Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2023

I'm Still Here But . . .

 I'm still here, and still care. But I am having health issues; won't go into details but it involves chemo. I am optimistic and the prognosis is good. But I will probably not be posting much on this blog or any of my other blogs. Then again, I could spew forth rants about UFO/UAP Pentagon nonsense if I get bored. 

Anyway, everyone out there in Saucer Land keep looking up.

Oh, and read this post by Jeremy Vaeni. I was going to say the same thing. Except not nearly as eloquently as he did. 

Monday, February 28, 2022

Second Hypnosis Session: Not, and, Remote Viewing

 I decided to not continue with they hypnosis. Possibly, in the future, if I find someone really deep into this realm, I might, but for now, nope. While it was an interesting experience, and, nothing to lose, it didn't reveal anything. On some level, possibly. But in a literal level, no. And right now, despite the poetic/metaphoric/symbolic part, I wanted a deeper, more "real", literal, answer.

Nothing against the person who guided me on the journey. Person seemed very genuine and was nice. And mostly, did not think at all I was out of mind. 

Still, we need more. 

I'm wondering if remote viewing would work. Remote viewing  missing time. My own, or Jim's. Would my own remote viewing of my experience only be the same as the "hypnosis?" Or should I remote view Jim's, and he, mine? I don't know. Advice here is gratefully appreciated.

So for now, back to trying to work it all out via art, remote viewing, dreams...back to the drawing board.

Does it matter? Depends on what context you choose to frame all this in. In UFO Land, it matters. In context of Covid Hell, and Putin's horrific invasion of Ukraine, it don't mean shit. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The USSR Cause for Roswell? - Muddled Disclosures

Supposedly. Could be. In UFO World, anything is possible. Journalist Annie Jacobsen, author of Area 51, acknowledges there's definitely insidious and strange events going on in Area 51 and the UFO realm generally, but it's not aliens. (No, it could never be aliens.) Jacobsen and her book is currently making the mainstream circuit, including a recent appearance on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. I knew before she came on that Stewart, who I adore, would mock any hint of alien/UFO reality, since it seems to be an affliction of the majority of the liberal-left-hip to sneer at fringe subjects. He didn't disappoint.

Jacobsen's contention is that yes, weirdness abounds but it's not aliens. It's the USSR and Nazi experiments behind the Roswell crash. And so much more, but all of these strange events have been orchestrated by humans. ET has nothing to do it, nor cryptids or vortexes or magick or anything other than human Dr. Evils.

Jacobsen has interesting ideas about what on, but there's no proof. As is admitted by everyone, but that seems to be all right, for Jacobsen is a legitimate journalist and not some tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist:
Still, lack of proof hasn't exactly stopped the book from sparking speculation on the media circuit and on the Web. In the last day, Yahoo! searches skyrocketed 3,000 percent for "area 51 book." And the tome is penned not by a crackpot conspirator, but a respected journalist.
I'm impatient and cynical with this distracting crap, because it's muddled disinfo. (Which is probably an oxymoron.) Jacobsen's story gets attention, while all the other UFO stories, including abduction stories sans Nazi bastards-Dr. Evils-government experiments, continue to go utterly ignored, utterly mocked. Meanwhile, journalists, writers, researchers, scientists -- those "respected journalists" and the like --  who know nothing of the esoteric world yet decide to take a swim in the sparkling waters for a look-see are blind to what they consider nonsense. They come out with one small bit, show it off as the latest in theory, and happily go back to their rational worlds. Everyone thinks something groovy-weird has just been revealed, and all has been solved: including the "nonsense" of UFOs. Because, as has just been proven, no such things exist. It was really Russia, or Nazis, or ...

We're not done yet. The fact is, there very well could be some truth to these theories. Nick Redfern's book Bodysnatchers in the Desert  brought explored the idea of human experiments and manipulations as the cause for Roswell. MILABS are a very real possibility, and some UFO witnesses and researchers have been writing about this for a long time. Ironically, among UFO researchers, the MILAB "conspiracy" doesn't get much attention.

It's not that Jacobsen's story couldn't be true, or, some of it could be's that once again, our attention from the reality of the UFO phenomena is trivialized and further pushed out to the edges. UFOs, the mainstream continues to insist, are entertaining and fun funny, but they're not real.

