Sunday, November 20, 2011

Still Hidden: Octopus Confessional

Awhile ago, I started another blog. I called it Octopus Confessional. My intent was to have a blog that focused on the taboo and uncomfortable subjects in mainly UFOlogy, as well as other paranormal events. I've had some experiences I'm not willing to talk about publicly yet. (Don't get excited however, they are small and personal, nothing scandalous or anything that will shatter paradigms.) The blog was going to discuss both my personal experiences as well as those of researchers and witnesses within UFOlogy with similar ideas and encounters.  I settled on "octopus" as name and symbol for a few reasons: my love of sea life and animals, the symbolism of tendrils/tentacles reaching out, the way many octopi can camouflage among them. Seemed to fit what I had in mind.

To my surprise, the blog quickly shown itself to have its own life and became a kind of para-political-conspiracy blog. So it seems these private, controversial areas of UFOlogy want to remain hidden, for now.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Crop Circle Dream Memory: Beep!

A very strange dream last night, involving giant granite -- and specifically red granite -- structures, including a ten story statue, Buddha like, yet more samurai in appearance. At one point in the dream, I said to the people i was with "I could have sworn that stature moved!" and it turned out it had. The statue was living and the ruler of the realm. This realm was clean, mostly made of stone but not uninviting. Everything was large. Wide paths, high stone walls and large sprawling buildings. Everything made of stone. Not jewels, such as rubies and emeralds but granite and similar rock. Rough in appearance and even touch and yet there was a warmth to everything. Weird, strange, but a comforting feeling. It reminded me of this dream about Bigfoot. As in that dream, this dream was by water; large man made lakes and pools of beautiful water. Aside from the moving statue and so much more, there was a crop circle in this dream.

I woke up. Still in bed, I was remembering the dream. Trying to recall every detail. The dream was so ... weirdly cool. I was remembering the crop circle part of the dream. This is what I had dreamt:
There's a large, beautiful and intricate crop circle. We're all amazed and wonder at how it came to be. It literally appeared, not over night, but over a few minutes. One moment we were looking over at the large field where there was no crop circle. Turned our attention elsewhere for a few moments. Turned back, and there, was the crop circle. Huge and intricate.

Then a group of skeptics come along. They're loud and arguing and demand that we listen to them. The crop circle is a fake! They shout at us. And to prove it was a fake made by man to fool us, they throw little pods of dirt on the crop circle. These pods, the debunkers smugly tell us, contain a chemical that "exposes" the fakery, and bright yellow squares will show up within the crop circle. The yellow squares are proof the circle is a fake.  So they thrown the pods on the circle, and stand back, big stupid grins on their faces, waiting for the proof that will reveal how fake the crop circle is.
We wait and watch. At first, the yellow squares begin to pop up. The debunkers are overcome with joy. Ha! they say. But a few moments later, the yellow turns red, then other colors, then "over rides" the crop circle. In other words, the "proof" the skeptics  have shown us hasn't proved a thing. In fact, the "real" crop circle takes over, obliterating the debunker pods. 
The skeptics are mad and embarrassed. Most of all, they're baffled. Confused. They can't understand that the crop circles are real and have an as yet unexplained source that transcends prosaic explanations.

So I'm in bed, awake, savoring this dream and remembering it so I can write it in my journal. At the moment I get to the crop circle image and memory, I hear a loud, single, and very specific "beep" inside my head. It was so vivid, loud and not a "normal" sound (to be heard inside the head) that I sort of jumped. It was a definite mechanical sound.

I've had this beeping sound before, usually in the morning, when I'm awake, but still in bed. And in connection with ... anomalous things.

What this means, no idea. But as I've written before about this, and others as well, (like Daily Grail's and Dark lore journal's Greg Taylor) this beeping could be what we hear of the source of these manifestations that are of a metaphysical nature.

Previous posts:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Conscience of the Queen, by Elsie Conner

Some have a different reaction to Leah Haley's opinion that, in her words, "abductions don't happen" and are, instead, human created mind control scenarios. From abductee Elsie Conner on Alien Jigsaw: Conscience of the Queen, by Elsie Conner.

