Monday, January 20, 2014

Jeremy Vaeni: 'Scientists Are Not The Adults In The Room" | JayVay

Truly like this piece from Jeremy Vaeni:

Scientists Are Not The Adults In The Room | JayVay: You know it strikes me that one of the things indigenous people around the world do is meticulously observe their environment and build pieces of their culture and agriculture around their observations. What they do is science. So why do Western scientists not see it that way? How are people who are immersed in their environments considered less scientific, not more, than the men and women who have divorced themselves from nature?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

From EsoterX: "If Called By the Cult of the White Panther, Don't Anther"

From EsoterX, which has become one of my favorite blogs to follow:
If Called By the Cult of the White Panther, Don’t Anther | EsoterX: If everything is important, then nothing is important. There is simply no room for what Mircea Eliade termed a hierophany, that is “the manifestation of something of a wholly different order, a reality that does not belong to our world, in objects that are an integral part of our natural ‘profane’ world” (Eliade, 1959, p11). This leaves us completely unprepared for an encounter with the mysterium tremendum (“the awe-inspiring mystery”), and in fact we have invented a whole category of “Weird News” that ensures the profane nature of any paranormal experience is maintained.

This is from EsoterX's home page, and tells us what the blog is about:
EsoterX is an anthropological investigation of the ontological status of things that go bump in the night.  The fact that monsters may or may not be corporeal is of no consequence, as Charles Baudelaire said, “I consider it useless and tedious to represent that which exists, because nothing that exists satisfies me.  Nature is ugly, and I prefer the monsters of my fancy to what is positively trivial”.  I am an applied anthropologist by training, inclination, and neurosis, masquerading as a computational linguist and software engineer by day, busy accumulating obscure masters degrees in an attempt to assemble a set of letters after my name that spontaneously result in some sort of gematriac significance.  And I’m convinced the universe is a far weirder place than we like to admit and the only reasonable response is that recommended by Hunter Thompson — “When the going gets weird, turn pro”.
I urge readers to explore this blog, a lot of wonderful material over there.

Friday, January 10, 2014

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Whither Richie?

From Alfred Lehmberg at UFO Magazine -- and as Nancy Birnes posted in the comments section, it is important to document the past. UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Whither Richie?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

Reply from Justin Stapleton at KEZI on NYE UFO

I did receive an email from Justin Stapleton at KEZI news in Eugene, who wrote the UFO was unexplainable and odd. He agreed it didn't look anything like the ISS, lanterns, etc. He'd seen them all, and this did not look like that. Very nice polite email.

Eugene, OR :Local news item on NYE UFO ... and then some

(cross posted at UFO Digest)

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, this item from KVAL news is as vapid as main stream UFO reports insist on being. The comments posted are as equally ignorant. Yep, it's a UFO if you don't know what it the thing you saw was, as in: UFO is short for Unidentified Flying Object. This simple fact goes over the heads of most of the population who seem to think they're the intelligent ones by questioning such sightings. If I sound pissy it's because I am; fed up with this idiocy. By the way, I emailed Justin Templeton at KEZI news with a report of what I saw, along with the usual bio blurb; you know, I'm not a nut but writer and researcher blah blah. Never heard a word.

So, the UFOs reported all over Oregon on NYE, not to mention the rest of the country, continue to make spotty appearances as filler items on local news, but no answers or in depth reporting or investigations. As I've written before, if these are not aliens from space, and in fact, I think they are not, they are something. If they are objects unknown to the populous, unfamiliar light colors, flight patterns and configurations, then what are they and why are they?

Responding that they're "just man made" with a shrug is not answer enough. If "they" meaning, not the aliens, but covert human entities, are flying things in our skies, we should know about that. Are the objects drones? Weather manipulation machines? Private industry technology, classified government weapons? Man made, okay. But stopping there as if that's the explanation isn't enough.

Why choose New Year's Eve to fly these things? One reason could be to see how many people noticed. Seems plenty did, getting these mainly orange lights on video. Maybe "they" wanted to see if people would notice, even during the excitement of bringing in the New Year at midnight and the fireworks. Possibly they wanted to see what the mainstream media reaction would be. As we've seen, the UFOs see all over the country that night was treated as a curious bit of news but nothing more.

Meanwhile, drone technology is being tested all over the place. The FAA very recently approved nine states to engage in testing drones. Oregon is one of those states. The timing of that bit of news with the NYE UFOs is interesting. Speculation of course, to say that there is a connection, but it is reasonable speculation.

The point is, UFOs were seen across the U.S. on New Year's and silly debates about the lights being UFOs or not, or the usual comments about drunken citizens seeing little green men doesn't change that fact. Whether or not those objects were controlled by ET is another question (and maybe some were, in amongst the others) but either way, something unknown was playing with our heads that night. Human, or alien, something intentional decided to make an appearance.

Lights spotted New Year's Eve skies: 'I'm pretty certain it was a UFO' | Local Regional News | Eugene News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KVAL CBS 1

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Orange orb report from NUFORC

Interesting report of an orange light splitting into two from Springfield, Oregon, December 13, 2013 on Peter Davenport's NUFORC.

