Showing posts with label owls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label owls. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Animals are Waiting


A powerful dream last night. Not much detail, only the intense emotional content and the message. Which was: 

An angelic presence, more than one, or guides, messengers, telling me I needed to hear this. That the way to an authentic spiritual life, connection, a way to navigate all the anomalous weirdness in this realm of High Strangeness, was to connect with animal spirit. All animals. Every animal. Their spirits. They are waiting for me, for us, to agree with them that yes, this is acceptable and we will listen, we will hear, we will share our stories. We will be here with you. We will communicate. We will accept your messages. We will be patient and listen and share and use what you have told us to grow, to live a deeper life.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Decision: A Hypnosis Consultation


After debating with myself the merits, if any, of hypnosis in regards to UFOs/missing time experiences, I've decided to check it out. I have a consultation this Monday. Valentine's Day, of all things. I love the juxtaposition. 

It's just a consultation, not an actual session. And I might decide to not go through with it after all. At this point, my husband, who also experienced missing time and UFO events, is waiting for me to report back. I don't know if he'll pursue this either. We're both unsure and overall wonky about this. 

On the other hand. . .

Anyway, more on this as it happens. If it happens.

It would be embarrassing to find out we were just forgetful regarding time or mistook an owl for a UFO. Then again, you know what they say: 

The owls are not what they seem.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Two Pieces: Mothy Owl and Reptilians in the Classroom

 The other day, I posted about my failure regarding a piece I was working on about the orange orb. (You know, that orange orb.)

But I also feel pretty good about other pieces, including these two, that have a slight weirdness vibe.

Like this one: "Mothy Owl" collage, paper and watercolor on canvas board.

'Mothy Owl,' collage. Paper, watercolor on canvas board, Regan Lee 2021

And this one, a digital collage about our Reptilian friends:

'Mrs. Englebeery's Limited Career,' digital collage, Regan Lee 2021

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

International Owl Awareness Day

It is International Owl Awareness Day!

Google International Owl Awareness Day and you'll find plenty of links to all kinds of sites with info on owls and the history  of the day. Like this one at the U.S. Department of the Interior.

A few quotes about the supernaturalness of owls:

“Perhaps he does not want to be friends with you until he knows what you are like. With owls, it is never easy-come-easy-go.” 

T.H. White, The Sword in the Stone

Oh, what a lovely owl!" Cried the Wart.

But when he went up to it and held out his hand, the owl grew half as tall again, stood up as stiff as a poker, closed its eyes so that there was only the smallest slit to peep through - as you are in the habit of doing when told to shut your eyes at hide-and-seek - and said in a doubtful voice

"There is no owl."

Then it shut its eyes entirely and looked the other way.

"It is only a boy," said Merlyn.

"There is no boy," said the owl hopefully, without turning round.” 

T.H. White, The Once and Future King

“People say the darkness is where secrets are best hidden. Night time brings clarity and focus to owls, even if the aperture of this vision comes with a stigma.” 

Kimberly Morgan, On Angels and Rabbit Holes

Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Owl, the Tree, and Sasquatch

A few days ago I posted about this:      A Synchronicity Diamond UFO Memory
The other day, another synchronicity. Talking with someone who said "Your name came up last night." This person was hiking with a mutual friend, they saw an owl. Discussion on whether or not it was really an owl. It looked like an owl! but, was it moving? Closer look. Turns out it was part of the tree, that, in the last light of day (they went to watch the sunset) everything worked together to give the appearance of an owl. For whatever reason, this made them think of Sasquatch. Wondering if Bigfoot could be around these parts. The mutual friend said "I think Regan wrote a book about Sasquatch."

Well, I did, in a way. Decades ago I self-published a short book on two Oregon Bigfoot stories. Printed them up, sold them on e-bay. Sold them all, to my surprise. But also, to my embarrassment, because, of course, it was pretty terrible. Compared to what I know now. Craig Woolheater has a copy; I told him to never let it see the light of day!

The conversation then turned to owls and UFOs. My friend had never heard of the owl-UFO connection before, but she was very open to experiences, and shared some of her own with me. For some reason, I told her about missing time -- not only missing time, but my own experience with missing time. This to a co-worker. I had the sense she would be accepting, which she was.

