Today, I began work on my book, tentatively titled Entering the Orb. It feels great to be working on this!
The other day, I was thinking how I'd like to hear from others about their UFO -- especially orange orb sightings -- and anomalous experiences in general. Not look ago, Yahoo ate my orange orb email; all my emails from people around the world, with photos and drawings of their encounters, lost. Very frustrating and sad.
So today, after working on my book, I check my email, to find a message from a witness who had read my article at Binnall; he sent me photos as well as a description of his sighting of orange orbs.
Oh, and if you have something to share; a UFO sighting, paranormal event, Bigfoot encounter, etc. I would love to hear from you.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
KGRA Radio
Just because, chock full of paranormal UFO stuff. And, Tim Binnall is on tonight on Jeff Ritzmann's program! Check it out. KGRA Radio
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The Operating Room: UFO Show Triggers Buried Inkling, or Merely Nudges the Mundane?
The other night, I was watching Unsealed: Alien Files, episode 28, which originally aired in July of 2013. The usual UFO TV stuff: aliens, spaceships, tilted camera angles, witness reports, space age music, and for whatever reason, a childhood memory popped into my mind. This is a memory that I think upon once in a great while. Just a curios thing, but nothing associated with UFOs or aliens (say, like my Patio Alien experience, for one) just an odd little memory. I don't know why this memory popped into my head while watching the show.
Patio Alien seen in 1958? L.A., California |
When I was about four (and before we lived in the house on Corning street where I had the Patio Alien experience) I had my tonsils removed. I remember only two things about that experience. One, in the hospital, which I'll relate in a moment. The other, after the operation, and I'm standing on the little porch with some adults, probably my grandmother, and talking with an adult friend of the family? Neighbor? A man, asking me how I'm feeling and the best thing about having my tonsils out was the ice cream I'd get to eat.
The other -- and this is the memory that popped into my head while watching Unsealed -- was the following:
I'm on the little gurney inside a pitch black hospital room. I assume it's the operating room. No lights, cannot see a thing. Not a thing. It is so very dark, and I am petrified. I am screaming and crying like crazy. A nurse hovers over me; all in white, complete with starched cap. She smiles at me but it is not nice, it's a horrible smile. She puts this huge black mask type thing over my face. Later, I'm in the hospital bed, my mom and grandmother are there, and the same nurse comes in. I inwardly start to freak out -- I am scared to death! I want to scream at my mother and grandmother how evil this woman is, but she comes in, all smiling and happy. She tells my mother and grandmother what a great patient I was, a real dream, and I'm thinking "Lady, are you crazy? I was hysterical! Don't you remember? Why are you lying?" I remember feeling very confused and frighted of this woman and her lies.
About two seconds after this memory popped into my head, the narrator of the Unsealed program says that many UFO witnesses and abductees report having memories of being in an operating room.
So that was a little jolt of UFO synchronicity.
I really did have my tonsils out, that is no cover memory. But, as with these things, what aspect of this memory, if any, is truer to my "invisible aliens" and other UFO high strangeness? Was my memory of the inky dark operating room and fake happy nurse a part of a larger UFO experience, or merely a memory of being a little kid alone and scared?
Saturday, July 26, 2014
A Q&A with UFOlogical Heretic Jacques Vallee (via Open Minds) | The Daily Grail
Red Pill Junkie posts excerpts from an interview with Jacques Vallee on The Daily Grail:A Q&A with UFOlogical Heretic Jacques Vallee (via Open Minds) | The Daily Grail:
As we all know, Jacques is no longer an active figure in this wacky field polluted with self-promoters, hoaxers & unaware disinformants —which, frankly, speaks volumes about his sanity— so it was an incredibly pleasant surprise to find that our friends at Open Minds had posted a recent e-mail interview with Vallee, conducted by a group of French UFOlogists who were kind enough to translate it into English. In the lengthy Q&A monsieur Vallee offers plenty of valuable insights —along with caustic criticism!— not only about the nature of the phenomenon and the current state of the field in general, but also how the undeniable existence of UFOs should move us to question the very nature of Reality itself. ~ Red Pill Junkie, The Daily Grail
Friday, July 25, 2014
Organizing the Room of Doom
Bigfoot books . . . |
For some time now, have been calling the "study" the Room of Doom -- such a mess! An unholy, awful, mess. I would literally go into a spin of hysteria when entering that room and trying to deal with the mess.
I realize, too, that I need to rename that room and no longer encourage the negative energy of Room of Doom, and give it a more positive name to reflect the changes.
A few UFO books. . . and yes, I'm a nerd, official X Files mug and all |
Somehow, finally, I had some kind of cosmic breakthrough and have been able to work in that room, enjoy it even! So I've been rearranging books, giving books away, donating books, selling books, and discovering that yes, I have a hell of a lot of UFO and paranormal, Fortean, anomalous type books.
A few more UFO books . . . |
Then I messed up my knee and leg and had to take off for a couple of days. And I was looking forward to the next project: organizing my "haunted locations" shelf.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Jeremy Vaeni: "What Made Paratopia Different Than Other Shows"
Jeremy Vaeni tells us, about his own excellent podcast that is no more:What Made Paratopia Different Than Other Shows. Many reasons how Paratopia was different -- and so much better than most -- shows, but also, Paratopia was the only podcast to bring the reprehensible behavior of UFO researcher David Jacobs to our attention. And continued to bring it to our attention.
