Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank You . . .

As always, so many blogs, not enough time, (I think I'll have to do categories) but Thank You! to:

The Daily Grail
The Anomalist
The Debris Field
Beyond the Dial

Reality Sandwich
Cliff Pickover's Reality Carnival
Alien Casebook
Alien Worlds

for all the daily listings of UFO, paranormal, high strangeness, Fortean goodness in every way. Remember, these bloggers do this for free, not asking for anything -- some may ask for donations, which is understandable (and I've donated) but no fee is required to check their sites, as often as you like, and get the latest links on UFO and other paranormal news. So, thank you!

There are others, no doubt, that give us daily listings, if so, and I missed you, send me an email and I'll check out your site.

Monday, October 27, 2008

UFO Mania!

Trickster's Realm
I got my dates mixed up and didn't realize my Trickster's Realm column wasn't due 'til next week, so no new TR today.

UFO Magazine's The Green Room: Stephenville Lights and the Creepy Beam

I do have something up at UFO Magazine's blog The Green Room: Stephenville's Creepy Beam: The Return of the Stephenville Lights and a Creepy Beam of Light

UFO News: They're Here!

"You sure don't look like an iguana." ~ V, 1983

Some amazing UFO news from a variety of places that seems to be just . . . there, here, on the Internet and in small places. UFO Magazine's blog has some interesting items on UFO news. We're in a UFO flap and have been for at least a year now. MOD and others are releasing their UFO files and basically are saying "Well, UFOs are real, and we don't know much what to do about it." It's exciting to those of us who are immersed in this world, but outside it's business as usual, and yet, "they're here!" and it all seems so . . . casual. And I think if the Big D (disclosure) would ever to take place, it would be in this way: just a plethora of quiet little items, casually dropped about but without any mainstream big time fanfare, until . . . "oh, yeah. the alien dudes. kinda freaky, huh?' and then back to work on Monday. We'll be going fucking nuts over this of course, including "told yas!" but the uber-skeptics would still be fighting with each other, with us, with anything that they even think gives off the faintest whiff of woo. Now and then there'll be something about "alien rights" akin to animal rights, or like something out of the television series V.

UFO Hunters New Season This Wednesday
UFO Hunters new season starts this Wednesday on The History Channel. 10:00 pm Eastern time.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fall is here

Fall is here, in the air, in between bouts of summer days and chemtrails anyway, which means my posting will be kind of chaotic. All depends, for the time being, on my energy level, spaces in my life, and work schedule. The great thing about working for a public school is I get summer off. The bad thing is, well, I have to go off to work. (Don't mistake that last comment for dislike of my job; the best thing of all about my job is my interaction with the kids, no matter what their age: from the kinders to the 8th graders (yes! 8th graders, even!) So I'll have to post when I can; no schedule, not that there was any schedule, and bouts of frenetic posting in between dry periods.

Check out my published content!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Orb

I forgot it was Sunday!

My Trickster Realm column for Binnall of America is on, now bet you can't guess . . . yep, that's right, the Biscardi Georgia Bigfoot Circus. I know, everyone has been commenting on this, including me. But this piece is inspired by a comment The Anomalist posted the other day: "have there been any positive takes on this story?" as well as Danielle Lee's piece on her blog The Spirit Guide, and Women Of Esoterica. So do I decide that I've been too harsh, too grumpy, too humorless? Read Turn That Frown Upside Down! and find out.


Speaking of animals, (as we all are) I had a series of odd animal encounters today. I comment about them on Trickster Northwest.


Pin Up Art
Nothing to do with esoterica, UFOs or anything of that nature, but I'm shamelessly promoting Jim's artwork. So go take a look, okay? I suppose I have to put a warning and say that some of the work is "adult" so if you're offended by naked women, don't look. Visit James Rich Studio, also his gallery, with over 159 paintings, at


Speaking of Pin Up art and such, I have a new blog: Pulp Jello. I had to have a place to indulge my love of vintage ads and cover art!

Image: The Brink of Sleep, original artwork by James Rich

Check out my published content!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Marvin the Martian and The Carpenters

Visit Vintage U.F.O.; you'll find outer space songs by Dickie Goodman and Karen Carpenter, a Marvin the Martian clip, a great "remix" of composer for the cartoons Carl Stalling to footage from classic flying saucer movies, and a lot more. I'm really having too much fun over there.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Random Things

This whole Anonymous anti-Scientology wave has me a bit nervous; as I've written here recently. I rant some more on it on my blog

Chronic Skepticism. (Which I'm thinking of changing to 'snarly skepticism.")

