Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Power Outage, OBE

Strange things happened last night... I woke up around midnight. It took me a few moments to figure out what wasn't right; the alarm clock was blacked out, the little red pinpoints of light on the receiver were out, etc. I went into the bathroom, and noticed the alarm clock in there was black, the night light was out, the overhead light didn't come on when I flipped the switch. Clearly the power had gone out. Great. I tried to wake Jim, but he didn't wake up. I was both glad and frustrated at that; I didn't want to disturb him, but didn't want the power out all night.

I tried to go back to sleep, but kept waking up.  Then, I had an OBE. My first one in a long long time. I felt like someone was pulling on my foot, pulling me out. I was delighted at this, excited, but also a little nervous. Something different this time than the other times; I'd start to leave my body, then, stop where I was. Just like being in an elevator going up  and stopping at a floor for a few moments. I saw a green point of light in my mind/astral plane, then it came closer and was a window, with a humanoid shape figure standing in it, watching me. I had the feeling it was very human like, but not human. That scared me a bit. The the "elevator" started up again, upwards, and I had that same feeling of being both excited and nervous. I was telling myself not to panic, not to be scared,  just let it be. But, we stopped again. Waited. In a holding pattern. Then started up again. This went on for awhile, and then, to my great frustration, I started to come back down. I tried to resist falling back into myself, into "reality" but I just couldn't seem to get beyond the point where I left my body completely.

I managed to get to sleep, kind of... had an epic dream (one of those dreams that was extremely long and detailed, complicated plot, etc. ) but still slept poorly. After about an hour woke up to find power back on. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

CIA implanted electrodes in brains of unsuspecting soldiers, suit alleges | Raw Story

This chilling story brings up so many obvious things, including the idea that much of the alien abduction scenarios are created by governments: MILABS, etc. One vet suing the CIA found, via an MRI, a chip implanted by way of his sinuses.

CIA implanted electrodes in brains of unsuspecting soldiers, suit alleges | Raw Story

Friday, November 26, 2010

Oregon Coast: Bird Omens, Sky Weirdness

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday on the Oregon coast. While there, took photos on the beach. Was privileged to see a pelican hovering, swooping and fishing the sea for food. Among all the gulls, one lone pelican. I've seen pelicans before of course, but usually they're in a flock, just sitting around. This was the first time I'd seen one going solo (no other pelicans in sight) and so active.

We saw another odd thing: several dead birds on this same beach. Not unusual to see a dead bird or two on the sand; we often see that. But this time, there were five dead birds; four gulls, one crow, all in a curved line, about five feet apart from each other. (And later, we had to swerve to avoid hitting a gull that just wouldn't fly off; it was on the highway, pecking away at a gull carcass. On the way back, we saw what we assumed was the once live gull, now dead by the side of the road, near the bird corpse it was cannibalizing earlier. This about a quarter mile from the place on the beach where we saw the dead birds.)

When I uploaded the photos of the gulls and pelican, I noticed this weird "object" -- I don't know if it's a camera/computer glitch, or something that was really there in the sky. From a distance, without zooming in, the object appears different than the birds; sharper. It's pixalated and becomes more so as I zoom in. We didn't notice anything odd when we were out there, but then again, we were watching the pelican. I get the feeling that it's an object, and probably man made (not an alien/outer space UFO, but some kind of military object.)

The sharp, dark object just about in the upper middle of the photo: glitch or object?

There were weird electrical glitches during that trip, including one odd thing with the camera earlier the day before. I went to turn off the camera, and vertical colored stripes appeared, and a strobing effect. Then it turned off; but seemed fine after that. No problem since. Object in the sky, or camera glitch?

I had hoped to explore Stonefield Beach, which, according to local lore, is a hotspot of weirdness, including UFOs and aliens. But when we drove down the drive we found this:

Stonefield Beach Park closed. (Blobs aren't aliens or ghosts, just raindrops :)
(Stonefield Beach is roughly eight miles from the beach near the Silver Surf motel discussed earlier.)

For more coastal oddness, visit my blog Animal Forteana.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brazen Hussies Invade Earth! Serious UFO Research Attacked!

 Cigarette Smoking Woman Single-handedly brings down UFO research! In her slip, no less!

Disclosure:  I write for both the on-line 'zine, UFO Digest, as well as the print publication UFO Magazine. 

