Sunday, March 3, 2013 - Irish Faery Tradition

Thought this very excellent, passing it along, from one of the sages within faerydom: - Irish Faery Tradition: "What is generally called the “faery tradition” is seldom understood in full…it is usually limited to the academic study of folklore. You know the kind of thing, visit grandmother, ask her about faeries, write the answers down or nowadays tape them…get a grant, publish a book. But grandmother is speaking with a voice that comes down to us from prehistoric times…she is not merely relating quaint countryside Irish beliefs. Not at all…she is telling us that the land is alive teeming with energetic spiritual forces that over the centuries, the millenniums even, became personified as myriad forms: some human, some animal, some a mixture, theriomorphic forms that combine human, bird, animal, fish. Most of all, she is telling us stories about how to live, how to relate, how to be integrated within the living land. You will not get a government grant for that."

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Deaf Dream, Archangel Metatron

This doesn't have anything to do with UFOs, but I find the following interesting for several reasons, mainly, the synchronicity involved. As always, wondering about the connection, if any, between synchroniciites and paranormal/UFO experiences.

I had two dreams last night. I think of them as two different dreams but they could have been the same dream, who knows. I'm leaving out some details, but the basics:

I'm at work (which is a school) in the underground parking/storage area. (There's no actual such place in the "real" world school; the dream mind made this up.) There's a steep driveway that goes down from the sidewalk to the underground area,* and an automatic garage type door that's closed about two thirds of the way, exposing a small opening. Daylight comes through; it's dim inside the parking/storage area but light outside. I'm not sure what I'm doing in here -- fixing something or looking for something maybe -- but I'm on my knees, doing whatever it is I'm doing. I hear, inside my head, a switch being flicked off (or on) and abruptly, I go deaf. Completely deaf. Not just hard of hearing, or muffled sounds, but deaf. I cannot hear a goddamn thing. Of course I'm terrified, very panicky. The custodian sees me through this opening (in "real life" he's a very nice person) and sees that's something wrong. I'm screaming -- or think I am, I'm deaf, so it's hard to tell -- "I can't hear!!!!! I can't hear!!!!" He comes inside and to see the extent of my deafness, he jumps up and down around me, makes all kinds of noise, but I can't hear a thing. He then tells me - - and in typical dream logic, I can "hear" him even though I can't hear -- that he's taking me to the hospital and I have nothing to say about it; he's worried and he's taking me. I call my husband -- again, makes no sense but seems logical in dream time -- to meet us there.

Later (same dream? different?) I'm working with a student who is deaf. I'm not, I'm using sign language to communicate. Except, I don't know sign language! And I'm wondering why is it the school system has me assigned to this student when I am clearly not qualified. There's another teacher with us who does know sign language but I'm expected to take the lead and it seems to be all right with this teacher that I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Somehow, I manage to fumble through and communicate with this student.
*I did have a dream about blue-suited aliens in a parking garage sometime back.

This morning I awoke and read the following item in today's paper: Researchers document distinctive Hawaii Sign Language.

Some dream interpretations resources say that dreams of losing your hearing has to do with financial success; prosperity, windfalls. I have been working on this and Archangel Metatron (which seems to be the archangel that communicates the strongest and most immediately with me.) One thought that came to me: finding ways to communicate in spite of perceived obstacles. I go deaf, but can still understand and communicate. I teach another who is deaf, and while I don't know her language, I can still communicate with her, despite flaws in the system (assigning me to her in the first place.) Me being "underground" not a bad thing. Hidden, different, not many aware of the place, but light comes through, help comes through (the custodian) and I seem to know all about it and in fact, am working there.  Overall, a positive dream.

Here's what angel healer and author Doreen Virtue writes about archangel Metatron:
If you feel drawn to help children (your own, or children in general), ask Metatron for an assignment that mirrors your natural talents and interests. Metatron works closely with psychic and sensitive kids, and he loves to help adults help these children. If you need more time, money, ideas, contacts, or other support for this mission, call upon Metatron. He'll help you manifest your needs so you focus can be directed toward his bellowed Crystal and Indigo Children.
I didn't know this about Metatron at the time of my dream; for whatever reason, and to my surprise, he's been coming through to me for some time. Since I work with children from ages six through 14, I found this another synchronicity!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thoughts on an Unread Book: Nick Redfern's The Pyramids and the Pentagon

I've heard that one of the theories put forth in Nick Redfern's newest book The Pyramids and the Pentagon; The Government's Top Secret Pursuit of Mystical Relics, Ancient Astronauts, and Lost Civilizations (he must be the most prolific Fortean writer around, besides Brad Steiger) is that the government/military complex was responsible for many contactee experiences.  I haven't read the book, yet. (Just downloaded it to my Kindle.) And of course, can't wait to read about one of my favorite topics -- contactees -- from one of my favorite Fortean authors. If Redfern does theorize that the government was directly responsible for many of the contactee encounters, that fits in with the MILABS theory, for one thing.

