Sunday, November 18, 2012

LIZARD PEOPLE IN PORTUGAL – An Invasive Mind Scan Carried Out by Reptilians — World Mysteries Blog

(with thanks to @anomalist on Twitter for link.)Ken Bakeman on Reptilian abduction techniques, including orange orbs. LIZARD PEOPLE IN PORTUGAL – An Invasive Mind Scan Carried Out by Reptilians — World Mysteries Blog.

About those orbs:
2. Orbs of bright light, commonly of a orange color.

Orbs, or glowing spheres of different colors, were a feature in several of my encounters with Reptilians. (See here for a partial discussion of this.) These orbs are not by any means limited to use by the Reptilians. Based on what I have witnessed and personally been through over a span of some forty-plus years they are a standard vehicle utilized by a wide range of beings and entities who have commerce with the fauna, including of course humans, living on the terrestrial hardscape. It seems, based on what I’ve been able to determine from my various experiences, that these energetic orbs facilitate a translation back and forth between a physical form and, for lack of better terms, an etherial composition. If it can be summarized, I think that orbs are a means by which consciousness can be concentrated and positioned as desired or needed. In many cases the orbs as seen from outside were either a pearly-white color or, as in a NDE I went through in Germany, the orb was perfectly clear with an astonishing crystal city inside of it. In the case of Reptilians who were instigating malicious abduction events I’ve had situations where a blinding, bright orange orb was positioned directly in front of me, coinciding with the extremely loud siren sound and headache techniques discussed as follows.

I love a good Reptilian story! And no, I'm not being flip, I really do. What's behind all that, I have no idea. Not having experienced anything related to Reptilians, not for me to say. As to the orbs, "my" orb experience involved an intelligently controlled, or, sentient itself, orange orb. No loud sounds however,though, there was missing time, telepathic communications and terrifying dreams, among other happenings.

Whatever one makes of stories like Bakeman's, it's most definitely a UFO-Fortean's kind of story.

Rendlesham UFO Incident: Coast to Coast Tonight

My favorite host, George Knapp subject:Rendlesham UFO Incident.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

US Military Enlists Amateurs to Track Space Junk

Maybe I'm too far down the rabbit hole but my first thought when I saw this item was one filled with suspicion, underscored when I saw 'DARPA' in the mix. filled US Military Enlists Amateurs to Track Space Junk

Monday, November 12, 2012

UFO: Triangle object flies over Merlin, Oregon : The Canadian National Newspaper

The Fortean named town of Merlin, where I once read, years ago, about deer roaming the "downtown" streets, and something about Bigfoot, once. Anyway, here's a recent UFO sighting:UFO: Triangle object flies over Merlin, Oregon : The Canadian National Newspaper

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Cycle of No There There: 'UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all'

Once again, we see an item on how there's nothing to UFOs. Not from the overt and pathological skeptic crowd, but from the meh realm. UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all - Telegraph

This is not news. Oh, I don't doubt the debunkers and "skeptics" will jump all over this to support their ludicrous opinions on the UFO phenomena. It'll be juicy news for their disingenuous little black hearts.

We've seen this meme many times over the past few years. A few items here and there on how: UFO sightings are down, reports are down, UFO "enthusiasts" have given up, UFO organizations have closed their doors, and so on.

These fluffy little pieces circle around like black helicopters.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Red Pills of the Week — November 3rd | Mysterious Universe

All good, but I particularly liked what RPJ had to say about David Icke. Who is, in so many ways, a giant tool. But let's not be too hasty. RPJ comments:
Yeah, Icke and his outré ideas are easy target. But, I must admit that since the core of his main message is intrinsically gnostic, as a gnostic myself I can certainly entertain the notion that what we perceive as the ‘real world’ is but a very thin outer layer, hidden deeper levels where unknown beings might be lurking.
Red Pills of the Week — November 3rd | Mysterious Universe

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Big Study: Trickster Strike!!!

Wonderful little piece on seemingly every day and mundane oddness, and yet...The Big Study: Trickster Strike!!!

