Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Monday, December 27, 2010

UFOs and the Dream Set

 UFO Dream Set
I just realized, the other day, that I have a recurring "dream set" concerning dreams about UFOs. The realization startled me because it was a big "duh!" -- so obvious. But for whatever reason, I'd never made the connection before.

White Orb, Regan Lee
I have lots of dreams of UFOs, and some take place in a park like setting, during the day. But there's another UFO dream scenario that takes place at night. The setting is always the same. It's not any literal place I recognize in waking life.

In these dreams, it's always night, and I have the feeling it's between 8:00 and 10:00, maybe 11:00, pm. There's a dark wooden fence, about six feet high, off to one side, kind of behind me. There are residential streets, I'm usually standing in a parking lot to a tavern diner type place, or, in the street, lots of houses around but off a ways. Mixed use; residential and city stuff. Over a few blocks, there's more going on; lights, stores, restaurants. And hills about three to five miles, at the most, further back.

The sky is dark, full of glistening stars. And, UFOs. Sometimes they look like planes and helicopters but they're really disguised UFOs. Most often the stars are the UFOs; the UFOs are hiding within the stars, but soon show themselves. There's often a brilliant display up there; showing off. Wonderful to watch, but an undercurrent of extreme, unpleasant tension. Things are not what they seem, not what they appear to be.

I'm with at least on other person, we're off by ourselves, witnessing this, a bit away from others.

I'll try to make a sketch of this dreamscape and post it.

End of the Matrix
Speaking of dreamscapes, I had an odd little dream the other night. I have several of these dreamscapes, settings, that pretty much stay the same. One is a city scape, it's L.A., kind of downtown, east L.A. but it looks nothing like waking reality. In my dreams I know it's L.A. though. Wide, wide streets, low buildings, nothing much taller than four stories, hills in the background. I'm always moving east, and down, in this setting. Downhill. Sometimes it's daytime, sometimes it's night. Movie theaters, etc. As I continue on, I realize I'm a bit lost. And I'm always walking, never driving. Sometimes I take a bus. I'm usually nervous around here; it's strange and new and I'm not sure of where I am. There are some unsavory people around here too, not too safe.

So the other night, I'm in this dream set, walking down the wide wide night street, and then, I get to the end. Suddenly, the street ends, and there's nothing ahead; just desert. I had a lucid moment in the dream, almost laughing, saying "What the hell?!" I was a little unnerved by this, because it was my dream, and I hadn't planned on this! How could I "run out?"

Lesley at Debris Field Comments on Odor of the Owl

The Debris Field: The Odor of the Owl

Lesley comments on the Owl perfume mascot out of London; she points out something I didn't know, that owls don't have a strong sense of smell.

As Lesley mentions, the owl as image is a strong and major one in esoterica:
We all know the owl is the most esoteric creature around, associated with alien abduction, bad omens, Bohemian Grove and so much more.

"They" must know of the owl's powerful impact on the subconscious in this regard. On the surface, one could point to the popularity of the owl in the Harry Potter novels, and the owl in general is a current popular culture motif in fashion. But being of a conspiratorial and Fortean mind, I think this imagery goes deeper than that.

I also agree with Lesley about clowns -- they're creepy and strange and evoke insidious intent -- and mascots, particularly animal ones, aren't any better.

Speculative Realms: Banning, Badge Checking, Sociopathy and the Mass-Hypnotic Herd Mentality of the Paranormal World

Gary Haden at Speculative Realms does it again. Another great post. And a bit of synchronicity, as I've been thinking the same kinds of thoughts these past few days; about labels, and little feuds, and ideas. Rejecting some because they're "wrong" -- as if any of us know what's right. All we can do, is be honest, and continue our search in our own ways.

Speculative Realms: Banning, Badge Checking, Sociopathy and the Mass-Hypnotic Herd Mentality of the Paranormal World: "I write as a flawed human being struggling to make his way in the world, not as some esoteric guru weaving a hypnotic web, trapping vulnerable people in a cocoon, and getting a kick out of watching them squirm and die in my ridiculous, life-draining ideas. The paranormal community zombifies its citizens."

But most of all, this:
I don’t need an advanced degree, or a degree of any kind, or even a grade school education, to give me PERMISSION TO THINK. The FREEDOM TO THINK is a right every human being has. I don’t need the permission of a paranormal celebrity to write what I write, to cite the sources I cite, or to speak about an offense that damages people and to adequately warn the public about a hazard to be avoided.

And neither do ANY OF YOU.

Many people who are bloggers or reporters don’t have advanced degrees in the subject matter they write about. Most reporters have Bachelors Degrees in Journalism. They’re taught how to make inquiry. They’re not taught to be experts in every field they cover, but they’re provided with investigative skills to allow them to deliver an informed report. Their bachelor’s degrees don’t defraud their research or render their scholarship invalid or deprive them of the ability, as free individuals, to THINK FOR THEMSELVES.
It seems so obvious, but as we know, so many spend a gross amount of time telling others what to think, how to think, why they should think it, and if they even get to think at all, dependent on arbitrary ideas of Who Gets To.

