Saturday, February 7, 2015

New: Alternative News Project

Looks like a good project from Nexus, Alternative News Project, an on-line news site of the unexplained. UFOs, paranormal, conspiracy, etc. There's  a free sign-up option, and a paid one. I've signed up, lots to explore over there!

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Other Side of Truth: Meet Jaime Maussan, the Ringmaster of the Upcoming Roswell Slides Circus

From Paul Kimball at The Other Side of Truth: The Other Side of Truth: Meet Jaime Maussan, the Ringmaster of the Upcoming Roswell Slides Circus: Behold! Here is the man the Roswell Dream Team will be appearing with in Mexico City to reveal the earth-shattering, proof-positive-of-aliens Roswell slides - Jaime Maussan, seen in this video on Mexican television endorsing one of the worst and most obvious frauds in UFO history, "Jonathan Reed".
I've refrained from commenting on The Big Roswell Reveal Slide Show (mostly) because really, there is nothing to say. But I like Kimball's blog post over there. More at Other Side of Truth.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Now THIS is the UFO News We Should Be Talking About

To the Moon Alice!: Now The Federal Aviation Administration, in a previously undisclosed late-December letter to Bigelow Aerospace, said the agency intends to “leverage the FAA’s existing launch licensing authority to encourage private sector investments in space systems by ensuring that commercial activities can be conducted on a non-interference basis.

In other words, experts said, Bigelow and others could set up one of its proposed inflatable habitats on the moon, and expect to have exclusive rights to that territory – as well as related areas that might be tapped for mining, exploration and other activities. (UFO and Alien Truth Network)
Bigelow, remember, is the Howard Hughes like wealthy ufo-paranormal entrepreneur, who has said that (paraphrasing) the pubic doesn't have the right to know about info collected regarding UFOs. (He wasn't referring matters of national security, but ufo info in general.)

Bigelow is also the guy privy to such info, but not us pedestrian slobs. He has the in with the FAA. UFO reports, the FAA has determined and mandated to pilots, can go to him. And, Bigelow has cozied up to MUFON.

Any one of these things should have caused a huge stink in UFO Land, and yet, not much. Some rattling and protesting, but, no, not much.

Bigelow was the mysterious man behind the NIDS report on black triangles. And owns the property known as the skin walker ranch.

At one time, it seemed a good thing -- Bigelow funding paranormal-UFO research, delving into the mysteries of black triangles and the truly bizarre and still unsolved happenings at the skinwalker  ranch. But, as we have seen, Bigelow has turned out to be far more insidious.

And so now we have this. It's so ridiculous, the idea that anyone can own the moon. And yet . . .

Yes, the article is a hack piece of writing and it's not like a Bigelow Mall is going to open on the Moon. The point is, that it's even gotten this far. And that Bigelow is allowed to do his thing among MUFON and the government, while UFO researchers either ignore these facts, or, treat it blithely.

Instead of going after witnesses who have tales to tell of abductions, Bigfoot and UFOs, pedantic bloggers playing serious researcher with inside scoops on Trent or Roswell inside intel, go after the serious stuff. Like David Jacobs, Bigelow, etc.

That's what needs exposing.

I Feel a Rant Coming On...

Which is one aspect of this blog -- all about ranting on some days. Migraine fueled rant at that.

What I posted on UFO Updates:
"Only $90.00?" That's a lot of money for some of us. MUFON, once upon a time, a long time ago, they did good things, good intent. Now they're in bed with Bigelow, and, oh dear. Individuals remain who do good work but as an entity, MUFON, no thanks. As to UFO events; the skies are busy busy busy these past decades with our own lights and it's hard to distinguish between the truly strange and "just" one of ours. Of course, "one of ours" often has its own sinister implications, but that's another track. Meanwhile, there are witnesses to really weird events -- myself included -- that have to do with UFOs. Aliens, or what, who knows, but the experiences are real, and I, for one, am not lying when I report on them. So I will continue to ponder and ask and wonder and delve. Sometimes it means looking at the light in the sky, if only to realize it's nothing. Other times it means asking -- demanding! -- hey, just what the hell was that whole missing time thing about?! Witnesses need to keep exploring and investigating, and researchers need to stop putting limits on what is acceptable and what isn't. True, Roswell slides mysteriously present showing real aliens is a huge and silly distraction, but knowing the players promoting such stunts helps and then we can move on.
The $90 reference was to the supposed cost of MUFON's official UFO investigation kit.