When Deirdre O'Lavery of Interstellar Housewife and JAR announced she was UFO Magazine's newest columnist, I was thrilled. She shared some of her ideas for her column's title with myself and a few others, including fellow UFO Magazine columnists Lesley Gunter at The Debris Field  and Alfred Lehmberg of Alien View.  The one column title that really said "Deirdre" to me was Saucers, Slips and Cigarettes, which is the one she chose.

A member of the Stuffed Shirt faction of the UFO Police doesn't appreciate Deirdre's cheeky 'tude, the brazen hussy, she.  David P. Kuhlman, FFSc, in his article for UFO Digest (UFO Mag Columnist is an Insult To Readers,) tells us why O'Lavery's column is offensive. Clues to Kuhlman's personal philosophy can be found in comments like the following: 
Do people give in to secular pressures, which can change the outlook and product for everyone? [bold and italics mine]
Indeed, in another article he wrote for UFO Digest; An Alien Reasoning, Kuhlman wrote:
I am a Christian. I was brought up through the years in church and I have strong roots with all Christian beliefs. I believe in God.
The use of the word "secular" in this context is clear: Deirdre O'Lavery has been seduced by the devil and away from the light, and is bringing the rest of us down with her into the roiling pits of hell.

John Collier, Lilith, 1892

Kuhlman goes on for quite awhile discussing what we all know far too well: UFOlogy has a difficult time being taken seriously, hoaxes hurt us all, there are good researchers who are "respectable," but some are not, and they're talking the rest of us down.  One of those who are not respectable, writes Kuhlman, is Deirdre O'Lavery, who should cause us all not only "concern" but "out-rage." Something about slips and cigarettes causes Kuhlman great distress:
Paging through to the seventh one [column] I noticed an unfamiliar face, a columnist. It initially caught my glance simply because I am familiar with the magazines layout since I read it often, and I knew this was a new addition immediately. I was curious and thumbed back to the index page and sure enough, the magazine had added a new columnist to its list, Ms. Deirdre O’ Lavery, Hmmm… never heard of her. Instantly I knew this was the place to start my reading journey through this months issue and quickly paged back to the column titled “Saucers, Slips, and Cigarettes”. That is where my blood began to boil!
I understand not liking a column, but really, his "blood began to boil?"  Sex, -- especially the "wrong" kind of sex, as in, anything you don't approve of between consenting adults -- is clearly the issue here, not UFO research. Women should be demure; we should speak softly and refrain from being sassy. Especially if we're wearing underwear. (Note to Kulhlman: some people prefer that kind of thing.)

The title of the column was strange I thought after reading it, it really didn’t seem to “fit” a serious publication on UFO research, but sometimes the title is to get the attention of the reader and it certainly did its job there and at least one word did correlate with the cigarette hanging out of the side of Ms. O’ Lavery’s clown painted, rose red lips. [italics mine]
Deirdre O'Lavery, get thee to a nunnery! And lest you think I am being overly flip here, Kuhlman himself is serious; of all the things in UFO land to get upset about, he finds O'Lavery's "rose red lips," cigarette smoking, and use of the word "slips" to be the targets of his repressed and misogynistic outrage:

"I have never been more agitated at any other piece of writing on UFOs than I am on this one . . . As I read I was disgusted and nauseated at her attempt to break the ice with the reader. Foul language and an utter sense of ignorance and disrespect to serious readers was her route. She goes on to write her column like a heathen speaks. [italics mine]   
He was nauseated? And "heathen?" "Heathen?" Did he really write that? Yes, yes he did. 

All that mishegas aside, he completely misunderstands O'Lavery's column, focusing instead not only on her lips but her "drunkenness":
Can people really take the UFO phenomenon seriously when it is painted that only sorry drunk people with no life dabble into this subject? Folks, this article is a disgrace to everyone that considers UFOlogy worth of investigation!
Kuhlman borders on the libelous; if it weren't so damn funny, it might be of concern. He not only finds Ms. O'Lavery "drunken," and what not but also believes she should be shunted off to the nut house:
She is certifiable for this piece of worthless paper with all of her slang and ignorant insight.
Her "slang?" Hey Daddyo, you sound like a real square!

Of all the columnists that write for UFO Magazine, this is the one that has caused Kuhlman --- after just one column! -- to stop reading the magazine altogether. If O'Lavery's one column can upset a supposed UFO researcher so much that he writes a rant about it and demands a "formal apology" from the publishers, then Ms. O'Lavery is one hell of a writer!

