Thursday, July 10, 2014


Tina Sena reviews one of UFOlogy's top researchers (intelligent, diligent, truthful…) Richard Dolan: YUFOLOGY: RICHARD DOLAN ON BINNALL OF AMERICA. I haven't had a chance to listen to the interview yet, but will soon. Can't wait. Tina shares her thoughts on those within UFOlogy who might, no matter how unintended, contribute to the tin foil hat perception that mainstream culture has of UFO folks:

 "You can't show up to a UFO conference looking like the crazy uncle who lives in the shed in the back yard.

Even if you ARE the crazy uncle who lives in the shed in the back yard." ~ Tina Sena
While I don't think it's necessary to dress like middle class bores -- suits and ties all the time, matching pant suits with pearls -- there is something to be said for good grooming and such.

While you're at Binnall of America, check out the columns by various contributors, including Tina Sena, and, why yes! myself.

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