Tuesday, October 19, 2010

UK Still Staging UFO Crash Drills in Schools

Staged UFO landing and crash scenarios have been conducted at several schools in the UK, which I've written about for UFO Digest. The reasons given for these events include things like facilitating creativity and critical thinking skills. But beyond this benign and well meaning educational intent, are some insidious elements. Often some staff, parents, and students are not told there events will take place;they just happen. In the past, these staged UFO crashes happened to a diverse student body, including students with behavioral or physical disability challenges, which caused trauma for the students. Parents were not informed. And,the police have a very active role in these scenarios. The favorite motif seems to be the UFO but other scenes have been used, like the "murder"(yes, murder) of a teacher on a playground -- once again, students, staff and parents not notified or prepared -- and in Scotland, a teacher telling several students to quickly get ready to leave the building, because the authorities were arriving soon to take them away to a government facility. The reason why the students were being taken away was, they were told, because they'd been found to be deficit in some ways.

The UK is still at it, with a recent UFO crash production at another school; you can read more of my comments on these surreal events at UFO Digest.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Jellyfish" UFOs

Steve Hammons reports on jellyfish or octopus type UFOs, or "AAOs" (anomalous arial phenomena) here.

Monday, October 11, 2010

AND, we have . . . more owls

My new Trickster's Realm column is now up at Tim Binnall's BoA, and it's about owls. As I commented in the previous post, I wrote this a week or so ago; in the meantime, today I had two owl moments:

On co-worker's desk: book, with title: "An Owl in the Family."

Later, with another co-worker looking through a box full of curriculum, the set had on the covers: owls.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Web Site: Women in UFOlogy

Thanks to the amazing Skylaire Alfvegren, I was made aware of a website that seems fairly new: Women in UFOlogy. I don't know who's behind it; it's still under construction, but there's an impressive list so far over there. I'm sure there'll be more to come. Check it out here.

Vintage U.F.O.: "The Washington Post Makes Fun of Military Officers" on A.D.

The A.D. site has an excellent article on the September 27 National Press Conference coverage by The Washington Post. Bryce Zabel writes about the Post's obvious contempt and ignorance of this issue.

Vintage U.F.O.: "The Washington Post Makes Fun of Military Officers" on A.D.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Owl Says: Not So Fast...

Just today, I was thinking that I haven't had any owl synchronicities since the last owl post. "Well, that owl episode is over," I said to myself this afternoon.

Then I receive an email from Tim Binnall, who sent me these images of an owls on his fence. He told me he took them today, and that it was the first time they've seen owls on the property.

Not so fast, Owl says! Oh, and my article for Tim, that should be available on his site Monday? About owls of course; I wrote it last week in September, and normally it would  have been up earlier, but Tim's been busy with many projects, so it was postponed. So today he emails me to tell me it'll be up Monday and he finds the owls on his property.

Seems they're listening, those owls...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The 'C' Influence: SP9 Disclosure: The Janus Face of The Personal Ve...

A lot to think about here, from Bruce Duensing on The C Influence blog.

The 'C' Influence: SP9 Disclosure: The Janus Face of The Personal Ve...: " Are you a gnostic or a universalist within Ufology? Or both? Is the aim of this UFO phenomenon to bridge the gap between these two schools ..."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Great Gray Owl Find

In my post below, I said I was done with Owl. Apparently not . . . home from work this evening, checking the usual Fortean links, go over to Cryptomundo, where I find the following post: on new species/sub species, of the great gray owl. "Gray," reminds anyone of anything? The synchronicity-web machine isn't finished yet, for this gray owl discovery is in Yosemite, which is the location of my camping experience with the bear I wrote about here.

Stop Owls, Stop!

So much owl synchronicity, that I'm wondering if it's a symbiotic kind of thing: they notice me notice them and we both make them appear. I'm also a bit nervous; things are strange and wobbly right now in my personal life and I'm trying to stay positive and create the good energy dance, but sometimes it feels like I'm on a tightrope in the dark. Owls are ill omens in some cultures; in many Native American tribes, for example.

I just wrote up my Trickster's Realm column last night for Tim at Binnall of America about all this owl synchronicity. It should be up sometime this week, possibly today. And not five minutes before I started working on it, I had stopped playing my mindless Farmville game on Facebook, where I won a prize: an owl statue for my little pretend farm garden.

After the article was finished and sent off, I was finally getting around to reading the Sunday paper, and the detetive comic (for kids, but I read it, I read it all, lol) had an owl as the suspect in the "crime."

So I'm putting this out there: I'm tired of Owl, and I think we got the message, now I'm ready for something more positive.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Orange Orb Review: This Just In . . .

I started putting together this new blog of mine a week or so ago; I still don't have a review up yet but take a look, and keep watching! In the meantime, I did announce in my "This Just In" segment on Orange Orb Review Rich Dolan's new article on his site After Disclosure:

Orange Orb Review: This Just In . . .: "Richard Dolan's recent piece on his new blog After Disclosure. UFOs and Nuclear Technology: A Serious Issue. As Richard comments, 'if this ..."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

And . . . more owls

Yes, more owls. Today in a room at work; the large bulletin board had . . . owls. Owl figures all over the place.

All this owl synchronicity -- in part, as I wrote earlier (see my owl posts below) it's messages, signals, signs, along the lines of "they're noticing you're noticing them" kind of thing. I put the intent out, as to conscious recall of orange-orb and related encounters, including missing time, and this is what happens. Throw in my affinity and relationship with animals, and we're off. But on a more mundane level, it's possible that owls are a new fashionable/trend/fad image in the culture stream; nothing esoteric, although, it is esoteric. The young person wearing a tee shirt with a giant owl on it is just wearing something they think is cool or looks good, but I doubt they're into esoteric-alien abduction-Illuminati symbolism.

But "they" know. Heh.