Usually my Trickster's Realm column for Binnall of America appears on Mondays; this week it will go up sometime today, Friday the 14th.. As always, be sure to read Lesley's Grey Matters, Khyron's The K-Files, Tina Sena's Esoterica, and Richelle Hawks Medusa's Ladder.

I'm pushing Mating Hedgehogs. So much over there, and yet so lonely . . .please, visit this wondrous quirky blog and give it some hope?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My Neglected Friends

Not my friends in the non-blogger internet world, but my on-line friends. This is about them.

This is about PT also known as patchouli_troll, and Beau/crptidhunter, and so many more.

When I first got into the on-line world of UFOs and other paranormal things, I moderated or co-moderated a lot of Yahoo groups. (I still do but have pretty much ignored them.) Two people in particular that did this with me; in fact, were doing it long before I came along, were PT and beau, also known as cryptidhunter.

PT started the Yahoo forum Fortean Phenomena, and it was going strong for a few years. I’m not sure what happened, one of those Yahoo glitches, but a few years ago, that forum got sucked into cyberspace so PT had to start over. She did, with Fortean Phenomena Again, which is still going strong. Co-moderators are beau/cryptid hunter, myself, and ufoluvsscoobss, also known as PunkinPie.

Patchouli Troll (PT) and beau were very helpful to me years ago; encouraging and funny. PT lives in Oregon and we’ve been in contact a few times; and I truly consider all three of them friends.

I’m writing about them because since I’ve been doing all this blogging and writing, I haven’t been too involved in any of the forums; mine, or the ones they’ve started or that I co-moderate with them. I just wanted to give them a big thanks and a plug for their forums.

Before the blogging fury, there were forums, and the operators of these forums helped set the way for bloggers, I think. I know they did for me.

So PT, beau, and PunkinPie, and others out there, hello and Happy New Year!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday Orb

The weeks go by too quickly! And when you work a full time job it’s difficult to spend the time you’d like with the realm of the weird. Here’s what’s been going on this past week:

New Blog: Women in Esoterica
I started a new blog: Women in Esoterica. Kind of clunky and too stuffy a title, I’ll probably change it soon.

My next lTrickster’s Realm article for Binnall of America should be up some time tomorrow; it’s on the new blog Women in Esoterica and why I started it.

Marian Apparition
I came across a good article on UFO Digest on a Marian Apparition. The writer’s name is Richelle Hawks and the article is The Virgin Tree of Salt Lake City

Ghost Photo Contest
I think Lesley is about to end the contest, if it isn’t ended already. Hurry over and see if it you can still submit a ghost photo.

The Zorgy Awards
Paul Kimball of The Other Side of Truth has decided to run his Zorgy Award campaign again. He’s taking nominations now. Categories include best UFO blob, best paranormal website, and many more. I came in third last year, much to my amazement. There are many great UFO blogs out there, but hey, I’ll ask anyway. Nominate me!

UFO Mystic
Two interesting articles on UFOs; what the phenomena is, how we should expand our thinking, over on UFO Mystic, Nick Redfern’s item on Steiger’s Shadow World book. Also Greg Bishop's piece on “objectivity.”

Book of Thoth
On The Book of Thoth is my piece on what I think UFOs are doing up there. They Want to be Seen, Not Discovered.

I’m working away on a compilation to be an e-book of articles on skepticism. TBA.

UFO Magazine
My next article for UFO Magazine is on the expectations of disclosure.

Lots of interesting things on Bigfoot, from sightings to escaped invisible Bigfoot from Livermore labs. This is an old story but reposted over at Cryptomundo in context of the Blogsquatcher’s post on the “lost” CBS footage of a captured Bigfoot in the 1960s. The Blogsquatcher by the way is a new Bigfoot blog that seems to be a very good one.

There's probably more, but I really should try to be responsible and get back in the “real” world and do things like housework. I also have a deadline (like, today) on my next piece for UFO Magazine. (this one on data.)

Have a good week, be safe, be kind, but don’t let the bastards grind you down.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Women in Esoterica

I started a new blog: Women in Esoterica. The title's too stuffy for my taste, but at least it gets the idea across. Also, do we want Women and Esoterica, Women of Estoerica, etc.

