Friday, March 30, 2012

aeolus kephas : Through a Fractured Glass, Darkly: The Facts in the Strange Case of Whitley Strieber | Reality Sandwich

Through a Fractured Glass, Darkly: The Facts in the Strange Case of Whitley Strieber | Reality Sandwich: Whether the Imaginal "beings" resent being limited and literalized in this fashion, and become faintly malevolent as a response, or whether (as seems more reasonable) they lack qualities of benevolence or malevolence to begin with and merely reflect back at us our own psychological tendencies, the fact remains that alien and Ufo phenomena has always had a sinister edge to it. I believe that this dark edge comes less from the phenomenon itself than from a distortion that results from being filtered through the minds of individual researchers and experiencers. Faery lore was also dark, but dark in a primal, sorcerous fashion. Ufo lore, on the other hand, tends to be heavy, oppressive, and laced with despair. There is a soulless -- I might even say sickly -- quality to it that results when writers and researchers suck all the magical essence out of the Imaginal by imposing their own rigid (and neurotic) personalities onto it. This usually happens without their even being aware of doing so: it is an unconscious distortion, and it is unconsciousness that distorts.

1 comment:

Mike Clelland! said...

Regan - I just did an audio interview with Aeolus Kephas - and we spoke at length about this article.

While I don't agree with some of his points, I do respect Aeolus as a deep thinker.


In honor of Mac Tonnies.