Saturday, August 1, 2020

6 Reasons so Many Spiritual People Have Been Fooled by Qanon

Yes, I am all about my crystals and tarot and dream work and a whole bunch of other so-called new age stuff. But I do agree with much of the following, especially this:

6 Reasons so Many Spiritual People Have Been Fooled by Qanon

The new age scene has a serious psycho-spiritual problem: the suppression of unconscious shadow material.

Their often excessively one-sided focus on the pure, spiritual plane of light and love leads to an equally excessive negation of "negative emotions" like fear and anger. Many new agers have created a self image of their own personality, a "spiritual ego," by which they pretend to already embody the pure, luminous being they aspire to be and thereby suppress their “negativity” in a way that it isn't accessible to their conscious reflection. The shadow therefore takes on a life of its own, which will terrorize and subconsciously dominate them from the psychological substratum of the neglected, unloved parts of themselves. (source:
The new age scene has a serious psycho-spiritual problem: the suppression of unconscious shadow material. [ source: Martin Winiecki]

On the other hand, a lot on the Left consider anyone who delves into a non-traditional, or even traditional, spiritual path as flawed. Less intelligent. Dupes. Ditzy. Shallow. Etc.

So there you go.

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