Thursday, May 10, 2018

(Update) From My UFO Journal: 1988 - Lobster Baby

In the 1980s I kept a UFO journal. Following my orange orb sighting, it seemed all kinds of UFO related events were taking place around me. Also psychic experiences, synchroniciites. Things have since calmed down a lot since that time (and I've wondered if age has anything to do with this.)

The following is from the journal, with a few comments I've added for clarity.

1988, Eugene, OR:

I had coffee with "Sheila." Sheila had a story to tell me. (I don't remember who "Sheila" was -- a co-worker? I think.) Sheila, involved with many contactees, occasionally gives workshops on the "UFO thing" as she put it. Her story: one night, a woman called her, saying she felt very ill. So ill, she was taken to the hospital's ER. She was told she was pregnant. This woman said that was impossible; no sex, no partner, etc. For weeks, this woman felt ill.

During a check-up visit, she was told she was no longer pregnant. She had no memory of a miscarriage, just that lingering feeling of being "ill."

After this, she started hearing voices, seeing "little gray men" and hearing a baby cry. The gray beings were in her living room, and the "Lobster Baby" as she called it, was also in the living room. The beings told her she wasn't ready yet to handle any of this. She had the intense feeling this lobster baby was hers, but "they" took it.

This woman told Sheila she was very frightened, of course, and afraid she was going crazy. Supposedly, she told Sheila, she was unfamiliar with abduction and UFO stories.

Sheila is trying to arrange for me to meet this woman, but so far, nothing.


I never did meet this woman. Of course, I have no idea what really was happening here. Her description of "little gray men" is interesting, as the lost pregnancy and "lobster baby." 

A waking dream? Cover story for some sort of trauma? A retelling of a literal experience? Something in the middle? 

A few things I know for sure, but even so, no answers. Other, similar narratives exist in UFO lore. Changlings,mysterious pregnancies that disappear just as mysteriously. "Little gray men." And the fact that, immedialtey following my orange orb sighting and continuing for years, so many synchroniciites concerning UFO experiences that it makes my head spin.

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