If Jacobsen's contentions somehow prove to be valid, (and/or Redfern's, etc.) that is horrifying, and the world needs to know. But what will happen in that event is that the many will accept that as the explanation for all of "it." Once again, we go back to clean dichotomies, something both the mainstream and many within UFOlgy are guilty of enacting.  It has to be this theory or that theory,  it's all aliens or it's all human psychopaths.

As I said, I'm impatient with this mainstream UFO denying stuff, but Nick Redfern has a calmer take on Jacobsen's book, giving us a bit of  background and data that is helpful, even if it does push us further down the rabbit hole. (Once you've fallen in, you just keep falling...:) You can read his review here.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

That Blue Spiral, and More Woman in Red Synchronicity

Many thanks to red pill junkie, who left a comment with the following link on my blog UFO Mary. The link rpj refers to is this:
Norweigan Sky Spiral-- Explained As HAARP/Project Bluebeam Demo at the Towards a New World blog. An excellent piece that includes links to articles that clearly show why the blue spiral in Norway was not a failed missile launch.

HAARP and Project Blue Beam, and in context of other weirdness in the world around the same time, like the BVM's appearance in Egypt, really, a big "duh."

Adding to the Fortean strangeness; I've been writing about the woman in the red hood and synchronicities with that and here's another one; when I went to the New World blog, the image on the left, of the blog's owner Lucretia Heart is a lovely picture of what I assume is her, all in red!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bill Birnes: Berlin

Bill Birnes, of UFO Hunters, has a beautiful and moving piece (it made me cry)about the show in Germany for the upcoming "Nazi" UFO episode, on the UFO Magazine's blog

Monday, February 18, 2008

Wales Seeing More UFOs?

And is it because of Torchwood?

Two things I need to remind myself of: there is no X-Files, not really, and David Duchovny is an actor, not Spooky Mulder. Not really. There is no Torchwood, not really, and there is no such person as handsome sexy Captain Jack in his black trenchcoat. It’s all pretend. Pretend. TV. These are two of my all time favorite TV shows; fictional shows.

So, this article asks if the popularity of Torchwood isn’t responsible for people seein more UFOs lately:
“Torchwood could well have brought an increase in the number of people looking at the skies rather than their feet when they are coming out of the pub.”

says Dr David Clarke,who wrote Flying Saucerers, A Social History of UFOlogy. I haven’t read the book, and don’t know the slant, but from his comment it seems like he’s being fair. (He also acknowledges Wales is a UFO hot spot.) If you look UP, you’ll see things. I know that, Alfred Lehmberg knows that (see his current article in UFO Magazine) Lesley knows that; all kinds of people know that. Try it.

I do take exception to Dr. Clarke’s opinion about the government’s innocence in such things:
He warned against conspiracy theories that accused the government of covering up alien landings, adding: “The idea that the government has a Men in Black department and they send out Captain Jack or whoever... it doesn’t happen.”

Okay, so maybe there isn’t a Captain Jack in a trenchcoat being all sexy assertive and commanding (and yet oh so vulnerable, the poor immortal dear) and jumping in and out of black SUVs, but come on, to suggest the government (theirs, ours, . . .) is content to let it all go by is naive.

X-Files, while fictional, did a lot to nudge us towards seeking out these areas. Torchwood seems to be doing the same. Shows like this are popular for a reason, and there are all kinds of people with all kinds of theoires on why this is so. Briefly, the theories range from "people are lonely geeks who need to fill a void with something magical" to "people are paranoid due to our ever increasing technological, post WWII world" to "Because they're here, damnit! Haven't you been looking up? And around?! Haven't you been looking?!" I go for that last one.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Speaking of Global Warming

No, this doesn't have anything to do with UFOs. Or, does it? It could. Make your own connections. I suppose we could say there's a connection in the sense of Pelicanist behavior; the leaders that be continue to ignore, cover-up and disseminate disinfo about both UFOs and global warming.

Alfred Lehmberg, on his blog Alien Views, has a recent piece about this: Slow Death.

Dustin, on his Odd Things blog, has a recent piece on global warming.

If you haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth yet, why not, and, see it.

The war, er, occupation, is horrific, and so are dozens of other issues; poverty, child abuse, animal abuse, etc. And while global warming may seem boring, daunting, overwhelming, and not sexy enough, the reality is this: if we don't focus on this and fix it (and being as how we're the biggest contributor to the problem, with the least amount of responsibility) we won't be around to worry about the other issues.