Monday, February 1, 2016

Orange Fireballs and Little People in England—the Incredible 1994 UFO-Humanoid Case at Silbury Hill - Paranormal News

From 1994, which is early for orange orb type sightings, this one from England. This sighting involves crop circles -- the witnesses were camping out hoping to see something in terms of crop circles appearing. Lots of high strangeness, including orange orbs and other light forms:

Orange Fireballs and Little People in England—the Incredible 1994 UFO-Humanoid Case at Silbury Hill - Paranormal News: Looking over the side of the steep mound they thought they could see small dark forms moving around, forms resembling children, but their attention was immediately grabbed by the sight of an orange fireball appearing about a mile away—slowly floating above the ground. When all three people looked at the orange, fiery orb another fireball immediately appeared beside the first. At that distance the witnesses described them as looking like flaming, orange torches. (Paranormal

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