Things in UFO Land have been busy lately, what with the Roswell alien slides and TV programs about aliens and UFOs in general. On one hand, we have such a lot of popular culture stuff out there about UFOs. Within UFO Land, lots of the usual debating and in-fighting and arguments.


Meanwhile, the real questions and experiences seem to be ignored. Relegated to the fringe of the fringe. Unasked, not pursued. In fact, demands are shouted. Demands for science to step up. Demands for everyone else involved to be more scientific in the pursuit of UFO knowledge. As if that approach will answer, once and for all, The UFO Question.

Feh. And meh.

I'm not bored. I'm not giving up. I'm not shutting up. I encourage every witness, from the Bigfoot-UFO witness to the reptilian alien witness to the spinning lighted disco ball mother ship witness to report, write about, talk about, discuss, argue, defend, explore, investigate. Just be honest and clear. Hold your intent and focus. Compare and contrast.

Check yourselves. Check your religions, your belief systems. You do the work; don't let others dictate to you what that is. Now that's a hard one, because it's very difficult to be honest in that context.

But don't shut up. Don't stop. Don't let others tell you your story is unacceptable because it's too weird or that you're not a scientist.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Project Blue Book Files Removed: Coast to Coast AM

This just in via Coast to Coast site:

Project Blue Book Files Removed - Articles - Coast to Coast AM: After receiving much media attention (including an appearance on C2C) John Greenewald of The Black Vault was forced to take down declassified Project Blue Book files, which he had posted for the first time on the Internet in PDF format, easily accessible for public viewing. Fold3, a site that posts military files, claimed they had a digital copyright on the images.
A lot of hassle and criticism and usual UFO Land drama since Greenwald posted the Project Blue Book files on his Black Vault. And now, this. C2C links to more of the story, with comments from Greenewald, on Open Minds. I have no opinion on much of it since I've avoided the details. But I will say it's been a fine thing to have the files available, and I wonder at the so called copyright of such. (I do not know, I am just musing here.)

Friday, January 30, 2015

I’m a Real Life Female Ghost Buster & I Say “BRING IT ON!” | Hayley M. Stevens

I have mixed feelings about the following: I’m a Real Life Female Ghost Buster & I Say “BRING IT ON!” | Hayley M. Stevens.

Listing Dr. Susan Blackmore among the women in the parapsychology field isn't a resounding endorsement of credibility. Debunkery -- "ghost busters" -- as well as this statement: "I am a ghost geek though and although I don’t believe in ghosts (italics mineI actively investigate and research alleged paranormal activity using rational inquiry and scientific skepticism. " (Hayley M. Stevens.)  I really do wonder why The Anomalist linked to this, along with their own comments. 

Indeed, Stevens has written for skeptic magazines and her blog "short listed for The Skeptic magazine’s Occham’s Award for ‘Best Skeptic Blog’ 2013 & 2014" according to her About Hayley M. Stevens page.

And yet, it is true that paranormal programs, including Bigfoot and UFO programs, feature few female investigators. The field has is not without women, it's the media's lack of acknowledgement of this fact that is the issue.

So, very good points and very well presented. Too bad it's from the skeptic-bunkie camp. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

UFO Researchers, Witnesses: Learn These Signs of Psychotics, and, Beware Deviant Homosexuality

Because if you don't, that proves you are!

I do my best to avoid giving the verbose stuffed shirts at UFO Iconoclasts -- now UFO Conjecture (s) --  any attention, but sometimes one has to present the insanity in UFO Land to the rest of the inhabitants. Particularly so since so many otherwise reasonable researchers insist on playing with them.

Usually their posts are a form of UFO Guerrilla Theater. At least, that's how they see themselves; players in an unreasonable realm, (UFOs)  bringing reason to the rest of us deluded misfits.  Doesn't work; they're far too pedantic for any true surrealism, even while their spewing ends up being extremely surreal anyway. But that's simply a product of their clumsy hoax attempts (Trent photos, etc.) or dry and wordy laments about the time wasting study of UFOs. Even as they, themselves, pontificate thusly. (See what happens after reading their posts? One begins to sound like them.)

