleged spy Chapman and asked: "Do we have any spies that hot?" to which Biden, a frustrated comedian, said: "Let me be clear. It was not my idea to send her back." 
One element I could have added but didn't think of: the new movie SALT, with Angelina Jolie. I haven't seen the movie but here is another example of a "sultry" sexy female spy and a Russian connection. Is Jolie's character a good spy or a bad (Russian) spy?

Things are not what they seem in these culture episodes; politicians as thwarted comedians, Russian spies as citizens, Russian lovers/actresses/entertainers, betrayals, non-Russians appearing as Russians . . . is the culture missing the Cold War?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Building Juxtapositions in the Neighborhood

I'm not sure what this means, but the other day as I was taking my walk I noticed the oddness of the fact that the Army Reserve building sits directly across from the Scottish Rite Temple (Mason.) The two fronts face each other. Behind the Army Reserve building is the side street -- newly constructed, with the remodel of the elementary school-- that leads to the school. So elementary school faces the back of the Army Reserve grounds, the front of the Army Reserve building faces the Scottish Rite Temple.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Laura Knight-Jadczyk: The Most Dangerous Idea in the World

Okay, I acknowledge freely I am no intellectual, and certainly not knowledgeable -- not academically or scientifically knowledgeable that is -- about physics, hyper-dimensions, astrophysics, or parallel parking. On some subconscious intuitive Piscean level, I “get it” but that’s another story.

My approach to all this anomalous UFO weird realm usually originates from the personal, moving outward, usually on a mythic/folklore/symbol/narrative/comparative/juxtapositional perspective. Whatever that means.

I’m not sure exactly what Laura Knight-Jadczyk is talking about, but she is very very smart. She writes extremely well. I seem to have a vague memory of something I read on her site or blog that I liked, up to a point, but then rejected, due to what I perceived as anti-Semitism (all that Israel is the big bad guy stuff) but if I’m mistaken, I apologize.

There’s a lot -- a hell of a lot -- of stuff here, and I don’t understand much of it. There is so much material that one has to take time to go through it, and be familiar with her references, which I’m not.

But I’m promoting her here for one reason: those “academics” and “scientists” who would otherwise welcome her views, as long as she gets rid of her UFO bent. Apparently Knight-Jadczyk annoys all sides: the New Age camp, the mystical camp, the political camp, etc.

All the scientific hyper dimensional physic stuff aside, the gist of Knight-Jadczyk core “belief” is that there is an “official culture” which I so far go along with. (Of course, her idea of who, and what, is responsible for that “official culture” may be very different. I don’t know.) And this fact, along with the fact that we’re all just pawns in a huge cosmic game, is what she calls “the most dangerous idea in the world.” I don’t think I gave this justice, but that seems to be the idea. I go along with that as well. It doesn’t sound too different than William Bramley, or even in some ways (good great goddess) David Icke (oy) -- not a new idea. And not sure why her ideas are rejected by all sides.

I’ll leave it to you. I just like subverting things, and so, in the spirit of that, here’s a link to Laura Knight-Jadczyk on her experiences and thoughts on her book, The Secret History of the World.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Bramley: The Gods of Eden

A current review of William Bramley's The Gods of Eden by Philip Coppens. I read this book years ago, and liked it then; I still like it. I think, as Coppens comments, Bramley’s book
is overlooked as being too out there. Or, as Coppens says, it has a cult status. Either way, it doesn't seem, even after all this time, to be among the first dozen or so books on UFO researchers lists. And yet, as Coppens points out, Bramley’s book preceded David Icke and all the others, and with far less silliness.

The Gods of Eden is about alien creation/design/intervention but before you roll your eyes and sigh “Oh no, David Icke and green lizards” give the book a chance. One of Bramley's main areas of focus is the binary opposition of the human condition: war/peace. Religion preaches love, tolerance while at the same time, religion promotes and supports killing, oppression and tyranny.

Speaking of UFO studies itself, Coppens quotes Bramley:

"There are few subjects today as full of false information, deceit, and madness as ‘flying saucers’. Many earnest people who attempt to study the subject are driven around in circles by a terrific amount of dishonesty from a small number of people who, for the sake of a fleeting moment of notoriety or with the deliberate intention to obfuscate, have clouded the field with false reports, untenable ‘explanations’, and fraudulent evidence. Suffice it to say that behind this smokescreen there is ample evidence of extraterrestrial visitations to Earth. This is too bad. An in-depth study of the UFO phenomenon reveals that it does not offer a happy little romp through the titillating unknown. The UFO appears more and more to be one of the grimmest realities ever confronted by the human race.”

That’s bleak . And a big elephant in the room none of us want to talk about. What if it’s true? Quite possible. If so -- if that is all there is - - it’s a long cold unpleasant existential road to be on. (Already my mind is swirling around this tangent. . .)

As to the “reality” of that final photograph that will provide the proof:
As to the notion that if UFOs are extraterrestrial aircraft, there should be an undisputed photograph of one by now: “Anything can be disputed. The dispute simply means that someone has chosen to quarrel.” It is logical, and though we do not subscribe to it, we can understand…

Coppens has many good insights of his own into Bramley’s book that are worth reading.

Among other things, Bramley’s work is concerned with the Trickster force; the oppositional tensions of existence on earth. Not only the afore mentioned war, but UFO studies, as previously noted. As Coppen writes, speaking of the book:

But it showed powerful examples of the central bank scams, it showed how contradictory humanity really is, and does indeed seem to be tricked into working in one direction, even though neither side really wants that outcome. (italics mine)

That part: how we are "tricked" so often, about so many things, and especially about 'all this' -- all this Fortean, weird, UFO stuff -- is another elephant in the room. It's maddening, all the more so because this very Trickster prescence is as much a part of it as anything else. It wouldn't be without it. And yet we forget that constantly, or refuse to acknowledge it at all. While all the time we're bedazzled by disinformation, silliness, our own fears and desires, their fears and desires. . . it's a mess. It's confusing and deceitful. It's seductive. The pathological skeptic-troll who dogs the UFO researcher with snide rants about wasting time, or lying, or being mentally unbalanced is as much in this mess as the rest of us. We're all being manipulated. (But I'm starting to swirl again so I'll leave off for now.)

It's a very good review and it was good to see someone remind us of William Bramley and his work.

If you haven’t read The Gods of Eden, I hope you do soon.