Some might wonder why many UFO witnesses, contactees, abductees are so . . . "obsessed." From the perspective of the on-looker -- be they researcher, debunker, or mainstream observer -- it may seem indulgent, silly, pathetic, even, this "obsession." But this so-called "obsession" is often the valid attempts from the witness to find out what the hell happened! So simple. Yet often surprisingly overlooked by others much of the time.

For myself, it gets back to, well, me. Since childhood I've had UFO related and paranormal experiences, including missing time. I am now of the opinion there are at least two things happening at the same time: "them" meaning, whoever, or whatever, these things we call aliens might be, and some of "us" meaning, mainly, the cliched (but nonetheless real) military-industrial-complex. The latter is using the former for their own agendas, and the rest of us are its little puppets.

So yes, I am damn well immensely curious, not to mention pissed off, that either non-human entities or human entities, (or both) felt they could mess with my mind simply because they could. It's certainly possible missing time, various manipulations, and sightings were human caused events. Within the context of covert operations performed upon the rest of us, it's absolutely relevant and legitimate that witnesses, like myself, "obsess" (ahem) over what happened.

It's obvious to anyone who's honest at all that humans have been sharing this planet with a host of other intelligences since our beginnings. Whether some of these beings are aliens from other planets is almost beside the point -- the fact is, we've been existing alongside other entities all along. It isn't a stretch to assume that some humans -- those with power, money and the means to exert control over the rest of the human population -- have found ways to manipulate some of these non-human beings. 

Don't throw it back on us; this idea that we're the ones wasting time and pondering the imponderable. Wrong argument.

Colin Andrews: The website will soon return to cutting edge subject matter - The book ready to be published

Colin Andrews: The website will soon return to cutting edge subject matter - The book ready to be published: Synthia and I have worked very hard writing our new book 'On the Edge of Reality' and its days away from heading to the publishers for final edit. New Page Books are excited about the book and so are we.

This for me is the book that hits the right spot, at the right time and allows us to see the world we are living in, through a new lens.

Keep your eyes on my website new postings page in the coming days for major updates - as we all know, our planet is changing and our morphic field is too - something quite extraordinary is afoot.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bird invasion brings real-life horror to Kentucky city | Reuters

Hopkinsville, Kentucky, famous for a classic UFO event that occurred in 1955, where several diminutive aliens (or owls, if you're the world's most famous "professional" paranormal investigator debunker Joe Nickell) terrified a family for several hours. Hopkinsville is again being besieged by creatures -- this time it's birds:
Bird invasion brings real-life horror to Kentucky city | Reuters: he blackbirds and European starlings blacken the sky of Hopkinsville, Kentucky, before roosting at dusk, turn the landscape white with bird poop, and the disease they carry can kill a dog and sicken humans.

"I have seen them come in, and there are enough that if the sun is just right, they'll cloud your vision of the sun," said Hopkinsville-Christian County historian William Turner. "I estimate there are millions of them."

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Parsing the Local UFO News Report

I didn't see the UFO. Just heard about it. Damn! Missed it again. Oh well.
At least the local news actually reported on the sighting, which, since 9/11, it seems like very little local media reporting of sightings has been happening.

Here's a clip:'It doesn't necessarily mean that it's little green men from another world' | Local and  Regional News | Eugene News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KVAL CBS 13

The news clip can't resist playing the required "I saw a flying saucer que the X-Files tape" music. But at least they encourage viewers to contact the station if future sightings occur.

From the accompanying text of the news report:
Buttram [a witness] showed KVAL News the video he took on his phone. It doesn't look like much. But other people reported seeing the lights, including Bill Brown, who posted photographs on the KVAL News Facebook page.

Orange Orb above Lorane Highway, OR
At least more images are at the KVAL Facebook page. KVAL's station, by the way, is on top of a hill, and that is where I had my "orange orb" encounter -- complete with missing time -- so many years ago. (To be accurate, not on the hill itself, but I first spotted the orange orb above the station at the hill from my vantage point which was down on the highway below.) Interesting comments from viewers and other witnesses who say they saw the same UFO, including the lame ones from people who "don't believe" or insist the lights were Chinese lanterns. Chinese lanterns that come together to form a triangle? Snort.

The best they could do in terms of debunking was contact the Science Factory, a science museum full of fun things for kids to explore. Quoting Sue Peterson, planetarium director:
"...the lights could have been a plan, a meteor - or even geese. science factory.

"The city lights, which are kind of orange tinged, will reflect off of their stomachs," she said, "and you'll see that kind of orange, you know, in a V shape."

