Thursday, April 12, 2007


Yes, dahlings, I've changed the look of The OrangeOrb once more. And I've given up trying to find just one and stick to it. My blog looks reflect my fashion sense (as wacky as it may be, sort of post beatnik ex-hippie bo ho artsy fartsy multi cultural I live in Eugene, Oregon my feet hurt but I refuse to wear sensible shoes for a woman my age style) and, like the many purses I own of many colors, and shoes, oh and the earrings, I've decided to just be me and change the look of the blog whenever I feel like it. I know it goes against the advice of never changing your masthead and your overall look in order to keep devoted readers but I figure, if you know that at any given moment The OrangeOrb is going to look different, that's part of the excitement. It's "Jellyfish" today, who knows what will be tomorrow?

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