Sunday, June 16, 2013

On Lair of the Beasts: Flying Humanoids

Nick Redfern on Ken Gerhard's upcoming book Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyes and Other winged Beasts. I can't wait to read this one! Nick writes:
Lair of the Beasts: Flying Humanoids - Every now and again, a monster-themed book comes along that I recommend to one and all that are interested in the strange creatures of our world. And that is exactly what I am doing right now. Ken Gerhard is a good friend of mine who lives in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of a number of books, including Big Bird, Monsters Are Real, and (co-authored with me) Monsters of Texas.

In just a couple of months from now, Ken’s new book will be published. I’m mentioning it now, as it can already be pre-ordered online. Its title is Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles and Other Winged Beasts.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

From Waking Times: 'Are We Food for the Moon?'

Are We Food for the Moon? - Waking Times : Waking Times: As to how organic life feeds the Moon, Gurdjieff taught that most human beings are mere “slugs” with no souls and that following death their remaining psychic energy is “food for the Moon.” Like a magnet, the Moon draws the fine matter of human souls into it: “Everything living on the Earth, people, animals, plants, is food for the Moon. The Moon is a huge living being feeding upon all that lives and grows on the Earth.”

Only through an intensive effort of conscious evolution – what he called “self-remembering” – was it possible for an individual to escape being eaten by the Moon. “The liberation that comes with the growth of mental powers and faculties is liberation from the Moon.” Gurdjieff always maintained Man is not truly conscious, and his actions are entirely mechanical: “Everything ‘happens,’ he cannot ‘do’ anything. He is a machine controlled by accidental shocks from outside.”

To escape these deleterious lunar influences, Ouspensky said we must “create Moon within ourselves.”3 By this he meant we must develop within a driving mechanism that takes the place of the external lunar influence; in this way we can break free of the puppeteer.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Current Show | Future Theater | Nancy Hayfield Birnes

UFO Magazine publisher and editor Bill and Nancy Birnes have their own podcast. Like, if you hadn't known that already! Future Theater. With lots of groovy guests:Current Show | Future Theater | Nancy Hayfield Birnes

Norio Hayakawa Recommends Dr. Vallee's UFO Propositions

I have the greatest respect for Dr. Jacque Vallee. Following are excellent points. I don't completely agree that these negate an ET presence, or explanation, but moot point. I do agree with Hayakawa about disclosure. Thanks to Norio Hayakawa for putting this together.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Small White Planes

Nothing to report here, on anything much. Partly too busy with non-blogging life, partly the heat. This little observation doesn't have anything to do with UFOs but it's a bit odd. But one thing I've noticed in the past couple of weeks around the skies of Eugene: low flying, smallish white planes. Probably private planes. One flew over our house, very low. Couldn't make out any markings. A few days later, about a mile up the road, I saw what looked like a similar type of plane, again flying low (though seemed to be a bit higher than the previous plane) fly over the school yard. It had some kind of object it was carrying underneath the plane. The object had a rounded oval, like a bulb shape, with a "tail" -- dark colored, appeared black or dark brown. No markings that I could see. I wonder if the object under the plane wasn't a drone.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Healing with the Angels: Nature

Healing with the Angels: Nature

The Secret Sun: Unified Weird Theory: Why It Matters

As readers of the Orb might know, I admire Christopher Knowles and his writing on The Secret Sun:
The Secret Sun: Unified Weird Theory: Why It Matters: When I wrote about the Unified Weird Theory it wasn't based in some impulse to bring together a bunch of pseudo-sciences and quasi-superstitions under one tent.