In a post dated earlier this month, they write about the inspiration given to them reading Hervey Cleckly, who wrote a  book on "homosexual deviancy" :
"The Caricature of Love by Hervey Cleckley (1957), a tome outlining the deviancy of homosexuality"
and found inspritaton in Cleckly's classic The Mask Of Sanity, (1941) outlining the traits exhibited by psychopaths. What does this have to do with UFOs? 
Well . . .

In a bizzare leap (told you they were surreal, in spite of themselves) Cleckley's book on psychopaths should be read by UFO researchers. The traits presented by Cleckly should be kept in mind when UFO researchers interview witnesses, or, when dealing with researchers themselves. 

(Remember, this is a book on psychopaths. Suggested for use in UFO Land. By a man who wrote about the "deviancy of homosexuality." )

Number six in Clecky's list is interesting here: "Lack of remorse or shame." In what context? Seeing a UFO? Studying the subject?  Oy. And so it goes. 

The jesters at the Conjecture(s) blog recommend UFO researchers learn about these traits:
"That UFO researchers do not have the qualifications, usually, to pursue personalities lies at the heart of the UFO dilemma, as it's UFO reports that make up the core of the UFO story, and that core is besotted by liars or psychotic personalities, telling the stories or asking the questions."

(Snarky little bastards aren't' they?) So that's why we can't get anywhere in solving the UFO mystery, er, "dilemma." And here I thought it was because of a tangled complex mass of cover-ups, misinformation, disinformation, religions, politics, infrastructures, fear, greed, misinterpretations, misunderstandings, manipulations, shadow governments, folklore, conspiracies,myth, power, corruption,galactic wars, vying entities, and simply not having gotten there yet in the whole magical mystery tour thing of mind, soul, universe and "them." When really, it's just been us psychos all along.

I don't think they're entirely serious; I do think they enjoy intentionally being ridiculous. Still, it is annoying. 

In UFO Land as well as the mundane world, psyopaths exist. This is news? It's good to be aware of the psychos among us. The more you know and all that. But really, the juxtaposition here of "psychopath" "deviant homosexuality" and "UFO witness/researches" is too much. 

Notice how I didn't link. That's on purpose. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

From "alienviews: Blissful Ignorance Is A Lie…" on Dolan

Alfred Lehmberg's latest on Richard Dolan's volume three on UFO history. As with volumes one and two, which were stellar, Lehmberg comments:

alienviews: Blissful Ignorance Is A Lie...: To start, I suspect that in a more perfect future world a copy of Volume One will be a much respected core text in the history classrooms of highly respected and accredited universities everywhere. I don't remotely oversell.

Indeed, the volume could (and should!) go into many different kinds of classrooms (from high school to graduate school) right now, as required reading! It could certainly be a top-listed alternate for many other different kinds of classrooms as well. (Alfred Lehmberg, alien

Thursday, January 22, 2015

UFOS on the Brain and in the Dreams, a Lucid Moment, and an Appearance by Jacque Vallee

The other day, I wrote about my own UFO sightings in Oregon, (also posted at UFO Digest)  inspired by a recent survey of the top ten states for UFO sightings. Oregon did not make that list, though California and Washington did. Interesting how Oregon, sandwiched in between those two states, did not. I wonder what the reason is for that. 

Yesterday, I came across this item from Open Minds about an Oregon UFO sighting from the 20th of this month: Witness Sees UFO Reminiscent of 1997 Phoenix Lights. 

And last night, a dream about a crashed UFO in one of my "dreamscapes." I have several dreamscapes; they remain the same, with slight variations. I don't often have dreams of this particular one, but when I do, it seems they're always tinged with a mystical element of some sort. This dreamscape is of a valley surrounded by huge mountains covered in snow. So huge and right there, you could almost stretch out your arms and touch them. Where we are is flat, and not full of snow, but it is dry, and quiet, somehow. Out in the open.
So in this setting:

