Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mysterious 'Winged' Structure from Ancient Rome Discovered - Yahoo! News

Mysterious 'Winged' Structure from Ancient Rome Discovered - Yahoo! News



UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: Are Skeptics Getting Desparate About The Sky Noise Phenomena?

Rick Phillips on the strange noises from the world's skies:UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: Are Skeptics Getting Desparate About The Sky Noise Phenomena? As he points out, the skeptics have a lot to say, and about something they know little about:
Find someone who knows nothing about the sky noise phenomena - play the most extreme example of it for a `reaction' - then note that the phenomena is so hot that people are making copies of Other Videos (and still going viral). And, EVIDENTLY - that proves it is all a hoax (regardless if the original copied and faked video is real or not). Yep the smoke and mirrors of the naysayers - and - the public awaits any official word or confirmation in any manner.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: What The Sky Noise Phenomena ISN'T

Rick Phillips on the Sky Noises heard in many locations around the world. He's heard it,and he says it isn't fake. I haven't heard it, so can't say. I will say that some of Rick's ideas have also occurred to me, including the, for lack of a better word, the religious aspects. ( UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: What The Sky Noise Phenomena ISN'T

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ritzmann clears things up

Jeff Ritzmann left the following comment on my earlier post, which is here:

Looks like Jacobs and/or his supporters are not finished with things, as Jeremy Vaeni and Jeff Ritzman reveal: Paratopia: Please Note Paratopia has been shut down, and not by them. But they will not be silenced and will soon appear elsewhere.
Jeff clears things up:
Paratopia is not shut down, nor is there any clear evidence to say who complained about some innocuous posts on our message board that were over a year old.

*I* personally deleted the message boards, after ProBoards refused to tell me why such posts were against their TOS, but rather reiterated to take them down.

We will not partake on a message board system that refuses to acknowledge nonsensical complaints, or even look into them. It's ridiculous. So We're off ProBoards.

Paratopia, the podcast, live show, and all the rest is still there operating as usual. A new message board is forthcoming.

This overly sensational and misleading blog title is incorrect.
So there you go.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Sounds

The sounds. So I suppose I should say something. They are weird. And coming in this time of the New Year, the Year of the Dragon, 2012, ... what with bird falls and ribbon seals and Asian birds appearing in the lower 48, it seems truly a sign. Mother ships revving up, ready for take off, from deep within the earth's core? Ultimate pole shifts? HAARP? Or movie promo? As usual no doubt some of the recordings of "the sound" are hysteria, or outright hoaxes. Typical to have both in Fortean realms. But all of them? And virtually all over the planet? piglipstick comments on the sound and shares an experience: piglipstick: The Sounds Intensify

On the other hand, while the sounds are being reported world wide they seem to land heavily in the U.S. and Europe. Sink holes and earthquakes created by frakking -- any relation? Or are the sounds a marketing campaign? If they are the latter, that brings up a couple of ethical questions. Assuming the sounds are heard by those who put up their videos and recordings on-line are reporting on what they've heard, that means the sounds are intentionally put there by the alleged movie promo folks. Disregarding the feelings of local citizenry and animal life. Nice. This does bring up memories of the Claret gadgets in the skies of California a few years ago, or Spielberg's Super 8 -- we can only continue to wait and watch for more.

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Phenomena, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Anomalies

Like this post very much on those who,just don't get it:Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Phenomena, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Anomalies

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Random Items

Local UFO Sighting, Follow-up Fizzles?
I haven't been posting much here, nothing to say, really, about UFOs. I tried to follow up on one local Craigslist post from a UFO witness -- they saw a strange light doing strange things less than 2 miles from where I live:
I just saw a UFO hovering over South Eugene. It appeared around 10:30 PM. I was driving to the store this evening and when I turned on to 18th I saw a bright light hovering just above me, very close, extremely bright. I stopped my car and watched it bobble back & forth a bit. It was very bright and made no sound. It hovered in small circles for about 5 min. and then the light slowly dimmed. After it dimmed I could see a black silhouette moving slowly away until it disappeared. After it was gone I stopped someone walking who had also seen it and was just as amazed as I was. THIS IS NO WAY THIS WAS A PLANE OR A HELICOPTER. Did anyone else see this from another angle? or catch anything else?
* Location: 18th & Pearl PostingID: 2764971047
He answered my email and was open to discussing it, possibly meeting, then, nothing, and he hasn't returned my call, so, for now, I don't know anything other than what he posted, asking if anyone else in the area had seen the UFO.

I've been writing a lot about Bigfoot lately, particularly on the NO KILL/NO CAPTURE issue.  Tomorrow I hope to drive out to a location not far from here where a BF sighting took place awhile back. It's an urban area and, while there are wooded hills and areas very near, it seems strange a BF would be so seen so close. The used to be open, semi wooded but over the past 15 years, it's been increasingly developed.