In fact, it was to redefine these as emanations, mere byproducts of what should be a modern Gnosis. At the very top of it all should be an understanding that the world we are sold is false and illusory. And that we'll take whatever clues we can find to get out of the primeval forest we are drifting further and further into every single moment of every day.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Bear Synchronicity

Had this dream of bears May 25th,as I posted the following morning here at the Orb.
Then saw the following item in our local paper of a woman hitting a bear crossing Lorane Highway: Collision kills bear, smashes car. Bear synchronicity, but not that unusual, since this is the time of year bears are about. What adds a bit of oddness to this is: I know the woman who hit the bear, and it happened on the same highway we saw our orange orb.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bears, and no UFOs

Speaking of dreams (see post below) the night before last I had a dream about bears:
Jim and I are in our house on the coast,(we don't really have a house on the coast, however, I do wish!)  right on the sand, the ocean is only a few yards away. The entire front of the house in one window, a great view. It is early evening, Jim steps outside to look at sky. I'm watching him through the window. Next to Jim is a large wooden structure; a jumble of driftwood that, in some places, is about seven feet high. It's open and airy, like a little house almost. I see what I first think is a rowboat, turned upside down, but then realize it's a brown bear, hunched over. I become very nervous, not wanting Jim to get hurt. I don't know what to do. I see Jim walk over to the boardwalk, and the bear, and now a couple of others, come out and start to growl and snuffle at Jim, standing up on their back legs. But Jim just looks at them, a sort of "Really? You're going to try that?" and mocks them, rearing up on his feet and growling back at them, lunging at them. The bears turn and run away. 

The next morning, I saw this in our local paper: Bear Spotted in West Eugene.
Several people — including at least one Eugene police officer — reported seeing a black bear move through west Eugene early Friday morning, law enforcement officials said.
The first sighting was reported shortly before 2 a.m. outside Launa Holland’s home in the 700 block of North Bertelsen Road, off Royal Avenue.
“My mom got me out of bed and told me she’d heard something growling and snorting outside,” Holland said. “The next thing we knew, there were police all over the place. We went out, and (officers) told us they’d seen a bear. (Register Guard.)
Poor bear, really lost. The article goes on to say that the bear was later seen at the Northwest Expressway, which is even further down from the wooded areas. 

Dream: UFO on Truck, I'm a Boy

Image source: Public

The general oddness of the subconscious mind. Here we go:
I'm eleven or twelve, and a boy. It's a different decade, maybe late nineteen fifties, early sixties. I ditch school because somehow, I know a huge truck carrying a retrieved flying saucer is going to be coming down the alley behind my house. I don't know how I know this. I just do. I also know no one else in town knows about this.

Hanging around the narrow alley, and finally, hear the rumble of the truck. This truck is very long, and everything, from cab to bed to the three flat, oval cylinders on the bed, are steel, or chrome colored. Sticking up from the middle oval is a huge round thing. Sort of like a Ferris wheel. This "wheel" is the flying saucer.

The truck is driving down the alley to avoid taking the streets where it might be seen. Yet, no effort is made to completely hide the UFO. In fact, it's a sort of "in your face" act -- any questions about this strange object, and we're told it is a Ferris wheel. Of course, it isn't, and most of us know that, including me. 

The truck barely fits into the alley. I have to flatten myself against the backs of houses and fences, and there's only about a foot between me and this fast moving truck. As it turns -- there's a curve towards the end of the alley -- the truck's back end, the third section, starts to swing out and almost crushes me. I don't care, I want to get as close as I can to this thing. I want to touch it. I figure if I have to, I can just dive down onto the ground and roll under the truck bed.

Afterwards, I get caught by the school, and the principal, a male, who is extremely authoritarian, is furious with me for skipping school. He tells me there's no point in my lying because he has me on camera, waiting and watching in the alley. Turns out this man has put up surveillance cameras all over the town and has been watching everyone for years.
As dreams do, there's more, but not sure if the rest is part of the above dream, or different dreams. Part of what came later had to do with school and a principal, but unrelated to UFOs. Interesting about the time period, and the gender change! The only thing I can relate this to is that I am  preparing a presentation to a class of sixth graders about folklore in the context of "unexplained" stories, including UFO tales, (Trent photos, McMinnville, etc.) as well as Bigfoot.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Evolution of an Abductee: Jim Sparks on C2C

Tonight, abductee Jim Sparks on Coast to Coast.Evolution of an Abductee, George Noory hosts.

