Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trickster Theater: "Earthquakes" and the Pope

The world shared a global shudder of anxiety at the news that North Korea's earthquake yesterday was no "earthquake" but an earthquake due to a "nuclear test."

Checking the U.S. government's earthquake site, which I do several times a day, I see that Tonopah Nevada and surrounding area has had four earthquakes today. The largest being 5.1. That seemed very odd to me, so I Googled Tonopah, Nevada, to find that the area is a test range:
Tonopah, Nevada carries a legacy of being the home to the nation’s development and testing of smart bombs extending back to World War II where it was noted for its bomber bases. Follow the links to learn more about Tonopah’s role in our nation’s wars.
Not a coincidence.

And to really go down the rabbit hole, while I don't seriously think there is a connection between the above and the Pope's resignation, that last news item is a biggie. The Trickster Theater has been very busy these past few days!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Aliens Probe Our Little Toes

I've been having this weird pain that comes and goes in my little toe, right foot, for about a month now. Just a bit weird. A burning type feeling, and, it looks a little odd. Slightly swollen, maybe, and "pushed in" at the bottom. I mentioned this to Jim, who said he has had the same thing in his little right toe, for the same amount of time. The only conclusion is: aliens. Abducted once again and probed for whatever secrets can be unraveled by the little buggers. Seriously. We do not think that. But it is one of those odd little things that make you go "Hmm. Weird, that."

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Richard Dolan Blogsite — Reason and Faith in Ufology

The most excellent Richard Dolan has a most excellent tumblr blog. I love tumblr. I need to get back to mine. But, this isn't about me, it's about Dolan. So check it out: Richard Dolan Blogsite — Reason and Faith in Ufology

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Deer Synchronicity

I've been working on a writing project the past week. In connection with the project, I was going through my files about deer last night -- specifically, deer stories involving UFOs and the paranormal, Fortean deer stuff. Later, in bed, I was trying to think of a title; all I had so far was something clunky like "Fortean Animal Tales." Suddenly, it came to me: Lola's Deer. I felt good about that, then turned on the radio to listen to Coast to Coast. The guests Noory had on were Trish and Bob MacGregor,  and I had just tuned in to the part where they were discussing a UFO event with several deer bodies lying "prostrate" (I think that's the word they used on the ground. Not only was that a strange synchronicity, but the emotion that came over me when I heard that was also very strange. I don't know why I had such a physical, visceral reaction. Oh yes, to top things off, I received an email yesterday from someone who shared his mysterious deer experience with me; an encounter that involved possible abductions and screen memories.  He gave me permission to use his story, which I will do at a later date.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Aliens & Synchronicities on Coast to Coast

Tonight's Coast to Coast with host Noory:Aliens and Synchronicities. That's an interesting topic! Guests Rob MacGregor, Trish MacGregor, Paul H. Smith.

Also, first hour is a tribute to the late Ingo Swann with guest Paul H. Smith.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dimension Dream

Not connected to UFOs, not directly anyway, but strange, what with dimension portals and all...

In a town that's almost a ghost town. People are just...sad. Low energy. A bit scared even. Of what, or who, no idea. I'm not sure what I'm doing here, how I got here, but I don't like it much. But I know no other place. It's as if I have amnesia. Maybe I do. I'm barefoot and find shoes so I put them on. Don't much like the shoes; they're pumps which I don't wear but in a cool funny way they are also in-line skates. What an odd combo! High heels and roller skates. 

I find myself at work, which is at the school. But, being a ghost town in many ways, not many people. Neither staff nor students. Actually, seems to be more staff than students. For some reason, I find myself taking over things a bit. Me and my high heeled skates. Everyone seems apathetic, so no one minds or barely notices that I, out of impatientance, step up. To move about faster, I use the skates, which I realize is against school rules. But then I decide that's ridiculous since no one's around, hardly, to admonish me and it's far more practical to move quickly than it is to follow a useless rule.

