Showing posts with label Artificial Intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artificial Intelligence. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2022

More Facebook Mind Reading . . .

UPDATE: I DVR John Oliver Last Week Tonight, which airs on Sunday and watch it later. Yesterday's episode (Sunday) I watched tonight, Monday night. The main story was all about cookies, data sharing, algorithms, apps that follow your searches,  etc. How ads will show up on someone's phone or FB, etc. specifically aimed for that individual. Another disconcerting synchronicity.

A few more examples of Facebook's In Your Head algorithm, from my FB page. See the post below for more.

 march 21, 2022

Another FB AI mind invasion synchronicity: I made falafels last night. They were pretty bad. Frozen ones from TJ's. In the past, I made my own but that was long ago. So I got lazy and used the frozen kind. Yuck. Jim and I agreed it would be fun to go back and try to make our own from scratch next time. So today, sure enough, an ad pops up on FB about Falafel recipes. I don't have a smart phone, I don't have Siri or Alexa, etc. Just another red pill blue pill eat me drink me day.

feb. 28, 2022

Another weird spooky FB ad: Lately, I've been noticing I've been losing hair. I've been letting my hair grow out. Don't know what the cause is for this: age, post-menopause, type of shampoo, who knows. So today, after my shower, I freaked once again at the amount of lost hair. Sure enough, I go on FB, and see ads for shampoos for women with thinning hair. I have not done any searches on Google or elsewhere for such. FB, get out of my head!

jan 4 2022

FB just recommended a horse tack site for me. I love animals, but am not a horse person. I don't ride, I don't own one, and I don't know anything about horses. I both fear them and think they're cool. But still. FB and its Russian bot global cabal Illuminati reptilian implant algorithms.

I wasn’t talking about horses or even animals, and so this doesn’t really fit into this structure, but it is interesting. Did this horse track recommendation appear because I am, in general, an animal lover? 

Monday, January 31, 2022

The Mask-less and My Passive Aggressive Wimp-Out

 It happened. Today in the West Eugene post office, woman in front of me, no mask. None. She was mask-less. I was behind her, and said "Some of us think we're too good to wear a mask," which was both lame (clearly my inner Dorothy Parker was sleeping) and passive aggressive. Since I said it kind of sort of not so loud. 

I glared at her. From behind her of course. Still, maybe she felt my rays of rage. The clerk didn't say anything to her.

When I got up to the counter, I asked if there was a post office policy about wearing masks. She said they weren't allowed to deny services to anyone. She agreed the woman without the mask was a jerk. She said that sometimes she'll say to a customer "You forgot your mask," and the responses vary, from a shrug and an "I know," to a "What are. ya gonna do about it?" I told her I feel bad for her and the other postal employees (just like store employees and educators, etc.) who have to wear masks for the whole damn day. And yet someone who comes into the post office for ten minutes can't be bothered to wear a mask. 

Also, there was a senior citizen hippie (hey, no judgement, I'm a senior citizen hippie) who was donning the "dick nose" mask. You know, where the mask is on the face, but pulled down over the nose. But he was further back in line and I wasn't going to get into a long distance shouting match in the post office.

I should have said something to the woman directly. Should I have? People are crazy and filled with rage these days.  I didn't want to end up on a You Tube video of crazy lady in the post office attacks mask less woman. Who's the Karen here? (not me!) I didn't want this woman to pull out the scissors she had in her pocket, in her attempts to protect herself against my confronting her. Okay, a little dramatic maybe.  I doubt she would have reacted that way. 

But her in your face -- literally -- statement of not wearing a mask was just so damn insulting. No one likes wearing a mask. I don't. At all. Too bad. I don't want to get sick, I don't want to get others sick. And it's really rude to not wear a mask for ten minutes while you're in a store or other public place where the employees have to wear a mask for up to eight hours, often more. 


I did two more Covid drawings since yesterday's post. In that post, I commented that drawings with the word Covid alert the algorithms on social media, as well as some group moderators. (One art group I belong to has, in its rules, "no Covid related work," what and why?) So I call this drawing Invasion of the Button People:

Invasion of the People, ink, marker on paper, Regan Lee 2022

Variants, ink, marker on paper, Regan Lee 2022