Monday, August 12, 2013

Space Station Viewing

We saw the space station go by last night. I wonder how many UFO reports come in during the space station passing? You can still see it go by; check NASA's Spot the Space Station for specifics in your area.

UFO Photographer Wilbur Allen

Wilbur Allen was last night's guest on C2C:UFOs and Wormholes - Shows - Coast to Coast AM.

Very interesting. Wilbur is a professional photographer, working for National Geographic, among other entities. He uses a variety of cameras with high end filters, infra red and well, I'm no camera expert but you get the idea. (Wilbur is also interested in ghost research and other anomalous type subjects, using cameras to document the existence of unexplained phenomenon.) Wilbur is also a UFO/ET witness.

Skeptics of course are having their say over at the James Randi discussion forum. According to them, all Wilbur has shown are images of meteors entering our skies.

It is a fact that the use of night vision cameras and other high end cameras with special filters (ultra violet, etc.) capture things in ghost and UFO hunting that can't be seen with the naked eye. What all this means, that's another story. But anyone who has watched any of these programs where these cameras are used, or looked at YouTube videos, can't deny the fact of data. Yet, some do.

When I clicked on the link on the Coast to Coast site to go to Wilbur's site, I received a "Directory Listing Denied -- This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed" message. Hmmm. I then Googled Allen's site: and got the same message. On C2C last night host John B Wells said some listeners were emailing that the site was crashed due to heavy use; Wells said his server "could handle it." So glitch or something more sinister? Always the conspiratorial mind.

Interesting hearing Wilbur on the program, but haven't seen enough of his work to know what I think about what he says he's captured.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

On the edge, yet still . . .

     It's 2013. In the context of UFOs, we're talking aliens, ET, flying saucers, technology beyond our most wild of imaginations, and, with all that, the oft times assumption that "they" -- the aliens -- are also far more spirituality advanced than us, given their extraordinary technology. (That is an opinion I do not share; it's not a given that creatures with advanced technology would also be advanced spiritually.)
     So in this context of on the edge, fringe thought, I ask two questions: one, why do alien UFO shows still use the term B.C. instead of B.C.E., and, two, why do the writers of these shows still use the term "mankind" instead of "humankind?"

Pink Alien Planet Is Smallest Photographed Around Sun-Like Star | GJ 504b |

They need to come up with a more poetic name than "GJ 504b" -- regardless, a wonderful discovery:Pink Alien Planet Is Smallest Photographed Around Sun-Like Star | GJ 504b |

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sky, Trout, and Devil

     The following had nothing to do with UFOs or research, but it does involve animals and the dream state, so good enough. Night before last I had a dream, set in one of my many recurring dream states. This one was the one where it's a in the middle of nowhere semi-tourist teeny town surrounded by woods. Single lane highway through it. Usually it's night when I'm here. Don't know where all this goes, where I'm going, always a little anxious and even creepy.
     Someone steals my fifteen year old car and refurbishes it -- turns it into a weird Jeep/trike bike combo thing, with a domed window covering, like an inverted fishbowl, the interior of the car-jeep-bike.
     I get the car back, annoyed this guy just up and stole my car and took it upon himself to change it. On the way to my car I come upon three dogs: two black labs, about a year or two old, and a German Shepherd, about four or five years old. These dogs are fantastic! Funny, sweet, intelligent. They have been waiting for me. Their only "job" is to be with me. We are all so damn happy to be together! I have a lucid moment; why am I dreaming about dogs, when two dogs recently killed my beloved cat, Roswell, recently (I am still grieving his death) and, the only time I've been bitten by a dog was by a black lab. The only time my husband has been bitten was by a black lab. (That attack was so bad he had to go to the hospital.) And I'm no fan of German Shepherds, not a favorite breed of mine.
     Oh well. These dogs, in the dream, are just so great. We're all communicating very easily and telepathically. One of them says "Hey, we need names. You have to name us!" So I call one of the black labs "Sky", the other one "Trout," and the German Shepherd, "Devil." That last one cracks us all up, because it's a joke. "Devil" in an affectionate way, he is very un-Devil like. Not a vicious bone in his body. So we all get a good laugh out of that name. I have another lucid moment and think, "Hmm, Devil sounds a little off, but now Diablo, that's much cooler." So we go back and forth calling him Devil or Diablo, still laughing about the name.
     Later, looking at vintage images of Tarot cards, I find this:

Image source for card here.
     It is interesting a black dog is used for the Death card. In this card the dog appears to be a Great Dane, not a black lab. The black dog image in folklore, particularly Celtic lore, is connected with the supernatural, death, appearing usually at night. Google black dog folklore and you'll find a lot to explore. Aside from the traditional black dog lore, there is an interesting black dog story related by Whitley Strieber in Solving the Communion Enigma; What is to Come. A dead black dog  -- a lab -- was found on neighbor's property in the midst of the intense (that's an understatement!) UFO activity Whitley and his family were experiencing. Streiber reminds us that Cerberus  the black dog, is the guardian of Hades. Obviously why this Tarot card depicts a  black dog. Interesting I called the shepherd in my dream "Devil" -- my subconscious picking up on filed away knowledge. (though why I named him Devil and not one of the black labs I don't know.)
     I wrote at the beginning that this has nothing to do with UFOs but as I went along, remembered the black dog story in Strieber's book. Domed vechilces, and a black lab named Sky. Trout, however, remains puzzling. Unless, as Douglas Adams once wrote, "So long, and thanks for all the fish." 

