Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Debris Field: Guest Post, by Shepherd Johnson on Chase Brandon's Roswell Info

(dis info is more like it:) The Debris Field: Guest Post, by Shepherd Johnson

I love this, funny:
I've read 'Cryptos Conundrum', it makes L. Ron Hubbard look like Hemingway, it really is that bad.

Haven't read the book and not sure I'll get around to it. But I have no doubt Johnson is correct. One point Johnson made is that this is the "first time the CIA has overtly expanded into using literature as a propaganda tool." He makes it clear that "overt" is the key word and acknowledges the CIA's history of working with movie studios, etc. to get their disinfo and misinformation out there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

National Geographic’s ‘Chasing UFOs’ Takes on Comic-Con - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

Oy. I'm done. National Geographic’s ‘Chasing UFOs’ Takes on Comic-Con - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers
The Chasing UFOs investigators are sure to bump into a few like minds at Comic-Con, as a recently published extraterrestrial survey from NGC reported that more than 80 million Americans believe that aliens exist. The survey also found out which caped crusader Americans would call upon in the event of an alien attack. One in five Americans (21 percent) answered that they would most likely call on the Hulk to deal with the havoc. Far fewer, would most trust Batman (12 percent) or Spiderman (8 percent) to step in. Ryder offered her own take on the situation, saying, “If I needed some extra assistance in an alien attack, and I hope I never do, I would have to say that I’d be looking for some strong females to be by my side. Sorry ‘Avengers,’ but I’d take Wonder Woman, Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Lara Croft any day of the week.”

Monday, July 9, 2012

"Roswell UFO Was Not Of This Earth And There Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Agent Says"

Lee Speigel for Huffington Post:Roswell UFO Was Not Of This Earth And There Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Agent Says.

Chase Brandon, a "... 35-year CIA veteran" comes clean about Roswell. To a point. another person who's come forward to say they saw what they saw. And what they saw was no "...damn weather balloon..." says Brandon.

Brandon might be telling the truth, telling some of the truth, or lying. Disinfo or the real thing? Or a publicity bit for his science fiction book The Cryptos Conundrum?

Brandon makes it clear he honors his contract of secrecy:
"Nobody tells any of us that we can't say anything about sources, methods, classified information having to do with working for the Central Intelligence Agency," Brandon said. "We all sign a secrecy agreement that says we understand we are forbidden to do that by law, and that is an inherent part of keeping and safeguarding what we do, how we do it, why we do it, out of national security concerns.

"I'm not reluctant to talk about it -- I won't talk about it. I'm telling you there was a box that had stuff in there having to do with Roswell, and I looked through it, and it validated everything I believed in, and that's all I have to say about it. I will go to my grave being mindful of the two hats that I wear: My personal one and the one that will forever reside on my head as a former CIA officer."

We could debate Brandon's motivation; is it a publicity stunt for his book? Or was his book inspired by his Roswell experiences? Are the secrets of Roswell he cannot, and will not, reveal exposed within a literary landscape?

We'll never know, like we'll never know (most likely) the truth about any of it.

Mothman Flutterings Moved to Blogger

Frustrated with the bizarre amount of disgusting spam on WordPress, where MF had been living. So, new home for the blog, which I'm slowly trying to update. Can't export because I have a Mac.

New Mothman Flutterings.

Old Mothman Flutterings.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The UFO Trail: Open Mic Night

Jack Brewer invited several UFO researchers and witnesses to share their thoughts on what "...would be the most constructive directions for ufology." Several individuals contributed (including myself.) Travis Walton, Kathleen Marden, Carole Rainey, Mike Clelland, and many others comment. Jack Brewer has once again brought us an insightful blog for us to ponder. The UFO Trail: Open Mic Night

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Chasing UFOs

When I wrote yesterday's post about skeptics on UFO programs and a bit about Chasing UFOs, I had no idea what last night's program was about. Turns out there was a bit of synchronicity, for the episode was about government craft, namely, triangles. Though the program couldn't resist throwing in comments about possible alien underground bases . . .

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Skeptic in All Those Shows...

