Showing posts with label synchronicity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label synchronicity. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2008

Mothy, Stop!

As they say, synchronicities begin to happen and they just keep happening, even though much of the time they don't mean much. Of course, the fact that they happen at all is enough; a reminder that we don't live in the tidy little universe where all is well and rational at all times after all. That, and a big dose of humor.

I've been having Mothman synchronicities, here's two more that happened last night: page 333, Colvin mentions Chica Bruce, who has been in my blogging news lately; Lesley wrote a piece on her at WOE, Adam Gorightly has interviewed her recently, and before all that, just a few days ago, I had stumbled upon her somewhere. Then I watched Unexplained last night, a segment on the Philadelphia Experiment and Carlos Allende. A couple hours later, reading Mothman's Photographer II and right away, there it is on page 362, Carlos Allende.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Mothman Synchronicity

I commented a few days ago about a bit of Mothman synchronicity here. I had a couple of other "Mothman moments" last night. Still reading Colvin's book (almost finished) I was reminded of Gray Barker's book Silver Bridge, which I've been wanting for years to get a hold of. So I took a break from reading and looked on eBay for the book; there were two on eBay, and four or five on Amazon. The least expensive was $69.00, and all the way up to almost $500.00. Sigh!

I go back to reading, and get to the part about positrons. Interesting on an intuitive level, but my head started to hurt. Not long after, I put the book down, turn on Coast to Coast with Ian Punnett the host, and the guest (animator Neal Adams) was talking about positrons!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Around The Orb

New template, and new name, on my skeptic’s blog. It’s now Snarly Skepticism, and has some neat things, like the Bigfoot Threads on JREF and Still Counting on the menu on your right. (At last count I think it was thirteen.)

I’ve been having too much fun at Vintage U.F.O. -- lots of clips and things up right now. Nothing terribly insightful but fun. You might have noticed I made a slight change to that blog too; from Vintage UFO to Vintage U.F.O.

As always, I’ll plug Women Of Esoterica and Frame 352: The Stranger Side of Sasquatch.

Still reading Andrew Colvin’s Mothman Photographer’s II, which I’m enjoying very much. This isn’t to say I always agree with Colvin on some things; he has some very firm opinions. I won’t mention names but he doesn’t like a couple of people in the field I do find interesting, and likes someone I had a very nasty private exchange with, who frequents a well known UFO list. But his experiences and take on things is worth looking at; and the book has a lot of stuff by John Keel, which is great. I still think, after all this time, much of what Keel has to say about things makes sense. (So there’s an example of an “old” researcher whose contributions may be “old” but they’re hardly without value.) If nothing else, the book is fascinating for its mind boggling world of synchronicities and complicated connections from one seemingly mundane thing to a paranormal, UFO, global Illuminati thing. You can see how this stuff could drive someone mad . . .

The Contactees continue to fascinate me, and I’m just beginning to explore the idea of the time of their contacts. We think of the Contactee era has happening mainly in the 1950s and 1960s. But eras don’t exist in vacuums; any period in history overlaps with what went before, and what follows. Some of the Contactees experienced visitations earlier than what we typically think of as the ‘Contactee era.” What that could mean, I don’t know.

I’m so busy with my own blogging and writing, and “real” life, that I don’t acknowledge all the others who do great work -- and for free, which shows I’m not the only one obsessed. All the individual bloggers, listed on my links list, but also forums and places like Book of Thoth, or Binnall of America, or UFO Digest, or Stuart Miller's Alien Worlds. And Greenwald’s Blackvault. The Anomalist as well, even though they’re a publisher, and do make some money; but it’s not as if they’re all buying villas in Italy. All those places give the rest of us daily news and links to the realm of the weird, which is pretty neat.

And of course all those individual bloggers; that’s why it annoys me so much when people start writing about how others are wasting time, or should shut up because they’re not saying the “right things” about UFOs. Or worse, when they get downright insulting. No, you shut up. Neener neener. So there. Feh!

Have a good week!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Unexpected UFO Serendipity

Two unexpected UFO related items:

The first, from Lisa Shiel, of the Bigfoot Quest blog. Shiel has shared her knowledge of restricted airspace in relation to government/military testing of craft. (The Truth About UFOs and Restricted Airspace.) Shiel questions the almost meme lake idea among many UFO researchers that many craft (like the Triangles) are military. Shiel insists they aren’t ours, since they can’t be flown over civilian/populated areas. Furthermore, there is plenty of restricted airspace where these flight tests can be done. So why fly over public areas here and in other countries (as with the case of Triangles.)

Excellent points, and good solid factual data. I respectfully have a nagging argument here though: just because the government isn’t supposed to, doesn't mean they won’t, can’t, and don’t. I don’t know if the Triangles, for example, are ours, ET, or something else, but I do know one thing: they exist. I’ve seen them.

Shiel writes about the Bigfoot UFO connection, and it isn’t completely surprising she would have UFO entries on her blog, though her focus is on Bigfoot. Which brings me to this nice tie-in concerning self-promotion: the current issue of UFO Magazine includes my column on Lisa: Wild Women: Weird Bigfoot Research.

The other unexpected find was a UFO report, made by someone here in Eugene, Oregon. The report was from January 22nd of this year. I followed the link from UFO commentator and researcher Billy Booth to UFO Casebook. It’s an interesting sighting: different, and seems to be of two objects, as well as a possible humanoid creature.
Then I saw the name of the witness: Nahu. Nahu is the author of UFOs: God From Inner Space and other books, and the subject of my next article for UFO Magazine!

(image source: UFO Evidence website.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Bigfoot:Patterson-Wallace Synchronicity

It feels like Bigfoot is following me. Lots of Bigfoot items coming my way, recent conversation with Lisa Shiel (Backyard Bigfoot,) and too many threads to follow up on. And last night I posted this item over on the OrangeOrb on My Space (basically it's a billboard and a back-up) on a Wallace/Patterson connection. Of a sorts. Then I see that Loren Coleman on cryptomundo has posted a Wallace/Patterson item as well. Maybe Sasquatch is psychic after all.

Friday, March 9, 2007

"Lost" Trent Photo?

While I don't like to give the non-issue so-called UFO bloggers like the following any nods of recognition, hey, a scoop is a scoop.

They have a "lost" photo - a third photograph - of the Trent/McMinnville Oregon.

According to them on their blog, the photo came from someone in Arizona and it shows that the whole thing was a hoax. Naturally there are all kinds of questions around this: who's this "SMC" person who provided the photo, why, under what circumstances, has any analysis been done regarding the photo, and so on.

The blog promises "more to come." And of course, at last check, there were 11 comments.

I can't help myself but notice the juxtaposition with this and the "hoax" posts by the Andreasson-Luca step-son.

Standing by . . .

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


My recent item for my
Trickster’s Realm column
over onBOA. It’s different, spacey, but that was the tone of the day. Something about Harvey (the movie) a ghost of a dead priest, and invisible aliens. Oh, and global disasters. It’s called The Invisible Aliens so there you go.

As far as owls go, giant or otherwise, owls are everywhere it seems. I’ve been working on a piece about the very silly owl theories of Joe Nickell for the past month or so for UFO magazine; then I see a thread on the same topic over on UFO Mystic, Greg Bishop’s and Nick Redfern’s blog. Owl synchronicity!

Owls are also in crypto news; the
Cryptomundo blog
has an interesting thread going on over there right now about “owls, the CIA, and mystery millionaires.”