Showing posts with label Trickster's Realm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trickster's Realm. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2015

UFO Themed Dreams and Memory

Rosemary Ellen Guiley was the guest on last night's episode of Coast to Coast. The topic: dreams. Host Noory asked Guiley why it is that we don't remember dreams. (We may remember dreams a day or two later, but not over time, certainly not years.) Guiley said that dreams are in the "short term memory" part of the brain. (Realize I'm paraphrasing here and working from memory.) She explained that, unless something very intense and important happened at the time of the dream, trying to remember it, if trauma happened, then the dream would be remembered. 

Salvidor Dali, Persistence of Memory

So, that had me thinking. The dreams that I remember involved UFOs and or entities. The "Patio Alien" that I've written about here in the past happened a good fifty-five years ago. Yet I remember that "dream" to this day. And, in fact, I have only called it a dream because, what else could it have been? 

The second was a dream -- the Geisha Woman-Alien "dream" -- but, the question is, based on what? Why does that dream out of the thousands of dreams stand out? Was the dream a cover memory dream of an actual event? (In that dream, I am inside a domed spaceship out in space. The walls are glass. I sit across from a very tall, chalky white alien with the big eyes, but she is wearing a black "geisha" style wig. She is one cold detached being. I am angry, furious, that she will not let me go, and will not let me see my husband, who is somewhere on this ship.)

Speaking of this second dream/memory, I had this dream in the same time frame and location as our missing time episode. I've written about both many times. I asked Jim, who was present during the missing time episode, if he remembers if I had this Geisha Woman-Alien dream before or after the missing time. Neither one of us remembers. What is for certain though, is that the dream did happen during this phase.

There is also my eagle "dream" from when I was about four. Again, I remember this in vivid detail and emotion, and have to put it in the category of "dream" because, once again, how could it literally be? (A few nights ago I had a weird experience regarding this eagle presence, which I posted about at my Mothman blog.)

And of course, there are the dancing invisible aliens that came to visit me during my childhood. All "dreams" and yet . . . they remain, in vivid detail, stand-out episodes of my life. Why those and not others?

Finally, Jim remembers a "dream" he had when he was a child that haunts him to this day. He calls it his "Popcorn UFO" dream.  An excerpt from an article I wrote for Tim Binnall's site a few years ago:

When he was ten years old, he said he had what he calls the “pop corn machine dream.” He was living in Hawthorne, California, at the time. Back then the area was almost out in the sticks, no sidewalks, brush, tumbleweeds. He woke up -- or, as he put it, he dreamt he woke up -- to see a craft outside his window. He went on board, where he saw a machine that “smelled like popcorn, and it reminded me of one of those popcorn machines.”  
“I knew they were aliens, and they weren’t good. Over my life, of all the dreams I’ve had about aliens, they’ve never been good in any of them. They’ve been all about bad, or Trickster at best.” (To this day he talks about how he hated living out there, moving from the Hollywood area to live in the middle of nowhere. 
This could probably be chalked up to being a kid, and suddenly uprooted from friends and school. But I wonder if some of this intense dislike has something to do with his “alien” experiences.) 
I told him I rarely see aliens in my dreams. (But then I immediately remembered my “Geisha Woman” dream of the tall female gray being; where I found myself on board, sitting across a tall “gray” female with black hair.) He said “I have. They’re usually human looking, but alien nonetheless. I just know they’re aliens. I don't’ think I’ve ever had gray aliens, specifically, but I have had insectoid aliens, giant preying mantis kind of things.” (When he said that, I almost fell out of the chair!) 
He continued: “You never see them completely, but more like parts of them, and they appear in parts, revealing themselves slowly. I never see the whole thing.”
“Do you still have alien dreams?” I asked him.
“Yeah, occasionally.”
“I don’t have bad dreams or scary dreams that often, but when I do, they’re about aliens. Whatever it is I’ve been seeing all my life, it hasn’t been good,” he said again. (Regan Lee, July 2007,  Trickster's Realm at Binnall of America.)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

More Trent Circus Theater

The blog that I won't link to but everyone knows what I mean -- you know, those verbose guys who love to perform UFO street theater (albeit on-line, and in their blogs) -- have another post on the world famous 1950 Trent UFO sighting. (Yamhill County, McMinnville, Oregon.) This time the theory is the Trent UFO photographed was not a UFO, but a side mirror from a Ford. I can't stand it. (Comments are definitely worth reading.)

