Sunday, August 30, 2015

Missing Time, Missing Memory

Listened to Mark McCandlish last night on Coast to Coast, who at one point explained the mechanism behind missing time. My head started to explode while listening to his theory -- something about moments of time being compressed during regular or normal time, an effect of the physical emmanations of craft. I think. I'm not sure of any of that, but what stood out for me during his swirling hypothesis was the lack of mention concerning memory. What we witnesses to missing time have experienced is not just "missing time" but "missing moments." Missing memory. Maybe this is too subtle a distinction. But it's not just that chunks of time are missing from our experience, but the memory of what happened during this "compressed" time is missing as well.

If time can be manipulated, stuffed, squeezed, elongated -- if time is malleable, we would feel woozy, maybe, but we'd still remember. And yet, we have no memory of what happened during hours sliced out of our lives. Why is that? Does the time mangling theatrics of UFO manipulators include the addition of screwing with memory -- of inducing amnesia into the human brain? Again, if so, why? Is the aftermath of missing time -- amnesia -- intentionally created, or is it simply an aftereffect of the manipulation process?


Anonymous said...

Ralph Ring describes a time of forgetfulness that is associated with the operation of the Otis T. Carr OTC-X1 craft.

During his first flight aboard the OTC-X1, the crew and he were instructed to disembark and to take soil samples, to pick up rocks and twigs and to put them in the pockets of their flight suits to prove to themselves they were actually there at the landing site ten miles downrange. He also says that a policeman witnessed their disembarking from the landed craft and their preforming of tasks and subsequent departure.

Ring's explanation about the nature of the forgetfulness in relation to the operation of the craft is discussed at some length in some video interview about antigravity propulsion, IIRC.

Regan Lee said...

thank you SG.

Unknown said...

This is a really good point (that missing memory doth not missing time make) that I never thought of before. Probably because I have never had a really perplexing episode as such that I tried to reason out six ways to Sunday (Sunday being a metaphorical and not temporal construct here). Perhaps if you want to try to measure stuff about missing time you should be looking at psychological functioning (cognition, percpetion, etc) before than some putative objective measure of time (clocks, reports from third parties, etc.) Even if time itself does come with several different settings on its sprayer nozzle, life experience suggests that perception and other psychophysiological processes can massively alter our experience of those difference settings, which means that might be a good place to start.

Thank you for a thought provoking post!