NYE Oregon UFO: YouTube

A few videos on YouTube taken by Oregon residents on a UFO seen NYE, a bit after midnight, which was when we saw ours.

These videos were taken in the Portland area; Beaverton and Gresham, roughly  ninety miles from where we are, in Eugene.

This video was taken in Gresham. In some ways it looks a bit like the same thing we saw, there are glimpses of orange. One thing I've observed from watching UFOs, the way the object appears to the naked eye is often very different on how it looks through binoculars or a camera lens. What shows up on camera is different from what was seen.

This one taken in Portland/Hillsboro. Possibly Chinese lanterns? The orange color at times looks like what we saw, but this video shows two objects and they flit in and out but remain the same color and shape and seem to stay roughly in the same place. Our sighting: the object was one object, moved consistently and changed color.

Another from Portland, this one is blue, strobbing. Nothing at all what we saw. Jim thinks it might be an LED light of some type:

Next stop, for fun, call the airport tomorrow though I doubt that will get me anywhere.

Blogger Regan Lee starts new year with UFO sighting - Orlando Paranormal |

Jack Brewer of UFO Trails, interviewed me about my NYE sighting. Thank you Jack. Blogger Regan Lee starts new year with UFO sighting - Orlando Paranormal |

Delving into the Esoteric Realm of the Black Dog Mind-Slide

Image (altered) public domain Wilhelm von Gloeden and Urban Ghost blog

Black Dog
I've been chronicling my Black Dog dreams and synchronicities. For whatever reason, Black Dog has been appearing to me in recent months, along with a few non-black dogs. I find this interesting because I don't have a dog, and haven't had one in decades. (I do wish I had one now and have been wanting one for a couple of years, but the time is not right.) Another reason and more to the point: anytime an image visits us with such consistency it's a big sign from the Universe to pay attention to ... something. Something is trying to get through. 

I haven't figured it out yet.

So far, Black Dog has appeared in many dreams, and a few synchronicitous moments. This morning, I had one of my "mind postcards" or maybe "slide" is a better word. A mind postcard, or mind-slide, is that vivid, startling, unexpected, out of nowhere moment when an image -- wait, more than just an image, a presence -- literally pops into my mind's eye when I'm awake. (I wrote about one I had years ago involving a green, warty non-human entity.)

This morning, wide awake and had been for twenty minutes or so, just gathering my thoughts, not thinking of anything in particular just about my plans for the day, a huge mind-slide of a Black Dog appeared. It startled the hell out of me. A huge, short haired, big eared Black Dog, sitting up, looking right at me. Not threatening or unfriendly, but not silly friendly either. Just sitting there, looking at me. "Here I am," it said. Not literally spoke, but the intent was clear. Beautiful dog, sort of like a short haired German Shepherd and a Doberman, but completely black. Very calm, very intelligent.

Dream Guides
I have been working with dream guides; calling upon mine. Is the Black Dog, or dog in general, my dream guide? For years I've had dreams of a white wolf that accompanied a long haired woman, with staff, who I was meant to follow. This has changed in recent months to a white haired older woman with a dog, not necessarily a wolf. More recently, Black Dog and dogs in general. So the Wolf-Black Dog- dog is an image, a power symbol, that comes to me for some reason. 

It looks like this year, I am going to have to delve into the esoteric realm of the 
Black Dog. 

Related posts:

Dream Synchronicity: "Dream Cloud Inside Your Mind" And Dog

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

UFO Sightings Reported Across California | VIDEO

From Frank Warren's blog, this item about sightings on New Year's Eve California. The following description is very similar to what I saw on New Year's Eve. With video.
UFO Sightings Reported Across California | VIDEO: Terry and Hans Mauth of Auburn said they watched a large egg-shaped object with a bright light shining upward drift over their neighborhood, then suddenly accelerate.
"There was no sound, that's the funny thing," Terry said. "Just this big illuminated form."

New Year's Eve Sighting: Conclusion (Possibly)

After having a day to think about our sighting last night, I've come to the conclusion the object was not a plane.

Nor Chinese lanterns.

And not fireworks.

While I "believe" (abhor that word in this context; I don't "believe" in aliens, or that they exist, not in a religious doctrine fervor framework. I am of the strong opinion, based on experience and evidence, that they exist) aliens exist, and we are being visited, and have been visited, by extra-terrestrials for a very long time, not everything seen in the skies is an alien craft. Oh most definitely much of it is; in this case though, I think what I saw (or we, as my husband saw it as well) was a human made object. Military or industrial, or both, since both are indeed strange and cozy bedfellows. That relationship has been an open secret for decades.

What makes me think last night's sighting most likely was of something from this earth, as opposed to outer space? Timing, for one. Midnight, or a tad after, on New Year's Eve? What better time for the government, or private industry testing some new technology, than midnight on New Year's Eve? It's possible whoever was behind such an object was testing its visibility factor. How noticeable is the object under certain conditions? On the one hand, no one is paying much attention. Too much going on. Fireworks, lanterns, partying, drinking, drugs, excitement. How many people look up and notice under such conditions? And what is their reaction in that context when they do?

