Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Beams

A semi-new characteristic of UFOs witnesses have been reporting: beams of light shooting down from the craft. The latest reported by Roger Marsh at UFO Digest:
Two objects emitting 'vertical beams of light to ground': A Pennsylvania witness at Erie reported watching two stationary lights in the sky that appeared to be sending vertical beams of light to the ground about 5:15 a.m. on December 6, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
I had intended to post links to past articles I wrote on beams at UFO Mystic, but the blog seems to be down at the moment.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Mini MUFON Facebook Rant

Just feeling very grumpy tonight: "Some MUFON folks are such stick in the muds. So fucking SERIOUS. "Science based this..." and "hard evidence that" and... look, kids, UFOs are crazy wild things with no sense and witness accounts vary like mad. So either help the witness and be true to the data or shut the hell up and take that stick out of your bum."

Friday, December 7, 2012

Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory Skinwalker Episode

I was looking forward to this one, the paranormal and overall very strange events at the Utah Skinwalker Ranch being one of my favorite Fortean/UFO  stories.

But I was disappointed in the recent Tru TV episode of Conspiracy Theory, hosted by Jesse Ventura. Most glaring: the complete absence of George Knapp or Colm Kelleher,  authors of  Hunt for the Skinwalker, which brought the exceedingly odd events at that place to the public. It's possible they were invited by the producers but for their own reasons turned them down.

On the other hand, I always have to remember that shows like this are made for the television audience, including those who may not know much, if anything, of UFOs and related conspiracies.  So in a general sense, at least the program brought the whole Bigelow MUFON relationship to everyone's attention. That is still a very strange thing: remember, UFO reports are now to be reported to Bigelow-MUFON-'BAASS' [Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies ], not the government.  (See directive from the Federal Aviation Administration.)

Conspiracy Theory told us that Bigelow now owns the Skinwalker ranch, and weird goings on are still happening. The theory pushed by the show (including researcher and author Preston Dennett, who made a brief appearance) was that aliens are here, and they're bad -- murdering, murderous bad -- and Bigelow knows it. In fact, the aliens are hanging out at the ranch, and woe to anyone who trespasses, for surely the aliens will kill you dead.

The theory not offered, and that I think is far more likely, is one that combines two elements. One, the area is certainly "haunted" -- not necessarily by ghosts, (though that could be a part of it, who knows,) but by generally weird paranormal stuff. Going back hundreds of years, the area has been known to harbor all kinds of supernatural energies. A vortex, a portal, but something in that area that's been present for a very long time; something that can be safely termed paranormal. UFOs are a part of this anomalous history, as Frank Salisbury's 1974 book The Utah UFO Display.  As to the Skinwalker ranch, I think it's a reasonable 'conspiracy theory' to assume the Bigelow cartel is aware of these paranormal (and or alien) energies, and is using their own technology to manipulate these energies. Including any ETs that may be afoot.

Like the areas in Ohio and West Virginia -- Mothman country -- the powers that be, those with money and the power to be as covert as they damn well please use those areas for their own agendas. It's not an either or situation; you know, is Mothman real, are there really ETs in Utah? It's not so simplistic as some want us to believe.

Aside from the killing aliens on the Utah ranch, there is Bigelow's on-going space ship project. Big questions the Conspiracy Theory team were asking about a civilian -- Bigelow-- able to put his space-stations up in space. How is it, they asked, that a private citizen can build and launch these things? Never really answered, but the answer is obvious: money and connections. Thinking that Robert Bigelow is simply a really very rich person with a rocket obsession is naive. However, the why of Bigelow's homes in space was answered: to save us, (well, him and his friends, clearly not any of us) from the evil killing aliens.

Another interesting moment in the program: retired Army Colonel John R. Alexander.  He was both creepily coy as well as efficacious, giving no real answers, which of course wasn't unexpected --  his legend in UFO Land is a sinister one.

The most blatant and arrogant element in all this: both Alexander and Bigelow remarked that (paraphrasing) the public doesn't have any particular right to know the truth on UFOs. UFO reports, data, research -- not a given that the public should know, or needs to know. Bigelow and Co. are collecting what they can and keeping it to themselves. That attitude -- that a quasi private citizen with enough money is the winner in UFO Land -- is a heinous one. The fact that MUFON supports this is equally disturbing.