I haven't seen National Geographic's Chasing UFOs yet, since it doesn't air until tonight. Only those in the "industry" got a preview. Responses from those who have seen the show seem to be miffed there isn't enough skepticism; while others are miffed the show exists at all. In most paranormal and UFO shows the skeptic is included. For "balance" it is said. Nope. It's for ratings and action; that American brand of competition. Everything's a contest. Anyway... With UFOs, we can debate forever about what they are, where they're from, what it is people are "really" seeing. (Wait, we are debating that.) Focusing on strictly observations of craft for the moment, what use is a so-called skeptic? A WITNESS SAW SOMETHING. Is that debatable? Skeptic, schmetic. What you need, always, are those who can help -- as in assist -- with observations. What wondrous and strange forms clouds can take. Astronomy. Aircraft. (Ours. That we know of.) I know, I know, the moon's been mistaken for a UFO, Venus has been mistaken for a UFO, pranksters like to float up night flying kites and balloons ... sigh. And while the strict observation of a craft is straightforward, there's more. The researcher has to take into account more than just the sighting. If the witness describes feelings of disorientation, anxiety, yipes, missing time even! -- that has to be taken into account. Has to. None of this means that the thing seen is an alien craft piloted by space brothers. That's assumption and while it could be true, we can't prove that. We can prove someone saw something. And we can prove, in many cases, the physical, emotional and psychological effects of a sighting. Aside from the idea that aliens exist and are, indeed, often responsible for UFO sightings, is another idea. One not often brought up; especially not by the "skeptics." That is covert human activity. I mean deep dark ebony black shadow human factions. Often the closet acknowledgement of UFOs being human made is an almost glib explanation that it's "just" military. Just? Not if that "just" is an insidious creation that, whether intentionally or not, causes adverse physical effects upon the citizenry. Or afffects the weather or envirnoment. Or is a cover for spy operations. Etc. Once it's shown that a UFO is now an IFO and a human made object, the job is not always over. Not in cases where a lot of strangeness has occurred.

Meanwhile, UFO sightings continue. Explaining one away, be it the moon, Venus, classified military or a producer's classist take on a witness ("red neck," "hillibilly," "hippie", ...) leaves thousands behind.

What is the beef, the thing that bugs, these skeptics when it comes to UFOs? (Oh and oh god, please "skeptics" that's a rhetorical question) Shows aren't doing the topic of UFOs any favors, except for Ancient Aliens, which, thankfully, has avoided the trap of having skepti bunkies on every two seconds to give their two cents. It's show biz, it's distraction, it's playing into the culture of "vs." And it keeps us spinning inside the wheel of nowhere.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gobekli and Baltic Sea Mysteries on C2C

Gobekli and Baltic Sea Mysteries with Linda Moultan Howe on C2C

Chasing UFOs - National Geographic Channel

I'm already put off but that's being bigoted since I haven't seen the show. I'm put off because of the usual glitz and crap. Resident skeptic, yep. Oy. Sexy young woman going by her last name -- "Ryder" -- chasing those UFOs. History of "Nat Geo" (name changed from what no doubt was perceived as stodgy stale National Geographic; have to have things brighter faster and spiiffier) being generally skeptical in these areas. The positive thing about this is that James Fox is one of the "chasers" so that has me feeling better. We'll see. Meet the Chasers Pictures - Chasing UFOs - National Geographic Channel

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Binnall of America Audio: Sean Kotz and "A Different Kind of UFO Documentary"

Listen to Sean Kotz with host Tim Binnall discussing Kotz's "Strange Country; A Different Kind of UFO Documentary." Binnall of America

Here's an excerpt from Internet Newswire:
BoA:Audio returns to the realm of UFOs with our guest, filmmaker Sean Kotz, who discusses the 1987 UFO flap in Wytheville, Virginia, which will be chronicled in his forthcoming documentary Strange Country: A Different Kind of UFO Documentary. Sean will detail the story of reporter Danny Gordon, who found himself in the center of the UFO maelstrom after he made what appeared to be a seemingly innocuous report on a UFO sighting in the the Wytheville area. We’ll learn about how Gordon was overwhelmed with sighting reports from local citizens, the strange characters who emerged in the area as the UFO flap grew, and the troubling events which beset Gordon’s life as he dug deeper into the UFO mystery.

It is a chilling cautionary tale that examines how ‘lights in the sky’ can profoundly alter the lives of those on the ground who witness them, as Sean Kotz revisits the 1987 Wytheville UFO flap.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Favorite UFO/Fortean Event: The Kentucky Goblins

A favorite anomalous event, one that remains a mystery more than fifty-five years later. That is the Kentucky, or Hopkinsville "goblins." Small, alien looking creatures terrified the Sutton family in Hopkinsville, Kentucky in 1955. Shots were fired, the sheriff notified. No one has resolved the mystery, though of course there are dozens of theories. And of course, the skepti-bunkies will tell you they've solved it long ago. (See debunker Joe Nickell's --"Mr. Owl" -- theory here.)