Well, if one has had too much to drink and is full of general New Year's Eve joy, seeing something like that in the sky might not compute. Just another fireworks, or something . . .

Those that did not drink or party (like myself, we stay in and have a quiet night) look up and notice. In fact, Jim and I both commented that, out of the entire block, we were the only ones who stepped outside at midnight to look up. Neighbors were home, they just didn't bother to step outside.

Another reason I think what we saw last night was some type of human made object: the recent media items about drones. Oregon is one of nine states recently approved by the FAA to test drones. The bulk of that goes to Eastern Oregon, quite a ways from Eugene. But then today, I read that OSU -- Oregon State University in Corvallis, forty-five minutes from Eugene -- has also been given a contract to explore drone technology. It's possible setting off a drone at midnight was a perfect time to test it; how it works at night under certain conditions (New Year's Eve, etc.) and how it's perceived by people, at night, and under those conditions.

So, big deal, human made object, not an alien craft from Mars.

That's a frequent response from many, that a weird looking and behaving object in our skies is "just" an object made by us.  Such an explanation is given, accepted, and dismissed.

Okay, so the thrill of aliens from outer space is gone, but still. Still. We are now faced with the fact we, us, humans, are creating drones and other flying objects that spy, patrol, collect data, mess with the weather, mess with us... this is not cause for dismissal, but diligence. 

There are drones and other flying things created by us that are very tiny and unobtrusive, as well as big and obvious. There are things up there that have nothing to do with ET, but everything to do with us and our not so nice side. Our violent, cruel, controlling, arrogant selves. We create these objects to do harm. Sometimes we create these objects to help, or so we tell ourselves. Make things easier; rescue operations, agriculture, for example. Technology, partnered with private industry and government, is a creation unto itself. Regardless of the ostensible purpose of such technology, we need to remain aware. We need to avoid the inane response that aliens/UFOs are silly, paranoid and uneducated fantasies, while taking responsibility for the repercussions of our own technological creations.

Of UFOs in Eugene, and Drone Research at Oregon State

It just occurred to me to look at the local news for any item related to the sighting I had last night (see posts below.) I don't watch the local news and it's not on my radar -- pun unintended. Justin Stapleton, a reporter with KEZI, had posted on his FB page an item and short video clip about the presumably same object. I couldn't see anything on the clilp however.

What popped up on the KEZI page was this item about Oregon State (OSU, home of the Beavers) and their drone activity. Love this quote, the understated comment of the year:
Drone Research at OSU | KEZI: “Technology is good up to a point,” said Corvallis resident Jai Adams. “And then it’s not. It gets misused.”

See posts below for my UFO -- or drone -- sighting on New Year's Eve, and items on drone "studies" in Oregon.

I emailed Stapleton at KEZI with my report. Interesting to see if anything comes of it.

Post New Year's Sighting Creepy UFO Dream

Dec 31, 2013
"If the dream is a translation of waking life, waking life is also a translation of the dream.”   ~ Rene Magritte

After seeing this object in the Eugene skies last night, had the following dream:

     I'm with Jim. We're on the run, for some reason. Unfamiliar neighborhood. UFOs and aliens are after us. We can't see them, not with the naked eye, but their presence is absolutely real. Very concrete, palatable. They're here all right, all around us.  They are not at all friendly but very creepy, very nasty.

Rene Magritte (1898 - 1967)  Homage to Mack Sennett

     I go into a home -- we've been running down alleys, in between houses -- and there is an elderly couple in one of the houses that we enter.  White haired, short, in their nineties it seems. At first they seem quite nice and sweet, helpful. But as soon as we are in their house, I see the woman walk by, without a head! Her appearance is like a surreal painting by Dali or Magritte. Where here head should be, the top of her neck, it is just a pedestal. No blood or gore, just skin. Like you could place her head right on top of the neck. I scream and panic and she turns to me and says "Oh get over it, we're here and you know it, nothing you can do about it."  (How she says this without a head is illogical but that's how dreams work.) Seems that these aliens can shape shift into looking like humans. 
     We just keep running and hiding and trying to escape the invisible aliens.
Then I enter a house, with lots of witchy wiccan type objects. At first I think it's comforting, I recognize the Stag, the Deer, all these deers made of wicker and other objects. A definite pagan place that I assume will be safe and not only that but in the know. I can find some help here, some tools and magick to use to repel these nasty aliens. 

Wenceslaus Hollar 1607 - 1677 

     As I'm wandering about the place, the straw deers come "alive" and try to attack me, eat me. I scream again and it turns out the people here are not what they seem either. They are not pagans, witches or practice wicca, they are simply nasty people on the side of the aliens, and many of them are aliens themselves. Again there are a few that are headless ones. I scream and try to run, it's pretty awful.

When I woke up this morning, and was trying to remember the dream, it occurred to me how interesting it was that I had this dream the night I saw the UFO or whatever it was that same night.