Sunday, October 23, 2011

The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: Life-Changing Saucers and a Fateful Weekend

Jack Brewer at UFO Trial has a very interesting post: The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: Life-Changing Saucers and a Fateful Weekend.

I've been interested in Leah Haley's experiences for years, and her recent statements about abductions have been provocative, and caused some controversy. But then, it seems to me, her announcement was dropped by most who say they're interested in what goes on in UFO Land. I find that very odd. I have no idea if Haley is right, on to something, or what, but it's worth some serious perusal. Thankfully, Jack Brewer is keeping the story alive.

Piano Synchronicities

Cat Spirits, Mother's Piano, Tarot Cards...june 2011. I found this in draft mode, intending to post it on one of my blogs. Since this is the ghostly season, I'm posting it here.

I posted the other day about possible spirit activity around here due to fixing up the house. Today I saw my cat Roswell walk into the bedroom. I then walked in the other direction, into the kitchen, and, there was Roswell! I saw a ghost cat! Cool!

Not so fast. Our other cat, Matisse, who I was convinced was outside, was the one who had walked into the bedroom He's gray (a Russian Blue) and Roswell is a tuxedo cat. When Matisse walked by, he looked jet black, not gray. He actually blends into the shadows very well, more so than Roswell, who's mainly black. Oh well.

On the other hand, I've been having interesting things happen around my psychic intuitiveness; getting back into doing readings with some positive and surprising things happening because of that. Doing so has opened up all kinds of things on many levels. This afternoon an abrupt tiredness came over me, I could barely stand up, I was so inexplicably fatigued. I go into the bedroom to take a nap. Afternoon naps are always strange; I have the weirdest, and most psychic kind, of dreams, and it is very hard for me to wake up from them. I have to force myself to move, to get up, and it takes me a long time to shake myself out of it. So my dream involved a lot of what I'd call French-movie-surrealism but one thing:

I dreamt I was in charge of facilitating a chamber orchestra. I myself wasn't a musician, but I was responsible for everything surrounding their playing; setting up their appearances, making sure everything was set up just so, etc. I go inside to the small privately owned, very rich estate where the orchestra has been hired to play. No one around, including the musicians, it's too early. I sit down at the piano, which I don't know how to play. Wish i could though. I remove a silk cover that is protecting the keyboards. I know I don't remove it quite properly; it's still showing, but it works. I think to myself, well, this is stupid, I don't know how to play, but her It goes, and I start to bang away. I think: "I'll fake it, just go for it," and before I know it, I'm playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Not very well, but anyone hearing it would recognize it.

Lots more that I don't remember very well,  including children and ghosts and not wanting to offend the snooty rich folk but I end up doing so anyway and when I/we do, it feels pretty good.

I wake up and turn on the radio right away, which is my habit. It's set to the classical station. And playing on the classical station, is Moonlight Sonata.

Regan's mother, Seaside Oregon, circa 1929?

Further synchronicity and messages; I usually talk with my mother every Sunday, but I haven't spoken with her for two weeks. The lack of communication had been on my mind. My mother was a concert pianist, playing when she was three years old and having recitals when she was not much older than that.  When we were growing up, she played at the Steinway in our living room, and one of the pieces she always played was Moonlight Sonata. She would get kind of sick of it, for we'd always ask her to play that for us.

And yet one more: I had just finished proofing this, then sat back as my husband read me the latest installment in his novel series, described as "paranormal science fiction romance conspiracy." Indeed. Anyway, he's reading me a part about the main character and his mother; the mother asks her son to play Moonlight Sonata for her on the piano. ! I hadn't read or told my husband any of this beforehand.
Piano Ghost by Regan Lee, abstract expressionism, acrylic on canvas, 2000?
Piano and childhood; must have more an impact on my subconscious than I realize. I painted this abstract expressionist style painting about ten years ago, and titled it "Piano Ghost."

To close things here, last night, I had a dream about my childhood home, moving furniture -- particularly the piano, which sat in our living room (we weren't wealthy by any means, my mom worked "outside the home" but dammit, we had a piano!) -- while my mom remained outside, shouting to us her input. It was a happy dream, but I woke up a little distressed, wondering if this had something to do with my mother's health.

Friday, October 21, 2011

At Ghost Hunting Theories: Creepy Things

A blog that's quickly become a favorite is the Ghost Hunting Theories blog. Her recent post Ghost Hunting Theories: Creeped Me Out In Childhood-How About You? of creepy things like mall Santas and Bear Jamboree, reminded me of this painting Jim did a few years ago. The painting is taken from a photograph of me when I was four or five year old, sitting in Santa's lap. The Santa in he photo is clearly tired, ill, or drunk. Or all three. Jim really captured the creepiness of that photo. (Although, I have to say, I don't like this painting. It's very rare that I don't care for something Jim has painted, I usually love his work, but this one, I won't allow him to hang it in the house!)  At the same, as can be seen in the painting and photo, I was immune to any creepiness; just feeling that Christmas magic in the air. If I can find the photo I'll post it, but here's the painting:

James Rich, Dreams of the Future, Shadows of the Past, acrylic on wonderboard

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Second quake jolts San Francisco Bay area - Yahoo! News

Second quake jolts San Francisco Bay area - Yahoo! News

3.9 in SF

About two hours after the previous post on earthquakes, a 3.9 in San Fransico.