Painting by James Rich
One last point about Kuhlman's apoplectic response to Deirdre O'Lavery: he includes all of "us" (well, except for O'lavery) in his rant, beginning with his title: UFO Mag Columnist is an Insult to Readers. No, Kuhlman, it's not an insult to all readers; not to me, obviously. Speak for yourself. Clearly it's an insult to you, and possibly, to some others, so be it. But don't include me in your campaign to rid UFO land of Ms. O'Lavery. This is the problem with the UFO Police; they expect everyone to join them in their outrages and edicts about what they perceive to be right.

Congratulations, Ms. Deirdre O'Lavery, for bringing UFOlogy down to such a shameless level with just one column!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

When Realms Begin to Blur: Pink Lights, White Orbs, UFOs and Other Worlds

I'm not sure where I'm going with this exactly but I was inspired to go off in this direction after reading Tessa Dick's post on her blog: Why I Distrust the Pink Light

For the non-religious ones involved in UFO studies, all that Bible stuff can be off putting. I put myself in that category; I am not a Christian, I don't believe in God, and yet, okay I'll say it, I am a New Age kind of gal. Just an old hippie who still believes in love and energies and consciousness...as I wrote recently on my blog UFO Mary, there are entities and energies afoot, and some are quite sentient and intelligent, some are neutral, others malevolent some benevolent. We've misinterpreted deities and beings and energies and entities and, yep, aliens, as "God" all these thousands of years. Created mega-systems of doctrines, dogma, laws and control around these misperceptions. (as well as wars over whose system is the correct system.) Maybe I'm talking about the trickster here, or partly so, but the fact is, there are all of the above, including good old inter-dimensional beings and creatures. The universe is teeming with these things, and right here on earth, we have a very busy, though almost completely unseen, realm of things co-habitating with us.

UFOs are mixed up in this, and as I commented at the start of this post, I'm not sure where I'm going with all this yet, but one idea came to me; that some UFO reports might have nothing to do with aliens ET in machines from another planet, and everything to do with spirits, or energies, or other beings but non-human and non-ET. Fairies, or, demons. Angels, or, ... whatever. But, maybe there is a connection, at times, between these things. Maybe they overlap. Maybe some of these things could be alien-ET and "other."

The Dancing Orb Dream Repeated
Years ago, I was experiencing a lot of intense paranormal and psychic activity, including UFO events. I was going through a lot an intense time on a personal level; incredible stress (which, to this day, I do not handle well), a move, returning to college in my forties, family issues and illness, going to counseling. I was also actively seeking out paranormal experiences using crystals, meditations, as well as actively pursuing UFO and related studies.

One night/early morning, I dreamt that I woke up in our bedroom. It was light. I noticed how nice everything looked, the light, the curtains. Everything was also very still. I turned and looked at Jim's back; he was still asleep. I noticed the white wall. Suddenly, he got up, and sat, with his back still to me, on the side of the bed. He was perfectly still. Which was very odd. I called out his name, no response. Very odd. He just sat there. It was so damn weird. A small, dime sized maybe, ball of bright white, opaque, light, was "dancing" across his back. Then the wall, then back to this back. I called out his name, no response, I touched him, nothing. Then I went back to sleep.

I woke up. I looked over at Jim; he sat up on the side of the bed. He just sat there. Didn't say anything. The orb of light came; dancing. On his back, on the wall, returned to Jim's back. I called out, I touched him, nothing. I was a little disconcerted about this; I just dreamt this! Finally, after a few minutes, Jim woke up. It was as if he was sleep 'sitting," --  I told Jim about this, and he, being who he is, believed me and had no trouble accepting it happened, but he had no memory of anything amiss as far as he was concerned. He didn't have any strange dreams, and couldn't explain at all why he was sitting motionless on the side of the bed for so long. He didn't remember doing that at all.

I couldn't get this weird incident out of my mind. The dream was a dream; it wasn't a matter of "I just thought I dreamt it." The light was not anything close to being a reflection of something, or any other mundane explanation.

This encounter left me so rattled and yet.. so joyous. I felt extremely excited about all this; that something special had happened. What, I had no idea, just that it was.

Context: UFOs and Other Weird Happenings
This wasn't a UFO sighting, or an encounter with ET. Yet I have an idea there's a connection with my UFO experiences -- mine, and Jim's -- and I'm don't know why I think this, it's just a feeling.  We were having a lot of UFO experiences at the time, some good, some creepy, some just "normal" meaning, usual lights in the sky stuff. I was also experiencing a lot of other activity; astral journeys, precognitive dreams, and so on, much of it intentionally created by my intent and focus, my work involving meditations, crystal work, and so on.

Did all these things collide, in a sense; the stress, the emotions, the combined UFO/paranormal experiences of both myself and Jim (past and present), as well as the simple fact of literal ETs in UFOs about?

