Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jeremy Vaeni: It’s Time To Help The Skeptics (Part 2 of 2) | JayVay

Part 2 from Jeremy Vaeni:It’s Time To Help The Skeptics (Part 2 of 2) | JayVay

Green Shinto: Dogu -- ET?

From Green Shinto:
Some dogu are clearly related to fertility, and some are baffling goggle-eyed aliens apparently dressed in space wear.  Mankind's links with other worlds was never shown so graphically.  Erich von Daniken hardly needed to build a thesis in Chariots of Gods (1968) about extraterrestrial influence on earthlings; it's all demonstrated visually in the dogu !

Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It'

From Huffington Post:
Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It': When Air Force Lt. Col. Richard French was an alleged lead investigator of Project Blue Book in the 1950s, his job was to shoot down false reports of UFOs.

Given his job, French never dreamed he'd end up in Newfoundland one day watching what appeared to him to be two extraterrestrials performing repairs on a submerged, unknown circular craft.

Today I Learned Thomas Edison Was An Elephant-Torturing Monster

Today I Learned Thomas Edison Was An Elephant-Torturing Monster

Forget Crop Circles. The U.S. Military Does Even Weirder Stuff In The Middle Of Nowhere.

Forget Crop Circles. The U.S. Military Does Even Weirder Stuff In The Middle Of Nowhere.

Tonight on C2C: Suppressed Stories

All about secrets on tonight's Coast to Coast with host George Knapp:Suppressed Stories - Shows - Coast to Coast AM Guests include Amy Waters Yarsinke, former naval intelligence officer, and Kris Millegan, author of Hidden Dynamics: Narcotics, Secret Societies, Intelligence Agencies and Generational Politics.

Doggie-Chupa: "Chupacabra sighting in San Antonio city limits on Bitters | San Antonio"

In Texas, a recent sighting of a chupacabra:SPOTTED: Chupacabra sighting in San Antonio city limits on Bitters | San Antonio Except, of course, this isn't a real chupacabra, it is Chupacabra, Version 2. The canine variety; those mange ridden, coyote looking animals (often shot dead) that, for intriguing folkloric reasons, have come to be called "chupacabra." Linked to item includes video clip.

SAN ANTONIO -- Margaux Huckabay said her brother spotted the legendary chupacabra on Bitters.

"At first he thought it was a coyote," said Huckabay. "It definitely looks weird."

Saturday, June 22, 2013

UFO Book: Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation

Having seen a triangle UFO myself years ago, as well as being a UFO nerd, you know I have to read this book: Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation, by David Marier, and "contributions by Richard M. Dolan, Mark Rodeghier..."

KGRA Radio

Richard Dolan show tonight, check link for other great UFO programs!KGRA Radio

New X-Files comic from IDW

I had no idea! This is too great; new X-File comic. (Not the TOPP comics of years ago.) I love this cover. Go to Duchovny Central for covers and info. Duchovny Central: Mulder is back - The X-Files comics!

Science-Fiction Phantasmagoria - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Host John B. Wells, topic:Science-Fiction Phantasmagoria, on Coast to Coast tonight. Larry Niven, Joe Haldeman, Lois McMaster-Bujold.

Super Moon

"Super Moon" is June 23rd. Closet, biggest, most intense. In the sign of Capricorn. Some info at Huffington Post.

I Come From Circus Folk

Lots of new links at my blog I Come From Circus Folk.

Simo Lazarov, "UFO," 1981 - Boing Boing

Pretty cool space-ship-from-outer-space music from 1981, courtesy of Boing Boing:Simo Lazarov, "UFO," 1981 - Boing Boing

'Goblin allegedly burns owner’s privates'

Goblins passed on intergenerationally. Didn't know that! (thanks to The Anomalist for link.)

Goblin allegedly burns owner’s privates — Nehanda Radio: At that time the kombi was filling with smoke. He jumped out of the kombi complaining about fire in his privates. He then CONFESSED that it was a goblin that was tormenting him.

He revealed that he inherited the goblin from his grandparents to boost his yield at the farm.

“I noticed smoke coming out of his trousers and everyone else wondered what was going on and begged the driver to stop. He then threw the ‘goblin’ out of the window before the kombi stopped,” said one of the passengers.

“He confessed that his grandmother left the goblin for him and he uses it in farming but it has been tormenting him for some time. He appealed for help over the issue.