I have no comment, not about Conner's experience, because, simply, it's not my experience. I have no right to make assumptions or argue; it isn't about that. I respect Elsie Conner's comments on her own life and experiences, as I do all who have UFO related experiences.

The main sticking point for Conner is that Haley hasn't offered any proof for her statement that "abductions don't happen" -- no FOIA documents, etc. It's both an intensely personal article as well as a tough one; attacking Haley for being insensitive to abductees by dismissing their experiences. Or what's being perceived as dismissing.

This is interesting and vulnerable territory. Each person's story inspires questions and theories about alien abductions. It's a delicate line to walk between respecting others and maintaining your own sense of self, integrity and feelings about the phenomena. No one should speak for anyone else. Responding to the experiences -- to the responses to the experiences -- is difficult because respect needs to be maintained, yet so does a sense of awareness of your own place in all this.

David Jacobs to Speak at MUFON Los Angeles

Well. So much to say about this: David Jacobs to speak at MUFON Los Angeles and of course, I will, soon. But for now, I say, boycott MUFON and Jacobs. Here's a bit from the promo at link:
The talk David Jacobs has planned for us will deal with the psychology of the abductees. This is how he describes what he will be discussing:
We will remind the reader that Dr. David Jacobs a degrees in the liberal arts (history) and is not a psychologist. Although he played one with Emma Woods.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Activist Post: Man Takes Legal Action Against Former Government Hospital for Unknown ‘Microchip Implant’

I found this an eerie juxtaposition with my previous posts on alien abductions, MILABS, rogue government operations, Satanic rituals/abduction scenarios:
Activist Post: Man Takes Legal Action Against Former Government Hospital for Unknown ‘Microchip Implant’

A Danish man has filed a writ against Alexandra Hospital for secretly implanting a microchip inside of his body during a 1988 operation, which he says later caused him to hear voices.

After being stabbed in the lung, Mr. Mogens Tindhof Honore received surgery at the hospital in his chest and lung. Later, in 1997, X-rays revealed a metal instrument akin to a microchip present in his left lung. At the time of the operation, Alexandra Hospital was a government hospital under the Ministry of Health.

Alien Abductions: I Just Want to Say. . .

The Nightmare, Henry Fuseli, 1781

I've been posting a lot lately about alien abductions and my perspectives on the phenomena that after all these years has yet to be solved. Of course, I doubt very much it ever will be solved. But obsession with the process is too enchanting to ignore.

I think mind control from human entities have a great deal to do with what we've agreed to call "alien abductions." MILABS. Social engineering, deep, dark, very black shadow government projects. Rogue elements within not only government, but the so-called "private sector" world of corporate-industrial America. Those two camps: the private sector and the government, are not terribly distinct. They are greedy bed fellows for sure. So all this and much more, including mystical, paranormal and psychological aspects, are a part of the alien abduction phenomena.

But I just want to say, that, while I think the cause of alien abductions are literal aliens literally abducting humans is the least likely, I don't think it's impossible. Who the hell knows what it is? Unfortunately, it's not only time we're dealing with in terms of decades of an unanswered mystery, but sordid episodes within Ufology. Professor David Jacobs treatment of Emma Woods, the shady and uneasy reputation of hypnosis in general, UFO researchers who've led witnesses down their own agenda strewn paths; all have contributed to the tangle called the "alien abduction mystery."

I am convinced there are non-human entities about, on a variety of planes, including extraterrestrials. Accepting there is ET doesn't negate other ideas. It doesn't make these ideas separate from each other: ET here, mind control there. There are many manipulators and co-creators.

In some abductions, witnesses report going through solid walls, or being pulled from their bodies. (the latter something I've experienced.) This is sometimes used to discount ET, and puts the abduction experience in the "mind." Maybe it's both.

Meanwhile, no matter what it turns out to be, for the witnesses that's experienced alien abductions, they're going through hell. It's real to them.  We have to figure out why. Which includes the possibility it is literally as they say. If it isn't, one question that seems obvious is: why do the abductions seem so real?

