Saturday, February 15, 2014

Anya is a Channel: An anomalous object showed up on my tooth at a visit to the dentist yesterday.

     Anya Briggs (who graciously contributes to Women of Esoterica, besides writing her own blog and other writings) discovered something very interesting indeed within her mouth:
Anya is a Channel: An anomalous object showed up on my tooth at a visit to the dentist yesterday.: For students of dentistry out there, you can see that my teeth are healthy and in no need of a filling, and yet my dentist detected an "exquisite" 'filling' that could not be explained and that I had no memory of receiving on one of my back upper right teeth.

I had been experiencing occasional sensitivity and pain on that very tooth for about 6 months which was in fact the reason for the visit. He says he has never seen anything like it and that the craftsmanship was exceptional. He said it was a non-metal material that "could be plastic" and had never seen any filling ever that was a perfect square. He said the technique to attach it was at a very high level of application as well. The words "exceptional" and "exquisite" kept being used in reference to this filling.
     Now, Anya Briggs has had a life time of odd experiences concerning mind control, manipulations, and much else. If you aren't familiar with her work and history, be sure you read her blog.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Seriously, is it the silly season for debunker theories?

Image: public domain

     There is no Bermuda Triangle, recently announced NOAA. (See previous post.)  Now, there may or may not be anything supernatural as cause for the mysterious happenings in the Bermuda Triangle, but NOAA coming out with an official statement that there is no other worldly explanation doesn't make it so. Neither is the military explanation for Mothman (glow in the dark para-troopers.) Or the famous mating hedgehogs explanation for crop circles so many years ago. Or giant gas bubbles in the Loch for Nessie sightings.
     Past day or two brought us NOAA's assurance there is no there there swirling about, as well as this item about the cause behind the Shroud of Turin:

Is an earthquake behind the Shroud of Turin image? | HeritageDaily – Heritage & Archaeology News: An earthquake in Old Jerusalem might be behind the famous image of the Shroud of Turin, says a group of researchers led by Alberto Carpinteri of the Politecnico di Torino in Italy in an article published in Springer’s journal Meccanica. They believe that neutron radiation caused by an earthquake could have induced the image of a crucified man – which many people believe to be that of Jesus – onto the length of linen cloth, and caused carbon-14 dating done on it in 1988 to be wrong.

This Just In: There Is No Bermuda Triangle

Image source: Gutenberg Project

     I always am curious when official entities come out with denials of the anomalous. In this case, it's NOAA who has given up the secret of The Bermuda Triangle. Which is, there is no touch thing.  (A recent example of authoritative voices alerting us to the realities: the latest explanation for Mothman.) Why now, what's the point? Automatically causes one to think along cover-up conspiracy lines. I mean, where else is there to go? And by the way, just who is this "most of us already suspected…" speak for yourself, official debunker shill.

Sun Sentinel - Bermuda Triangle just a myth, U.S. says: Now it's official: The Bermuda Triangle is a bunch of bunk.

For decades, rumors persisted that hundreds of ships and planes mysteriously vanished in the area between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda because it was cursed or patrolled by extraterrestrials.

Most of us already suspected that was a myth. Yet, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration just posted a story declaring the Devil's Triangle, as it's also known, is no different than any other open ocean region — and that foul weather and poor navigation are likely to blame for any mishaps.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tall Aliens

      I recently posted here at the Orb about an episode of The Dead Files and medium Amy Allan's encounter with, not ghosts, but aliens: 
Tonight's episode of The Dead Files, with medium Amy Allan, had Allan tell the haunted residents in their Rome, New York home that she had encountered something she had never experienced before. Besides the usual spirits haunting the property, it seems there are also tall, human looking but decidedly not human beings that Allan said were "aliens."
     (I expanded on that post for my Trickster's Realm column at Tim Binnall's site.)
     Allan was emphatic that the entities were not ghosts or spirits but aliens, something I find very intriguing. It is always interesting when an area of fringe research, say NDEs, bumps into ET.
     Allan described the aliens as tall. Today's Anomalist shares a couple of items about tall aliens. While these items aren't ghost related, I find the tall alien imagery interesting. This  Russian video of a tall spider type entity crawling across the building. Allegedly the people taking the video had seen a UFO above them.  Anomalist notes it seems fake, and I agree. Pretty obvious. Then there's this video from California of a tall entity in connection with a UFO sighting.
Eos, by Evelyn de Morgan (1850 - 1919)

     In 1984, Russian astronauts reported seeing tall aliens in space. These entities were referred to as "space angels" and "celestial beings" and were said to be "colossal" in size. A famous UFO case and Rob Murphy wrote a good piece at Mysterious Universe in 2012. 
    Charles Hall said he encountered "tall whites" -- lived with them in fact -- in the Nevada desert in 1967.
     Colin Andrews has been researching the tall white clad beings seen in crop circles: The Silbury Hill Stargate.