It seems that the past few years, the biggest and most unethical of behaviors and practices (i.e., David Jacobs) continue, even after a period of discussion. But after things die down, they're allowed to continue as before. Jacobs is still out there doing his UFO thing, and plenty are actively supporting and following him. There was a flurry of suspicion and discussion around the Bigelow-BAASS-MUFON alliance, but, they're still doing whatever covert thing or things they're doing. Any criticism or investigation into their cloistered activities won't stop them, but maybe that's not the point. (not so much, anyway.) Simply bringing this to everyone's attention is enough, for now.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mechanical Voices, Aliens and Mothman: Shared Source? | MOTHMAN FLUTTERINGS

From a blog post I shared at Mothman Flutterings in 2009, a new comment that is very interesting: Mechanical Voices, Aliens and Mothman. (Note: this was left on my WP blog, where I no longer post. For current Mothman Flutterings posts visit Mothman Flutterings II on blogger.)

LIZARD PEOPLE IN PORTUGAL – An Invasive Mind Scan Carried Out by Reptilians — World Mysteries Blog

(with thanks to @anomalist on Twitter for link.)Ken Bakeman on Reptilian abduction techniques, including orange orbs. LIZARD PEOPLE IN PORTUGAL – An Invasive Mind Scan Carried Out by Reptilians — World Mysteries Blog.

About those orbs:
2. Orbs of bright light, commonly of a orange color.

Orbs, or glowing spheres of different colors, were a feature in several of my encounters with Reptilians. (See here for a partial discussion of this.) These orbs are not by any means limited to use by the Reptilians. Based on what I have witnessed and personally been through over a span of some forty-plus years they are a standard vehicle utilized by a wide range of beings and entities who have commerce with the fauna, including of course humans, living on the terrestrial hardscape. It seems, based on what I’ve been able to determine from my various experiences, that these energetic orbs facilitate a translation back and forth between a physical form and, for lack of better terms, an etherial composition. If it can be summarized, I think that orbs are a means by which consciousness can be concentrated and positioned as desired or needed. In many cases the orbs as seen from outside were either a pearly-white color or, as in a NDE I went through in Germany, the orb was perfectly clear with an astonishing crystal city inside of it. In the case of Reptilians who were instigating malicious abduction events I’ve had situations where a blinding, bright orange orb was positioned directly in front of me, coinciding with the extremely loud siren sound and headache techniques discussed as follows.

I love a good Reptilian story! And no, I'm not being flip, I really do. What's behind all that, I have no idea. Not having experienced anything related to Reptilians, not for me to say. As to the orbs, "my" orb experience involved an intelligently controlled, or, sentient itself, orange orb. No loud sounds however,though, there was missing time, telepathic communications and terrifying dreams, among other happenings.

Whatever one makes of stories like Bakeman's, it's most definitely a UFO-Fortean's kind of story.

Rendlesham UFO Incident: Coast to Coast Tonight

My favorite host, George Knapp subject:Rendlesham UFO Incident.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

US Military Enlists Amateurs to Track Space Junk

Maybe I'm too far down the rabbit hole but my first thought when I saw this item was one filled with suspicion, underscored when I saw 'DARPA' in the mix. filled US Military Enlists Amateurs to Track Space Junk

Monday, November 12, 2012

UFO: Triangle object flies over Merlin, Oregon : The Canadian National Newspaper

The Fortean named town of Merlin, where I once read, years ago, about deer roaming the "downtown" streets, and something about Bigfoot, once. Anyway, here's a recent UFO sighting:UFO: Triangle object flies over Merlin, Oregon : The Canadian National Newspaper

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Cycle of No There There: 'UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all'

Once again, we see an item on how there's nothing to UFOs. Not from the overt and pathological skeptic crowd, but from the meh realm. UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all - Telegraph

This is not news. Oh, I don't doubt the debunkers and "skeptics" will jump all over this to support their ludicrous opinions on the UFO phenomena. It'll be juicy news for their disingenuous little black hearts.

We've seen this meme many times over the past few years. A few items here and there on how: UFO sightings are down, reports are down, UFO "enthusiasts" have given up, UFO organizations have closed their doors, and so on.

These fluffy little pieces circle around like black helicopters.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Red Pills of the Week — November 3rd | Mysterious Universe

All good, but I particularly liked what RPJ had to say about David Icke. Who is, in so many ways, a giant tool. But let's not be too hasty. RPJ comments:
Yeah, Icke and his outré ideas are easy target. But, I must admit that since the core of his main message is intrinsically gnostic, as a gnostic myself I can certainly entertain the notion that what we perceive as the ‘real world’ is but a very thin outer layer, hidden deeper levels where unknown beings might be lurking.
Red Pills of the Week — November 3rd | Mysterious Universe

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Big Study: Trickster Strike!!!

Wonderful little piece on seemingly every day and mundane oddness, and yet...The Big Study: Trickster Strike!!!

I wasn't sure where to post this link, here, Women of Esoterica, Ecto-ville, what? But, as anyone inveigled in UFOs knows, synchronicities as well as missing items and all manner of trickster like events occur often. In Trickster Strike! the person involved is a UFO researcher, which, it seems to me, is not an unrelated component.