Karen Meyers's recent item at UFO Digest resonates with me. In Getting 'The Feeling' Meyers discusses that physical as well as psychological knowing, that awareness, that a UFO is near. Not only near, but calling you, in a sense. Something compels you to look out the window, or go outside and look up. A communication, both visceral and mental. I've had this happen to me on several occasions, and can't explain why it happens. I do know that it's a distinct and real sensation when it does happen.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Alfred Lehmberg's alien views...
Not linking to any post in particular, just a nudge towards Alfred Lehmberg's blog alien views. Visual art and creative, articulate writing on UFOs.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The 'Goalpost' Paradigm
“Which way you ought to go depends on where you want to get to...” ~ Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Skeptics, debunkers, and believers alike accuse each other of "moving the goalposts." In the context of how the term is used -- pieces in a game -- it's true. (Skeptibunkies do "move the goal posts" all the time when it comes to anomalous subjects. They assume much: why and how Bigfoot, psychics, UFOs, and so on should behave, without doing any of the research. And if they've done the research, they'd realize one can't assume a thing.)
But let's forget that. Why use a sports or game analogy at all? By using a verbal marker like "goalpost" we're keeping alive the idea that there are rules. Rules that must be followed - goalposts -- and, along with that the idea that, since a game is being played, there are winners and losers. It's a battle, a contest. A competition. It's a preconceived framework, with rules, boundaries, winners, losers. Anything outside of the game is rejected because, of course, it doesn't fit in with this particular game. You don't insert the rules of chess into Monopoly.
As long as we accept this idea of a game, with posts to be moved, or not, we stay stuck. It's not a game! Or, maybe, like Alice, it is a game in the very loosest of meanings.
The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday-but never jam today
It must come sometime to jam today, Alice objected
No it can't said the Queen It's jam every other day. Today isn't any other day, you know” ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Why do we continue to force the unexplained into an established framework (the "game") when clearly, "it" meaning, the paranormal/Fortean/supernatural, is playing by its own rules? If "it" is playing a game, it's one we don't know how to play. Insisting "it" play by our rules obviously isn't working.
Forget the "goalposts." Forget the game. At least, our game. I think if we stand back and watch for awhile as well as experiment, that would be both refreshing and revealing.
Just in Case, Rule Forty-Two
“Forty-two,” said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm. ~ Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I'll end with this little synchronicity. Earlier this afternoon I finished Minette Walter's The Scold's Bridle. One of the characters, a policeman, references Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Specifically, the idea of the question, the answer and of course, how 42 plays into that. While working on this post, I looked up quotes from Alice in Wonderland, and came across this:
“Rule Forty-two. All persons more than a mile high to leave the court.” ~ Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Mothman Flutterings II
Two new posts at Mothman Flutterings. And please heed my shameless hussy of a self and follow or link to Mothman Flutterings. :)Mothman Flutterings II
Monday, August 27, 2012
Nick Redfern's World of Whatever...: Ufologists: Do NOT Do These Things!
Nick Redfern shares his list of things UFO researchers should not do. I like all of his ideas, including this one:
And you know I love the following!:
No, no, no, no, no!! I've seen it time and time again at UFO conferences. And, no doubt, I'll continue to see it time and time again. It's the ufological equivalent of letting the boss win a game of golf (which nobody should be doing either). Or, as it's also known: seeking out the people in Ufology who you think can best help you advance your career (conference organizers, magazine editors, the leading-lights in the big UFO groups), and saying what you think they will want to hear, and not saying what you really think. Have some dignity! Say what you think about George Adamski, the Men in Black, or Area 51. Not what this or that person thinks! Okay, claiming old George merely took photos of a few lampshades tossed into the air probably won't get you booked at the next Contactee-themed event. But, you have, at least, been honest to yourself. So, when it comes to kissing ass, Ufologist: Don't do it!
And you know I love the following!:
9. BIGFOOT!I agree 100% with every single one of his points! Good for him for saying so.
As someone who has done far more cryptozoological research than UFO research, I often like to bring up the fact that someone has seen Bigfoot race across the road at the same place - and in the same precise time-frame - that someone else saw a UFO land in the woods. One of the reasons I like to bring it up is because it makes many a Ufologist and Cryptozoologist cringe. The reason: it suggests their carefully constructed beliefs might need to be revised. And, neither of these two "ologies" want that! But, why? What's wrong with pointing out that there are a significant number of cases on record where one Fortean puzzle most certainly crosses paths with another? Answer: there's nothing wrong with it! For those fearful of what their peers might think, however, it is a problem. So, they stay weak and silent. I say: Ufologist: Don't do it!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Random notes...
Little postings here and there on my sphere o' blogs: UFO-Mary, Animal Forteana, Octopus Confessional, SkeptiWatch, Mothman Flutterings.
I have a new Trickster's Realm column on last night's C2C. The segment with skeptic-debunker Edward, really dismal. What was with Noory's pandering? Anyway, I rant about all that on TR. Not sure when Tim will put it up but should be up Monday.
This Sunday I'll be a guest on Strange Frequencies. Yes, I'll admit I'm nervous!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Oh Dear...