Related link:
Trent Trickster Three

Sunday, June 8, 2014

McMinnville And Floating Cows: When Is A School Bus Not a School Bus?

     How's that for an opening title?
     There is much that precedes this dream which I'll write about soon, involving a woman I've known for more than twenty years whose immediate family has had -- and continues to have -- UFO and alien/entity experiences. Her experiences go back to her childhood. We met yesterday to talk about these things, and more, and the visit was chock full of synchronicity, among other things.
     Last night I had the following dream:
     I'm a block or so from work; school hasn't started yet, kids are on their way, walking towards the school. I see the principal a few yards away, we say hello. I'm saying hi to the kids when suddenly, I feel ill. I am really sick! I want to go home but don't think I can because I took Friday off (my personal day) and it would look suspicious to everyone if I also took Monday off. How convenient, she's sick, humpf! kind of thing. But really, I am sick. I'm debating what to do when I see one of our substitutes. I ask her if she's able to sub for me, she says sure. I explain what others might think but it's too bad; she says "I can tell you're not feeling well, don't worry about it."
     So instead of walking home or calling my husband to pick me up, I walk over to the bus to take the bus home. Taking a bus isn't something I'd normally do. The bus is a city bus -- public transit -- but it's a yellow school bus. We all know it's not a school bus but a public bus.
    I get on, ask the female driver if the bus goes to "11th and Chambers" she says "I think so." I think to myself "You think so? What kind of bus driver are you?" but I'm feeling ill so I just get on. It's not far, how could the bus not go to there?
     I ask about the fare; she tells me it's seventy-five cents. I put a dollar in expecting change. She tells me there is no change; they're not set up for that. So my fare is a dollar. Fine, I shrug, and sit down, right by the door and behind her.
     Instead of the bus turning and going in the direction of my house,  we're going down a street I didn't know existed. Now, this is one of my dreamscapes -- an alley like place, except to the west, is the ocean! A narrow street or alley like road, small houses on one side, a low stone wall that's falling apart, and the ocean! Often times the ocean spills over and there is water on the road.
     I panic a little; where are we going?! The driver goes by a familiar corner and I assume she is going to turn down and go around, back to my house, but instead she gets on the freeway! I see a sign right away: McMinnville, and within ten minutes, we're there. In reality, McMinnville is about an hour and a half from where I live.
We drive through McMinnville. The streets are flooded, the bus can barely make it, it's floating on water like a houseboat. We pass by a street with a small bridge overhead -- lots of stone and tile, all different colors. There are huge cows floating in the water. Some cows are pink and green. They're having fun but some are a little scared. Some try to scramble up the walls but slip. There are a few people there in the water as well.
     All this water and the cows seem normal. McMinnville in the dream is quaint and full of old timey buildings and colorful lights. Lots of hills with buildings perched askew.
     While I'm fascinated that this is a short cut to McMinnville, I am also scared because of the water, the cows, and I'm still lost. All I want to do is get home.

     McMinnville of course is the home of the world famous May 11,1950 UFO sighting of Paul and Evelyn Trent. Paul Trent took two photos of the flying saucer that appeared over his farm.  To this day the sighting remains a mystery; despite the antics of UFO debunkers, it has not been proven to be a hoax. The annual McMinnville UFO Festival, held in May, is in memory of that famous sighting. (Google Trent UFO and you'll find plenty -- here's something I wrote some time ago for Tim Binnall on the attempts of some in the UFO Theater to further confuse things: The Trent Trickster Three.)