I don't know what abductions are, but a couple of things I'm sure of. One, abductions aren't just one thing; they contain elements of many types of phenomena. And secondly, there is the possibility that literal aliens from space (or elsewhere, and those we call "aliens" are using the space motif to distract us)  is still a possibility.

Because I refuse to say I'm an abductee myself doesn't mean I discount the stories of those who insist they are. I just want to say...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: The Pink Elephant and a Sample of Comments

Jack Brewer at The UFO Trail does it again: The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: The Pink Elephant and a Sample of Comments
At the very least, we should give serious consideration to the extent the intelligence community manipulated public perception while authoring UFO and abduction lore. Intelligence interests have been well documented and demonstrated in circumstances such as the Maury Island fiasco and the supposed contactees of the 1950's.

However, as long as we largely refuse to regularly address the Big Brother pink elephant in the room of ufology, truth and objectivity will continue to suffer. This reaches far beyond Leah Haley or any other given case.

Brewer shares some of the comments (including some of my own) left at his blog on his posts about Leah Haley and the possible involvement of government mind control programs. Some readers, like myself, find Brewer's writings on this subject a good thing, while others are downright hostile.

As I've said before, I don't know if Leah Haley is right. But I think there's a lot -- a lot -- there, in terms of government involvement of abduction events.

Gloira Lee (aka Lee-Bryd)
I've said this in the past about the contactees. I'm not the only one of course; but even now, the idea that the contactees were heavily manipulated by humans, and not aliens (so much) isn't considered enough, in my view. Nor is the historical context followed. What I mean is, if it started with the contactees, the manipulations continued and morphed into the "alien abduction" scenario. I hinted at this a bit in my introduction to Tim Beckley's recent reprint of contactee Gloria Lee's book Why We Are Here. (I believe Lee did tap into something supernatural but was tragically manipulated by human forces as well.)

At the same time, all this covert government activity surrounding aliens and human contact doesn't negate the reality of literal aliens. Or, what we call aliens.

Jacque Vallee wrote of hidden human manipulators in his books, Messengers of Deception the classic, but today, it seems this idea is ignored, or even, as Jack Brewer points out, met with downright hostility. Nick Redfern has addressed similar ideas of human elements deep within the government as cause for, or in partnership with non-human entities in his book Final Events. And interpretations of secret experiments as UFO related, such as Roswell, in his Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story It's a thin line to walk, to consider the reality of government intentionally creating (or co-creating) alien, UFO events in secret, to believing there are underground bases containing vats full of human body parts stirred by aliens as uniformed soldiers stand by.

I keep going back to the news decades ago of Satanic abuses. The media was full of stories of individuals who insisted they had, upon regressions, recovered memories of horrific abuses, all within a Satanic setting. Animal sacrifice, human sacrifice, sexual and physical abuse of children and adults, devotion to Satan, these memories were buried until they erupted under regression. Then those tales faded away, and we began hearing more and more of alien abductions. Time lines overlap; the 1961 Barney and Betty Hill case is considered the "first" alien abduction and predates the Satanic abuse events, as do the earlier contactee encounters.  But I've often wondered if the controllers were experimenting with different themes to deliver their experiments. Satanic rituals here, alien abductions there. Maybe that's ridiculous, maybe not. Maybe there's some truth there, maybe not. As I've said, it's possible a cover was needed so different settings were auditioned. It's possible they decided the alien thing worked for a long list of reasons, including the hide in plain sight idea. In other words, if there really are aliens, (and I think there are) why not further employ disinfo by using the very thing so many -- including the government responsible for these distractions -- deny exist?

I have to add, that for those who've experienced these things, they are very real. They are real. (I'll refer to my own missing time experiences: whatever, whoever, caused those missing time episodes in my life, the fact remains: my memory was fucked with, and it wasn't by me. That's real. That's wrong, whether aliens did it or humans.) Because there might be the possibility these events were manipulated by humans, or even completely created by humans (which I doubt), that is no doing of the experiencer. We have to remain absolutely sensitive to, and respectful of, the witnesses. We have to really listen to their stories, and not just wait for places where we can insert our own ideas of how things are.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Oklahoma Earthquakes: Things to Come?