The Reeves Case
Tessa's post also got me thinking about the Reeves case, an Oregon UFO/cryptid encounter, circa 1966 (See my The Toldeo Donuts, on the UFO Magazine blog) 
and  The Big Study; their brief recap, and Peter Rogerson's One Measures a Circle ) in where the lights seen by members of the Reeves family and witnesses were described as having pink hues. From Mrs. Reeves account of lights in her bedroom:
... a rosy glow so bright you could read a newspaper in it … I happened to turn towards the door leading into the living room and I saw this thing like a cloud just hanging there. It was water-melon coloured and you could see through it … It was just a kind  of hazy mass for a couple of seconds, and then it disappeared.”

Strange beings seen in a meadow; and nights of unusual lights, described as pink and rose colored, inside and outside of the Reeves home. A very weird case that after more than forty years has not revealed any answers.

Was this event a supernatural one? Or UFO caused? Or, both?

That area of Oregon (Newport region) is still a hot bed of UFO activity. The Navy has a strong presence there, and now, the NOAA has moved in. UFOs were seen in the area shortly  preceding the Reeves experiences. Were the Reeves lights military induced; some kind of mind control-social engineering- fake UFO display? Or a military experiment involving true UFOs? What of the strange beings seen by Cathy Reeves and her friends? Aliens or inter-dimensional visitors, supernatural entities, or naval Dr. Evil experiments? The esoteric speculations are endless, and a lot of fun to indulge in. That is not a marginalization and certainly not a trivialization of those events, however.

Related post: (my post on UFO Digest from 2007)
 UFO Digest: When Entities Collide: Ghosts, Aliens, MIBS, and Entities and the Trickster Faires.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lesley's Owl

 Just when you think things have settled down, Fortean-trickster wise, you realize they haven't. Lesley at The Debris Field (and so much more, of course) has an item about her own owl encounters.  (scroll down for previous owl posts) (and see Mike Clelland's hidden experience blog for more owl encounters.)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Airship UFOs and Dreams

Recent posts at the C Influence about air ships reminded me of some of my own experiences in my personal UFO journey.

I have a lot of recurring dream landscapes and imagery; shifting, ever changing sets, like the production stages in movie making, or sets on stage of a theater. One of the constant images and sets has to do with UFOs. It's a specific image, always the same, and it always occurs in the same place. That place is in front of the house I grew up in in Los Angeles. The time is always the same as well; night.

I've had this dream for as long as I can remember; just popping up now and then in my subconscious, even up to the present. And while it's a dream, and remembered as a dream, there's the other thing: memories of an actual, literal event. Not remembered as a dream, but as really happening.

My Invisible Friends: Floating Out the Door
The real event I've discussed many times on-line and on podcasts. (You can hear more about this on the podcast Jim and I did with Bill and Nancy Birnes on Future Theater.) Briefly; I'd wait in my bed, flat on my back, for "them." They were invisible, kind of sort of, but small, happy spindly things. My "friends." I had to be still, on my back, at night in the dark, the bed, and focus on the yellow beam of light under the bedroom door. Then they'd come, and float me out through the door, down the little hall, out that door to the living room, and out the front door to the big tree on the corner. The big tree was a huge fir tree on our neighbor's property, and I'd have to wait up in that tree for the ship to come.

The Dream
My dream begins with me either out on the sidewalk, or in the tree. The sheer exhilaration of looking up at that rich Prussian blue sky, and the dusty sparkling stars, which are so close, is almost too much for me to stand. The anticipation, waiting for "them," is exciting and pleasant.

Soon the ship comes. The description sounds downright silly, but it's what I've seen many times. In the dream, the ship makes me happy. Sometimes a little sad. Not sure why it's a little sad, maybe because it's, they, are going away, and I'm not.

My ship was like a basket, with an inverted bathtub over it, a domed type covering, yet the thing was open. Sometimes the bottom part was made of planks of wood, like a wooden fruit crate, but still had the bathtub type covering. The beings in it were small, but adults, and human looking enough . . . almost. While human like in many ways, they weren't quite human. Not exactly.
As I said, silly. Steam punk, old fashioned, and reminiscent of air ships. As I say, I've had both the memories and the dreams, forever.

No Owls, But Hey, There IS Frankenfish. . .