Dream Moods: Your Dream Symbol Interpretation: Bus To dream that you are waiting for a bus indicates a temporary setback in achieving your personal goals. If you miss the bus, then it indicates that an aspect of your life is out of control. You need to slow down and map out a new plan. If you get on the wrong bus, then the dream indicates your fears of making the wrong choice and going on the wrong path. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you. To dream that you are riding a bus implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking. To dream that you are in a bus accident suggests that it is time for you to move away from a group setting and venture out on your own. You need to be more independent. To dream that a bus is driven into water refers to an emotional journey that involves several people. To dream that you are paying a bus fare refers to the price you are paying in order to please others. ~ Dream Moods


Monday, February 13, 2012

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Federal Court Rules Against "Filmaker," For Raelians

Glad to see that would be documentarians Abdulluah Hashem and Joseph McGowen's were found guilty of lying about the Raelians. I've been following this story since 2005 and have written about it through the years. Hashem had an agenda based on his own religious (and political) fanaticism that rivaled the Raelians for sure.My new Trickster's Realm column for Binnall of America, on the court's ruling and the agendas of Abdulluah Hashem and Joseph McGowen, will be up sometime today. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Trickster's Realm: "Twilight Language: Cold War Inklings?"

My new Trickster's Realm is up at Binnall of America: Twilight Language: Cold War Inklings?" about the numerous Russian connections popping up in the culture stream.
Politics and entertainment (I know, what's the difference) merged when Vice President Joe Biden appeared on the Jay Leno show. Biden joined Leno in a comedy sketch and later, they discussed the busted Russian spy ring. Leno showed a photo of one of the alleged spies, Anna Chapman, who's been described as "sultry" by every talking head and newspaper it seems. Leno showed a photo of alleged spy Chapman and asked: "Do we have any spies that hot?" to which Biden, a frustrated comedian, said: "Let me be clear. It was not my idea to send her back." 
One element I could have added but didn't think of: the new movie SALT, with Angelina Jolie. I haven't seen the movie but here is another example of a "sultry" sexy female spy and a Russian connection. Is Jolie's character a good spy or a bad (Russian) spy?

Things are not what they seem in these culture episodes; politicians as thwarted comedians, Russian spies as citizens, Russian lovers/actresses/entertainers, betrayals, non-Russians appearing as Russians . . . is the culture missing the Cold War?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Red Bluejay: Birds and Omens

I'm standing inside a grove of trees. It's daytime. A woman is with me; she's tall, possibly in her mid to late thirties, long white hair, dressed in a long white gown, with gold trim. She's slightly pale; not unhealthy, just a white cast to her skin. She lives here, or knows all about this place, and is my guide to this place. Not many are allowed to come here, or know about this place. I don't know why I'm here exactly, or how I got here, but here I am.

I'm in the middle of the grove, the woman is behind me, slightly to my left. A blue jay appears and flies, in circles, around me, faster and faster. I am excited and surprised at both the appearance of the blue jay, as well as its behavior. The blue jay looks exactly like a blue jay, except that it's red. I call out "Look, look at that! The blue jay is red, it's red!" almost like a child would exclaim. The bird keeps flying around me, in a perfect circle, faster and faster. Now I'm feeling a little alarmed; this is strange behavior for any bird.

The woman tells me to stand still, and watch. And wait. 

The red blue jay keeps flying faster, ever faster, in a circle around me. Then it changes into a hummingbird. I call out, again almost like a child:  "It's a hummingbird, a hummingbird! It turned into a hummingbird!" The woman tells me to look closer, and I realize it's not a hummingbird, it's not a bird of any kind, it's an orb.

A small reddish-brown orb, a solid object, a definite machine of some kind. The orb keeps moving around me, ever faster, in a circle, as I stand there. The woman sternly tells me to stay there and watch. What I'm about to see is very important, she tells me, and I'm here for a reason.

And unfortunately, that's when I wake up.

I had this dream the night I posted this item about Colin Andrews news about an orb and crop circles. The next day I received an email from Colin Andrews. And found  that Nick Redfern had a moving post about his recent experiences with birds: Dead Birds, on There's Something in the Woods.

A few days ago I experienced bird synchronicities. We were driving out Lorane Highway on our way to "The House of Mystery," Oregon's vortex in Gold Hill (a place known for being a UFO hot spot of sorts, and home to some abduction accounts, one which I wrote about here.) The night before, I had a persistent uncomfortable feeling about driving out there. As much as I wanted to see the place, I just didn't feel right about going out there. I woke up bitchy and grumpy and told Jim if he didn't want to go it was all right. He said it was fine. As we were driving, we saw vultures on the side of the road. Not unusual to see vultures but we don't often see them right on the side of the road like that, just standing there. Suddenly, just as we drive by, one swoops up into the air, a long snake dangling from its claws.  We both thought that was odd, and kept driving.

I told Jim again that we didn't have to go; this time he said he didn't want to go either. By this time we were on the interstate; too far to turn back for nothing, yet, didn't want to go. He told me he couldn't explain it but had the same feeling. He didn't say anything because he didn't want to influence me, and knew I wanted to go. I assured him I couldn't explain it but had a bad feeling about going. We happily agreed to go to Wildlife Safari instead and had a great time.

On the way back, traveling again on Lorane Highway, we saw more vultures  standing right on the side of the road, several miles from where we saw the first vultures. We commented on how odd this was, then noticed the vulture was standing on top of a dead deer.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Venus Contactee Update

I stumbled on a bit more about Omnec Onec: The case of Omnec Onec, an alleged 'Venusian'. Other Venusian contactees, Venusians, and "walk ins" are mentioned, including Val, or Valiant, Thor.

Omnec came to earth in 1955 from Venus, specifically:
in a town called Teutonia (a city whose name reflects earlier Venus-Earth contacts that included a trip to Venus by a German scientist). She alleges that she lived on an astral plane -- without a physical body -- until she was instructed by her leaders to travel to Earth with a message of peace and brotherhood.
Like many of the Contactees, the 1950s seemed to be the decade. However, as researchers have pointed out, including Nick Redfern (Contactees: A History of Alien-human Interaction) there are plenty of contactees, (reffered to as "hidden contactees")in the world right now; they haven't gone away with the ending of the '50s.
The first International UFO Congress convened in Tucson, Arizona, in November 1991, in the presence of presenters Valery Uvarov and Marina Popovich from Russia; Irina Gracchi from Brazil; Anthony Dodd from England; and Omnec Onec from Venus. A standup survey of the 300-or-so attendees would attest to the fact that Omnec stood out from all other presenters.
I love the following description of Omnec at the conference: silver stilettos, "blood-red" polish:
Omnec had a very high IQ. She seemed to know a little bit about almost everything, and could carry on a conversation with anyone about anything. She also had a considerable degree of physical charm: Maybe it was the Chicago accent combined with blood-red nail polish, combined with spiked silver heels - which collectively upstaged her alien intelligence, like the floating vixen in a magic show.
Continuing the Contactee/Venusian theme, here's a clip of researcher Greg Bishop (UFO Mystic blog, author of Project Beta,) speaking on the Contactee era at Gaint Rock, California.

Related items:
Women From Venus
Venusians, brought to you by Burlington UFO and Paranormal Research Center

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Around the Orb

Trickster's Realm: Bigfoot and the "Kill/No Kill" Controversery
My new Trickster's Realm will be up tomorrow on Binnall of America. In this TR, I comment on the "Kill/No Kill" debate concerning Bigfoot. I take issue with both cryptid researcher Ken Gerhard, as well as Tim Binnall, who both suppoort a kill. Tim, to his credit, is happy to publish my thoughts on this issue, even though we disagree.

That said, the interview with Ken Gerhard was great, very interesting. As I write in the article, I was surprised that Gerhard supports the "paranormal" Bigfoot theory.

White Bigfoot and High Strangeness: The Conser Lake Creature

More Bigfoot stuff: I post a section from my book The Ghost in Conser Lake on Frame 352. You can also read it on Nick Redfern's Crypto Squad USA and the Oregon section on the L.O.W.F.I. site.

Paratopia: The Trickster and the Paranormal; George P. Hansen Guest
This was another good interview with one of my favorite authors on esoterica, Fortean stuff; George P. Hansen, author of The Trickster and the Paranormal. I've been quoting him for years, and I'm working on something now that I'll put up later here on the Orb. You can listen to the interview here; look for "episode 8."

The Other Blogs
Check out Women Of Esoterica, there's good stuff from several writers over there to keep you busy.

Check out my published content!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BVM, e-books, the dangers of Bigfootry, esoteric women,

On UFO-Mary I have several new posts, including one on the Mexican edition of Playboy magazine, with it's Virgin Mary like model on the cover. Just in time for the pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

I've been experiencing a few synchroniciites related to the image of Mary, as well as Goddess energy in general. It's not surprising to find that when ones attention is really directed at something; UFOs, what have you, the synchronicities appear!

Chris Holly is a new contributor to Women Of Esoterica. Her first post is a ghost story; visit Women Of Esoterica and read Holly's, as well as entries by Kithra, Richelle Hawks, Lesley Gunter, Karyn Dolan, Farah Yurdozu, and myself.

Snarly Skepticism; also the unofficial JREF Watch, I just decided, has an entry on the dangers of Bigfoot research. Yes, dangers. The harm Bigfoot research, and just a "belief" in Bigfoot, must be told! Beware!

Usually my Trickster's Realm column for Binnall of America goes up on Monday, but recently things have been changed around a bit. So my column won't be up until Thursday. I write about the Darklore, Volume II that just came out. Speaking of, it'll make a great gift! You can find out about ordering information at or the Daily Grail site.

It's been snowy here, which I don't like. It's wet, it's cold, what's the point? Fortunately I don't have to go anywhere these days; I"m off for winter break for three weeks. So I'm cozy in my house, trying to work on various writing projects.

And speaking of writing projects, visit my storefront. I plan to have a few more things available -- some for free -- in a few days.

I was going to be on the X-Zone radio show but still sick with some cold/throat thing. I'm much better but my throat still hurts and I sound like a frog. I'm sure in a few days I'll be fine, and will post the date when I know more.

Read about juicy McMinnville UFO-gossip here!
Check out my published content!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Binnall of America News

Tim Binnall of Binnall of America (B0A) was recently interviewed by Karyn Dolan, on Karen's Through The Keyhole podcast. You can listen to it here. I'm happy to say that Karyn is also a contributor to Women Of Esoterica.

My Trickster's Realm column for Binnall of America should be up sometime Monday. This week's column is about Mothman and animals.

And last but definitely not least, the BOA season opener is an interview with Jim Marrs! It premired earlier tonight, but you can listen to it anytime, for free, here.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oh, Right, It's Sunday

Sunday again. Cooler weather and rainy but still it's unseasonably warm for October in Western Oregon. Trees are just now beginning to turn.

Well, what do we think of this story? UFOs photographed in thunderstorm reveals alien life! Red flags go up at the business/search engine tie-in on writer Ian Brokwell's part, plus the "aliens" inside the UFOs look very cartoon like. Then there's the copyright/no reproduction etc. notices plastered everywhere, and the costume advertising. On the other hand, the witness-photographer Christine Dickey is a field investigator for MUFON, has had her own past encounters, and an interesting history of hearing/feeling the urge to go out and look and there you go! UFOs. I've had that myself. We're also in a UFO flap and have been for awhile.

The response to this seems to be eerily quiet.

or no, doesn't matter. Hoaxes and distractions like this (assuming it is) are a part of Fortean and UFO events; just as much a part as the UFO itself. You can't have one without the other. Or, MILAB, Project Blue Beam type explanations could be the answer.

More on this later.

A very interesting piece from Katharina Wilson of Alien Jigsaw on abductee Linda Murphy and her encounter with unmarked helicopter. One thing I liked about the story was the investigation piece. There's more on Murphy's experiences on the Alien Jigsaw site as well.

It stinks the Torchwood people think it's dandy to make five episodes, to air in one week, for the third season. Stinks, I tell you! At least there'll be a third season, and the latest seems to be that the Captain Jack Harkness character will be returning.

Fringe is still good. Last episode had the greatest MIB character ever. Excellent.

Looking forward to Eleventh Hour, and My Own Worst Enemy with Christian Slater.

My Trickster's Realm column for Binnall of America is about two shows: Psych, and The Mentalist. And Lesley, for her Gray Matters column, wrote this week about Fringe. (she likes it too!)

The season ending for Eureka has Sheriff Carter fired by the military. Not clear on the legalities of military, corporations, and a city all being in bed together, but it's TV. Good show -- we all know Sheriff Carter will still be around, and most likely get his job back; the question is, how will it play out?


On Vintage U.F.O. I have some images of album covers with an outer space theme.

My article in this issue of UFO Magazine is about beeping again. It just came out that way; interesting how I've written so much about beeping sounds in relation to UFO and paranormal events. And every time I write an article about beeping, either creatures, such as Bigfoot, or beeping as in your head, I get a lot of emails from people with similar experiences.

There's more, much more, but I'm tired. Time for a nap. The aliens can just wait.

Check out my published content!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Around the Orb

Well, I like the new show The Fringe. I watched it again tonight with Jim, he liked it as well. I could have sworn there were some edited scenes; some bits that were not in the first showing, different cuts, etc. Nothing that affects the story line, very minor stuff. Either that or my brain is slipping. Speaking of slipping brains, the line is "Excellent! Let's make some LSD" (see post below.) Other shows I'm looking forward to: 24, Eleventh Hour, the one starring Christian Slater who has two minds, or two personalities, or something (Google wasn't much help) Torchwood,Eureka, Monster Quest, UFO Hunters, and I hate to admit it, Paranormal State -- I see a theme here.

Look for my new Trickster's Realm on Binnall of America sometime tomorrow. The article is about energy, disclosure and aliens and I ask: what connection?

Richard M. Dolan has a fascinating review of The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction by Laura Knight-Jadczyk,on UFO Digest, except, page 3 seems to be missing. Every time I click on it it takes me back to page 2. Anyone out there experience this? This is a book I must read, because of what Dolan has to say. He's one of the few researchers out there that I truly respect. Friedman is another, and of course there are others. I have a few qualms about Knight-Jadczyk in a political context, but that's another issue entirely, and because of Dolan's insights, I'm putting those aside and looking forward to reading her book.

Blogger has a new gadget; you can see who's "following" you, so of course I put that up on some of my blogs. I'll get around to having it up on all of them soon.

Happy Kudos to me; Vintage U.F.O. made it to the top 100 most interesting history blogs, of all things, and my blog Mothman Flutterings was recently a Red Orbit hot blog of the day.

And, I have a new blog. I couldn't help it, blame Sarah Palin, not me. Her blood lust and her perception of animals, which is dismal to say the least, inspired me. So visit the blog: tëme (an animal blog)

As always, there is so much interesting stuff out there about UFOs and the esoteric world it's impossible to keep up with them all or comment on them. But visit the links on my blogs, and that'll take you to other places, and then other places . . .

Despite what some stuffed UFO shirts think, it is all good, even the bad.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Orb Stuff: I'm Just a Nerdy UFO Buff After All . . .

Been wearing my UFOs are Real, Get Over It hooded sweatshirt lately; perfect warm and fuzzy cover to wear when going back and forth to the coast. I forget how geeky and nerdy it is; no wonder people are giving me those side glances, lol. (You can order the sweatshirt and other items at Binnall of America.)

Trickster's Realm will be up sometime tomorrow on Binnall of America. This one's about a Contactee, Dino Kraspedon, from Brazil.

And a new piece for UFO Digest should be up any day now; on Marian Apparitions (specifically, Medjurgorje) and UFOs.

I've been having Internet connection problems off and on for a few days; I think it's fixed now.

If anyone has been using my email, it's no longer valid. So contact me at

For now, that's about it. Oh, a plug for James Rich Studio, and his full gallery at

Check out my published content!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Late Sunday-Monday Orb

I've been without internet access for the past day or so, things are back to normal now.

A new piece at Women Of Esoterica by Danille Lee.

Lesley has a new Gray Matters up at Binnall of America.

Richelle and I will both have new pieces up at BOA as well this week; my Trickster's Realm on Monday (Labor Day) and Richelle's that Tuesday, I believe. She has a new column up right now.

By the way, it does seem like the world is in a UFO flap, doesn't it? Just FYI and generally speaking. . . been that way for awhile now, and doesn't seem to be slowing down.

Jim has new categories on the Yessy site, and offers prints of his work ranging from $20.00 for a color image on matte photo paper, to approximately $400.00 for a canvass print.

I've been having fun with widgets and made one for UFO Mary, and Vintage U.F.O., and Jim's blog.

Ranting about the air quality in Eugene. I know, I know, it may not be anything like Los Angeles, (although when I was down there last summer, it was much nicer than the air here; I did stay on the coast -Long Beach-Marina area, still, it was better air there than on field burning days and allergy laden days up here) and you can read those posts on my blog Trickster Northwest.

WHEN is Torchwood coming back? Still no news.

If you've noticed the bubble widget here it's a mistake; there's some glitch and I can't get blogger to take it off. It's an addicting game though!

I thought this was Fortean, for some reason: cows and magnetic north. I'll have to look out for that next time I take a drive.

Check out my published content!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Musings From The Orb

New post at Mothman Flutterings: Car Weirdness and Mothman Tuggings. It's a little strange, but then again, it is called Mothman Flutterings . . . also a new entry from me on UFO Magazine's site: Bissfull and Willfull, Apathy and Ignorance.

Jim has a new gallery/section on the Yessy site: his new Cosmic Series. Some very exciting things happening with all this activity surrounding his art, including UFO and paranormal stuff. More to come on that later . . . but I'm very excited about it!

The more I think on my own UFO experiences as well as the UFO phenomenon in general, the more I'm convinced it's all a huge mash of various things that boils down to esoterica indeed. . . and the people who are stuck on nuts and bolts or one or two cases or theories are just utterly missing so much. . . and the ones who sneer or even if politely, dismiss this side of UFOlogy for "giving UFO studies a bad name" and so on are, well, stupid but I wouldn't say that . . but so wrong ... and that sounds arrogantly self assured doesn't it?! . . . I know we're all of different temperment and come from different backgrounds and then there's our own political and relgiious biases and views that color our perceptions but if we agree that we have to go where the data takes us... dahlings! It's taking us right smack in the deep midst of some very crazy esoteric stuff! Let's get real and deal with it. . .

Still liking UFO Mary even though it's lonely there so please visit the blog. . .

Danille Lee is the newest contributor to WOE . . . Women Of Esoterica . . she's been posting very informative and detailed items on ghost hunting. . . this isn't the usual ghost hunting stuff either, her perspective is refreshing. . .

Looks like things will slow down a bit at Binnall of America while Tim is on vacation in California, so no new Trickster's Realm or any of the other great columns but be sure to take a look over there anyway so catch up on past columns and podcasts.

Loren Coleman has the IRS hasslsing him about his Crypto Musuem; they don't seem to get it... although Coleman's take on it is very polite and can make a contribution, no matter what amount, by clicking on the logo at the top of the blog here, or visiting his site CryptoMundo.

And while you're at it, if you're able to, donate a little something to places like The Black Vault, and The Daily Grail, or Book of Thoth, or any of the other great Fortean/paranormal and UFO sites that gives us news, articles and podcasts, for free, on a regular basis.

Visit my place on Associated Content/People's Media; this one actually pays, kind of, sort of, depending on the number of readers. I have two articles on the Trent, UFO event there. Click on the banner at the end of this post to get there.

Nick Redfern on Coast to Coast tonight! Awesome, what more can we say?

Check out my published content!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Appartions and UFOs and Control

The news that the Vatican will be, for the first time, officially investigating the apparitions at Medjugorje inspired this week's Trickster's Realm column for Binnall of America. It should be up sometime tomorrow, so look for it there.

Also be sure, as always, to read all the great columns, and listen -- for free! -- the podcasts Tim does with some amazing guests.

As to my article, on apparitions and UFOs, a book can be written on all the aspects. In fact, there have been several written! I just touch the surface of one . . .

Monday, April 21, 2008

Where Have I Been?

Sometimes I post every day, sometimes several times a day. Lately however I don't know where I've been. Around, just not here. And, for the first time ever, I missed a deadlne. Not only did I miss it, I forgot. Usually my Trickster's Realm column goes up on Monday, but not today. I . . . just . . . forgot.

I have been having fun with Mothman Flutterings. Also experiecing some strange things in relation to Mothman. Finished Colvin's Mothman's Photographer II and looking forward to his third volume, which should be out sometime this year, according to the blurb in his book.

Speaking of Tim Binnall (where Trickster's Realm appears) I'm listening to Adam Gorightly's interview with him right now. So far, great interview! I urge everyone to listen to it. I agree with Tim on his opinion that those who want to "clean up UFOlogy" need to knock it off.

And speaking of Adam Gorightly, there's a column in the current issue of Paranoia magazine written by Gorightly. It's all about Tuesday Weld and Hollywood and Druids. It's pretty fantastic; I wrote a little bit about it on Vintage U.F.O.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Random Things

Women Of Esoterica on Untamed Dimensions
Richelle Hawks and I were interviewed by Adam Gorightly the other night for his Untamed Dimensions podcast. It was fun. You can listen to it here.

Texas UFOs
I haven't commented too much on the Texas UFOs, what's there to say? Everyone else is saying it. I did comment a bit on it on my recent Trickster's Realm column for Tim Binnall's site.

Binnall of America
Speaking of Binnall of America, I wore my UFOs Are Real; Get Over It hoodie sweatshirt today. Nice and cozy for a cold rainy Oregon day. No one commented though; however, this is Eugene, so not surprising. You can order cool things like the sweatshirt at Binnall of America. If you do, you'll be supporting the site! (No, I don't get a damn penny from them!)

UFO and Fortean Entertainment
Glad Torchwood is back for its second season. I love that show!

I didn't see the Sci Fi UFO Hunters; did watch the other one on History channel though. I thought it was interesting, but my first thought was "where are the women?" and the program's getting some criticism. I haven't delved into that much but whatever they may have exaggerated, or whether or not the entire thing was a hoax (hmmmm...) there are some very suspicious connections concerning the entire case. Typical UFO Trickster stuff to be sure.

Bigfoot Threads
What is it about the JREF (James Randi Educational Forum) and Bigfoot threads? They have something like eight seperate threads about Bigfoot. I comment here and here about the Bigfoot thread wackiness.

I don't know if it's menopause (oh, grow up!) winter, working too hard or what, but lately I've been coming home and finding I'm asleep by 9:00 pm. I hate that! I have several books I'm reading, or trying to, but am slow at it because I fall asleep every night. Last night I fell asleep in Red Moon. That's the book written by David Michaels and Daniel Brenton. (Daniel has the blog The Odd Little Universe of Daniel Brenton.) It's well written and very enjoyable. Lots of twists and surprises. I also have some Mothman books I want to get to, as well as contactee Dana Howard's book Beyond the Valley. I'd like to finish them soon. Maybe I need more vitimins.