Two recent comments here at the Orb that I chose not to publish. So here's my thing on that:
If you leave a comment with a link to your site asking me to link to yours that's spam. Maybe not truly, technically spam and the intentions might be innocent, but it's still spammy, even while being naive.
The second post was a negative and sarcastic one-liner about someone's article. If you have something constructive to say: reasons why you don't like something, something to contribute, fine. But a throw away smarmy comment that isn't productive -- I won't publish it. Serves no purpose.
If you leave a comment with a link to your site asking me to link to yours that's spam. Maybe not truly, technically spam and the intentions might be innocent, but it's still spammy, even while being naive.
The second post was a negative and sarcastic one-liner about someone's article. If you have something constructive to say: reasons why you don't like something, something to contribute, fine. But a throw away smarmy comment that isn't productive -- I won't publish it. Serves no purpose.
Marla Pena's Shadow of the Shinigami
Marla Pena's Shadow of the Shinigami
Very interesting article on Tim Binnall's site, by Maria Pena:
Very interesting article on Tim Binnall's site, by Maria Pena:
The first days of my life are somehow related with the UFO phenomenon. My given name, "Marla," comes from an unusual source: A UFO contactee in México. My mom said that, in the 70's, there used to be a very famous contactee who's name was "Maria del Socorro Perez" aka "Marla." This woman allegedly received teachings from the "Hermanos Mayores" ("Elder Siblings" – referring to people from another planet) and, somehow, she found a popular national show on TV (Esta Noche con Manolo Fabregas) to convey the aliens' messages.
Besides conveying these messages, Marla had her own healing methods based in those teachings. She called it "Electronic Medicine" or "Quantum Medicine." She created a healing center and, I suppose that, for awhile, her business was popular and prospered. Her experiences as a contactee resonated with my Mom (who, at the time, believed such a possibility could exist) and she even took us all to the big city of México, D.F. to meet with Marla. The main purpose of that visit was to help one of my cousins (who at the time suffered from epileptic seizures) to get better. Did my cousin get better? I don't know. I don't remember what my mom said at that time. I haven't talked to her about this topic since two blue moons ago. However, I remember my cousin always taking medication so I am going to guess not.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Plans for those flying machines
Found this free e-book for Kindle on Amazon which contains plans for building your own flying machines:
Red Pills of the Week — August 11th | Mysterious Universe
I love the concept of red pill junkie's Red Pills of the Week for Mysterious Universe. Here's the latest, discussing Mars and more:Red Pills of the Week — August 11th | Mysterious Universe
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
My Whitley Strieber Dream
No idea where this came from! And no idea if my working with my cards (Druid Animal oracle, Angel and Deviant Moon tarot) before going to sleep had anything to do with the dream. Who knows.
I'm in a large school gym/auditorium. It's the 1980s. Whitley Strieber is practicing various tumbling exercises on large blue mats. Some of the mats have cracks or tears in them, and the stuffing is coming out. Sloppy repairs with duct tape have been attempted but the mats are still funky. There's a screen in front of the mats, where Strieber and some of us are watching him -- the screen is behind the scenes kind of thing. We're in rehearsals, waiting for the audience (maybe spectators is a better word since it's a gym) to arrive.
After Whitley does several exercises, which he is proud of -- if nothing else, at least for trying -- we're encouraged and do our own exercises. None of us know, really, how to do any of this, including Whitley Strieber, but we're all trying, and we all want to. We don't care what others think or how it looks. We're doing it, and that's what matters. And throughout all of this it is very clear that these tumbling exercises have everything (in some weird surrealistic dream logic) to do with aliens, UFOs, and especially, particularly, alien abductions.
At one point I say to Whiltey, and the others, after watching Strieber do some pretty difficult moves, "Oh my god, all that happened years before to me!" Meaning, yes, the exercises, but also, and more to the point, the connection between all of us here now (even though it's also 1980 something) and aliens.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Alfred Lehmberg at UFO Magazine: ...Immoderation...
Alfred's latest, and as usual, it's the greatest. UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - ...Immoderation...
It's interesting one Orrin Hatch (that Senator from Utah?) has a message of *concern* for Utah's parents. If their children want environments that are "clean" and "unpolluted"—"then their drug abuse affliction is apparent"! What says "stunned credulity" but this lack of any conscience. I think it must be obvious; he is, himself, unconscious!
Yes! If kids are asking questions where the bigots fear to tread, then they're smoking marijuana—"popping pills," or so he said! I suspect if showing conscience is resultant from "as such," then plants like marijuana be encouraged with all trust!
I bring this up to illustrate an ocean of dementia that's an obstacle to common sense, discouraged... in absentia! Like... Folks who won't see UFOs? I'd want them disabused; that notion's unintelligent, unbrave and mal-enthused. See? I understand the "problem set"! Its "questions" can get hard. Though, oblivious to evidence, ones head's impacted lard...
New links at Orange Orb Review
Lots of new links at my Orange Orb Review. New look as well but not sure I like it.Orange Orb Review
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