Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My new tarot/oracle blog: White Wolf Oracle

The Magician, Black Cats Tarot

After gnashing of teeth and lots of tears born of agonizing frustration, I gave up on trying to create a website for my oracle enterprise. While I have listings on Ebay and Etsy (and those are always iffy, given the conflicting policies of both sites) I still wanted something else. So I just went with a blog. I'm pleased with it so far; lots of work to be done but it's a start:White Wolf Oracle

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Angel Alien Cricket Voices

This is amazing and wonderfully eerie, and for those of us immersed in esoterica and general UFO high strangeness -- that whole giant insect alien thing -- a most definite added dimension and juxtaposition to the realm of intelligent Insectoid overlords. : Expanded Consciousness: Recorded Crickets Slowed Down Sound Like Humans Singing.

Related bit of synchronicity, in a very round about way. Recently I've been thinking of the time, decades ago, when a friend and I dropped acid and went up into the Topanga Canyon hills. At dawn, watching the sun rise, the clouds come in, and I "heard the clouds." My friend insisted she did too. The clouds were signing, angelic voices above us, very much like this. Singing angel clouds. I'm not sure why I've been remembering that day, other than the usual and  general musings on consciousness.

The more I listen to this, the more beautiful I find this, and am stunned as well as aware of Nature as spirit, and the world of Fae, and how the multiple "tracks" (as with the two tracks of cricket songs) of reality there are that we remain unaware of, for the most part.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Post menopause and abductions

As an "experiencer"  abductee (for now I'll call her Ashlyn) recently told me, "The accepted theory is that abductions and visitations lessen, if not outright stop, for women anyway once we're past menopause." As usual with UFOs, not so fast. They haven't stopped for Ashlyn. As for myself, I have never said I'm an "abductee" so I can't speak to that, but, while UFO activity has lessened, I wonder if it isn't so much because of my own intent and work in that area, rather than being in the post (or pre-post, who the hell knows when you're in the realm of hormone hell) menopause phase of life.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Underground Cows

Dreams are fascinating. I find them so, although I realize there are those who don't find dreams interesting. I also know that many don't enjoy reading or hearing about dreams. But in the UFO world, we all know that dreams are another aspect of the UFO realm. Do aliens communicate to us, at times, through our dreams? Do they use dream time to manipulate us? I say yes, most definitely.

So one little snippet of a dream from one of my many recurring dreamscapes/settings had me thinking of UFOs, probably because of the cow imagery. (You know, cows beamed up into the mother ship.) However, the dream (as far as I remember, which isn't much at all) had nothing to do with UFOs. But, intrigued as I am with imagery and  the surreal, the subconscious and the esoteric, and how those all might meet and perform, I found the following bit weird and a bit funny even, in its weirdness:

     Jim and I are in one of my dreamscapes; this one is the slightly ghost-townish neighborhood of asphalt lots, weeds, alleys, run down houses, wide slightly crumbling streets with businesses that just seem tired. Not sure why we're here, but here we are. I think we were looking for someplace and got a little lost, or we have to pass through here to get to wherever. 
     I find that we're in the backyard of my house on Corning St. in L.A. I lived in that house when I was very young. The backyard was weedy and had tall grass and a brick decorative well (I think it was decorative) and then, after the wooden fence, the alley. We go across the alley and some people in the large barn like building the people stop us. We assure them that "I used to live there," pointing to the yard behind me, and that fact makes it okay for us to pass. 
     We're standing around in a huge hanger like barn type interior. No furniture or anything at all, except a few people. The few people are all farmers, and not just farmers, but stereotypes, cartoons of rural farmers. They're dressed in overalls and baseball style caps with John Deere logos, chewing on long stalks of straw and saying things like "Yep, it's a gonna rain, I reckon!" Ridiculous. More ridiculous since this is in the middle of L.A. 
     The only other thing in here with us besides the farmers, are cows and bulls. Tons of cows and bulls. We're all standing around them, the cattle are in the middle. No stalls; the cows and bulls are just free, milling around a bit. 
Suddenly we hear a rumbling and it gets dim. The farmers say "Oh, damn! Looks like they're here, we're going to have to go down!" (Who or what "they" are, no idea.) And the entire barn like hangar room, cows and people, start to do down into the ground. Some kind of mechanism allows the whole building to go down into the ground, to hide, and on the surface, no one would know there was a building there. 
     So down we go, like riding in an elevator. Cows and farmers are calm, though a bit annoyed by the inconvenience. Jim and I however are freaked. 
Now I wrote that this has nothing to do with UFOs, and I'm not suggesting for one moment that the dream does have anything to do with UFOs. But it didn't occur to me until I started typing here into my bloggie dashboard that the house in the dream, on Corning St., was where I had my "Patio Alien" experience. 

Trickster cow dream!