Cluster of earthquakes in Oklahoma.

I don't know why I've been obsessed with earthquakes. Like news junkies, who watch, read and listen to the news to an inordinate degree, I find that I, for the past year (since around last Thanksgiving or the New Year, around that time, certainly around the time of all the bird falls) I've been tracking earthquakes. Every day, several times a day, I check the latest earthquake activity on our planet.

I've been doing work around this with various methods, but I'm of two minds regarding writing about my "predictions" or feelings concerning earthquakes. I don't want to contribute to a fear based energy.  On the other hand, -- and I don't know how to articulate this so I make sense -- we're all connected. All of humanity, with each other. All of life with the planet. And I sense...something. Something that has to do with literal earth upheavals as well as upheavals on very personal, inner levels that, at the same time, maybe because of the intense shifts, become also very important on an outer level. Two worlds: inner and outer, at the same time.

None of this may sound surprising to many. After all, it's no news to anyone that 2012, earth changes, etc. are to come, and all we've been witness to, and are witnessing, are signals on that road to what still is to come.

The tragedy of Fukushima, which the earth is still experience, was not the anomaly. I keep tuning in to something close to Fukushima, as big, but the location is elusive. I think that elusiveness is due to my second guessing myself. But for some time, while the areas on the west coast of the states is likely, the Midwest keeps coming up, as I've said before. It may be earthquakes, but there's something else involved. Either as the cause, or some connected event, human involved. Something to do with our arrogance, our abuses, our careless actions. And yes, I realize how horribly Christian end times fanatical this sounds. Jesus fucking Christ believe me, I'm not wanting to go there! I don't mean to give that impression -- that it's all because we're doomed and Satan is gonna git us.  This is what I posted in August of this year:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gut Feeling: Midwest

Like most of us, I assume, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's been like this for a good year or so. I think most of us on this planet are feeling this way. And when the other shoe does drop, it seems like that's not quite it. There's more. As if the shoe has dropped into a bottomless pit; down the rabbit hole, and we keep waiting to hear it land with a decided thud.

About three weeks ago, C2C had on a series of psychics. One of them, a woman, said she keeps getting a strong feeling of something happening in the Midwest or southeast, something to do with the land. She saw "waves", like waves of energy, (not literal waves, as in water) -- when she said that, I had a very strong image/picture in my head of the eastern part of the U.S. extending to the Midwest. South east, and going Midwest. Something to do with -- not sure. Not a weapons thing, at least not, terrorism or anything like that. Not nuclear. Possibly earthquakes. Yet something to do with human causes as well. I don't recall what her time line was; I felt that it'll be between now and early to mid October. No later than December of this year. I don't know if the earthquake in Virginia was it; I don't think so. I think there's more...

I think the woman on C2C was what she calls herself: the "hillbilly psychic" but I could be wrong about that. I didn't write it down at the time. But I was struck by the literal gut feeling I had when she said what she saw.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"UFOs and the Paranormal with Malcolm Robinson: Ghosts, they are not always what they seem!"

Good article by Malcolm Robinson that neatly categorizes the different types of ghosts, with more to come in future articles. I'm looking forward to reading more. Thanks to Lesley at The Debris Field for link. UFOs and the Paranormal with Malcolm Robinson: Ghosts, they are not always what they seem!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yachats, OR UFO Sighting

My favorite Oregon coast town, where I stay all the time! Unfortunately I wasn't witness to this sighting, or even on the coast that day on the 29th, but a few were and they reported it to Oregon MUFON. The sighting took place as they were leaving the restaurant where they worked (wonder which one? The place wasn't named.) With photo:

UFOs- Lights In The Texas Sky: Multiple Witnesses Observe UFO Over Yachats, Oregon

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: Life-Changing Saucers and a Fateful Weekend

Jack Brewer at UFO Trial has a very interesting post: The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: Life-Changing Saucers and a Fateful Weekend.