     Of course there many accounts of tall aliens, sometimes white or gray. The Nordics encountered during the contactee era were often described as tall, though not overly tall, like the "celestial" beings seen by cosmonauts. Are these tall beings aliens, as in ET from outer space, or a different entity, something spiritual (angelic) or elemental, etc.? Whatever the answer to that question, there does seem to be a connection or cross over effect of entities, ghosts, crop circles, UFOs, and other high strangeness. As it is with so much of UFO and paranormal events.

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Feschino Reveals New Illustration of the 1952 "Strange Creek Monster" of Braxton County

(reposted at Vintage U.F.O.)

"Strange Creek Monster"

Feschino Reveals New Illustration of the 1952 "Strange Creek Monster" of Braxton County

Alfred Lehmberg has a new item posted at the UFO Magazine blog on researcher Frank Feschino and the Braxton County "monster:" UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Feschino Reveals New Illustration of the 1952 "Strange Creek Monster" of Braxton County: "Strange Creek Monster"

Feschino Reveals New Illustration of the 1952 "Strange Creek Monster" of Braxton County.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ghosts and UFOs

Image source here

     Recently, I wrote about a ghost hunting paranormal program -- The Dead Files --  with an interesting twist: the encounter with an alien entity, for Tim Binnall's site.   (Use Mediums in UFO Investigations.) Alien, as in ET, not a spiritual, angelic or demonic entity. Last night's Ghost Adventures, a show I actually enjoy despite the sometimes heavy dude vibe and ghost provoking drama, investigated sites in Transylvania. Very exciting! While most of us know about that area's vivid history concerning Count Vlad (Dracul) and his inspiration for Dracula/vampire lore, the Hoia-Baciu Forest in that region might not be as familiar.
     The Hoia-Baciu Forest -- called the "Bermuda Triangle of Romania" --   is a very strange place, a true portal into other unworldly realms. Ghost Adventures was in Romania to investigate ghosts, and the spooky tales of the forest was a natural place for the team to explore. What I found interesting was the variety of anomalous phenomena. From unexplained disappearances (one story: young girl disappears for five years, returns with no memory of where she'd been) to odd lights, sounds, a circle (not exactly a true circle, more circle-like) area in the middle of the forest where nothing grows, absolutely nothing,  and yes, UFOs. UFOs! The team caught on tape an orange orb/light that are similar to so many reports of orange lights the world over. The word "UFO" was uttered by many in last night's program, from residents to witnesses to the team.
    I'm intrigued by these cross-over types of cases, where ghost activity and UFO activity, if not connecting or intersecting in some ways, at least parallel one another. 
Related links:
Zak experiences unexplained physical symptoms in Hoia-Baciu Forest.

More information and images of Hoia-Baciu Forest.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

American Horror: Clown Rumors


Source: Clowns are Evil 

Supposedly, rumors have been flying that either the 4th or 5th season of American Horror will involve a circus themed scenario. American Horror producers deny this. But that could be fantastic if it is true! Imagine how much fun they'd have doing the creepy clown factor. Knowing the perverse and sadistic path the show can take, I shudder to think if they would deal with animals in the circus at all, and if so... don't want to go there! I hate circuses and clowns so much that I don't know if I would watch it if that's they way they'd go. I'd give it a chance though.

American Horror is campy and creepy and ever so purposely so. I wanted so much to like the second season, Asylum. I mean, convents! Nuns! Psycho doctors! Madhouses! My favorite realms of irrational fears that lurk deep within. That's what happens when a Buddhist witch in the making Jewish gal attends Catholic School for eight years. But the second season was too over the top gratuitous sadistic, even for me, and I ended up not watching the whole season.

The first season of American Horror was great, and who knew, back then, that the cast would change and yet remain the same? (somewhat.)

Coven was my favorite, even though they killed off Misty, much to my dismay and shock. She didn't deserve that.  I truly thought she was going to be the next Supreme.

While a circus themed American Horror would be interesting and is full of possibilities, nothing can top the excellent HBO program Carnivale, which ran from 2003 to 2005. I was so disappointed that that show was cancelled!

It's possible the producers of American Horror are being coy in denying the circus rumors. We'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mysterious triangular objected spotted on Google Moon | Metro News

Mysterious triangular objected spotted on Google Moon | Metro News: Have aliens taken over the moon? It might sound like something out of a low budget sci-fi film, but it is in fact the latest speculation exploding on the internet after a series of controversial images from Google maps show a mysterious object on the moon’s surface.

The images appear to show a triangular wedge-shaped ‘craft’ with a row of seven light dots along the edge.

While it could just be a secret human moonbase, many UFO sites have likened the object to an alien spaceship.
"While it could just be a secret human moonbase. . . " well, I would think that'd be pretty huge! Alien or us, if, indeed, it's a "secret (human) moon base, that is big news!

Which has me wondering once again about the apathetic response to the usual dismissal of many a UFO encounter; that's it's "just" the government.

It does look very artificial, man or ET created.

