Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Orb

Vintage UFO
Seems I’ve been productive with anomalous stuff and yet not producing much at the same time. A lot of it has to do with working full time and health. And yet I’ve managed to start up another blog, which I’m liking very much: Vintage UFO. Among other things, right now there’s a YouTube video of UFO Mystic's Greg Bishop in front of the Integraton at Giant Rock, California.

Tim Binnall and Binnall of America

As the earlier post below urges, contribute a little something to Tim Binnall’s website. He does an incredible job of bringing us anomalous junkies podcosts, columns, etc. every week. All for free. It takes a lot of effort and expense to do this. So any bit helps.

Oregon UFO
One UFO sighting making the news lately is of a couple in Albany, Oregon (roughly 60 miles north of me) who saw a UFO at night while they were out smoking (cigarettes, no lame drug jokes please.) The UFO split into two; shortly after they saw an orange orb fly very close to them, emitting sparks. What’s intrigues me most in some ways are some of the comments made about this: that this isn’t news of any kind. The fact that there are weird, unidentifiable things in the sky doing odd things is far more newsworthy than anything about Paris Hilton. Much more on this to come: concerning this case, related cases (including my own) and the mindset that is so jaded it can’t muster interest in machines above our heads.

Classic Abduction Scenario
One thing I’m working on, and might put it up soon, possibly for UFO Digest, if Dirk will kindly have me, is the idea I’ve been abducted. I don’t have this idea mind you, but others do.


Reminder to check out my blogs: Women in Esoterica, Mating Hedgehogs, Vintage UFO, and Frame 352.

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