I'm with some others, including Jim. We're on the third floor of a hotel looking out the window. These mountains are just so huge, looming above us. Very scenic, like a postcard. Pristine little village of a town, in the valley, surrounded by snow covered mountains. All of a sudden, next time I look out the window, I see an enormous rim of a flying saucer sticking up from the ground. It's across the street, behind the buildings. (The buildings are not tall, the tallest ones are only three or four stories.) The rim of the saucer, and part of the dome, are sticking up from the ground, and just… the size is amazing. As is the color; a golden color that shimmers.  It's so close! Less than a half mile away. 
It is too incredible to think there is a flying saucer there! And, it doesn't make any sense. I tell everyone to come and look; we all try to explain it away. "Oh, it must be a plane," but there is no plane anywhere on this earth that is close to that size. Or, color. "It's a fire, there must be a fire…" but that's ridiculous. There is no smell of fire, or sound, or flames moving. This is a stationary object. We have to accept it: it's a flying saucer all right. 
This is confusing since no one heard anything crash, or saw anything in the sky, it wasn't' there, and then, a moment later, there it was! Some of us have the feeling it was always there and we just didn't notice. Some of us have a feeling it didn't crash, but was underground for a long time and something caused it to appear … whatever the reasons behind its appearance, the reality is that it's there. 
As I'm looking out the window, I see a group of about with men striding purposefully across the street. Some are wearing lab coats -- all very official. In the middle of this group is Jacque Vallee. I say to everyone that this proves it -- if Jacque Vallee is here, then there is most definitely something very important happening. Here I have a lucid moment. I tell the people I'm with that this is odd; in "real" life, Jacque Vallee looks very different than the man who's the dream Jacque Vallee. Real life Vallee is tall, thin, has hair, doesn't wear glasses, and is good looking. Dream Vallee is short, bald, wears glasses, and, while not unattractive, not George Clooney either. The only thing the two Vallees have in common is that they seem to be about the same age.
There's more, concerning military and morphing character perspectives, but overall, that's it. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My UFO Oregon

UFO Chronicles links us to Top 10 States with The Most UFO Sightings. Oregon did not make the list, which is curious, seeing as how I've seen many a UFO here, including an eerily large and silent -- and fast moving! -- triangle. Not to mention the famous orange orb, complete with missing time. And all manner of craft, morphing machines, and twinkling things in the skies.

So the question is, am I one of those UFO statistics that say so many sightings mean I am an abductee, or picked by "them," or another human plaything of the Reptilian Overlords? "They" seem to follow some people.

On the one hand we could say: "Well, kiddo, probably most if  not all of those things you've seen were simply man made objects." I have no doubt at all many of the things I've seen are ours. Drones, climate monitoring devices, weird space station satellites gizmos.

However, we're left with three interesting pieces of data:

1.) Regarding Oregon sightings, we still have the orange orb, with alien tinged dreams and missing time and spooky triangle.

2.) I've been seeing and experiencing UFO and UFO related events since childhood.

3.) My husband, too, has had these experiences since his childhood. Apart, and together, we've experienced -- and continue to experience -- the UFO Weird.

In that context, the UFOs do seem to be attracted to us. Or, us to them. Or maybe it's just the tracking devices they inserted and we're simply a random sample.

So, while Oregon may not have made the Top Ten list, (though Washington to the north, and California to the south, did) in my little Oregon world, UFOs have been very present.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

ESP Experiments on Children

The Washington Post reports on an Canadian experiment on indigenous children. Sadly, not the first story of this kind; throughout Canada and the U.S. experiments were conducted on children, native as well as non. What gives this particular story a twist is the paranormal aspect. (Thanks to The Anomalist for link.)

The bizarre ESP experiments conducted on aboriginal children without parental consent - The Washington Post

A recently uncovered experiment reveals the depths of the access given to so-called researchers seeking to find evidence that aboriginal children, by dint of their race, had extrasensory perception, also known as ESP, or a “sixth sense.”
Fifty children at the Indian Residential School in Brandon, Manitoba, became the subjects of a series of tests that sought to establish a new measure for identifying ESP and also to find evidence of supernatural abilities of “primitive” people.
As was typical for the time, there was no parental consent. But the children, ranging from ages 6 to 20, likely participated “willingly,” as the study claims, eager for candy that might stave off their persistent hunger.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Synchronicity Boom! "Mystery Booms Still Being Reported Daily Around the World" reports Gralien

Oh I do love these synchronicities!