Were the Kentucky goblins aliens from outer space? Owls? Drunken, paranoid hallucinations? Elves? Inner earth entities? Two recent articles discuss this classic case.

Greg Newkirk at Who Forted? wonders if these beings haven't returned:Have the Kentucky Goblins Returned? Exclusive Photos! | Who Forted? Magazine Newkirk shares an email he received about strange creatures in the Kentucky/West Virginia area. Strange creatures that, the writer comments, seem to be coming from an "abandoned mine located on the edge of my property." Another email, more details, and... the strange path leading to the origin of a name. And, there are photos!

Newkirk asks the right questions. I empathize with his curiosity combined with skepticism. (I too have been contacted at times with tales of strange sightings and weird beings, but you always wonder if the person is honest, on crack, or what. The anomalous explorer wants it so much to be something to explore, and yet. . .) I think the first photo of the alleged being is outright fakery but really that's beside the point. In the true Fortean mileau, it doesn't matter.

Micah Hanks considers the Hopkinsville goblins as being of inner earth, and gives us more background on the original event:The Goblin's Grimoirie: Hopkinsville Reprised, or the Hollow Earth? Hanks references Newkirk's article and wonders if the beings weren't from innter earth after all.

Abandoned mines as homes for strange beings -- including Sasquatch -- a theory that has been discussed before. Wm. Micheal Mott wrote about beings living inside the earth in his classic Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures.

(Photo: Ivan T. Sanderson with goblin replica. Soure:

The Kentucky Hopkinsville goblins are often associated with UFOs; thought of to be aliens. There are similarities to the "greys" after all. (Assuming the greys are aliens as well.) But then we have other enticing ideas about what these "goblins" might be. Not from outer space, but inner earth. There's an idea these beings are aliens from space but also of the earth; entities of both realms. The Hopi tradition speaks of the ant people, who now live underground, but came from the skies originally. Descriptions of the ant people parallel the grays, and, the Kentucky goblins.

Here's an interesting explanation of the origin of the word "goblin" which contains a reference to mines:
Standard scholarship holds that English took goblin from the French gobelin. The problem with Goblin this is that, while Middle English had the word goblin as early as 1320, there is no record of the French word gobelin until the 16th century. Interestingly, a 12th century cleric called Ordericus Vitalis mentions Gobelinus as the name of a spirit which haunted the neighbourhood of Évreux. It is possible that gobelin evolved from the ancient Greek kobalos "rogue, knave", via the Medieval Latin cobalus. If so, it is related to the German kobold, and hence to the name of the metal cobalt.

German silver miners (that's German miners of silver, not miners of "German silver") named cobalt after the kobold, a "goblin or demon of the mines" as it was not only worthless but caused sickness. Nickel (a German name for "the devil") has a similar origin.
~ Source: Take Our Word for It.
Whether or not Greg Newkirk's contact was telling the truth or playing trickster, the idea itself is a valid one. Many traditions tell of entities that live inside the earth. It is possible the goblins seen that August night in 1955 in Kentucky were indeed inner earth dwellers.

alienviews: The Porcine "Status Quo."

Alfred Lehmberg's latest: alienviews: The Porcine "Status Quo." As always I'm relecutant to choose a quote only because it wouldn't do the piece justice. Out of context, a bit, and there's so much wonderful stuff before and after. But I'll give you the beginning and you'll need to visit Alfred's site for the rest:

One pays his price for thinking thoughts regarding "ebbs" and "flows" of an inculcated gracelessness we've come to know and loath. This "inculcated gracelessness" is from the "top," my friends, to cloud our sensibilities to the facts of their pretense. What are the smooth mechanics of this "system" as bestowed? Why, it's the gravid sociopathy of their porcine "status quo"!


UFOs are surly counter to this *fog* as it's contrived... fog "few" prefer as "blessing," but by "most" is most despised. There is much—indeed awry—in "wisdom of convention," so "Status Quo" on UFOs? Beyond all comprehension.

I like that: "... the gravid sociopathy of their porcine "status quo"! "

alienviews: The Porcine "Status Quo."