Related internal links:

 Giant Military Surveillance Blip

 Eugene, Oregon NYE UFO and then some ...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Giant Military Surveillance Blimp Is Going to Constantly Monitor the East Coast | Motherboard

photo: Raytheon

Our government, working with Raytheon, spending $2.7 billion dollars on giant surveillance blimps:
A Giant Military Surveillance Blimp Is Going to Constantly Monitor the East Coast | Motherboard: By the end of the year, there will likely be two giant Army blimps hovering 10,000 feet above Baltimore with the ability to see 340 miles in any direction.
Most forms of surveillance have weaknesses: If they’re ground-based, they have range limitations. Predator drones have to refuel and don’t have the ability to hover in one spot. Helicopters are really loud and generally have to fly pretty low. That’s where JLENS comes in. It’s a giant, 243-foot long blimp that’s tethered to the ground. It has ridiculously powerful radar and cameras. It pretty much doesn’t have to move, and it only has to land once a month or so for quick maintenance.

Yes, that means the entire mid-Atlantic region will, at least, have the potential to be under “persistent surveillance,” a dream term for those in the intelligence biz and a worst-case scenario for those who care a lick about privacy. ~ Jason Koebler

Still from John Carpenter's They Live, 1988

So it's not the Mother Ship we'll be seeing soon, but our own post 9/11 paranoia and totalitarianism.

Use Mediums in UFO Investigations - Binnall of America

My new Trickster's Realm column for Tim Binnall's Binnall of America is now available:

Use Mediums in UFO Investigations - Binnall of America: “As Ancient Alien theorists contend…” the narrator on Ancient Aliens (airs on the H 2 channel) reminds us, constantly. So, as “ancient alien theorists” often speculate, what humanity has interpreted as angels are really aliens. Very possibly. I tend to go along with much of the ancient alien theory to explain a lot about how we got here, and why. While I do think what we have considered God/gods– and put our entire belief structures and trust in — have been, not “God” but aliens, I also believe there is a spiritual realm that has nothing to do with ET at all. One may mimic the other; more often the alien side loves to mess with us and impersonate our gods. ~ Regan Lee

Friday, January 24, 2014

Dead Files: Encountering Aliens

Wow. Tonight's episode of The Dead Files, with medium Amy Allan, had Allan tell the haunted residents in their Rome, New York home that she had encountered something she had never experienced before. Besides the usual spirits haunting the property, it seems there are also tall, human looking but decidedly not human beings that Allan said were "aliens." Either aliens, or beings from another world -- not spirits or ghosts of humans, or even non-human energy type entities and creatures (demons) but, for lack of a better term, aliens. Non-human beings from another planet.

These beings appear to be after the children in particular. Allan said these beings will probably always be there and she didn't know how to get rid of them.

White Wolf Oracle: Synchronicity, Cat Killer, and Archangel Raphael: Be Willing To Forgive

On my blog White Wolf Oracle, my latest post on synchronicity and the need for forgiveness, which is a difficult thing for me to do at this time: White Wolf Oracle: Synchronicity, Cat Killer, and Archangel Raphael: Be Willing To Forgive

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jeremy Vaeni: 'Scientists Are Not The Adults In The Room" | JayVay

Truly like this piece from Jeremy Vaeni:

Scientists Are Not The Adults In The Room | JayVay: You know it strikes me that one of the things indigenous people around the world do is meticulously observe their environment and build pieces of their culture and agriculture around their observations. What they do is science. So why do Western scientists not see it that way? How are people who are immersed in their environments considered less scientific, not more, than the men and women who have divorced themselves from nature?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

From EsoterX: "If Called By the Cult of the White Panther, Don't Anther"

From EsoterX, which has become one of my favorite blogs to follow:
If Called By the Cult of the White Panther, Don’t Anther | EsoterX: If everything is important, then nothing is important. There is simply no room for what Mircea Eliade termed a hierophany, that is “the manifestation of something of a wholly different order, a reality that does not belong to our world, in objects that are an integral part of our natural ‘profane’ world” (Eliade, 1959, p11). This leaves us completely unprepared for an encounter with the mysterium tremendum (“the awe-inspiring mystery”), and in fact we have invented a whole category of “Weird News” that ensures the profane nature of any paranormal experience is maintained.

This is from EsoterX's home page, and tells us what the blog is about:
EsoterX is an anthropological investigation of the ontological status of things that go bump in the night.  The fact that monsters may or may not be corporeal is of no consequence, as Charles Baudelaire said, “I consider it useless and tedious to represent that which exists, because nothing that exists satisfies me.  Nature is ugly, and I prefer the monsters of my fancy to what is positively trivial”.  I am an applied anthropologist by training, inclination, and neurosis, masquerading as a computational linguist and software engineer by day, busy accumulating obscure masters degrees in an attempt to assemble a set of letters after my name that spontaneously result in some sort of gematriac significance.  And I’m convinced the universe is a far weirder place than we like to admit and the only reasonable response is that recommended by Hunter Thompson — “When the going gets weird, turn pro”.
I urge readers to explore this blog, a lot of wonderful material over there.

Friday, January 10, 2014

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Whither Richie?

From Alfred Lehmberg at UFO Magazine -- and as Nancy Birnes posted in the comments section, it is important to document the past. UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Whither Richie?