I'll be sharing Mike Cleland's owl books with her. (Of which, in MIke's first book The Messengers, he refers to me as a "maybe abductee." I don't know if I, and my spouse, were abducted, or what, but I do know we had a UFO sighting and missing time, along with a list of psychic type experiences afterwards.)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Updated: Owl Synchronicity!

I reposted this on the Oregon L.O.W.F.I. page a few minutes ago, and, as I was posting, I remembered something while I was in the doctor's office -- after I asked her about the owl plush (see below) she added that the other day, the topic of owls came up the group she was with. Then, searching for something unrelated to owls, I found this  -- an interview I had done some time ago, except I don't remember this at all! (I apologize to the interviewer! I'll have to listen and see what jars loose.) Anyway, at the end of the blurb introducing the interview was this:
mythic owl dream

Yesterday, posting on Facebook, social media in general and here about Mike Clelland's book The Messengers. An obvious aspect of the owls  within the context of the strange is that they appear when you start talking about them. So last night, while washing the dinner dishes, I was thinking about this, wondering if I'll experience any owl synchronicity in the aftermath of posting about Mike's book. (Humbled to say, I'm mentioned in the book.) Then I had a thought about playing with "them" -- the "be careful what you wish for"  adage.

(After writing this post, went back to upload images, as happened yesterday, is not working. The owls do not want to be seen today it seems.)

Today I open the paper, and find this item about the return of the "angry owl" in Salem:

Angry owl is back in Salem | Local | Eugene, Oregon: SALEM — The year is ending the way it began in Salem, with an aggressive owl going after people.

At least two attacks have been reported more than a mile north of a park where joggers were attacked in January, said Julie Curtis, spokeswoman for the Department of State Lands.
Owl caution signs are posted to warn visitors of possible owl attacks.

Later this morning, I was in my doctor's office. I noticed a stuffed owl toy on her bookshelf. I didn't think I had noticed it before, so I asked her if she had always had that owl there. She looked over there and said "Oh, that's not an owl, it's a pneumonia germ." There's a whole world out there of germ plushies. Ew. Anyway, it looked exactly like this; this is the one:

Pneumonia germ plushie, mistaken for owl toy
And lastly, here's a quote to muse upon:

“The owl,” he was saying, “is one of the most curious creatures. A bird that stays awake when the rest of the world sleeps. They can see in the dark. I find that so interesting, to be mired in reality when the rest of the world is dreaming. What does he see and what does he know that the rest of the world is missing?” ― M.J. RoseSeduction

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Favorite UFO/Fortean Event: The Kentucky Goblins

A favorite anomalous event, one that remains a mystery more than fifty-five years later. That is the Kentucky, or Hopkinsville "goblins." Small, alien looking creatures terrified the Sutton family in Hopkinsville, Kentucky in 1955. Shots were fired, the sheriff notified. No one has resolved the mystery, though of course there are dozens of theories. And of course, the skepti-bunkies will tell you they've solved it long ago. (See debunker Joe Nickell's --"Mr. Owl" -- theory here.)

Were the Kentucky goblins aliens from outer space? Owls? Drunken, paranoid hallucinations? Elves? Inner earth entities? Two recent articles discuss this classic case.

Greg Newkirk at Who Forted? wonders if these beings haven't returned:Have the Kentucky Goblins Returned? Exclusive Photos! | Who Forted? Magazine Newkirk shares an email he received about strange creatures in the Kentucky/West Virginia area. Strange creatures that, the writer comments, seem to be coming from an "abandoned mine located on the edge of my property." Another email, more details, and... the strange path leading to the origin of a name. And, there are photos!

Newkirk asks the right questions. I empathize with his curiosity combined with skepticism. (I too have been contacted at times with tales of strange sightings and weird beings, but you always wonder if the person is honest, on crack, or what. The anomalous explorer wants it so much to be something to explore, and yet. . .) I think the first photo of the alleged being is outright fakery but really that's beside the point. In the true Fortean mileau, it doesn't matter.

Micah Hanks considers the Hopkinsville goblins as being of inner earth, and gives us more background on the original event:The Goblin's Grimoirie: Hopkinsville Reprised, or the Hollow Earth? Hanks references Newkirk's article and wonders if the beings weren't from innter earth after all.

Abandoned mines as homes for strange beings -- including Sasquatch -- a theory that has been discussed before. Wm. Micheal Mott wrote about beings living inside the earth in his classic Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures.

