Sunday, February 17, 2013

UFO Conspiracy Thought of the Day: Those Meteors

Russia, Cuba,San Fransico, Florida. Meteors, they say. Someone today told me they think all these "meteorites" are us, not space nature. A weapon/s being tested, or at any rate, a technology. Bolides breaking up is the explanation given for these lights in the skies  - and the glass breaking, etc.

Following this train of conspiratorial thought we find clues. From the Florida article:

The Coast Guard said it had suspected Sunday's sighting was a meteor shower, but Hankey disagreed. "Meteor showers usually are much dimmer and faster moving," Hankey said. No active major meteor showers are going on right now, because according to a calendar, the next window for such a shower would be in mid-April, Hankey said. [Hankey is "operations manager for the American Meteor Society."
Assurances and making sure we know the specifics of the thing:
The meteor explosion over Russia that injured more than 500 people and damaged hundreds of buildings was not caused by an asteroid zooming close by the Earth today (Feb.15), a NASA scientist says. NASA asteroid expert Don Yeomans, head of the agency's Near-Earth Object Program Office, told that the object which exploded over a thinly inhabited stretch of eastern Europe today was most likely an exploding fireball known as a bolide. - [Source:]
And so on; Google and you'll find hundreds of news items about the lights in the sky/meteors/bolides appearing in the skies these past few days. Poetically, it doesn't matter much if the conspiracy theory of covert human manipulations are responsilbe, of if the lights are meteors. The skies of earth are lighting up, and it has our global attention.


Red Pill Junkie said...

Seems to me the use of the term 'bolide' is merely a semantic game.

Regan Lee said...

I came across one article that quoted a scientist who said something like - to paraphrase -- "Bolides is just a term to describe things in the sky." Could mean meteor, could mean swamp gas. Other definitions I came across varied from Bolide, just another word to mean meteor, to, bolide, a word meaning "who knows, could be just about anything."

OhYeahRedPunch said...

I've observed several meteors over central Florida for the past few days. Interestingly, some of them have come from under the horizon, shooting upwards... not from the ground, but from the edge of visible sky.