Saturday, November 12, 2016

Voices in the Dark, Abduction Dreams

A strange coincidence last night. I woke up suddenly, from a deep sleep. What woke me was Jim's voice. He said something very loud, very clear (though I couldn't make out what the words were.) It was as if he was talking to someone -- it sounded like he was right outside the bedroom door. But he was fast asleep in bed right next to me. This wasn't him talking in his sleep, or a dream. His voice had awakened me. I felt very uneasy.

Earlier this evening, I told Jim about this odd incident. He then told me, he awoke in the middle of the night (morning really) and thought he had heard someone on the porch, and the sound of the mailbox, or something, being moved. (True, it could have been someone messing around on our porch.) But he also told me he heard a voice talking to him and that's what woke him. It was a clear voice, very direct. Jim sleeps with earplugs in and the voice woke him.

For some reason when he told me that a very creepy feeling came over me. A sort of "there's more to this than just dreaming" kind of thing. We both looked at each other and got that shivery feeling that something is up in the realm.

The night before, I had a dream where I was waiting for some people, and they were very late. Days late. I'm standing outside, nighttime, under the starry sky. The people arrive, one by one. They tell me they've been abducted and that's where they've been all this time. I asked them if they remember any of their experience or did they have missing time. They told me they did indeed remember and that it was gruesome. They didn't want to remember. One said "I wish I had missing time, I don't want to remember."

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