Drawing of Patio Alien on Corning St, L.A. Calif. 1958? by Regan Lee

Monday, November 11, 2013

More Dragonfly; and White Wolf Tarot

I posted the other day about dragonfly synchronicity; today were two more moments. I was going through a long neglected drawer today (setting up my tarot/oracle business, more on that later) and found two pieces of dragonfly jewelry I had completely forgotten about. A little green rhinestone pin, and a bronze and green pendant.

As to my new adventure, I've been gnashing teeth and pulling out hair over trying to set up a Homestead web page. I don't know if I'll keep it, I might go with another site. It's  not published yet; still trying to get everything to work right. It's called White Wolf Tarot -- hopefully I'll get somewhere with it!

Speaking of Dragonfly, I found this card using dragonfly motif from a deck called the Tarot of a Moon Garden. I can't get past the use of dragonflies replacing swords -- the imagery doesn't feel right -- but I don't know anything about the deck and not having seen it in person.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dragonfly and Dog

Dragonfly has come up a lot in the past few days. I've been seeing people wearing dragonfly jewelry, the name coming up in synchronistic ways: on television, driving or walking by a sign or flyer, and so on.

In two of my many oracle decks there is a Dragonfly card. From the Medicine Cards, an animal oracle.

From the Medicine Cards Animal Oracle Deck
This Dragonfly card is from the Angel Dreams oracle, created by angel expert Doreen Virtue and her daughter Melissa Virtue. This card says: "Transformation, Magic, Illusion."

From Doreen and Melissa Virtue's Angel Dreams oracle

I like the Angel Dreams Interpretation oracle, but was surprised to see a Dragonfly image in the deck. Not sure why; just seemed out of place. While I appreciate dragonflies -- they are certainly lovely to watch -- I don't have a particular affinity for them as an image. Yet that's not what it's all about when it comes to animal messages appearing in one's life. 

Dog has appeared as well. I was thinking, driving up the hill today, about animals in general, including Dragonfly, and then the random ADD thought about tigers, Big Cat sightings in the UK, and how strange it would be to see that on the road. I turn the corner and see a huge dog, beautiful! Very tall, clearly had wolf in him, standing on the corner. He had a collar with tags. He looked so damn intelligent and was looking right at me. Very sweet and he even looked a little lost and scared; worried.  When I came back the same way a few minutes later he was gone. But further down the hill, was another dog; this one had a collar and tags as well. He or she also seemed sad. Resigned. 

There are two dog cards from oracle decks I have; this one from my Druid Animals Oracle:

And this one from the Medicine Cards animal oracle. This card says: "Be loyal to yourself. Be true to others. Bolster your integrity."

I don't know about "bolstering my integrity" or much about the latter card (it's a deck I have issues with; I like the deck in many ways, but go back and forth on matters of cultural appropriation, even though the deck was created by two Native creators.) I prefer the Druid Animal deck both for its art work as well as the Celtic tradition it is based on. Even though I have Native blood I find I have more of a natural connection with my Celtic heritage. 

A lot can be said about Dog as a totem. Dogs are loyal, wolf is a solitary leader and teacher. Dogs guard. Their relationship with humanity goes back a very long way. Friends, co-workers, saviors, guardians. They are also omens; warnings. They can be friendly and loving but also dangerous and unpredictable. Like humans, it all depends on how they've been treated and nurtured.

How to interpret these images? I go with my gut, my intuition. For Dog, I automatically go to my mother, who has been a huge dog lover her whole life. Her health is not good right now and the family situation around that is very very tough right now. As to Dragonfly, I'm not sure, though I like the idea of discarding illusions (maybe that's connected with family after all, come to think of it) but any time synchronistic moments appear in one's life, it's often enough to simply notice that for its own sake.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Frank Feschino on BoA:Audio - Binnall of America

Frank Feschino on BoA:Audio - Binnall of America: In a LIVE edition of BoA:Audio, UFO researcher Frank Feschino makes his long-overdue first appearance on the program to discuss his meticulous and remarkable research into both the Flatwoods ‘Monster’ Case as well as his groundbreaking book Shoot Them Down, which details the 1952 UFO wave that spawned an official military order to ‘take down’ the mysterious craft invading American airspace. This is an episode which stretched the very limits of our live format and is absolutely jam packed with a wealth of fascinating insights into an amazing time in UFO history.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Skeptiko: Mary Rodwell Advocates for Alien Contactees

Oh how I love what Rodwell has to say about personal experience and abduction events:Episode 228. Mary Rodwell Advocates for Alien Contactees | Skeptiko - Science at the Tipping Point:
Mary Rodwell: The truth is that all we’ve ever got within ourselves is our own resonance to truth, our own BS meter, if you like. Ultimately that is what we’re being asked to trust. We’ve got nothing else. We’re told huge amounts of information. Some of it is disinformation; some of it’s lies. What is it in us that resonates to truth?