But those points just touch the surface of Haden's post, which is much deeper than what might appear as simply venting about the crap that goes on in paranormal studies.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Odor of the Owl

Yes, that's right, it's odor, not order. Things do get curiouser and curiouser. Thanks to Brownie, who left a comment with a link on my Merry Christmas post about London's scary and creepy owl perfume campaign. Penhaligons, a perfume shop, has created the Olfactory Owl. Lots of links to this story, just Google as usual, here's one: Penhaligon's unleash a scary anthropomorphic owl onto London's streets.
Dressed in Victorian finery, the Olfactory Owl will be journeying across London on foot and by tube and bus, taking in some of London’s iconic landmarks and shopping hotspots.

The Olfactory Owl will be handing out coupons, and you can join the odoriferous owl on Twitter and Facebook. The conspiratorial Fortean mind reels, making connections between England's rash of staged/faux UFO crashes and alien abductions in schools, and this recent episode of a giant owl walking the streets of London.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

5 things you can do to save Fringe right now

Fringe is among the top five best shows of its kind; it's my favorite show right now, besides Torchwood, which I'm not sure counts, since Torchwood in the U.S. isn't a straight series show -- not a weekly type show -- like Fringe. For some reason, FOX has decided to move Fringe to Friday nights. Let's hope it doesn't get canceled!

5 things you can do to save Fringe right now

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Elite's Conspiracy - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

I'll do my best to listen to this tonight, even though I have an 8:30 AM dentist appt. -- yes, 8:30 AM! DENTIST! -- but can't miss Jim Marrs talking about the "International Elite!"

The Elite's Conspiracy - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why The Buddha Smiled by Marianne Marquez

By way of Krishna Das, who sent out this link via Twitter. Lovely:

Why The Buddha Smiled by Marianne Marquez

Images and Old Poems

pastel drawing by Regan Lee
I've been going through some of my poetry and creative writing with the idea of e-zines, or chapbooks, or something, not sure yet where I'm going with this. I noticed that some of theses early poems from the 1980s have recurring images of orbs, night skies, and feelings of disconnection. In re-reading them, I realized many of these were written around the time I saw the orange orb. In fact, this poem refers to an orb, although it's a sliver orb, not orange. The imagery is interesting: moon women, orbs, shadows, and the end, sweet jesus, "capturing my frozen eyes." ?! What was that about? I also noticed that I wrote a lot of these kinds of poems during the late summer and the fall, which is the time frame for our orb sighting. And in going back further, reading poems I wrote while living in L.A., the imagery of orbs and night and planets, etc. were present. As Jim and I know now, we had UFO related, and/or high strangeness events occur when we were living in L.A., before the orange orb sighting. And, of course, going back to our childhoods, independent of each other. Are there clues in these poems, signals from the subconscious? No doubt, lol.

unconnected with moon women

a silver orb waits silently in a

musty corner on a wooden shelf,
hidden by sharp shadows like Chinese meat cleavers poised
on thick pegs above labeled spice jars, corked and racked, 
full of the herbs of mid-wives, now forgotten.

on the windowsill, tart purple grapes, hot and shriveled

grapefruit and pomegranate exposing their soft pink and secret glistening red waiting to be eaten.

unconnected with moon women i wait,

a single artichoke on a a scalloped plate, my tips half chewed, strewn about the cream white edges

the sliver orb shifts forward slightly in the night, and
one sliver gleams bone white 
capturing my frozen eyes.

~ 1982

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Green Window Returns. . .

I don't know what is happening, or why, but I had the same OBE experience last night I had the other night, and wrote about here.

Last night, it happened again. Felt that rushing OBE feeling, the feeling of being pulled from my feet, and the image of a green window with a tall humanoid figure inside. This time, the window came into view very quickly, very suddenly, looming large, and it arrived in a swirling mass of colors. I say the window was green; meaning, it had a soft glowing lime green color, as if the interior of whatever it was the window was attached to, was lit by a green light.

I couldn't make out the features on the face of the being standing in the window; but I got the sense it was tall. I don't know if it was a "gray" or what; maybe related somehow but I didn't get the impression it was, not completely anyway. It was also wearing clothing, or at least I had that impression.

As soon as I "saw" that window, I resisted, and knew I didn't want any part of this. I managed to break out of this and snap back into my body.

I used to have OBE's frequently, especially as a child. Now I get them a few times a year. I rarely get them together like this; where I'll have two in the same week.

Other things of an odd nature that have been happening may or may not be connected to this. I've been thinking of things and then they happen. For example, this summer I sought out a consultation about dental work; I didn't follow up. But this past week, I'd been thinking heavily about that and how I need to get the work going. I came home from work to find a message on my machine from the dentist office, saying they had my paperwork from the insurance and to make an appointment. The thing is, the insurance would have come in a long time ago, -- I had been thinking how flakey they were that they hadn't called months ago --  anyway, here I was thinking about the dental work and out of the blue, they call me. Another thing that happened was this comment left on my blog for the L.O.W.F.I. site the other day about one person's vision of where the missing child Kyron Hammon is. This person's "vision" matches my own.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Women Of Esoterica: Episode 45 – Jacques Vallee |

The Black Friday Podcast interviews Jacques Vallee. I haven't had a chance to listen yet but can't wait for this one.

Episode 45 – Jacques Vallee |