I've been interested in Leah Haley's experiences for years, and her recent statements about abductions have been provocative, and caused some controversy. But then, it seems to me, her announcement was dropped by most who say they're interested in what goes on in UFO Land. I find that very odd. I have no idea if Haley is right, on to something, or what, but it's worth some serious perusal. Thankfully, Jack Brewer is keeping the story alive.

Piano Synchronicities

Cat Spirits, Mother's Piano, Tarot Cards...june 2011. I found this in draft mode, intending to post it on one of my blogs. Since this is the ghostly season, I'm posting it here.

I posted the other day about possible spirit activity around here due to fixing up the house. Today I saw my cat Roswell walk into the bedroom. I then walked in the other direction, into the kitchen, and, there was Roswell! I saw a ghost cat! Cool!

Not so fast. Our other cat, Matisse, who I was convinced was outside, was the one who had walked into the bedroom He's gray (a Russian Blue) and Roswell is a tuxedo cat. When Matisse walked by, he looked jet black, not gray. He actually blends into the shadows very well, more so than Roswell, who's mainly black. Oh well.

On the other hand, I've been having interesting things happen around my psychic intuitiveness; getting back into doing readings with some positive and surprising things happening because of that. Doing so has opened up all kinds of things on many levels. This afternoon an abrupt tiredness came over me, I could barely stand up, I was so inexplicably fatigued. I go into the bedroom to take a nap. Afternoon naps are always strange; I have the weirdest, and most psychic kind, of dreams, and it is very hard for me to wake up from them. I have to force myself to move, to get up, and it takes me a long time to shake myself out of it. So my dream involved a lot of what I'd call French-movie-surrealism but one thing:

I dreamt I was in charge of facilitating a chamber orchestra. I myself wasn't a musician, but I was responsible for everything surrounding their playing; setting up their appearances, making sure everything was set up just so, etc. I go inside to the small privately owned, very rich estate where the orchestra has been hired to play. No one around, including the musicians, it's too early. I sit down at the piano, which I don't know how to play. Wish i could though. I remove a silk cover that is protecting the keyboards. I know I don't remove it quite properly; it's still showing, but it works. I think to myself, well, this is stupid, I don't know how to play, but her It goes, and I start to bang away. I think: "I'll fake it, just go for it," and before I know it, I'm playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Not very well, but anyone hearing it would recognize it.

Lots more that I don't remember very well,  including children and ghosts and not wanting to offend the snooty rich folk but I end up doing so anyway and when I/we do, it feels pretty good.

I wake up and turn on the radio right away, which is my habit. It's set to the classical station. And playing on the classical station, is Moonlight Sonata.

Regan's mother, Seaside Oregon, circa 1929?

Further synchronicity and messages; I usually talk with my mother every Sunday, but I haven't spoken with her for two weeks. The lack of communication had been on my mind. My mother was a concert pianist, playing when she was three years old and having recitals when she was not much older than that.  When we were growing up, she played at the Steinway in our living room, and one of the pieces she always played was Moonlight Sonata. She would get kind of sick of it, for we'd always ask her to play that for us.

And yet one more: I had just finished proofing this, then sat back as my husband read me the latest installment in his novel series, described as "paranormal science fiction romance conspiracy." Indeed. Anyway, he's reading me a part about the main character and his mother; the mother asks her son to play Moonlight Sonata for her on the piano. ! I hadn't read or told my husband any of this beforehand.
Piano Ghost by Regan Lee, abstract expressionism, acrylic on canvas, 2000?
Piano and childhood; must have more an impact on my subconscious than I realize. I painted this abstract expressionist style painting about ten years ago, and titled it "Piano Ghost."

To close things here, last night, I had a dream about my childhood home, moving furniture -- particularly the piano, which sat in our living room (we weren't wealthy by any means, my mom worked "outside the home" but dammit, we had a piano!) -- while my mom remained outside, shouting to us her input. It was a happy dream, but I woke up a little distressed, wondering if this had something to do with my mother's health.