"But the journey is the thing, as they say, and oh, what a ride we took. Everything from helping fund Kogi elders flying to New York for the first time so they could do energy work in Upstate and get an audience with the Dalai Lama while he was in town… to exposing the criminal-like behavior of David Jacobs and wrongheaded research of Budd Hopkins (thanks to Carol Rainey’s now legendary Paratopia Magazine article.) We effectively killed hypnosis in alien abduction research as a viable tool for serious researchers. This is not to say that the Barbara Lambs of the world will stop breaking peoples’ minds with it simply because we gave a spotlight to the Emma Woods/David Jacobs fiasco–but it is the entire reason Jacobs is now shying away from saying he’s using hypnosis. He now says he’s using relaxation techniques. What he’s doing is harming people. He is allowed to carry on because ufology is a social network and a cottage industry and not much more. But for those in the “not much more” category who actually care about right and wrong–they followed the story and we all got a dose of reality. No longer was the argument against hypnosis hypothetical. It was staring us in the face and I don’t think we’ll ever recover." ~ (Vaeni)Overall, Vaeni's blog is one of the best UFO/other weird stuff and musings blogs out there.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Ancient Secrets - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
Micah Hanks guests tonight on Coast to Coast! Ancient Secrets - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
Friday, July 18, 2014
Eugene OREGON UFO case 45344 #UFO sighting from MUFON
Just showed up on my Twitter, Eugene, Oregon UFO sighting from MUFON but it's from January of this year: UFO case 45344 #UFO sighting. Witness describes:
", i went reluctantly with my camera out into the street and was shocked to see my wife was telling the truth. hundreds of small amber glowing disks or globes were proceeding from the north to the south in the overcast western sky. they appeared to be traveling at 30 to 50 mph. several of them hovered in a pattern which would have generated a trapezoid shape if lines were placed between them. most of the ufos were about 1 to 2 feet in diameter. i am not certain of this because i am not sure what my distance was from the display."
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Odd Image: UFO?
Eugene, Oregon
July 11th? 2014
Approximately 11:30 p.m.
For whatever reason, I took a few quick shots with my cheap little camera of the night sky on the 11th. (I think it was the 11th, give or take a night or two.) I'm not sure why I did, just messing around. Forgot about them until tonight, when I was looking at the photos I took today while in Florence, on the coast.
All the photos are of the same spot in the sky; I just took them one right after the other, pretty much the same spot.
Three of the photos just show stars, the fourth photo shows a greenish blur. I cropped and zoomed in on the blur and this is what showed up:
July 11th? 2014
Approximately 11:30 p.m.
For whatever reason, I took a few quick shots with my cheap little camera of the night sky on the 11th. (I think it was the 11th, give or take a night or two.) I'm not sure why I did, just messing around. Forgot about them until tonight, when I was looking at the photos I took today while in Florence, on the coast.
All the photos are of the same spot in the sky; I just took them one right after the other, pretty much the same spot.
Three of the photos just show stars, the fourth photo shows a greenish blur. I cropped and zoomed in on the blur and this is what showed up:
I didn't see anything unusual, or, usual in terms of planes, etc. with my naked eye while taking the pics. This blur is not on the other photographs.
And there you have it. Star, satellite or the Mother Ship, who knows.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Saucer People Trading Cards
While cleaning out the room of doom, er, "study," I came across this set of flying saucer trading cards. I've been posting images at my blogs Vintage U.F.O. and Mothman Flutterings. A delightful find; I'd forgotten I had these. They were published by Kitchen Sink Press, 1992, boxed set of "Saucer People" trading cards, 36 "full color" cards, done in garish comic book style fashion.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Tina Sena reviews one of UFOlogy's top researchers (intelligent, diligent, truthful…) Richard Dolan: YUFOLOGY: RICHARD DOLAN ON BINNALL OF AMERICA. I haven't had a chance to listen to the interview yet, but will soon. Can't wait. Tina shares her thoughts on those within UFOlogy who might, no matter how unintended, contribute to the tin foil hat perception that mainstream culture has of UFO folks:
While you're at Binnall of America, check out the columns by various contributors, including Tina Sena, and, why yes! myself.
"You can't show up to a UFO conference looking like the crazy uncle who lives in the shed in the back yard.While I don't think it's necessary to dress like middle class bores -- suits and ties all the time, matching pant suits with pearls -- there is something to be said for good grooming and such.
Even if you ARE the crazy uncle who lives in the shed in the back yard." ~ Tina Sena
While you're at Binnall of America, check out the columns by various contributors, including Tina Sena, and, why yes! myself.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Local UFOs
Recently I posted my thoughts about UFO sightings on the 4th -- would I see any? Unfortunately, I did not. (Unlike on New Year's Eve/day.)
A visitor to the Orb did leave this comment about something he saw on the 4th:
I SAW AN ORANGE ELONGATED OBJECT GOING ABOUT 250 MPH ABOUT 3 MILES N OF MY LOCATION AT 11 TH AND GREENHILL AND VERY LOW [ PERHAPS 1000" HIGH ] AT ABOUT 1/2 MILEI replied that his sighting of an "orange elongated object" that climbed did sound similar to what we saw on New Year's.
LIKE THIS. (comment left by James Hellman)
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