Showing posts with label out of body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label out of body. Show all posts

Saturday, December 11, 2021

A Very Strange OOBE


I had a highly unusual . . . OBE? Something, last night. I have never experienced anything like this before.

The experience had elements of familiar experiences: out of body, feeling "pulled" by something, or someone. Not being able to awaken my spouse. The awareness of an entity, or some kind of presence, an energy that was intelligent. The 'Old Hag" feeling, that sleep paralysis sensation.

But all those things, while present, don't come close to describing how incredibly and weirdly different last night's experience was. 

For one thing, I am not convinced I was dreaming. Not at all. Okay, I wasn't.

I find myself sitting upright in bed. Aware of a presence. I am all black; I've left my body and am next to myself. I can see myself. I am being pulled on my arms by ... a something. Or a someone. Or... some sort of intelligent thing. Creature? Being? Humanoid? Whatever it was, it wasn't human.

I try to get my husband to wake up. He wakes up easily. Not last night. I couldn't wake him up for anything. 

I don't like being pulled out of my body. And why am I all black, just my body shape? And if most all of me is "gone" (sitting beside myself, like I'm in a waiting room) why are they still pulling at me?

I finally get very pissed off. I tell them to knock it off. I'm scared, a bit. This thing that is happening is not pleasant, not good. It seems to stop, and I am still all black but back in my body, ready to leave it. I feel that buzzing feeling and hear the sounds that comes with OBE's.  I am both excited that I am leaving my body (my OBE's have become infrequent in my old age) but also nervous and wondering what now? But nothing happens. The presence leaves.

Again, this is so damn hard to explain. This whole episode was so intensely different than anything I have been through.

I'm a strong and vivid dreamer, always have been. I have had dozens of out of body experiences, all kinds of dreams on all kinds of levels, the sleep paralysis/Old Hag experience, etc. But this, this. Was just so out of anything I've experienced. This was a one of kind, highly strange, uncomfortable experience. Downright fucking weird as hell.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Regan Lee,The Fairy Killer

 Robert Moss on Dreaming

Listened to Robert Moss last night on Coast to Coast. Moss is author of many books on dreaming. As readers of The Orange Orb know, I am fascinated by dreams. I had not heard of Moss before, but after listening to the interview last night I have ordered his recent book. 

Moss suggested setting intentions for your dreaming journey. I have many themes going on in my subconscious -- one thing I dream about a lot are animals.  For example, this is a mail art card I created recently and sent out:

Did I dream of a giant snail? And if so, what did I tell it?

“I’m going back to sleep” I said.

“Why?” he asked.

“I need to find out what I said to the snail.”             

MAIL ART by R. Lee 2020

 I set an intention last about my cat. I made up a little mantra: 'Manifest Mango Mind Meld.' Asking what Mango wants me to know. (He is fourteen and has been having trouble with his back legs.) 

Nothing there. But I did have the following dream:

Regan Lee, Fairy Killer

The curtain opens, revealing a kitchen set. My back is to the audience. I am wearing a white shirt, dark brown palazzo style pants that are short; the stop at the knees. A wide belt that holds a few daggers. 

I am looking quickly through the cupboards, on the counters. Now and then I spin around and look off to the sides, then go back to what I was doing. This goes on for about thirty seconds. Then I turn around, and face the audience. I go into a monologue. I talk about what I do, which is hunt fairies. "Oh, don't be fooled," I say, "these little glittery fairies, with their pink and violet and transparent wings and tiny sweet bodies are full of it. They are not to be trusted. They are often invisible, and are out to trick you. They are dangerous."

I show off my daggers. I assure the audience I know how to handle them. There's a slight comedic air about the whole thing though. A dagger accidentally slips from my hands and lands a fairy -- it goes "Squeak! Ack!" and dies. I say, "Oops, well, sometimes . . ." everyone laughs.

When my monologue is over, I leave the stage. End of Scene 1. Applause. They love me! Backstage, everyone tells me how great I was. "You're a really good actress," they say.

I feel great. 


Robert Moss said to check in with how you feel about the dream. The dream could be about anything, and for one person, that dream could be a nightmare, for someone else, it could be healing. My dream of being an actress and a fairy killer was a good dream, as weird as that may sound. I woke up feeling fantastic. Empowered. 

The Kitchen Fairy

Jim and I often say we have a kitchen fairy. We're not joking. This house has always had a slight other-presence vibe to it, especially when we first bought the place twenty-five years ago. The house was built in 1927.  To this day, things go missing in the kitchen, only to be found in the weirdest places in the kitchen. There are only the two of us here (and Mango!) and neither one of us is a prankster kind of person. I've never had a negative feeling from this kitchen energy, but not a super helpful friendly one either. Maybe it just is, and wants our attention. I don't know if this kitchen fairy of ours has anything to do with last night's dream, but I don't think it does. Just the feeling I have about it.

