Sunday, February 13, 2022

Frustration: Mis-membering and Missing Time

  I am very frustrated right now, and a bit angry. And confused. And just overall a WTF feeling. Once again, Jim and I got into a heated discussion about the Orange Orb.

As. Usual.

I was saying to him that my decision to go through regression regarding the Orange Orb sighting was my own. I told him I might need him to be there with me -- not listening, but there to drive me back and offer support if needed. He said "Of course." I said my decision was my own, if he wants to also go through this that's his decision. He said "But if you remember, then, we'll remember and I'll know what happened."

Well, not necessarily. My memory would be mine. He might be within it, but... what happened to me does not mean it also happened to him. He might have a different memory.

He conceded that. Then, of course, things devolved into:

He insisted that the Orange Orb was seen while we lived on Hilyard, not Friendly. He said "I guarantee you that we were living on Hilyard when we saw the orb." 

I said "Well what about my memory of, after seeing the orb drop behind a neighbor's house, and then we go into our house on Friendly and I picked up the phone to call the airport, police...and realized that was silly and anyway it was eight o'clock at night or later and they'd think I was nuts." (Also, that's when the dreams started and I went off on my search to find out what it was that I saw and that was while we were living on Friendly and Lorane.)

He said: "That's some other memory but I know this orange orb thing was when we were living on Hilyard."

I tried to get us to the point where it's possible we both remember parts correctly, and other parts not so much. That either one of us is correct, or, both in some ways. It's not an either or memory. I also tried to get him to understand that as adamant as he is about Hilyard Street, I am about the house on Friendly. 

Good thing I'm going through this. Memories, hopefully, will be cleared up.

Or, not. 

We will see. 

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