(Photo: Ivan T. Sanderson with goblin replica. Soure:

The Kentucky Hopkinsville goblins are often associated with UFOs; thought of to be aliens. There are similarities to the "greys" after all. (Assuming the greys are aliens as well.) But then we have other enticing ideas about what these "goblins" might be. Not from outer space, but inner earth. There's an idea these beings are aliens from space but also of the earth; entities of both realms. The Hopi tradition speaks of the ant people, who now live underground, but came from the skies originally. Descriptions of the ant people parallel the grays, and, the Kentucky goblins.

Here's an interesting explanation of the origin of the word "goblin" which contains a reference to mines:
Standard scholarship holds that English took goblin from the French gobelin. The problem with Goblin this is that, while Middle English had the word goblin as early as 1320, there is no record of the French word gobelin until the 16th century. Interestingly, a 12th century cleric called Ordericus Vitalis mentions Gobelinus as the name of a spirit which haunted the neighbourhood of Évreux. It is possible that gobelin evolved from the ancient Greek kobalos "rogue, knave", via the Medieval Latin cobalus. If so, it is related to the German kobold, and hence to the name of the metal cobalt.

German silver miners (that's German miners of silver, not miners of "German silver") named cobalt after the kobold, a "goblin or demon of the mines" as it was not only worthless but caused sickness. Nickel (a German name for "the devil") has a similar origin.
~ Source: Take Our Word for It.
Whether or not Greg Newkirk's contact was telling the truth or playing trickster, the idea itself is a valid one. Many traditions tell of entities that live inside the earth. It is possible the goblins seen that August night in 1955 in Kentucky were indeed inner earth dwellers.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Crop Circle Dream Memory: Beep!

A very strange dream last night, involving giant granite -- and specifically red granite -- structures, including a ten story statue, Buddha like, yet more samurai in appearance. At one point in the dream, I said to the people i was with "I could have sworn that stature moved!" and it turned out it had. The statue was living and the ruler of the realm. This realm was clean, mostly made of stone but not uninviting. Everything was large. Wide paths, high stone walls and large sprawling buildings. Everything made of stone. Not jewels, such as rubies and emeralds but granite and similar rock. Rough in appearance and even touch and yet there was a warmth to everything. Weird, strange, but a comforting feeling. It reminded me of this dream about Bigfoot. As in that dream, this dream was by water; large man made lakes and pools of beautiful water. Aside from the moving statue and so much more, there was a crop circle in this dream.

I woke up. Still in bed, I was remembering the dream. Trying to recall every detail. The dream was so ... weirdly cool. I was remembering the crop circle part of the dream. This is what I had dreamt:
There's a large, beautiful and intricate crop circle. We're all amazed and wonder at how it came to be. It literally appeared, not over night, but over a few minutes. One moment we were looking over at the large field where there was no crop circle. Turned our attention elsewhere for a few moments. Turned back, and there, was the crop circle. Huge and intricate.

Then a group of skeptics come along. They're loud and arguing and demand that we listen to them. The crop circle is a fake! They shout at us. And to prove it was a fake made by man to fool us, they throw little pods of dirt on the crop circle. These pods, the debunkers smugly tell us, contain a chemical that "exposes" the fakery, and bright yellow squares will show up within the crop circle. The yellow squares are proof the circle is a fake.  So they thrown the pods on the circle, and stand back, big stupid grins on their faces, waiting for the proof that will reveal how fake the crop circle is.
We wait and watch. At first, the yellow squares begin to pop up. The debunkers are overcome with joy. Ha! they say. But a few moments later, the yellow turns red, then other colors, then "over rides" the crop circle. In other words, the "proof" the skeptics  have shown us hasn't proved a thing. In fact, the "real" crop circle takes over, obliterating the debunker pods. 
The skeptics are mad and embarrassed. Most of all, they're baffled. Confused. They can't understand that the crop circles are real and have an as yet unexplained source that transcends prosaic explanations.

So I'm in bed, awake, savoring this dream and remembering it so I can write it in my journal. At the moment I get to the crop circle image and memory, I hear a loud, single, and very specific "beep" inside my head. It was so vivid, loud and not a "normal" sound (to be heard inside the head) that I sort of jumped. It was a definite mechanical sound.