Fairies, Animals and The Stage

I also dream often of being on stage. Of performing, sometimes signing which is funny since I can't sing at all. I wish I could, that's one of my fantasies, that I am one hell of an amazing singer. I come from circus folk (literally) and a family involved with acting. I was a theater major at one time. 

Last night, before I settled on my Mango intention, I was bouncing around with ideas. So many dream themes and landscapes and questions! For awhile I was thinking about animals; why do I dream of animals so much, big cats but all kinds as well? And why do I dream of my performing on stage, and in circus like traveling groups, often with Jim, and often taking place hundreds of years ago? One powerful dream I had of us both as performers in Western Europe has both of us intuitively knowing that it had to do with a past life.

 Last night, I'm on stage, talking not about animals but fairies, which are not human, not animal. Something else, an other. I am banishing them. I see them for what they are. And yet it's a performance.

I was acting.  And yet, on the stage, it felt real. I was really sincere about the fairies, and the fairies that appeared on the stage were real. At this point, all I can say is reality beyond, or behind, another reality, that seems like a cover or not real, but is, even while being presented as "only acting." 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Jeffrey J. Kripal

Last night's Coast to Coast was excellent. First of all, George Knapp was the host, and he is, as always,  an enjoyable host; smart, reads the material, asks great questions, really listens to the guests. The guest last night was author Jefferey J. Kripal of Rice University. Now, I haven't yet read any of his books, but I do remember when Monsters and Mystics came out, thinking: "I want to read this!" Now of course I am adding his works to my list of books I must read.

Anyone who references, as Kripal did last night, George P. Hansen's  important book The Trickster and the Paranormal with insight and respect demands to be read.

Paraphrasing, and probably badly, a couple of Kripal's points: the way the term paranormal came to replace the term supernatural, and his opinion (one I share) that the sciences for the most part are easier than humanities. Humanities get the bad rap (I studied folklore, I know) but you know, 1 + 1  = 2, and you're either "right" or "wrong" in deconstructing Joyce (depending on the whims of the prof) or defending your philosophical take on what-I-would-do-as-the-only-woman-in-the-class "moral" dilemma presented to us regarding saving family members during a tornado. (Me: I'm "morally bankrupt", according to the barley able to stand upright for more than five minutes philosophy professor. He was so old he knew Noah.)

Kripal isn't just about the humanities and comparative religions, but has had his own experiences that most academics do not discuss, and this includes UFOs. His take on that subject is one I've been harping on for years as well. We'll never get to the scientific answer, because there isn't any. Throwing the UFO realm at the hard sciences -- and those residents of UFO Land who believe UFOlogy should become more "scientific" -- so woefully miss the whole point.

Prof. Jeffrey Kripal of Rice University discussed comparative religions and various aspects of the paranormal. In a sense, the study of religion is more difficult than the sciences because religious experience is difficult to quantify, and challenges people's deepest values and world views, he noted. When people compare religions in a rigorous manner, they recognize that their own world view is filled with certain gaps, he revealed. The ancient Greeks used to send out scouts to foreign cities or countries to study religious spectacles, and they were often changed by what they'd seen. (Coast to Coast)

Anyway. Jeffrey Kripal. Try to listen to the archived interview if you can.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Crop Circle Dream Memory: Beep!

A very strange dream last night, involving giant granite -- and specifically red granite -- structures, including a ten story statue, Buddha like, yet more samurai in appearance. At one point in the dream, I said to the people i was with "I could have sworn that stature moved!" and it turned out it had. The statue was living and the ruler of the realm. This realm was clean, mostly made of stone but not uninviting. Everything was large. Wide paths, high stone walls and large sprawling buildings. Everything made of stone. Not jewels, such as rubies and emeralds but granite and similar rock. Rough in appearance and even touch and yet there was a warmth to everything. Weird, strange, but a comforting feeling. It reminded me of this dream about Bigfoot. As in that dream, this dream was by water; large man made lakes and pools of beautiful water. Aside from the moving statue and so much more, there was a crop circle in this dream.

I woke up. Still in bed, I was remembering the dream. Trying to recall every detail. The dream was so ... weirdly cool. I was remembering the crop circle part of the dream. This is what I had dreamt:
There's a large, beautiful and intricate crop circle. We're all amazed and wonder at how it came to be. It literally appeared, not over night, but over a few minutes. One moment we were looking over at the large field where there was no crop circle. Turned our attention elsewhere for a few moments. Turned back, and there, was the crop circle. Huge and intricate.

