Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lee Speigel: "If You're Looking For UFOs, This Map Might Drive You Crazy"

Lee Speigel, at The Huffington Post, with map of reported UFO sightings: If You're Looking For UFOs, This Map Might Drive You Crazy. Take a look at Oregon. The whole state is just about filled in with green -- the color for UFOs.

And that's reported cases. How many have I, and others I know of personally, who've seen but not reported? How many of us here in Oregon, or any other state, have seen something but not reported it? So we can assume that the number represented is conservative.

1 comment:

Terry the Censor said...

Peter says that nearly 10 percent of the reports in his database are probably hoaxes. Wow. I would have guessed it to be far less than 1 percent (all the hoaxes are on YouTube, after all).