Kindles and Deviant Moons
Trying to catch up on reading, I have so many books I owe reviews for and I am behind on them.  The Santa Fairy bought me a Kindle, which I've been enjoying. Waiting for my ebay Kindle cover to arrive, as well as my Deviant Moon Tarot deck. I cannot wait to use these cards! I have a feeling they are going to be great. I hope so. It's funny, I have several decks, and I know the criticisms of the Waite deck, which I agree with, but I always end up using that deck anyway. The only other decks I use, which aren't Tarot but oracle cards, are the Druid and Native Amercian Animal decks. And the latter is controversial for obvious reasons.

Bird Falls: Trickster's Realm
New Trickster's Realm column at Tim Binnall's site, on the bird die offs in Beebe, Arkansas.

In spite of myself, I watch Ghost Adventures. It's silly in a lot of ways and downright stupid but I always end up liking the show. I'm a Fortean junkie anyway and will watch any show (as long as it's not skewed towards skeptics) on UFOs, ghosts, Bigfoot, you name it. So last night, we were in the living room, watching GA. There was a moment where the guys were in the dark, with the night vision cameras, capturing EVPs on the "spirit box." I was feeling pretty intense at that moment; something about the spirits in the place they were in and what the voice was communicating got to me. When the voice spoke, the light cord on the bookcase moved. Very, very weird.

We have a long string of purple led lights draped over the bookcase where the TV is. The right side of the string of lights suddenly jerked, a few times, exactly like someone was tugging at it. No other part of the string moved. There wasn't any wind, no one moved to cause a vibration, no cat walked by, etc. (They couldn't have, since that side is blocked off with a large screen.) The movement was specific -- a tug, a pull -- not a jostle from a breeze or anything. It was just odd.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

White House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to Mars | Danger Room |

Just when I thought things were getting quiet around here. . .

Ridiculous, but of course, but so wacky I just have to post it:
White House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to Mars | Danger Room |

Forget Kenya. Never mind the secret madrassas. The sinister, shocking truth about Barack Obama’s past lies not in east Africa, but in outer space. As a young man in the early 1980s, Obama was part of a secret CIA project to explore Mars. The future president teleported there, along with the future head of Darpa.

That’s the assertion, at least, of a pair of self-proclaimed time-traveling, universe-exploring government agents. Andrew D. Basiago and William Stillings insist that they once served as “chrononauts” at Darpa’s behest, traversing the boundaries of time and space. They swear: A youthful Barack Obama was one of them.

However, the article can't resist lumping all of conspiracy minded conspiracies with tin foil hat wearing kooks:
Perhaps this all sounds fantastical, absurd, and more than a little nuts. We couldn’t agree more. That’s one of the reasons we love conspiracy theories — the more awesomely insane, the better. Each week during 2012, when the Mayans tell us to expect the apocalypse, Danger Room will peel back a new layer of crazy to expose those oh-so-cleverly hidden machinations powering this doomed plane of existence. Welcome — back — to Tinfoil Tuesday.

I'd say "sigh" right here but that's become as irritating and old as air quotes, the use of "really?!", "literally" and other popular culture - isms. For good measure a Marvin the Martian cartoon snippet is thrown in, which I don't mind because I love Marvin the Martian.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

No Computer!!!!

My modem died. I'm without internet access. Right now I'm logging on via my work internet on my break, but I can't use that for any length of time for this sort of stuff. So until the new modem arrives and we get it all hooked up I won't be posting anywhere...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A flotilla of eerie UFOs in Oregon skies?

Starry Night Over the Rhone, Vincent Van Gogh, 1888

  Sadly, no. Now that would have been incredible. Instead, a beautiful and slightly eerie effect in last night's sky in Eugene. Our weather here the past couple of days has been rainy, very windy (up to 40 miles an hour), and very warm. Looking up at the sky around 10:00 last night, and for just one exciting, fleeting moment thought I'd seen a UFO. I quickly realized it was not such thing, just a very bright star that seemed to be moving rapidly across the sky, directly overhead. Then I noticed several smaller bright lights chasing or following the mothership. :)
   But of course there wasn't any mothership or orbs or scout ships up there. Just the starry sky and the wind blowing the clouds, which gave the appearance of several scudding stars. A beautiful and slightly exhilarating sight.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Forgetting to Remember in Stardust Memories

I've been a Woody Allen fan forever. One of my favorite Allen films is Stardust Memories, which was mostly rejected by critics and fans as being among his worst films. But I love this film; I saw it when it was released in 1980 and have seen it a couple of times since, and it remains one of my favorite Woody Allen movies.

We were watching the two part documentary on the American Masters series on PBS (Woody Allen: A Documentary) last night. Towards the end of part one they were discussing Stardust Memories. Jim said to me "That's the one with the UFO in it, right?" and I looked at him like he was crazy. I said, "Woody Allen? UFO? I don't know what you're talking about." He said, "There was a UFO scene in the movie..." I told him I don't remember anything like that at all. I thought he was mistaken, mixing up some reference (and a joke or dialogue, not a scene with aliens and a glowing UFO) in another Allen film with Stardust Memories, maybe.

 The documentary shows some scenes from the movie, including this one:

I found it funny that Miss UFO Girl here would forget a scene with a UFO and aliens in one of her favorite movies. One that I've seen more than once. But Jim has only seen the movie once, as far as I know, and that was the first thing he remembered about the movie.