Skinwalker Goes Missing

On UFO Mystic, my write-up on George Knapp at the McMinnville conference, who spoke about the Skinwalker ranch. UFOMystic  George Knapp at McMinnville UFO Conference

If you've read the book or are familiar with the story, you know that very strange things happened at that ranch. Very strange things have been happening in that area for hundreds of years, and they continue to the present. Among the dozens of mysterious and often downright spooky things that happen is the seemingly sentient behavior of some unseen energy, or entity, or... who knows what it is. Knapp referred to this "thing" acting upon your current thoughts or statements. You mention to someone you hope the bulls are okay, next thing you know, the bulls are locked in a shed. (I thought of crop circles when I heard this; remembering that in some cases, a crop circle would appear in the very spot people were discussing circles. Not only that, the symbols would mimic what was being talked about.) Knapp also said that for a short time, the "skinwalker" effect followed the family once they moved out from the ranch.

So, Jim tells me he wants to read The Hunt for the Skinwalker. We get back home, and I look for the book. We both look for the book, and it cannot be found. All my UFO, paranormal books are pretty much together. We have looked all through the house, and cannot find this book. Jim said "The skinwalker has gone walking -- off with our book." Seems so. He predicts it will turn up in some unexpected place when we least expect it. Wouldn't be surprised.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Total (Practically) Recall: Jim Sparks, Abductee

Jim Sparks, author of The Keepers, is an abductee. Sparks was one of the speakers at the UFO conference in McMinnville, Oregon, this weekend.  I was familiar with Sparks story, having seen a video shown at a local UFO group meeting, and I bought his book some time ago. But I always had "hmmm..." feeling about Sparks and his story. Other stories I believe: the Hills, Travis Walton, to name just two well known cases.

Better people than I have put their faith in Sparks; the forward to his book was written by John E. Mack, and the prologue, by Linda Moulton Howe. (also one of the speakers this weekend.) Donald Ware contributes his comments at the end of the book.  But I can't help but feel something is off here.

For one thing, Sparks big claim is that, unlike most, if not all, abductees, Sparks has almost total recall of his experiences. This sets him apart from others. My question is: how does he know? Seriously, how does he know he's recalled everything there is to recall, or just about, anyway? How does one know that what they remember is truly all of what happened?

He also isn't a particularly good speaker. It wasn't so much what he had to say, but the way he said it. That comes from experience and I don't know how good a job I would do, for example, but then again, if you're putting yourself out there on the circuit, it should be expected you are polished and together. One annoying thing: he kept walking away from the mike and podium out onto the stage. Not miked, it was hard to hear him. He said he needed the room because he was very expressive with his body language, but I found it unnecessary.

At the back of his book, Sparks offers consulting to those fellow abductees "...who lack of frame of reference in their life due to the bizarre nature of their experiences." (Sparks, The Keepers, second edition.) He charges $100.00 an hour for this service.

I'm not suggesting Sparks is a liar. In fact, I think he's had some experiences that were UFO related, and deeply affected him. There are some things Sparks says that are intriguing, for example, his description of "being pulled" by the aliens. I've had this happen myself so I find the connection interesting.

Then the familiar dream unrolled. Being pulled from the bed ...  (Sparks, p16)

How much of that story is true, no one except Sparks can say. Personally, I just don't buy into his story, or more accurately, into what he's done with it.

I told someone at the conference that I can't put my finger on it, other than to say it's my gut feeling. Something is off, and I've learned to listen to that voice. But I don't know what it is that makes me uneasy. So all I can say is, that is my take on Sparks.

Inside the Alien-Abduction Support-Group Annual Meeting in Newport, R.I. | Vanity Fair

Well this is interesting: Inside the Alien-Abduction Support-Group Annual Meeting in Newport, R.I. | Vanity Fair