I'll write more on the whys and whats of the blog in my next Trickster's Realm column for Binnall of America, which help be up sometime on Monday.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Kithra's Krystal Kave

New blog; she has a website, which is where I found her. She had a good piece on the Cornish Owlman that I quoted. Kithra very nicely responded; she's knowledgeable about a lot of things. She's started a blog.

She writes on UFOs but all kinds of things, cryptids to be sure; very interesting.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday Round-Up at the Orb

Here's my shameless self-promotion for Sunday:

Paranormal Meet. Found this recently; and it's going strong. Lots of new people joining everyday. I like it, it's a good idea, and fun. Much better than having a MySpace page.Take a look, be sure to visit my blog and vote! And join if you can. There are a few little glitches, nothing major, but it's easy to find your way around and user friendly. I like the like minded, community vibe over there.

UFO Digest. My latest piece over there is on the blurring, or mimicking, or. . . something, of aliens/ghosts/Bigfoot, etc. When Entities Collide: Ghosts, Aliens, MIBs, and Entities and The Trickster Faeries

The current Trickster's Realm on Binnall of America is on my friend "Lola" here in Oregon and the high strangeness that follows the family: High Strangeness Follows Family? As always, be sure to read all the other great stuff on there.

My short article "What Is A UFO?" should be up on American Chronicle any time now. There's a holding period for pieces; I put it in today, so it can be any time from now until sometime tomorrow. Check this link for the article, as well as the rest of my American Chronicle pieces.

Mating Hedgehogs
, my other blog about: politics, culture, media, weirdness, etc. Please check it out, there's everything from YouTube clips of Mothman and Mothra to rants about anti-feminist, anti-Semitic clown shoes like Henry Makow. Mating Hedgehogs.

And finally, Frame 352, my "stranger side of Sasquatch" blog. Follow the link over there to Lisa Shiel's Bigfoot Quest blog, where she has a poll going on about UFOs and Bigfoot.

Good night, have a good week! Let's hope we're all safe and good and remain relatively sane.

Friday, September 7, 2007

"Paranormal Meet"

I don't know how much time I'll have to post here in the next few days; back to work full time (and then some) leaves little time. Until my body gets used to the rountine again; anyway, here's a new blog place for blog junkies of the Paranormal and UFOs: Paranormal Meet. It's a good idea; there are others, Daily Grail, Book of Thoth, both which are excellent of course. But always room for more.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Round Up of Self Promotion

A few new things at my Bigfoot blog Frame 352.

And at Mating Hedgehogs.

Not much elsewhere, the new UFO Magazine isn't yet out, but should be soon. Look for my article on Daniel Fry, as well as all the other great articles that will be available.

I'll be in Los Angeles beginning Thursday; family wedding. I'll have my laptop but don't know how much writing I'll get done.

However, I am working a lot of various things, as always, including something on chemtrails, referencing Colin Bennett's article on the subject,(Chemtrails and UFOs) for example. My trip to Los Angeles should prove interesting regarding chemtrails. Also: UFO Semantics, or the Semantics of UFOs, something like that. It's a lost cause but I get annoyed and rant about it anyway. You can't "believe in" UFOs, UFOs are not aliens, UFOs do indeed exist, etc. The most convulted "reasoning" about this was a thread on the JREF (James Randi forum) -- something about why are UFOs considered "paranormal?" Nothing of the Trickster like events within many UFO events, or any of that, but a surreal post about extraterrestrials could be out there, but UFOs aren't, no one's proven UFOs exist, ... I dunno. Is it just me?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mating Hedgehogs: New blog

FYI, it's been around awhile, but I hadn't done anything to announce it. Formerly called "ear mouse" until I discovered there's already a lot of things named "ear mouse." Go figure. So now it's
"Mating Hedgehogs,"
in honor of my favorite debunker theory to explain crop circles. Take a look.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Two columns by Greg Bishop of UFO Mystic

Why is it we’re all supposed to sit around and nod politelyu and not say anything “rude” at all when someone tells us they’re a Christian, how they just went to their church picnic, etc. but everyone titters and rolls their eyes if you mention UFOs? Which at least exist, in the literal sense. But don’t get me started.

Back to Greg; from May:
Christians Want UFOs Taught in Schools,
and from today: Fundame ntalist
Skeptics Dumber.