I wasn't sure where to post this link, here, Women of Esoterica, Ecto-ville, what? But, as anyone inveigled in UFOs knows, synchronicities as well as missing items and all manner of trickster like events occur often. In Trickster Strike! the person involved is a UFO researcher, which, it seems to me, is not an unrelated component.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

KathleenMarden:'Results of Abductee Study' and The Abduction Question

Marden's site: KathleenMardenUFO results of study here. Kathleen Marden is Betty Hill's niece and co-author, with Stanton Friedman, of Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. I was fortuante enough to see both Friedman and Marden speak at the McMinnville UFO Festival a couple of years ago. (I even was lucky enough to interview Mr. Friedman. Who, I'm sure, thought I was a bit of a ditz, since I was old school and used only a notebook; no tape, recorder, etc. just me and my pen. But he was extremely polite and too much a gentleman and professional to let on.)
Nearly a year ago, Denise Stoner and I met to discuss the commonalities that alien abduction experiencers share. As longtime abduction investigators/researchers, we were aware of certain repeating patterns of information and characteristics. The pertinent literature, the academic social science studies and the works of David Jacobs, PhD, Thomas Bullard, PhD, Yvonne Smith, and the late Budd Hopkins, John Mack, MD, and others had identified several commonalities among abduction experiencers. But we had not been able to locate an academic study that was specific to our particular interests.

I was born in 1954, and so of course found this greatly interesting:
We were interested in identifying possible trends among age groups, partly due to the fact that a significant number of abduction experiencers in the 50+ age group had reported their experiences to us within recent months. Our intuition was correct. 44% of the AE Group participants were born in the 1950’s, although only 20% of the NAE Group was in the same age group. This figure drops dramatically for those born in the 1940’s (18%) and the 1960’s (26%).

The study contributes important data to be sure. What it all means and how it all gets interpreted; that's to be seen of course.

I've never felt I could be honest and participate in studies like this, because the question is always presented with the assumption the respondent knows they've been abducted. I don't know any such thing. However, at least two episodes of missing time connected to UFO sightings, vivid dreams involving aliens and UFOs, a life time of consciously remembered UFO and alien sightings and interactions, karmic, shared, and parallel UFO related experiences regards my spouse, all point to a huge "We have no flippin' idea what abductions are; if they're literal physical events or what, but it does seem awfully and enormously significant, doesn't it?" question.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nick Redfern on Coast to Coast Tonight with host George Knapp

Nick Redfern is tonight's guest on Coast to Coast, with host George Knapp. Now you know it's going to be a great show!They'll be discussing the World's Weirdest Places.

alienviews: Don't...

Alfred Lehmberg's latest, on his blog alien views:

alienviews: Don't...: But our contentious skeptibunkies, braying, scorning—mocking flunkies... These will hoot, pronounce soft *phacts*, and from the truth, you bet, detract. All, I think, to keep you working, making babies, crying—hurting... ...Still, they're REAL and would upset the "apple cart" ill *owned*, as yet.
Yes, we'd have the truth; condone it! We've paid for it in blood. We own it! Were not served, in fact ill-served, to be denied the truths observed. Had we some "truth," we'd, then, build true... avoid those pitfalls as construed, avoid perhaps, the forecast "planned..." ...we'd have FOUNDATION, understand?!
Sceptic! Don't pretend, at all, concern; you will come to live and learn—at issue is the profiteering you enjoy while proudly sneering!
Don't think that you provide a service. Don't think that you provide for "calm"—be nervous! Don't pretend that fear's deterred in blandishments you purr—absurd!

As always, right on Alfred!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

On Coast to Coast tonight: James Wasserman, Occult & Spiritual Quest

Occult and Spiritual Quest on Coast to Coast AM: "Author James Wasserman will discuss the importance of the spiritual quest, the power and influence of secret societies, the occult practices of Aleister Crowley, and how awakenings during the 60s and 70s were fueled by the embrace of Eastern religions, and Western Magic."

Monday, October 22, 2012

When It Comes To UFOs, Why Do Debunkers Do That Debunking Thing They Do?

I have it up at UFO Digest:When It Comes To UFOs, Why Do Debunkers Do That Debunking Thing They Do?

Halloween Tarot

A pretty neat deck; the Halloween deck -- I would feel all right using, when the mood strikes. There are some cards I'm not overly crazy about, but others I do like, shown here. I haven't seen the entire deck and of course haven't read with them, but it does seem like fun. One thing I do like is using multiple decks in a reading; something I've been working with lately via the Doreen Virture Healing with Angels course. Here's a multi-deck reading, using the Halloween deck, at Tarotize, from Lisa FLloyd.