Ultimately that’s the only thing we’ve got because actually nobody has the full mandate on truth. We’ve all got bits of it and we are fed all sorts of mixes of truth. So the only thing we’ve got in the end is ourselves as that instrument of choosing what our truth is. My role is to facilitate a place where they can find their truth in their experience. Nobody has a right to tell them what to believe around that other than what they choose to believe.

Listen to the podcast for more. Excellent.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Black Cats Tarot: The Devil

Did a reading last night on someone close to me; a lot of misunderstandings, anger, confusion, anxiety, mistrust and that's just for starters. A history of such in this situation going back decades. So I did a reading so find out why this person is behaving the way they are...

I used my new Black Cats tarot, designed by Marai Kurara and published through Lo Scarabeo.  I really like this deck! Something compelled me to purchase it, even though it was the only deck in the store that wasn't open -- I couldn't preview it. But that day, it was the only deck I was drawn to, and I walked back into the store after walking out without buying it, and bought it anyway. Something told me I had to have this deck!  The day I bought this deck I had been with this person for a few days in the situation that has continued to swirl around all of us, so using this deck seemed particularly apt.

As I was pulling the cards, with my eyes closed as I usually do, one card literally flew out of the deck. I mean this card just shot out. When that happens, you always put that card aside and incorporate it into the reading, for that card will be heard!

I laid out the cards, using my new layout (one I made up) and then picked up the card that flew out from the deck as I was pulling cards. This is the card that came up: XV Major Arcana, The Devil.

This was the first time I'd seen this card; even though I had gone through the deck I realized I somehow missed this one. I was immediately very taken by the imagery; how it fits the person I was concerned about! Unusual to have a female image for The Devil. There is also a witchy feel to the card, which I like.  Now, I don't consider this card as being tied to a  traditional and religious interpretation or context; you know, "the Devil, Saaaaytaaan!" But it does have to do with ego, selfishness, the overwhelming power of mis-applied passions and energy. (It also has to do with indulgences -- in this case, emotional indulgences -- but also materialism, addictions or self-abuses, and so on.)

From the Black Cats booklet:
XV - The Devil. The Arcanum symbolises the violence of passions. Our "demons" can blind us completely, making us fall into the abyss of selfishness. On the other hand, the strength of desire can illuminate facets of our psyche that we must be aware of.
In this case, the person concerned is consumed with their ego, misdirected negative energy and emotions that are overwhelming to both this individual as well as those around them. A lot of passion and intensity that is self-destructive; that passion has been turned inward, and upside down. Not productive or healing, but devouring.

The rest of the reading was equally powerful. Out of ten cards (eleven, counting The Devil) six were Major Arcana cards.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ecto-Ville: Talking to Heaven Oracle

It's been awhile since I posted to my Ecto-ville ghost blog. I have a new post there now about the new oracle deck designed by James Van Praagh and Doreen Virtue:Ecto-Ville: Talking to Heaven Oracle

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New project from Robert Goerman: It's NOT Sleep Paralysis!

Don't know much about this, but I do like the emphasis and focus on the witness, and of course, the perspective these experiences are other than "sleep paralysis."
It's NOT Sleep Paralysis!: Where do we go from here? My first priority will always be the witness. You are not alone!
Valuable information is lost when genuine encounters are dismissed as ASP-induced hallucinations by eyewitnesses who are comforted by this advice, whether this counsel originates with the medical community or comes from a book or website on sleep paralysis. It is less upsetting to believe that it was all just a dream, rather than confront the fact that these entities can violate our homes with impunity. (Robert Goerman)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

From Robbie Graham on Silver Screen Saucers: Letting go of UFOs

Excellent and certainly thought provoking opinions on seeking answers to UFOs from Robbie Graham. I think his piece will annoy or anger a lot of people (maybe not) but, while a bit hard to take at first, very important points to think about. I find myself agreeing with him in many ways and left a comment at his blog. Although, I personally don't see the fact that studying UFOs will never reveal "the answer" as a problem; it's simply part of the process. I'm more process oriented by nature. That aside, excellent piece by Graham and I appreciate his honesty. Whether or not you agree with him, it is always good when someone honestly states their thoughts on UFOs: 
Silver Screen Saucers: Letting go of UFOs: ‘UFOlogists’ speak a great deal about the ‘truth’. The truth is out there, they tell people, and it must doggedly be pursued for the benefit of all mankind. But rarely are ‘UFOlogists’ truthful with themselves.
First off, there’s no such thing as a ‘UFOlogist’, and anyone who refers to themselves as such is clinging desperately to their own slim sense of self worth. There is no such thing as a UFOlogist because there is no such thing as UFOlogy – at least not in any meaningful sense. If “ology” refers to a branch of knowledge or learning sprung from organized research (which it does), then UFOlogy is a broken twig. The UFO subject has produced thousands of dedicated researchers over the years (none of them ‘UFOlogists’) and thousands more books, but few have made any significant contribution to our ‘knowledge’ of the UFO enigma. (Robbie Graham)