Not much, owls are gone, oh, there's the occasional owl motif/image but that's about it. No synchronicities, no sightings, and I don't have much to say, for now anyway, about recent UFO events. Everyone else is saying things, and I simply don't have anything to say, yet, about things like "missiles" in the skies, authorities and their passive-aggressive attempts at appeasing the mainstream media and populous,  and so on. So here I am, saying how I don't have anything to say.

There is my response to a blog post about airships on The C Influence. And a new post on my blog Animal Forteana about what's cutely being called Frankenfish; genetically altered, DNA tweaked, Dr. Evil enhanced salmon that the FDA, corporate entities (like the prettily named AquaBounty, which lulls us into peaceful accepting slumbers of an endless supply of soothing hued foods from the sea to ensure we continue to exist in an endless stream of plentiful fishiness. . .) don't think we have the right to choose or think for ourselves. Oh it gets worse. . .

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The 'C' Influence: SP:11 1897 Airships, and the Little Fellow in the ...

The 'C' Influence: SP:11 1897 Airships, and the Little Fellow in the ...: "Erich Kuersten made many absolutely right on points about UFO research. He asks, using the Aurora, Texas case as his example, why residents..."residents of that town, science, etc. stonewall UFO researchers at a given point:

What is the reason for all the refusal to let science and ufology blunder in to try and prove the truth of the legend? Where does disrespect end and legit quest for understanding begin?

Of course we can broaden Erich’s question to all other UFO cases where this occurs, as well as paranormal and Fortean events like Bigfoot and other cryptid encounters, hauntings, etc. I think one reason this resistance to researchers “blundering in” is due to a fear of looking ridiculous. This fear runs so deep, it becomes far more important than answers or clues to Really Big Questions, like the nature of UFOs and the existence of aliens, or, Bigfoot, and so on. Fear of looking silly, gullible, or naive, of being hoaxed, or somehow taken in. Those fears loom over any truths that may be discovered.

Read Erich's post, and my response, at The C Influence!

The 'C' Influence: SP:11 1897 Airships, and the Little Fellow in the ...

My response to Erich Kuersten's post on The C Influence :

The 'C' Influence: SP:11 1897 Airships, and the Little Fellow in the ...: "Erich Kuersten made many absolutely right on points about UFO research. He asks, using the Aurora, Texas case as his example, why residents..."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Orange Lights Seen in Eugene, Oregon

Roger Marsh reports on a recent sighting of three orange lights in Eugene, in the Fern Ridge area, on October 21st. Read about the sighting, on UFO Digest, here.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Raymond Fowler Comments on UFO Magazine's Woods/Jacobs Stories

I commented in the previous post about Jeremy Vaeni's excellent article concerning Emma Woods and David Jacobs in the current issue of UFO Magazine. In that post I wrote how discouraging it is to find that few in UFO Land and research have responded to this episode, and how, it seems, when such response is given, it's usually a knee-jerk, protective response to Jacobs, and often a dismal and slightly bewildering/scary misogynistic reaction to Woods.

But there are some in the UFO culture who aren't afraid to be vocal. One of them is from researcher (and experiencer himself) Raymond Fowler, who shared his comments about the Vaeni article for UFO Magazine's blog. (Comment from Raymond Fowler on the Emma Woods article) In that piece, Fowler wrote:
I found it incredible that he actually believed that his [David Jacobs] life was in danger from the very entities that he may have created himself. ...  Rather than conforming to the so-called party line critics  should at least be open to the possibility that Emma is telling the truth and be willing to examine both sides of the question objectively. ...Thus far (based on the contents of the article) I am disappointed in the way Jacobs and reportedly how Hopkins have reacted.

Good for Fowler for those comments which you can read on the UFO Magazine blog.

Monday, November 1, 2010

In UFO Magazine: Jeremy Vaeni's 'Aliens vs. Predator: The Incredible Visitations at Emma Woods

There is so much to say about the fantastic article by Jeremy Vaeni in this issue of UFO Magazine. (Aliens vs. Predators: The Incredible Visitations at Emma Woods.)

But for now, please, please, go and get yourself this issue, and read the article. Vaeni has done an excellent job with unraveling the seeming madness that is David Jacobs, the always precarious method of hypnosis used by some researchers to get at the submerged bits of missing time and nebulous memories of aliens, examinations, trips aboard saucers, and all the rest of "Abductions 101", and subject/witness Emma Woods.

From the beginning of this episode in UFO culture, I wondered why there wasn't more outcry from the UFO community. And yet, there still isn't; what there mainly seems to be, still, are a few stubbornly standing up for Jacobs, and misogynist pronouncements about Emma Woods' sanity, and worse. Other than that, little has been really said about this.