I go outside. People are coming up against invisible walls which are really portals to other dimensions. But they're afraid to go all the way. They touch it, then back off, scared. I want to go, but no one else is going, so I don't. Not sure if it's okay.  And there's a police presence; not overtly uniformed cops, but just authorities. Most of them are just self-appointed bossy types, they have no real power. But everyone accepts them as such. Neither these "cops" or people want to go into the dimension thingie. 

Somehow, I find myself in the next town. This town is bright, pretty, clean. Lots of people. Happy busy energy but not crowded, not frenetic. They too have a dimension portal that people are constantly -- and happily --going up to. They touch it, and vanish into the other world. Then they come out when they like. It's a good thing. I want to try it! I wonder why the people in the town over are so damn gloomy and frightened.

But before I get to go up to the dimension wall, I find myself in between the two towns. I realize I'm being chased by authorities; they keep locking me up in rooms and buildings. Not exactly jail cells but imprisoned in some way. But I keep escaping. They surround me near a small one room house; it's light gray with white trim. This is where I'm going to be "imprisoned." I think, shrug, okay you dweebs, go ahead, but I'll just get out again. And anyway, I tell them, just who the f*** are you and I'm not even in the town's boundaries so you have no right. Of course, they don't care about any of that. They just want me gone.

They put me in the house. But then to my definite unease they chain it all up and pull it out to sea. It's a house boat and they think they've gotten rid of me for good. But, while this is pretty uncomfortable in a way, also, lonely -- like, gee you guys, you're actually leaving me alone out here this time -- I laugh because I love the water, and I know this will not stop me. In fact, I'll just get out and go live in the other town.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion

The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion: Physical descriptions of Archons occur in several Gnostic codices. Two types are clearly identified: a neonate or embryonic type, and a draconic or reptilian type. Obviously, these descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports to a T. Or I should say, to an ET.

Delving into the Gnostic materials, it is quite a shock to discover that ancient seers detected and investigated the problem of alien intrusion during the first century CE, and certainly well before. (The Mysteries date from many centuries before the Christian Era.) What is amazing about the Gnostic theory of the Archons is not only the cosmological background (explaining the origin of these entities and the reason for their enmeshment with humanity), but the specificity of information on the alien m.o., describing how they operate and what they want from us. For one thing, Gnostics taught that these entities envy us and feed on our fear. Above all, they attempt to keep us from claiming and evolving our “inner light,” the gift of divine intelligence within. While I would not claim that Gnostic teachings on the Archons, or what remains of such teachings, have all the answers to the ET/UFO enigma, one thing is clear: they present a coherent and comprehensive analysis of alien intrusion, as well as specific practices for resisting it.

Elsie Conner: Out Of Darkness: Alien Abduction, Personal Journals and What to do?

Elsie Conner's blog is one I like, here's her latest (thanks Anomalist for link.) On UFO research and data, including the personal as in journals, on-lines blogs, etc. Conner asks, of the material that's been held by those researchers who've passed (or, it could be said, just moved on) what's happened to it all?
Out Of Darkness: Alien Abduction, Personal Journals and What to do?: What happened to all the research? This is not just UFO sighting reports; this is intensely personal stuff to the individual who volunteered it.

This is why I started blogging about my own experiences, including my thoughts on the phenomena. It may be messy sometimes and it's for others, if they're so inclined, to delve into it with the tools of their personal perception, biases, agendas and philosophies. http://www.anomalist.com/

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Damn, Missed It!

Today, waiting for the tank to fill. Overheard the following from two attendants:

"What's that up there, I've never seen anything like that before." 
 "Yeah, either have I. Probably a UFO."
"Yep, guess so. Hmmm."

Of course, I'm straining to see but I'm in the car and inside a covered area. (If you're wondering why I'm in the car at the gas station it's because in Oregon, it's illegal to pump your own gas.)

So, whatever it was up there in the Oregon sky, I missed it.
I could have parked, and gotten out to look up. But frankly, traffic was getting to me and I just wanted to get home. People are nuts in parking lots. (Gas station is in a large parking lot adjacent to a mini mall.) But that's another story.

Billly Booth: UFOs over Oregon - Recent Sightings

Billy Booth has some UFO sighting reports on About.com. And to think, not too far from me! UFOs over Oregon - Recent Sightings