Sunday, August 1, 2010

"The C Influence: Actualizing Esoteric Discussions"

I've been invited to contribute to a new blog created by Rick Phillips and co-moderated by Bruce Duensing: The C Influence. It's a new direction for me; and I hope I can keep up! The idea is to generate discussions around truly esoteric thought and philosophies. . . a bit difficult to explain, take a look and please leave comments! The general idea is to encourage discussion around "seed posts" by other contributors. Who include: Lesley Gunter, Bruce Duensing, Bruce Duensing, Bruceleeeowe, J.S. Flower, Jeff Behnke , Lon Strickler (of Phantoms and Monsters), Rick Phillips and Tom Colucci.

There is a lot of interesting material up already; hard to choose which way to go, so much I want to delve into. We invite you to visit the blog and please, leave comments!

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