Then a group of skeptics come along. They're loud and arguing and demand that we listen to them. The crop circle is a fake! They shout at us. And to prove it was a fake made by man to fool us, they throw little pods of dirt on the crop circle. These pods, the debunkers smugly tell us, contain a chemical that "exposes" the fakery, and bright yellow squares will show up within the crop circle. The yellow squares are proof the circle is a fake.  So they thrown the pods on the circle, and stand back, big stupid grins on their faces, waiting for the proof that will reveal how fake the crop circle is.
We wait and watch. At first, the yellow squares begin to pop up. The debunkers are overcome with joy. Ha! they say. But a few moments later, the yellow turns red, then other colors, then "over rides" the crop circle. In other words, the "proof" the skeptics  have shown us hasn't proved a thing. In fact, the "real" crop circle takes over, obliterating the debunker pods. 
The skeptics are mad and embarrassed. Most of all, they're baffled. Confused. They can't understand that the crop circles are real and have an as yet unexplained source that transcends prosaic explanations.

So I'm in bed, awake, savoring this dream and remembering it so I can write it in my journal. At the moment I get to the crop circle image and memory, I hear a loud, single, and very specific "beep" inside my head. It was so vivid, loud and not a "normal" sound (to be heard inside the head) that I sort of jumped. It was a definite mechanical sound.

I've had this beeping sound before, usually in the morning, when I'm awake, but still in bed. And in connection with ... anomalous things.

What this means, no idea. But as I've written before about this, and others as well, (like Daily Grail's and Dark lore journal's Greg Taylor) this beeping could be what we hear of the source of these manifestations that are of a metaphysical nature.

Previous posts:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Penguin Moons and the Dreaming Mind

I am fascinated by the way our dreaming minds work, and the dream realm as another reality. A parallel universe? I've often thought, in context of story writing, how dreams function, the whys, the whats... and, what happens to the essence, the memory, of a dream once the dreamer has awakened? The memory of the dream still exists in the mind of the dreamer, but, only what was remembered. What of those dreams not remembered by the dreamer, yet, dreamt? Do they still exist? Do they continue on their own? The recurring themes and landscapes -- are they on simply on hold and non-existent until the dreamer returns to them. Or do they live on with their own lives, and the dreamer has merely visited, returned to in sleep?

I have many "stage sets" or landscapes that remain constant in my dreaming life. They may change slightly but overall remain the same. I have plots or themes that recur as well. Are these living, breathing stories active whether or not I am present, or do they only activate when I dream them?

Some dreams are surreal, some are pedestrian, some are scary, and so on. Some are spiritual and astral and of a most emphatically transcendent level that goes beyond "mere" dreaming. Some are visitations by others, as in the death of both human and non-human animal who have come tell me something. Some are announcements of things to come.

And some are simply silly yet nagging and bizarre. Like the "message" I had waking up this morning. I was just waking up coming out of sleep, and the last thought I had, distinct, specific, was "Penguin moons." What the hell are "penguin moons?" I have no idea. As far as I remember, I had no such dream of moons, penguins, birds, planets... no watching of TV or movies with penguins or even wildlife of any kind. Penguin moons, can't get it out of my mind. All day my mind has returned to those two words: penguin moons. At least I could point to something esoteric, something UFO-ish, paranormal or mystic if it had been owls. Particularly in the context of moons. Owls, now that's a symbol we can get behind. Penguins? On the moon? Or penguins that look like moons? Just downright silly.

So I searched for "penguin moon" and found this link on Wikipedia: Penguins on the Moon is the title of a Sack Trick album. Not familiar, but they're "classic" according to those who know.  There is the children's book Penguin Moon by Annie Mitra:
Penguin longs to talk to the moon but the moon remains silent. Through the five wishes of the giant starfish and with the help of friends, he is lifted up to the moon and learns that the moon has always answered but was just too far away to be heard. Penguin follows a long tradition of characters who have sought to befriend the moon in this tale told in the folktale style. (
Which sounds charming but I'm not familiar with the book. Something about the motif of penguin/moon intrigues, since it comes up in various ways. . .

Thursday, August 4, 2011

(Update) "Break on Through to the Other Side, Break on Through...": OOBE Jokers

I've written before how, the older I get, the harder it is for me to go all the way with my OOBEs. I'll start to go out, all the usual preliminary stuff happens -- rushing, roaring, clanging, bells, music, chimes, static radio voices -- and then, everything stops, and I'm suspended in an almost motionless, slowly bobbing place where I'm not moving forward. I find this extremely frustrating and no matter how hard I work on this I can't get past this stuck place and move ahead.