I've had this beeping sound before, usually in the morning, when I'm awake, but still in bed. And in connection with ... anomalous things.

What this means, no idea. But as I've written before about this, and others as well, (like Daily Grail's and Dark lore journal's Greg Taylor) this beeping could be what we hear of the source of these manifestations that are of a metaphysical nature.

Previous posts:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lesley's Owl

 Just when you think things have settled down, Fortean-trickster wise, you realize they haven't. Lesley at The Debris Field (and so much more, of course) has an item about her own owl encounters.  (scroll down for previous owl posts) (and see Mike Clelland's hidden experience blog for more owl encounters.)

Friday, November 12, 2010

No Owls, But Hey, There IS Frankenfish. . .

Not much, owls are gone, oh, there's the occasional owl motif/image but that's about it. No synchronicities, no sightings, and I don't have much to say, for now anyway, about recent UFO events. Everyone else is saying things, and I simply don't have anything to say, yet, about things like "missiles" in the skies, authorities and their passive-aggressive attempts at appeasing the mainstream media and populous,  and so on. So here I am, saying how I don't have anything to say.

There is my response to a blog post about airships on The C Influence. And a new post on my blog Animal Forteana about what's cutely being called Frankenfish; genetically altered, DNA tweaked, Dr. Evil enhanced salmon that the FDA, corporate entities (like the prettily named AquaBounty, which lulls us into peaceful accepting slumbers of an endless supply of soothing hued foods from the sea to ensure we continue to exist in an endless stream of plentiful fishiness. . .) don't think we have the right to choose or think for ourselves. Oh it gets worse. . .

Friday, October 8, 2010

Owl Says: Not So Fast...

Just today, I was thinking that I haven't had any owl synchronicities since the last owl post. "Well, that owl episode is over," I said to myself this afternoon.

Then I receive an email from Tim Binnall, who sent me these images of an owls on his fence. He told me he took them today, and that it was the first time they've seen owls on the property.

Not so fast, Owl says! Oh, and my article for Tim, that should be available on his site Monday? About owls of course; I wrote it last week in September, and normally it would  have been up earlier, but Tim's been busy with many projects, so it was postponed. So today he emails me to tell me it'll be up Monday and he finds the owls on his property.

Seems they're listening, those owls...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

And . . . more owls

Yes, more owls. Today in a room at work; the large bulletin board had . . . owls. Owl figures all over the place.

All this owl synchronicity -- in part, as I wrote earlier (see my owl posts below) it's messages, signals, signs, along the lines of "they're noticing you're noticing them" kind of thing. I put the intent out, as to conscious recall of orange-orb and related encounters, including missing time, and this is what happens. Throw in my affinity and relationship with animals, and we're off. But on a more mundane level, it's possible that owls are a new fashionable/trend/fad image in the culture stream; nothing esoteric, although, it is esoteric. The young person wearing a tee shirt with a giant owl on it is just wearing something they think is cool or looks good, but I doubt they're into esoteric-alien abduction-Illuminati symbolism.

But "they" know. Heh.

Monday, September 20, 2010

More Owls. . .

I 've been posting lately about owl synchronities and imagery in media. The other day I posted about another owl synchronicity: at work, someone came in wearing a large tee-shirt with a large cartoonish human figure that was part owl.  Mike Clelland commented that the post was "curiously cryptic," -- I didn't mean to be esoteric, just noting the weird owl synchronicities in my life lately. Of course, Mike has his own long term synchrocratic relationship with owls!

And so today found me in a room with a woman wearing large--- really large-- silver hoops, with some kind of figure inside the hoop. At first I thought they were some kind of flower, or leaf motif, but after awhile, I realized: yes, they were owls! Large silver colored owls, perched upon even larger hoops.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Stalking the Trickster on Hidden Experience

Mike Clelland of Hidden Experience blog brings us an interview with researcher Chris O'Brien on his new book Stalking the Trickster about the trickster in a paranormal/UFO context.

I've been a fan of O'Brien's for years, having read his three books on the strange happenings in Colordao's San Luis Valley. I haven't read Trickster yet but it's at the top of my list. (I hear that O'Brien in his book refers to an article I wrote but he cited the wrong source, not me; heh... trickster!)

From what I've heard O'Brien say about trickster here and other places, I like where he's going with sort of reframing the idea of Trickster in a Fortean context. Without having read the book I can't make any comments really... just have to wait.

Anyway, take a listen!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sometimes There Is A Buzz, Sometimes There Isn't . . .

An Evening With Fellow Saucer Heads
I spent the evening with fellow saucer-heads, including a MUFON person. We watched a video of one of Jim Sparks' talks.

The Alien Presence; Or, Not . . .

I've written before about how, when sitting around talking about UFOs, "they" suddenly appear. This has been confirmed by others. It's a distinct feeling, a consistent feeling. While watching the video, and before that, as we went around introducing ourselves, I wondered if "they' would drop by. It's been quite awhile since I've been to a gathering like this. (The last time the aliens dropped in for a listen was in my home, and there were four of us present.) So here we were, many of us with all kind of UFO experiences, including abductions and telepathic experiences, meetings with UFO bigwigs -- quite an eclectic and "serious" gathering of people with UFO interests.

But no hint of "them" dropping by. So I wonder what causes them to stop in and listen, and why they don't other times. Is it random? Is it based on intent and energies of the people involved? Are they interested in just one, or a few, individuals, and are tracking them?

I was looking forward to this meeting, and wanted to stay for the discussion afterwards, but suddenly I was hit with an overwhelming tiredness. I literally couldn't keep my eyes open. Even now I'm exhausted, yet can't stop myself from posting this. Watching the video, I felt both interested, and agitated. I couldn't wait to get out of there. It had nothing at all to do with the company or anything else; I just felt extremely tired.


Sparks mentioned something about feeling different levels of energy when the aliens are around. The closer they are, the stronger the electrical feeling one gets. Maybe there was something in reverse at work tonight. Something draining energy, instead of giving it.

Following this idea of reversal; I was talking with a woman who has had her own telepathic experiences regarding alien entities. I mentioned how there are so many active, professional negative debunkers out there who attack -- and worse. They are on a mission. I asked, rhetorically, why are they so damn intent on doing this? As cliche and trite as it sounds, what are they afraid of?

She wondered if it might be an outcome of abduction from a different intelligence. As many abductees -- like Jim Sparks, who speaks about his process from fear to responsibility and care for the earth (his work regarding the rain forests, etc.) maybe others are also being abducted by a different set of beings, who instill some kind of counter active compulsion in people.

Owl Synchronicity
Owls are sometimes associated with UFOs; appearing as a kind of screen image to hypnotize or lead the UFO witness into the alien realm. Sparks mentions seeing a large projected image of owls before being taken -- or "pulled" as he puts it -- many other UFO writers and experiences have mentioned this as well. During the documentary Sparks showed they showed a giant floating owl image on the wall to represent what Sparks would sometimes see.

So I come home from the meeting tonight, get on-line, click on my home page which is the animal rescue site, click on rainforest and there it is, a large white owl staring right at me; the same kind of owl that Sparks showed; big and white. (owl shown here is not owl shown in video.)


Sparks refers to being pulled, meaning, taken. He describes the literal pulling feeling on his legs, this after first hearing roaring, rushing sounds and energy swirling upwards from his solar plexus, the rushing roaring sounds becoming louder and louder, and then the pulling. I've had this same sensation many times; the last two being particularly interesting, having its own distinct paranormal vibe. My Utterly Completely Wondrous New Age OOBE

going around and around with all this stuff, all this UFO alien experiencer abductee stuff, one eventually reaches one of two conclusions. One, as far out, far fetched, even downright mad as it sounds, you begin to realize there's a lot of consistency out there, a lot of people out there telling their stories. So it's probably true, in some way. . . Aliens are here, get over it. The second conclusion is, we're all mentally ill or liars.

I've had my share of experience, as have family members, as have many people I've discussed this with, and there are consistencies of experience that are downright eerie. In other words, maybe we should be taking these things literally and at face value.

Yes, But . . .

But, I'm not ready to go there yet. Memories of abductions and other UFO high strangeness could be infinitely messed with, it seems, by aliens, so how do we know the experience we remember is the one that really happened?

That's a moot point though, because, even if that's true, the fact is: we are still left with very weird experiences. It doesn't explain a thing. Quibbling about the thin layers of differences, similarities and downright impossibility of such events doesn't change the fact they're happening.