Friday, April 4, 2014

KRIS 6 News Reports:' Chupacabra Found Alive in South Texas?'

I've written about this several times in the past; about so-called "chupacabras" found in the U.S. Somewhere along the Fortean line, the chupacabra legend morphed front the glowing red eyed, spiny backed bipedal alien-like cryptid of Puerto Rico, then Florida, Mexico, and elsewhere, to the hairless canine type animals in the U.S. KRIS 6 News - Chupacabra Found Alive in South Texas?

For some time now, these odd hairless animals have been chased, trapped and killed, out of a thrilling fear sense, so it seems. Referred to as "chupacabras" these animals are displayed as proof there is something monstrous roaming the land.

In reality, these animals are just that: animals, of the mundane variety. Sadly, their conditions are worrisome, not because of any "monster" threat, but because their conditions are not only bad for the animal, but indicators of something wrong in the eco-system. Instead, this obvious signal of distress within our environment is ignored, while the sensationalism of "monsters" in our midst continues with reports of a "monster" caught on tape. Or in a trap. Or shot to death.


Unknown said...

Looks like a Wallaby, or a type of Wallaby as there are several kinds. The head, eyes, small feet, sits upright to eat. It may have mange too.

Anonymous said...

This is a Raccoon with mange, I can't believe your local vet could not help you with this sick raccoon. It needs immediate medical help.....

Anonymous said...

This animal is a raccoon with mange, take it to a vet soon...

Regan Lee said...

It is not "my" raccoon/wallaby/chupie, it is an animal featured on a Southwest Texas news station. I live in Oregon.

As I stated in my post, these animals are being "discovered" and too often shot at, or killed, and deified as a monster -- the chupacabra. Which it isn't.

They are mange ridden animals, or something close -- maybe also hybrids, an oddity, possibly, but I don't think they are "monsters" and I do think, as I wrote, that people need to figure out why this is happening, instead of freaking out at a so-called chupacabra invasion.