Have to giggle at the typo "plan" and for goodness sakes, doesn't anyone speak decent English anymore? " know...?" Then again, the news reporters, especially the women, dress like hostesses in a strip club. I don't know if they have hostesses in strip clubs (and I'm not against strip clubs, which some might find ironic) but there is such a thing as time and place. But I'm going off on a tangent. Focus, Regan, focus.

At least Peterson did make the quite reasonable statement that:
"A UFO means unidentified flying object," Peterson said. "It doesn't necessarily mean that it's little green men from another world."

Article ends with the quasi-humorous put it in its place comment:
"I stood there and watched for a couple more minutes," he said, "and then we went to WinCo and got diapers."

Monday, February 18, 2013

Spiffy Tumblr

I like Tumblr and have had a blog over there for awhile, but was never too sure what to do with it. Just put up random things, mainly images. But I've been busy with the linking; linking to my articles that are all over the place. So here's a handy guide to my material --- keep checking because I'm updating the blog daily.

Blog Updates

New posts at my blog UFO Mary, on the Pope, Iran confiscating Buddhas, and other Fortean-religio news. New images and anomalous/alien type items at my blog Alien Art Genre.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

UFO Conspiracy Thought of the Day: Those Meteors

Russia, Cuba,San Fransico, Florida. Meteors, they say. Someone today told me they think all these "meteorites" are us, not space nature. A weapon/s being tested, or at any rate, a technology. Bolides breaking up is the explanation given for these lights in the skies  - and the glass breaking, etc.

Following this train of conspiratorial thought we find clues. From the Florida article:

The Coast Guard said it had suspected Sunday's sighting was a meteor shower, but Hankey disagreed. "Meteor showers usually are much dimmer and faster moving," Hankey said. No active major meteor showers are going on right now, because according to a calendar, the next window for such a shower would be in mid-April, Hankey said. [Hankey is "operations manager for the American Meteor Society."
Assurances and making sure we know the specifics of the thing:
The meteor explosion over Russia that injured more than 500 people and damaged hundreds of buildings was not caused by an asteroid zooming close by the Earth today (Feb.15), a NASA scientist says. NASA asteroid expert Don Yeomans, head of the agency's Near-Earth Object Program Office, told that the object which exploded over a thinly inhabited stretch of eastern Europe today was most likely an exploding fireball known as a bolide. - [Source:]
And so on; Google and you'll find hundreds of news items about the lights in the sky/meteors/bolides appearing in the skies these past few days. Poetically, it doesn't matter much if the conspiracy theory of covert human manipulations are responsilbe, of if the lights are meteors. The skies of earth are lighting up, and it has our global attention.

Jim Marrs’s Newest Book Asks if the ‘Global Elite’ Conceal Ancient Aliens -

Very good. Jim Marrs’s Newest Book Asks if the ‘Global Elite’ Conceal Ancient Aliens -

Cryptomundo : The Terrestrial Reptoid Hypothesis

I cannot get enough of the Reptilian lore. Nick Redfern, Tim Binnall and John Rhodes here: Cryptomundo  The Terrestrial Reptoid Hypothesis

I don't know why it is I find this subject so weirdly fascinating. Years ago when I first heard of Reptoids/Reptilians -- our scaled lizard overlords -- I scoffed, and mocked. I still mock. Can't help myself, for it is fantastic. But like all things in the realm of the mysterious, after mulling these things over and making connections and thinking upon your own strange experiences, you come to the realization that there are more things in that rabbit hole than you thought could possibly fit down there.

Alfred Lehmberg: UFO Magazine Blog - In Pride Ensconced

A taste:

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - In Pride�Ensconced: I spread my arms, beseech the sky, and wonder why we even try to elevate our species' place if much we touch is soon disgraced. We've potential we've ignored; we fall short, I'd bet? Deplored.
...And what of saucers flying there... perhaps with *people* filled—mon fr�re? Perhaps we're under observation, taken for an infestation! Waiting for some swift correction from those *persons* "passed detection"?
We don't know! The best response! Yet, we're in—unearned—pride ensconced. Bad enough—won't you agree—that one's compelled to calloused knee!
We aren't careful in the void; we won't make a sentient choice. Hearing what we want to hear, we're wasteful as regards what's dear: ...Life and children we respect, so give them more than sad neglect. Be our planet's steward—friend—and not a life-force we offend!
Are we wasteful... loathsome beings with nothing but our gall and spleen... to keep us from complete disaster—groveling for some gloating master?

Bigfoot DNA/ Phoenix Lights - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

George Knapp is tonight's host, with guests Lynne D. Kitei, discussing the Phoenix Lights, and BF DNA with Dr. Melba Ketchum.Bigfoot DNA/ Phoenix Lights - Shows - Coast to Coast AM