"Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/ unex plained phenomena reporting data collection center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) (voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail: Reporting@baass.org)"
Now, being the type of person I am ------- suspicious ---------- this seemed odd; weird, strange, ----- almost Fortean. Why would the FAA, after ALL these decades, suddenly, have an interest in UFO reports and WHY would suddenly - there be a `specific' group to call? WHY? And who is BAASS?
Good questions. Bigelow, as Barf Stew points out, is part of MUFON's "Starteam"
Now, believe it or not - this is where all of this begins to get interesting to a UFO blogger like myself. The reason being -- Mr. Bigelow recently became the moneyman behind a new MUFON endeavor called `Star Team' - a supposed 24/7 group of folks ready to investigate UFO reports of an anomalous nature. Here's the lowdown on `Star Team'http://www.mufon.com/documents/STARTeamImpactProjectOverview.pdf.
As Barf Stew comments, on the surface this seems like good news. Money coming to support UFO research - finally! But being suspicious, as I am, as Barf Stew is, and others seem to be, this doesn't seem like the good news it pretends to be. First of all -- and this should seem obvious -- the government's involved. And while, all along, the government has presented an indifferent face to us about UFOs, it's a logical and safe assumption to make that the government has been covertly working away at the UFO phenomena for decades.
This line makes me wonder: "UFO/ unexplained phenomena reporting data collection center," -- anyone with a UFO sighting or "unexplained phenomena" and of "an anomalous nature" should take to Bigelow.
Are we to see a possibly mandated reporting of "anomalous" and "unexplained" events to para-governmental agencies? (This reminds me a bit of a novel I wrote twenty years ago or so; (unpublished and sitting in a box somewhere) where UFO sightings had to be reported to the government. If it were discovered you had a sighting and didn't report it, it was curtains!)
Hi Regan: Here's the original story on this from Dec 18. This first one has the address for the FAA pdf you can look at.
FAA: Seen a UFO? Call Bigelow
Same story with some slight additions
*shifts uneasily in her seat*
Thanks for carrying my post Regan - appreciate it. And, indeed, thanks for your thoughts on the whole subject.
Rick Phillips
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