(I wonder if this has any connection to UFO experiences. As a child, I'd leave my body all the time, I looked forward to it. These were related to UFO sightings and "alien" encounters. This continued on throughout my teens and as an adult, but I've noticed the past decade or so at least, the OOBEs are less frequent, and rarely successful. This stuck feeling: like I'm inside an elevator that is going up at an incredible speed, then, without warning, it just stops, getting stuck in between floors.)

This morning I had an OOBE, or, rather, apparently I was trying to have one. With a twist as well. I was awake but drowsy; could hear Jim moving around in the kitchen. The I heard the phone ring, but deep inside my head. It was our phone's distinct ring. I remember thinking "Oh, damn, hope it's not so and so calling about ..." something Jim had to do. It only rang once and I thought "Guess they hung up before Jim could get to it." Immediately after that I started that rushing feeling where I was leaving my body. I was very excited about this, and went with it. All the sounds came along, especially the radio sounds. In fact, I wondered if we hadn't left the radio in the bedroom on, because I could hear it so distinctly, voices, a bit of static but clear enough. I could make out what they were saying: two men talking, I could hear the words but I don't remember what.  Then it started to sound like someone was rapidly changing the dial, looking for a station. Meanwhile, I'm still rushing, leaving my body. Then things started to slow down. Damn!

There I was, bobbing slowly on the ethereal plane, listening to the astral radio. Which was playing the Doors "Break on Through." I had a lucid moment where I thought how funny that was. Clearly, my higher self and/or spirit guides were playing with me: the distinct telephone ring ("Hello? We're calling!", the Doors song) but yet, I couldn't get past the stuck place. I even imagined myself sitting up, in order to move my spirit body along, as well as jump up and down, which helped a bit. But I was quickly losing altitude, as it were, and came back. Now I was fully awake -- Damn it! -- and never could get it back.

Updated: After I had posted this, watching the recent episode of Alphas that we'd recorded, and The Doors People Are Strange is the lead-in music in the first segment...not super-synchronicity, after all, wasn't the same song, but thought it was a bit interesting...

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Dream Academy" Synchronicity and the subconscious

Readers of The Orange Orb know that I post many of my UFO related dreams here. To my surprise, those posts receive a lot of comments and emails. I acknowledge I post those dreams here as a way of trying to discover . . . something . . . about my experiences. My own, free, little therapy blog. But others find something in these posts, as I do in the posts of others who write about their dreams, and other  vague, surreal moments. Mike Clelland's blog, hidden experience, Anya is a Channel, The Secret Sun, among others, discuss dreams, symbols, images as a language connected with the esoteric.  As individual and often just weird these dreams, experiences, or interpretations of seemingly mundane events are, these shared personal landscapes resonate, and often we find bits of synchronicity as well.

This morning, checking one of my favorite Fortean news sites, The Daily Grail, I find the following link: Dream Academy: Secrets of the subconscious unlocked. The article is a bit of a fluff piece and feels the need to add in the skeptic's  admonishments:

Louise Chunn, the editor of Psychologies magazine, said she could imagine dream groups taking off, in much the same way that "today's narcissistic society" is addicted to talking about itself on Twitter. "I can imagine talking about your dreams becoming a trend in the way that people photograph their food. Is this just another way to validate ourselves?" She warned that the upshot could be to leave those with less exciting dreams feeling inadequate.

Some psychologists and psychiatrists worry that dream groups might cause harm if the distressing emotions turned up by the subconscious mind are mistreated. Patrick McNamara, associate professor of neurology and psychiatry at Boston University and author of Nightmares: The Science and Solution of Those Frightening Visions During Sleep, believes that dreams shouldn't be shared with anyone who lacks due regard for their complexity.
But the point of the article is that in the UK, dream groups are popular, and individuals are finding that discussing their dreams in groups is very helpful for them. In some cultures, discussing your dreams is not considered woo or "narcissistic" it just is, an important part of the daily routine.

Not all my dreams are UFO related. I have all kinds of dreams: dreams about obvious anxieties or issues about work, daily life, stress related dreams, weird dreams because I ate too much or not feeling well, fun dreams, silly dreams. When it comes to the UFO dreams, there is the question of intepretation, meaning. Are the dreams somewhat literal, something UFO related trying to get through, or are the symbols and scenarios stand-ins for something else? 
An example: I have a recurring dream that I find myself driving, usually alone, on a narrow, one lane bridge across the ocean. I just find myself in the middle of nowhere, all I can see is water on either side of me, in front of and behind me. The water comes up to the sides of the bridge, very scary. The bridge only has a small and frail rail on either side. It doesn't seem to have any purpose. It wouldn't stop a car from going off the bridge. I'm scared out of my mind because one slip and I'm in this water.  It's all so weird and scary: just one long narrow road on top of the water with no end in sight, no turn around, no signs, nothing.