Monday, July 29, 2013

From the Vomanomalous blog:' Who Watches The Waltons?'

Fortean name game; who of us hasn't wondered about Adamski, and then, Adamski?Vomanomalous: Who Watches The Waltons?

Annunaki Secret History - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

On Coast to Coast tonight, aliens!:
'Annunaki Secret History - Shows - Coast to Coast AM: Scientist and researcher Michael Tellinger will discuss revealing new archaeological and genetic evidence in support of Zecharia Sitchin's revolutionary work showing that the Anunnaki created us using pieces of their own DNA, in order to mine gold on Earth for them.'

Sunday, July 28, 2013

'RFID Chip Now Being Issued In Hanna, Wyoming As Part Of New "Obamacare" Plan' -- But WAIT! Not so Fast

     I don't usually blog about politics on this blog -- I save that for my blog Octopus Confessional, among others -- but this chilling news (and, most of post 9/11 news is chilling) parallels the whole shadow-government-alien-agenda scenario. Maybe I'm missing something here, after all, the mayor of Hanna, Wyoming, Ted Howell, assures us it's a good thing, as he's quoted in the article: "This is change for a better, safer, America."
This is change for a better, safer America”
This is change for a better, safer America”
“This is change for a better, safer America”
RFID Chip Now Being Issued In Hanna, Wyoming As Part Of New "Obamacare" Plan | Jane M. Agni | National Report: By Jane M. Agni
The “Obamacare” RFID chips are currently being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming.
     A very surreal segue, that.
     The propaganda machine hasn't finished its cycle. Framing this in a it's good for you and patriotic and anyone objecting is suspect style, the propaganda piece quickly goes into the comparison with kooks mode. Pointing out objections by right wing fundie Xians, the machine has done its job. Who wants to be put in the same box as right wing Christian (or any other religion) nuts? So the "article" points out that yes, objections have been made, but those objections are made by anti-Obama, pro-terrorist Americans:
 "Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs
Just when you think it can't get worse, or more surreal, or --- more fucking blatant -- we're also assured it's patriotic. Terrorists, you know:
"With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance -- USA will prevail."
With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance… USA will prevail…” - See more at:

     The propaganda machine has not finished its cycle; as strange a segue as that was, the framing of this propaganda piece pits right wing xian fundies against anyone else who is actually sane (meaning, those not of the former and objecting to the RFID chips) by ackinwoleding that "apocalyptic" churches have objected. The inference is clear: these objections come from those who are "anti-Obama" and who call the President the "anti-Christ."

     Finally, underscoring the patriotism inherent in this propaganda -- and by defintiton, anyone who objects is unpatriotic and is siding with terrorists-- the "reporter," Jane M. Agni, writes that she was happy to get herself her very own RFID chip, a "...sacrifice I've gladly made for my country's national security and I hope you will too."
     Adding insult to injury, this woman is based in Portland, Oregon, supposed home of the liberal and edgy.

     As I was reading the article, as well as writing my rant, I thought: wait just a minute. This sounds too damn crazy -- too pat, too neat, too perfect in its 1950s style. Sure enough, according to Snopes, this article is untrue. The thing is, given the way the U.S. has been behaving, in very real, scary, and tragic ways since 9/11, it's easy to believe something like this. We are in a police state, the spin has never before been spun so surreally, and things are just getting more bizarre, twisted and scary every week. While this specific story is untrue --  thank the goddesses and gods that toy with us from above --  it could almost be true. Which then calls to mind; is this hoax propaganda, in itself, propaganda?

The Tragic Tale of the Rocket Maker | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

The fascinating Jack Parsons, by Matt Cardin via The Daily Grail:

"He was an unorthodox genius, a poet and rocket scientist who helped give birth to an institution that would become mankind’s window on the universe. He was also a devotee of the black arts, a sci-fi junkie and host of backyard orgies on Pasadena’s stately Millionaires’ Row. (“Life as Satanist Propelled Rocketeer,” Los Angeles Times, March 19, 2000)"
He was an acolyte of Aleister Crowley, an employee of Howard Hughes, a victim of L. Ron Hubbard, and an enthusiastic phone buddy to Wernher Von Braun.

      Parsons opened things up by conducting "The Babalon Working" (as well as the attempt to bring about the "Moon Child")-- vortex, access for forces to enter easily into our realm - - which some believe was a literal event, and explains the madness of today. Like Matt Cardin, I don't doubt it.

Note: , Nick Redfern has some interesting things to say about Parsons in his book FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife.

Whale/Dolphin Captivity - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

This very likely will not be easy to listen to, but it is important. Hopefully this is one more step towards the elimination of animals in captivity, especially for our entertainment.Whale/Dolphin Captivity - Shows - Coast to Coast AM