Magnitude 4.8 - SOUTHERN TEXAS

Surprising earthquake in Texas today, listed in the "significant earthquakes" section of USGS: Magnitude 4.8 - SOUTHERN TEXAS. I posted last night that I've been feeling a strong sense that earthquakes -- or some sort of earth event to do with the ground/land, not clear on what that means -- that kind of activity will happen soon, within two weeks, sooner than not. Although I sensed west coast and/or Hawaii, Japan, not inland. Looking at the U.S. earthquake maps, there has been unusual inland activity lately. Texas: fires, dust storms, earthquakes. Very strange. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm of two minds commenting on this, but the past week or so feeling very strong earthquake (or some other earth event, but earthquake comes to the front) premonitions. Along west coast of U.S. (and Hawaii,) Japan. Not neccesarrily Fukusshima area.  And both -- one triggers activity in the other. Between 4 and 6.5... within two weeks but feel closer to next few days to week.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halloween Card

An owl, a pumpkin headed being... and? what is that thing Mr. Pumpkin Head is curious about?

Oregon witnesses: 'Strange memory' problems after watching rectangle UFO - National ufo |

A report from an Oregon UFO witness: not a triangle but rectangle, that seemed to have caused "strange memories: Oregon witnesses: 'Strange memory' problems after watching rectangle UFO - National ufo |
What's interesting is the white light emanating from the craft:
It only had an unbelievable white light coming out the bottom."
The object, like so many, seemed to have wanted to be seen: flying over a highway, hovering above a field, showing off colored lights, and that "unbelievable white light." On the other hand, it could be it didn't want to be seen, it just didn't care. Or, unaware of the effect it had on witnesses. The latter I think, is the least possible. It's difficult to accept (though not impossible) that such things: huge, seemingly "performing" for witnesses, and technologies that affect memory, are an unintended result of UFOs.

I was particularly drawn to this story for two reasons: one, it occurred here in Oregon, and two, the witnesses experience concerning memory and the white light resonated with my own Oregon experience so many years -- decades -- ago. I didn't see a rectangle, but an orange orb; yet paralysing (literally paralyzing) dreams of brilliant white beams of light, and missing time, followed that sighting.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Hi Jack...You're doing it�wrong...

Erik Stitt has a good article that's a needed reminder to us all: Hi Jack...You're doing it wrong... on the UFO Magazine blog. Stitt's main idea is that no one in the paranormal field knows what's going on. Obvious and yet we need to be constantly reminded of that fact. Furthermore, as Stitt puts it, the outside world (or "real" world if you prefer) doesn't care about the "bar fight in a bubble" as Stitt quotes Bill Birnes, referring to UFO World in a BoA interview. Erik comments that to the rest of the world, it's "geeks fighting nereds" and you know, that's true.

It's for the reasons Stitt addresses: the constant in-fighting (oh yes, of which I've engaged in), the exclusions, the egos,the clashing theories, the UFO Police, --- all that brawling that goes barely undetected by the majority of the culture -- that I continue to insist that in this crowded yet tiny pond of Forteana, everyone gets to play. (Well, except skeptibunkers, they never count.)

Now, I think Stitt is kind of sort of defending Jacobs or at the least, chiding those (like myself) who call Jacobs on his stuff. To that, I'll continue to do so and while hypnosis itself isn't good or bad (and something I continue to think about in context of my own personal experiences) Jacobs behaved ludicrously as well as unethically. Stitt's point about the rest of the culture viewing all this as "...over muscled idiots and plumbers wielding misused tech and tinfoil hats with cameras on tripods in Americas Southwest Deserts rubbing crystals and waiting for an official communique from Ashtar Command" reminds us that we're in this sometimes scummy pond together, like it or not, as well as alone. Doesn't matter if you're a professor at a university or a self-made paranormal researcher; you're a fruitcake, a saucer-head geek, and it's all the same to the rest of the world.

But that reality doesn't stop me from doing what I do.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sign in Van

On our walk today, we took a slightly different route. I almost always have my camera with me, but I didn't today. Wish I had thought to bring it! We passed by a parked van on the street, in the rear window was a hand lettered sign that read (the best I recall from memory):

Chemtrails! Google it! Look up, watch the skies!
And a little drawing of an airplane with a white plume coming out of it.
I'll see if it's still there tomorrow and if it is, take a photo.

Happy Halloween!

I love this image; pretty witch flying through the air, taking one to slumber. An astral journey of witchiness!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Alejandro Rojas: The Top States for UFO Sightings

Alejandro Rojas reports on UFO sightings across the U.S.:The Top States for UFO Sightings, with Oregon coming in at thirteen out of fifteen states listed, according to MUFON. According to NUFORC, Oregon didn't make the list of their ten. (Ironically, I reported a sighting to Peter Davenport's NUFORC years ago, here in Oregon, -- one which he argued with me about, and insinuated I wasn't patriotic enough.)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Time for Halloween Cards!

Ten days into October, and I've been remiss in posting Halloween images. Busy with house repairs and painting and work... so here's a vintage Halloween image, fitting for The Orange Orb. I hope to post an image a day, and on Women of Esoterica as well. If I can stay focused and have the time, it'd be neat to do a them related image for each of my blogs. We'll see. . .  in the meantime, enjoy! And Happy Halloween :)