I've had this dream for years, and still have it. Had one the other night in fact. What completely unglued me a few years ago was, I found myself on this very road! I was completely lost in Portalnd, no idea at all where I was, or going . . . I have no idea how I ended up on this road but there I was, on a narrow road with water all around, no signs, no turn around, no idea where I was going. None of that had to do with UFOs. Just a weird bit of synchronicity. 

Memory is a strange thing. Why do we remember vivid small scenes from childhood, the rest fallen away? What was it about that moment, that's stayed with us for decades, while others seem to leave? And what of the rare "scenes" where you remember, but not sure if it happened? 

image: Henry Fuseli: Nightmare (The Incubus)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nahu, Age, and My Green Electric Self

My friend (I like to think of him as such) has two very good posts on his blog; one on the self talk some of us do to ourselves about age (and something I’ve been doing since I turned 50, three years later, still doing it) and the other on THE NATURE OF MAYA AND THE BIO-HOLOGRAM

As some readers might know, my recent article for UFO Magazine was about Nahu. When I had my ‘Green Electric’ experience, I e-mailed Nahu, asking him if he would mind sharing his insights into my electrical green episode. He very graciously did so, and this is what he had to say:
Hi Regan:

Great article based on our interview this Spring. Thanks so much. You seemed to pinpoint some very important aspects. I feel it will help immensely to disseminate some of new ideas about the phenomena often referred to as UFOs.

Obviously, you do understand some central features of your experience 1) That it was premonitory of entering the OOBe state 2) It did indicate some deep fears and primal reactions 3) It contained elements of paranormal activity 4) Indicated an encounter with archetypal and mythic symbols.

Notes: As you may know, in my book I describe "buzzing" or electrical noises which is essentially synonymous with 'clicking, whirrings, beepings. All elements also associated with an intra-dimensional encounter or a UFO. The fact that you related it to electrical acupuncture devices, in fact, is quite accurate, because these meridians or centers release blocked chi or psychic energy, bio-force, if you were,
in the system.


I believe you were approaching an altered state that at some deeper level of your emotional self, you were not psychologically prepared for--therefore, you resisted it, thus turning it into somewhat of a bizarre, or 'nightmarish' experience. Which suggests to me that you want to experience and develop your extra-sensory connection to the hologram, but must work through some buried levels encompassing past ideas and experiences.

You had indeed "plugged" yourself into an outlet of sorts, since your kundalini was activated to some degree and you were expanding, i.e., opening up to a deeper communication with Holoversal energies. If you refer to my book on 134 Officer Delgado experienced a similar green light as did Herb Schirmer on page 147, and there are other references to eerie green lights and its associations with the spirit realm, or fairy realm as some might say. At such a stage of altered consciousness you are somewhere between the physical and non-physical just short of an OOBe.

You aren't far off when you almost intuitively analyzed your own condition by stating, "it might be blocked chakras" because I feel that you are blocked in the Manipura chakra or solar plexus area. Perhaps you are receiving some healing in the intestinal tract, and I feel the need to suggest to you have a colon cleanse. Some vulnerability at this time in relationships and stress factors can also activate the chakra. Green is also the color associated with healing as well as the presence of intra-dimensional visitors, so I am sure--though you have deep fears of potential illness, they were there to heal and attend you.

I hope these sharing's are helpful.

Blessed be~

I must say, Nahu’s insights are very “right on.” Thank you, Nahu.

And, aside from the negative talk I do inside my head about things like age, etc. that includes my apologizing for the so-called “New Agey” side of me. So what. I have all kind of sides to me, including that one. It’s a good thing. I’m also fairly grounded and as long as I don’t get all dippy and dewy, (hell, even if I did) who’s to say, and who’s to care? Am I more concerned with what others may think, or with what I have to give, and what I want to receive? If I don’t have the eggs to own something, yet use it anyway, then I remain conflicted and stuck.

This kind of stuff drives a lot of UFO researchers rabid with exasperation, but I’m not responsible for that. I am responsible for being true to myself, telling the truth, and being forthright. And if sometimes I go the way of the purple path (just made that up but I like it) that’s the way it goes.

(image source: Chakra Green: