Showing posts with label cover-up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cover-up. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Author's Page

 I'm still here. Lately I've been working on putting together chapbooks; you can check them out on my amazon author's page..  Soon I'll be putting up paranormal and UFO themed writings. Reviews are appreciated!

Also on Instagram under reganorb.

What else? Not much. I've been silent on the congressional hearings on UFOs because . . . it's happened before, and . . . call me cynical. I don't think there's a Big Reveal. What might be revealed will be carefully chosen, and what of all the bits not revealed? Because you can be sure it will never be fully revealed.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Question About Abduction Regression Leads To . . .

 I asked Lon Strickler yesterday if he knew if a certain psychic could do a regression on me regarding my missing time incident. He told me that this person doesn’t do that type of work. I’m not sure what prompted me to ask him that; it was a spontaneious moment. I replied that I do have a contact locally for someone that does that type of work, so I will contact them.

I told my spouse about this last night, as we were sitting on our porch, enjoying the early evening and nice breeze. Again, I’m not sure why I mentioned it.

Then last night, I had the following dream:

I’m in one of my recurring dream-scapes. This is the one where the elementary school is two stories, and I alwasy get lost. After assisting in the third grade classrooms upstairs, I am schedled to go downstairs to the second grade classroom. But I always hate this, becuae I always get lost. Other staff doesn’t get lost, why is it always just me? There are two staircases, and, elevators. One stairway, one elevator, takes you to the classrooms. The others . . . well, a dead end. And you can never find your way back in. 

No matter how hard I try to remember, write down directions, etc. I always get the wrong one, and get lost. Same today. And so, of course, I am not only late for my classroom, but never do get there. On my way trying to figure out which stairs to take, which direction to go, the principal comes down the hall. She says good morning, thank god. I was afraid she was going to ask me what was I doing. Then again, I think to myself, I only have a week to go and then I retire. (In reality, I retired this spring.) 

I finanlly choose an elevator, get off, and take a stairway, and damn it!! Again. No idea where I am. Can’t get back in. I start walking, very strange underground garage kind of place but no cars. Dust and concrete and pipes. A large man is stumbling around, he is bleeding and seems very confused, dazed. Another man -- I have the impression he’s a doctor of some kind -- is trying to get rid of this man. He’s telling the man that yes, he’s been abducted, and yes, it’s over for now, just keep going, keep going, you’ll be okay, don’t say anything, etc.

             Actor Christopher Plummer.


I am afraid. I know that I too have been abducted. This doctor sees me and refuses to talk with me. I tell him I now know where I am, sort of. That it has somehting to do with “them” and abductions. He pretends he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. Then I get really angry. “Well, at least tell me how to get back to the school!” He won’t. Tells me I have to figure it out for myself.

A friend of mine; sister? Not sure. She’s here. We’re now walking around, lost, wandering in and out of very dim rooms. It’s daylight but hard to see. A tall man comes out (Christopher Plumber, don’t ask me why all these movie stars are in my dreams lately) is not human. He looks human, but it’s a disguse. He attacks us for trying to find out things. Why are we here, where are we, how to get back, what happened to the man who said he was abducted, why it is a secret, was I abducted, what is GOING ON?!

He refuses to answer and is angry to be asked.

Somehow, we get away. Not back to teh school but out of this dim, underground type of place. At least we’re out in the open now.

Ah, the underworld. A sort of Alice in Wonderland dream. Down that rabbit hole for sure.

Secrets. Things Not To Be Known. Keepers of those secrets. 


It’s as if some dreams are one giant tarot card that is to be interpreted. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Where's that banging my head on the desk cartoon? Oh, here it is:
head desk bang

UFOs are real. Call them UFOs, UAPS, -- they're real. UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. Could be theirs, ours, or theirs…you know, Reptilian Overlords.  Specifically, they are pretty likely to be all three. Some are ours, some are the other guys, some are truly mysterious. Unexplained. ET. All at once, all vying for our attention distraction.

So the announcements are made, and the majority argue over the minutiae of what UFOs are, as if UFO is one thing. One explanation for what UFO is, as well as its motivation.

Meanwhile, the truth (most of it anyway) is out there and in our faces, mixed up with a lot other stuff. Misdirection. Allowing the arguments to continue.
The deeper issues continue to be ignored. Even with the concession that off world intelligent beings are hanging around, it's still a vague idea to many. Bills still need to be paid. We still have family issues, health, jobs. Aliens, cool, but, doesn't pay the rent.

The truth is, many people -- myself included -- have had intensely weird experiences that cannot be explained, no matter how hard debunkers, Big Science, religious know it alls, or fanatical true believers try their damnedest to Explain It All To Us. Behind the mundane goings on, these experiences remain. And meanwhile. . .

There is the issue of concurrent UFO activity, which is indeed ours. Whether it's the U.S.A. or another government, covert, often illegal and unethical experiments are conducted within the framework of 'UFO.' Not many seem to pay attention to either. The former is indulgent kook stuff, the latter is a shrug and dismissal, as if simply stating the obvious: "Military experiments" is enough to get on with things. Not recognizing that the implications of those experiments are huge.

We are spied on, tracked,lied to, treated like lab rats. Both the "other" and our own do these things to us -- and many of us don't seem to notice much.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

"Boring" UFO Tales: Some Kind of Other

And by "tales" I do not mean lies or fiction, but narratives, stories, witness reports. All right. Let's take the Rendlesham case. Oh hell, let's take a whole lot of UFO cases, where one take on those cases is -- there's no there there. They weren't space brothers, inner earth dwellers, flying fairy carriages, or anything supernatural. Okay. But they were something. Let's agree that they weren't any of those things. But again; they were something. 

Discarding the debunker explanations: owls, hallucinations, mistaken whatevers, the uneducated masses misinterpreting mundane events, we're left with pretty much two categories. One, the supernatural-paranormal-metaphysical weirdness realm (which includes ET.) Or, two, the something else that is not that, including debunker-ville's dismissive materialist and blithe responses.

Which leaves us, concerning strange machine-craft emitting often harmful effects upon humans and animals, with the very likely cause of man made objects. That is almost no less frightening and interesting as ET, etc.

The idea that we, ourselves, operate so covertly and illegally with black projects that cause anxiety, panic, hysteria, confusion, illness, mind-fuckness, job loss, relationship havoc and culture chaos is pretty damn horrible. Unfortunately, it is  not a fantastic idea; it is actually very possible.

This possibility (which is actually a reality) should be addressed with at least as much intensity as aliens from space UFOs, and a hell of a lot more outrage.

Instead, there are the naive ones who ignore this idea, still -- still, even after the bizzaro-falling-waaaaaaay-down-the-rabbit-hole reality of Trump as our POTUS -- that don't consider our, or any government, capable of such things. Or, worse, that this is a reality, but, shrug, ain't no big deal.

It's a huge fucking deal.

Keep in mind, too, that it's not an either or situation. UFOs are not all only one thing. They're often mistaken every day events, they're also from other realms, and they're also ours. That latter does not make UFOs hum drum; exactly the opposite.

Wake up. The ones that are ours are often the most dangerous. And that is worth investigating, whether it's seventy years ago, thirty years ago, or yesterday.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

No Worries, It's Just Mind Control

Guest host Jimmy Church  (Darkness Radio) made an excellent point last night on Coast to Coast. A caller made the point that he thought much of the UFO/abductee events were the experiences felt by individuals were victims of mind control. This, the caller said, was the explanation for the UFO phenomenon. Mystery solved.

I was glad to hear Church point out, very clearly, that while the mind control angle might very well be so, that doesn't explain a thing, really. And, more importantly, it is equally heinous if it is mind control. Our own government (or other human factions) glibly involved with messing with our minds for their own ends. Doesn't this bother anyone?

The same argument goes for those unidentified machines in the air. "Top secret   classified human technology." Mystery solved. Some of those black triangles might be human made machinery but if so, what the hell are they doing up there? The behavior of many of these craft/UFOs has been harmful and even fatal to individuals. If the origin of these craft are human, not alien, then that is  horrific. Not many are paying attention to this point, instead offering this as an "explanation" and end of the discussion. Really, if it is the case that humans are behind such things as mysterious craft, cattle mutilations, abductions, etc. that is extremely disturbing and absolutely worthy of follow-up and serious research.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dream: UFO on Truck, I'm a Boy

Image source: Public

The general oddness of the subconscious mind. Here we go:
I'm eleven or twelve, and a boy. It's a different decade, maybe late nineteen fifties, early sixties. I ditch school because somehow, I know a huge truck carrying a retrieved flying saucer is going to be coming down the alley behind my house. I don't know how I know this. I just do. I also know no one else in town knows about this.

Hanging around the narrow alley, and finally, hear the rumble of the truck. This truck is very long, and everything, from cab to bed to the three flat, oval cylinders on the bed, are steel, or chrome colored. Sticking up from the middle oval is a huge round thing. Sort of like a Ferris wheel. This "wheel" is the flying saucer.

The truck is driving down the alley to avoid taking the streets where it might be seen. Yet, no effort is made to completely hide the UFO. In fact, it's a sort of "in your face" act -- any questions about this strange object, and we're told it is a Ferris wheel. Of course, it isn't, and most of us know that, including me. 

The truck barely fits into the alley. I have to flatten myself against the backs of houses and fences, and there's only about a foot between me and this fast moving truck. As it turns -- there's a curve towards the end of the alley -- the truck's back end, the third section, starts to swing out and almost crushes me. I don't care, I want to get as close as I can to this thing. I want to touch it. I figure if I have to, I can just dive down onto the ground and roll under the truck bed.

Afterwards, I get caught by the school, and the principal, a male, who is extremely authoritarian, is furious with me for skipping school. He tells me there's no point in my lying because he has me on camera, waiting and watching in the alley. Turns out this man has put up surveillance cameras all over the town and has been watching everyone for years.
As dreams do, there's more, but not sure if the rest is part of the above dream, or different dreams. Part of what came later had to do with school and a principal, but unrelated to UFOs. Interesting about the time period, and the gender change! The only thing I can relate this to is that I am  preparing a presentation to a class of sixth graders about folklore in the context of "unexplained" stories, including UFO tales, (Trent photos, McMinnville, etc.) as well as Bigfoot.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Cycle of No There There: 'UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all'

Once again, we see an item on how there's nothing to UFOs. Not from the overt and pathological skeptic crowd, but from the meh realm. UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all - Telegraph

This is not news. Oh, I don't doubt the debunkers and "skeptics" will jump all over this to support their ludicrous opinions on the UFO phenomena. It'll be juicy news for their disingenuous little black hearts.

We've seen this meme many times over the past few years. A few items here and there on how: UFO sightings are down, reports are down, UFO "enthusiasts" have given up, UFO organizations have closed their doors, and so on.

These fluffy little pieces circle around like black helicopters.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mike Bara, Debunkers

Very much enjoyed last night's Coast to Coast interview with author of Ancient Aliens on the Moon, blogger, and Moon/Mars artifact investigator. I managed to stay awake for the whole interview for once, since I've had a few sleepless nights due to some Fall cold-crud keeping me awake. Naturally, I particularly appreciated Bara's telling it like it is with the debunkers and so-called "skeptics." One who even -- as I saw him running to the phone and dialing in my mind's eye as soon as Bara mentioned him by name -- managed to call in. And, in typical debunker faux skeptic mode, danced around the question -- the same question he put to Bara -- refusing to answer. What annoyed me about Noory, as is his style, was his insistence that, paraphrasing here, "we all have the right to our opinions." Yes well, that's a given, let's move on and deal with the real issue. And stop pandering and appeasing to these little debunker drones who persist in distracting from actually investigating and researching the UFO phenomena.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Skeptic in All Those Shows...

I haven't seen National Geographic's Chasing UFOs yet, since it doesn't air until tonight. Only those in the "industry" got a preview. Responses from those who have seen the show seem to be miffed there isn't enough skepticism; while others are miffed the show exists at all. In most paranormal and UFO shows the skeptic is included. For "balance" it is said. Nope. It's for ratings and action; that American brand of competition. Everything's a contest. Anyway... With UFOs, we can debate forever about what they are, where they're from, what it is people are "really" seeing. (Wait, we are debating that.) Focusing on strictly observations of craft for the moment, what use is a so-called skeptic? A WITNESS SAW SOMETHING. Is that debatable? Skeptic, schmetic. What you need, always, are those who can help -- as in assist -- with observations. What wondrous and strange forms clouds can take. Astronomy. Aircraft. (Ours. That we know of.) I know, I know, the moon's been mistaken for a UFO, Venus has been mistaken for a UFO, pranksters like to float up night flying kites and balloons ... sigh. And while the strict observation of a craft is straightforward, there's more. The researcher has to take into account more than just the sighting. If the witness describes feelings of disorientation, anxiety, yipes, missing time even! -- that has to be taken into account. Has to. None of this means that the thing seen is an alien craft piloted by space brothers. That's assumption and while it could be true, we can't prove that. We can prove someone saw something. And we can prove, in many cases, the physical, emotional and psychological effects of a sighting. Aside from the idea that aliens exist and are, indeed, often responsible for UFO sightings, is another idea. One not often brought up; especially not by the "skeptics." That is covert human activity. I mean deep dark ebony black shadow human factions. Often the closet acknowledgement of UFOs being human made is an almost glib explanation that it's "just" military. Just? Not if that "just" is an insidious creation that, whether intentionally or not, causes adverse physical effects upon the citizenry. Or afffects the weather or envirnoment. Or is a cover for spy operations. Etc. Once it's shown that a UFO is now an IFO and a human made object, the job is not always over. Not in cases where a lot of strangeness has occurred.

Meanwhile, UFO sightings continue. Explaining one away, be it the moon, Venus, classified military or a producer's classist take on a witness ("red neck," "hillibilly," "hippie", ...) leaves thousands behind.

What is the beef, the thing that bugs, these skeptics when it comes to UFOs? (Oh and oh god, please "skeptics" that's a rhetorical question) Shows aren't doing the topic of UFOs any favors, except for Ancient Aliens, which, thankfully, has avoided the trap of having skepti bunkies on every two seconds to give their two cents. It's show biz, it's distraction, it's playing into the culture of "vs." And it keeps us spinning inside the wheel of nowhere.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back to Conspiracy Park

For a few years now, in various parks around here, I've been coming across  images of NWO, electronic harassment and anonymous/V spray painted on the ground, on light poles, on support beams of bridges, or on stickers and paper stuck on poles and walls.

Last summer I found one on a telephone at the end of my block:

About a block from my house, last summer 

 Here's a picture I took in August of 2009 at the other end of the park:

Taken at Valley River/Greenway Bridge, August 2008
The above, spray painted at either end of the bridge, was painted over by the city. Same signage on the ground at the other end, near where we were today, at the intersection of two paths, since covered over by the city.

I'd been seeing these for at least a year. Randomly (so it seemed) one of the local news programs aired a small segment on these signs; I wrote about it at Oregon L.O.W.F.I.:

A couple of nights ago, the local news had a short segment on these signs. Some neighbors in the area are “upset” because the signs are offensive. Apparently someone, and I suspect someone else not the original sign maker, sprayed swastikas on some of these signs. I haven’t come across any with swastikas. The news said the signs were publicity for “a movie.” I’m not so sure about that, it seems like a strange explanation, especially when no title was given or reason why they came to that conclusion. Hand lettered signs on cheap paper stuck to bridge supports, telephone and light poles; hand painted banners on flimsy paper stuck to wooden fences — doesn’t seem like much of publicity campaign.
I couldn’t find anything on-line about this from any of the local news outlets. I’m not sure which local news it was either, since they’re all the same and I switch back and forth. The short segment ended with the warning that it is illegal to affix any kind of flyer or poster, etc. to city property such as telephone and light poles.

Today, I came across these, at the other end of where we usually walk, and where I've seen the images. Today, we were walking close to the University side and Alton Baker Park. The lettering reads "What is the plan? We won't forget. Expect us." I didn't do a great job of taking pictures, I'm no photographer and my camera is just a cheap one, but I think you get the idea.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The USSR Cause for Roswell? - Muddled Disclosures

Supposedly. Could be. In UFO World, anything is possible. Journalist Annie Jacobsen, author of Area 51, acknowledges there's definitely insidious and strange events going on in Area 51 and the UFO realm generally, but it's not aliens. (No, it could never be aliens.) Jacobsen and her book is currently making the mainstream circuit, including a recent appearance on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. I knew before she came on that Stewart, who I adore, would mock any hint of alien/UFO reality, since it seems to be an affliction of the majority of the liberal-left-hip to sneer at fringe subjects. He didn't disappoint.

Jacobsen's contention is that yes, weirdness abounds but it's not aliens. It's the USSR and Nazi experiments behind the Roswell crash. And so much more, but all of these strange events have been orchestrated by humans. ET has nothing to do it, nor cryptids or vortexes or magick or anything other than human Dr. Evils.

Jacobsen has interesting ideas about what on, but there's no proof. As is admitted by everyone, but that seems to be all right, for Jacobsen is a legitimate journalist and not some tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist:
Still, lack of proof hasn't exactly stopped the book from sparking speculation on the media circuit and on the Web. In the last day, Yahoo! searches skyrocketed 3,000 percent for "area 51 book." And the tome is penned not by a crackpot conspirator, but a respected journalist.
I'm impatient and cynical with this distracting crap, because it's muddled disinfo. (Which is probably an oxymoron.) Jacobsen's story gets attention, while all the other UFO stories, including abduction stories sans Nazi bastards-Dr. Evils-government experiments, continue to go utterly ignored, utterly mocked. Meanwhile, journalists, writers, researchers, scientists -- those "respected journalists" and the like --  who know nothing of the esoteric world yet decide to take a swim in the sparkling waters for a look-see are blind to what they consider nonsense. They come out with one small bit, show it off as the latest in theory, and happily go back to their rational worlds. Everyone thinks something groovy-weird has just been revealed, and all has been solved: including the "nonsense" of UFOs. Because, as has just been proven, no such things exist. It was really Russia, or Nazis, or ...

We're not done yet. The fact is, there very well could be some truth to these theories. Nick Redfern's book Bodysnatchers in the Desert  brought explored the idea of human experiments and manipulations as the cause for Roswell. MILABS are a very real possibility, and some UFO witnesses and researchers have been writing about this for a long time. Ironically, among UFO researchers, the MILAB "conspiracy" doesn't get much attention.

It's not that Jacobsen's story couldn't be true, or, some of it could be's that once again, our attention from the reality of the UFO phenomena is trivialized and further pushed out to the edges. UFOs, the mainstream continues to insist, are entertaining and fun funny, but they're not real.

If Jacobsen's contentions somehow prove to be valid, (and/or Redfern's, etc.) that is horrifying, and the world needs to know. But what will happen in that event is that the many will accept that as the explanation for all of "it." Once again, we go back to clean dichotomies, something both the mainstream and many within UFOlgy are guilty of enacting.  It has to be this theory or that theory,  it's all aliens or it's all human psychopaths.

As I said, I'm impatient with this mainstream UFO denying stuff, but Nick Redfern has a calmer take on Jacobsen's book, giving us a bit of  background and data that is helpful, even if it does push us further down the rabbit hole. (Once you've fallen in, you just keep falling...:) You can read his review here.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Controlling Information: Colin Andrews on Conference Cancellation and the Future

Earlier today I posted a link to Colin Andrew's site, with a brief note on the cancellation of the Power Places International Crop Circle Conference. The conference was cancelled because, according to
Andrews, the conference coordinators refused to give in to the demands by researchers Michael Glickman and Gary King, who insisted Power Places directors dis-invite Colin Andrews, also scheduled to speak. Rather than acquiesce to Glickman's and King's ridiculous and arrogant demands, the decision was made to cancel altogether.  (Andrews linked to further commentary on his post; see here.

Andrews is both understanding and respectful of that decision, yet also understands what's at stake and who's responsible for the chilling reality that there are those on the inside -- our side -- as well as the expected outside, who would control information, and our ability to think for ourselves:
The public is treated as if they are no longer considered
worthy of receiving all points of view. Free thinking has
become a threat to easily led masses and many, from all
sides, are trying to control available information.
Andrews is not surprised that this happened however, and urges us to acknowledge these realities and then move on. At least, that's how I interpret his message; we are responsible for what can happen:
The situation we find ourselves in is not unexpected. It
fits perfectly into the discussion of “2012” and the
transitional period we are in. This is a time when old
structures of deceit and manipulation are failing.
Transformation into new and better structures for the
future is underway. What the future will look like
depends on what we create in the actions and decisions
we make today.  It depends on freedom of thought,
freedom of information and freedom of spirit. This is
what my research has been based on.
The point here, for me, is not whether one agrees with Andrews or anyone else; it's about access to information. There are those on the inside, let alone the outside of the fringes, who think nothing of making threats, behaving arrogantly and making demands in regards to information. That of course sends the clear message to the rest of us that we can't be trusted to think for ourselves. 

I've been commenting a lot here and there about the meme that UFOlogy is dead, and how it isn't dead at all. It's shifting, as all things are, within and without the esoteric world. The demands made by Glickman and King is just one more example of the shifts taking place in "fringe world." And while that may sound flippant, I will say, New Agey as it may be, that this is very important, and does affect, and will affect, all aspects of our world on many levels; from the mainstream to the anomalous.

I was surprised to hear that Glickman pulled this low brow stunt. I don't much of the crop circle research world or the researchers but from what I've seen of Glickman  -- primarily the Star Dreams DVD on crop circles -- he seemed above this kind of thing.

But, again, this isn't about agreement with this researcher or that, but the control of information, and, by natural extension, the control of "the people."  It's a pitiful reality we see this over and over in all categories of Fortean, paranormal -- call it what you will -- research. That, to me, is what "hurts" UFOlogy, or Bigfootology, or whatever -ology it is you're involved in. 

When I first heard Colin Andrews discuss his now famously misunderstood idea that most crop circles are "fake" I didn't want to hear it. I felt betrayed, and confused. But I listened. And found out Andrews isn't saying anything so simplistic at all --- far from it. Far from it. It seems to me that certainly fellow researchers would get that. I'll go so far as to say they do get it, and that's what makes their actions even more reprehensible.  I have no proof they do get it and are lying, simply my opinion. It's difficult to believe that researchers would be so lax in their awareness of what a Colin Andrews is doing and yet go so far as to demand he be removed from the presenter's list.

Monday, December 28, 2009

FAA and BAASS: An Octopus Creation

Many thanks to Atrueoriginal of Alien UFO & The Paranormal Casebook, who gives us daily links to dozens of stories of UFOs, ghosts, related TV programs, podcasts and more every day for the following link: FAA Issues Order On UFO Sightings.

My previous post acknowledged my unease with the FAA promoting Bigelow's para-government, newly formed official/unofficial UFO reporting center.

Aileen's link leads us to the original story, which is an enthusiastic piece on Bigelow's work, including the news from the FAA that Bigelow is their official, sanctioned collector of UFO sightings.

Now, the FAA says that you should call one of his mysterious companies if you see an UFO.
 Bigelow Aerospace – already has two private test space stations in low Earth orbit: Genesis 1 and 2. His plan is to have a hotel in orbit, and he’s steadily on course to achieve his objectives. The guy and his Errol Flynn moustache may seem eccentric to some, but he means business.

  Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies.
 According to the last order by Federal Aviation Administration – issued on December 10 – BAASS is now the organization to contact if you are a pilot or an air traffic controller who gets close to an Unidentified Flying Object:

Why has the FAA suddenly decided it will acknowledge the UFO presence, encouraging witnesses to report their sightings, when in the past, silence and repression of those who reported sightings were the norm?

 Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a sister company to Bigelow Aerospace, is a newly formed research organization that focuses on the identification, evaluation, and acquisition of novel and emerging future technologies worldwide as they specifically relate to spacecraft. BAASS is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.
 Candidates must qualify for secret and top secret clearances and must be willing to submit to a thorough background check.

Some see this as good news; as I commented in the previous post, good news! At long last the FAA has opened up, allowing pilots, etc. to report their sightings without fear of losing their jobs. I acknowledge my inner paranoia, or at least, find it suspect, that Bigelow "focuses on the identification, evaluation, and acquisition of novel and emerging ... technologies worldwide as they specifically relate to spacecraft." (italics mine) Whose spacecraft?

BAASS is in Nevada, and the obvious connection to Area 51 can't be denied. Background checks are a natural expectation, but if Bigelow is a civilian entity, why "qualify for secret and top secret clearances?" Of course, like defense contractors and other corporations in the increasing globalist-government, Bigelow is not strictly a civilian entity.

There are speculative scenarios; one being that the FAA, the shadow government, and Bigelow, are fully aware of an extraterrestrial presence and there is some sort of space chess game going on. Another is defense; man made uber- secret technologies, wrapped up in a tangled, octopus creation of espionage, war, and global control.

Whatever the real motive, the least likely is an altruistic gesture by the FAA to the public about disclosure or a benign appreciation for UFOs in context of the citizenry.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Buzz Aldrin on UFO; Bruce Duensing Comments

Bruce Duensing, who manages the Intangible Materiality blog, (who is one of those writers -- Aeolus Kephas is another - who, after reading, I ask myself "Why do I bother, when we have people like Duensing writing?") posted this clip at the Department 47 forum, along with some good insights.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Facts and Stephenville and the Other Story

This fluff piece from the Washington Post: New UFO Sighting Reported In Stephenville Texas Fired Reporter Angelia Joiner Sparks Conspiracy Theories, by Emil Steiner is interesting for its lack of interest. It makes no snese, just another filler piece about UFOs that, on the surface, says nothing, but for those of us obsessed with parsing and dissecting semantics, it says a lot. Or, it says a lot about nothing. No, wait, the “nothing” is a big huge something -- that is, the UFOs -- so it’s the nothing about the something that’s something. Oh, forget it. Moving on. . .

Any official denial can be labeled a cover-up. In the end, it often boils down to a he-said-she-said scenario.

Isn't’ a denial covering up? Given the context of the Stephenville sightings, the fact is that the Air Force did deny having anything to do with the activity in the skies, then turned around and said they were engaging in military exercises. After they said the sightings were probably caused by witnesses mistaking reflected sunlight off airplanes for UFOs. And denying that fighter jets were chasing UFOs. If that’s not a cover-up, what is? Attempts at misdirection and causing confusion; cousins of covering-up.

Steiner goes on to quote Angelia Joiner, the reporter from The Empire Tribune who was fired for her reports on the sightings. I’m not sure why he includes a quote from her about military exercises (see below) because it has nothing to do with her firing, which is a fact.

He ends his piece with this comment:
But who can we believe? The truth remains unidentified.

Who can we believe about what? The UFOs? The ones seen by dozens of witnesses, caught on video? That’s a “truth” and it’s easy to “identify.” Who can we believe about Joiner's firing? It’s a fact she was fired. (Haggling over details: she offered to resign at first, etc. don’t count: reality is, she was fired, (not allowed to resign) her computer confiscated, and her body escorted out of the building.) What “truth” does Steiner mean?

I don’t mean to pick on Steiner, I don’t know him and giving him the benefit of the doubt, he’s just writing a column. He’s certainly not of the ilk of a Randi, McGaha, Shermer, etc. But pieces like this are a good example of the disingenuousness (a form of marginalization)that often surrounds UFO reporting.

The facts remain. People in Stephenville Texas are seeing some very weird things, and that’s a fact. What those things are is another story. This other story is equally important, almost, as UFOs from outer space. Because is they’re not from outer space, they’re ours. And, as Steiner quotes Joiner:
According to Angelia Joiner, the reporter who wrote the original UFO stories, there was another UFO sighting on Saturday. "If the military is testing a secret military device, why do they keep doing it here?" she asked me. "If it's not a secret why do they keep scaring the bejesus out of people?”

Exactly. This is the other story about many UFO sightings. Certainly the Black Triangle UFO sightings fall into this category. Are we to allow, and accept, the fly overs of top secret scary ass weaponry above our heads as a matter of course? Are we being conditioned for blind acceptance of in our face military and covert activities around us? These are concerns that don’t seem to be addressed much by UFO researchers, witnesses, or reporters. The focus seems to be on the dichotomy of UFOS as ET vs. Something Else. What if that something else isn’t ET, but something possibly more sinister? (that’s assuming of course that ET isn’t sinister. I’m no Space Brother groupie.)

Articles like this don’t serve any purpose, they just add to the fluff factor and so further muddle up the perception of UFO activity. Which is a fact. In other words, we shouldn’t get away from the fact that UFOs are a fact. What they are, well, that’s to be determined, and many are going about that in different ways, from the Disclosure Movement to Exopolitics, etc. The more we spiral out from the fact -- UFOs seen in Texas -- the more we dilute the reality that UFOs are here. Which is probably just what “they” are trying to do.


Monday, July 9, 2007

The Roswell Onion

Well, most everyone’s been writing on Roswell lately, due to the 60th anniversary of “the crash.” I’ve stayed away from saying anything because I have never delved deeply into Roswell, so therefore don’t have much to say. I don’t have anything of value to say about the particulars of the Roswell event itself. But I’ll go ahead and join everyone else and throw in my observations. Why not? That’s the perk of having your own blog.

Clearly, something huge and weird happened that’s continuing to be covered-up.

There’s that very large rut that’s still there, and not often mentioned. That rut is proof something on the big side crashed there.

Nick Redfern’s book Body Snatchers in the Desert offers new, if not horrific, information on what might have happened. And curiously, like that rut, his theories don’t seem to be considered seriously; or rather, they don’t seem to stick. I’m not saying Redfern is correct, who knows at this point, but he’s offered something new, and something disturbing, and something that should be given consideration other than a cursory “yeah, well. . .” and everyone moves on.

The Roswell, er, “mythos” (excuse the cliché) is in itself highly interesting. Stories of sticky fingered aliens, magic foil, and all the rest. All those people aren’t lying. Maybe they didn’t see aliens, just thought they did, maybe some sort of mass delusion overtook the town. It’s too simplistic to dismiss it all as lying townsfolk. Sure, now there’s circus folk involved (so to speak) and layer upon layer of disinformation and misinformation and okay, sometimes just plain lying, but that’s all part of any UFO event. Roswell’s just bigger.

Oh yes, then there’s those alien ghosts Jim Marrs speaks about. That’s highly interesting as hell!

I agree with those who think we shouldn’t spend too much time on Roswell, while ignoring other cases, particularly current ones. Still , to try to bury it once and for all would be a disservice to UFOlogy as well as the more general world of the weird and anomalous: myths, motivations, deceits, belief, government manipulations and more.

Whether or not one believes ET crashed there, something happened, something so important that the government still believes it needs to cover it up. Obviously the Mogul balloon explanation doesn’t fly, and no one took the crash test dummies seriously. (I don’t think the government took that one seriously either.)

Personally, I don’t think aliens crashed there. I’m not sure why I don’t believe that. I “believe” (hate that word) extraterrestrials are about. Out there, down here, and have been for thousands of years. But that’s just me and my good old ancient astronaut theory.

The point isn’t, almost, whether ET crashed there or not. (Well, now of course it is a huge point, if it could be proven. . .) I mean that, aside from that point, there are other layers to the Roswell onion that can still reveal things about ourselves, each other, and “them.”

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Laura Knight-Jadczyk: The Most Dangerous Idea in the World

Okay, I acknowledge freely I am no intellectual, and certainly not knowledgeable -- not academically or scientifically knowledgeable that is -- about physics, hyper-dimensions, astrophysics, or parallel parking. On some subconscious intuitive Piscean level, I “get it” but that’s another story.

My approach to all this anomalous UFO weird realm usually originates from the personal, moving outward, usually on a mythic/folklore/symbol/narrative/comparative/juxtapositional perspective. Whatever that means.

I’m not sure exactly what Laura Knight-Jadczyk is talking about, but she is very very smart. She writes extremely well. I seem to have a vague memory of something I read on her site or blog that I liked, up to a point, but then rejected, due to what I perceived as anti-Semitism (all that Israel is the big bad guy stuff) but if I’m mistaken, I apologize.

There’s a lot -- a hell of a lot -- of stuff here, and I don’t understand much of it. There is so much material that one has to take time to go through it, and be familiar with her references, which I’m not.

But I’m promoting her here for one reason: those “academics” and “scientists” who would otherwise welcome her views, as long as she gets rid of her UFO bent. Apparently Knight-Jadczyk annoys all sides: the New Age camp, the mystical camp, the political camp, etc.

All the scientific hyper dimensional physic stuff aside, the gist of Knight-Jadczyk core “belief” is that there is an “official culture” which I so far go along with. (Of course, her idea of who, and what, is responsible for that “official culture” may be very different. I don’t know.) And this fact, along with the fact that we’re all just pawns in a huge cosmic game, is what she calls “the most dangerous idea in the world.” I don’t think I gave this justice, but that seems to be the idea. I go along with that as well. It doesn’t sound too different than William Bramley, or even in some ways (good great goddess) David Icke (oy) -- not a new idea. And not sure why her ideas are rejected by all sides.

I’ll leave it to you. I just like subverting things, and so, in the spirit of that, here’s a link to Laura Knight-Jadczyk on her experiences and thoughts on her book, The Secret History of the World.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Unexpected UFO Serendipity

Two unexpected UFO related items:

The first, from Lisa Shiel, of the Bigfoot Quest blog. Shiel has shared her knowledge of restricted airspace in relation to government/military testing of craft. (The Truth About UFOs and Restricted Airspace.) Shiel questions the almost meme lake idea among many UFO researchers that many craft (like the Triangles) are military. Shiel insists they aren’t ours, since they can’t be flown over civilian/populated areas. Furthermore, there is plenty of restricted airspace where these flight tests can be done. So why fly over public areas here and in other countries (as with the case of Triangles.)

Excellent points, and good solid factual data. I respectfully have a nagging argument here though: just because the government isn’t supposed to, doesn't mean they won’t, can’t, and don’t. I don’t know if the Triangles, for example, are ours, ET, or something else, but I do know one thing: they exist. I’ve seen them.

Shiel writes about the Bigfoot UFO connection, and it isn’t completely surprising she would have UFO entries on her blog, though her focus is on Bigfoot. Which brings me to this nice tie-in concerning self-promotion: the current issue of UFO Magazine includes my column on Lisa: Wild Women: Weird Bigfoot Research.

The other unexpected find was a UFO report, made by someone here in Eugene, Oregon. The report was from January 22nd of this year. I followed the link from UFO commentator and researcher Billy Booth to UFO Casebook. It’s an interesting sighting: different, and seems to be of two objects, as well as a possible humanoid creature.
Then I saw the name of the witness: Nahu. Nahu is the author of UFOs: God From Inner Space and other books, and the subject of my next article for UFO Magazine!

(image source: UFO Evidence website.