Today at work, out on the playground, I heard a tremendous boom/jet roar type of sound. So long and loud that the ground shook. Not only was it loud, but it went on for a long time. So … impressive, I guess, … that the children all looked up to see what it was. A few of them mentioned it to me; which is saying something for it to have interrupted their Zombie game.

I kept looking up of course hoping to see something but I saw nothing. True, it was very overcast.

I telling Jim how odd the experience was, and then glanced down at my laptop. On my Facebook page, right as I was telling him about the large and loud sound, this popped up on my page: from Micah Hanks Mystery Booms Still Being Reported Daily Around the World.

Random Rants


Trust Issues
Jack Brewer's recent posts at his The UFO Trail on the ethics of Hopkins and Jacobs has caused a lot of comments everywhere in UFO Land. Me, I say this:

The witness needs to know that trust works  both ways. Where else is the witness to go? Mainstream won't help. With rare exceptions, just try going to the media/doctor/shrink with your tales of missing time, strange craft, aliens, talking animals, floating through walls, abductions and all that goes with the mysterious realm of UFOs.

UFO researchers are rarely doctors, shrinks, and the like. They're "just" writers and investigators. They're not legally bound to honor anything. THAT DOESN'T ABSOLVE THEM OF BEHAVING UNETHICALLY! Why this is even a question is beyond me.

And to suggest that because they're not legally bound to respect any type of confidentially, no expectation of such trust should exist is very discouraging.

Oh I have mocked the alien reptilian scenario, the hybrid baby scenario, and much more. On other hand, we all know the UFO realm is rife with these kinds of tales. Let's not get on our UFO Police high horses and dismiss such tales because they're "nutty." Okay, so some of them are nutty, but that doesn't do any of us any good if we just chuck them out the porthole. With all sincerity, the witness has these tales to tell. They believe they've experienced them. We have to listen! We have to respect. We have to -- hey, anyone here remember Jacque Vallee?

Oh Those Wacky, Fanatical Researchers
David Icke is, well… and Alex Jones took a wrong turn while tumbling down the rabbit hole a long time ago. Phil Imbragno disappointed as we distanced, and Steven Greer met a talking bush and believed he was Moses.  And, often, aside from their theories and ravings, their personalities put us off. (That last bit; I've met some researchers whose work was fine and dandy but they were quite … odd, ahem,  … but this isn't a personality contest. It'd be nice if we were all nice, but we're not always.) Yet every now and then these people have something actually interesting to say. Their connections make sense, (sometimes) and they aren't entirely full of hogs slop. Slow down and listen to them now and then.

Science. Get Over It
Science can help. Sure, they can come on over. Let's play! But share nicely.

UFOs aren't strictly nuts and bolts, no matter how badly some insist on still, in 2015, that they are. Science can't help us all by themselves, they can only contribute.

Why we still haven't arrived at the place where UFOs is seen as a phenomena that requires a hugely multi-discipline approach, well, boggles my mind, it does.

Now Let's Be Reasonable!
You can't really believe that aliens from outer space are abducting earth women (and men) and collecting their ova/sperm and creating alien-human babies and that the contactees were real and hey, contactee Truman Bethurum was a just a rummy and …

Spare me. That's all beside the point!

It's Zen like, in a way. No one's arguing those things -- not on the face of it --  but go deeper, grasshopper.

After Sixty Years We Still Haven't . . . 
No, we haven't, it's true. So what? That's assuming that it only has been sixty years. (post Kevin Arnold era.)  It's really been thousands of years, but who's counting.

One reason why we haven't gotten very far "in sixty years" is because of everything mentioned so far. Refusal to recognize this whole UFO thing is vastly bizarre and needs vastly bizarre methods to delve into things. Witnesses continue to be marginalized by many a researcher; ignored if their stories are too wild for us to handle, their stories traded back and forth without permission or the respect of request. UFO Police deciding who's who and why, researchers behaving like religious cult leaders or D list celebrities. UFOlogy acting like a groveling step-child at the feet of Big Science.

The main reason however is that we still refuse to understand that we need to turn our heads inside out in order to understand what this is all about, and many are still expecting a rational response from UFOs based on our oh so very rational approach to them. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

(Video) Giant Beings Seen Rapidly Climbing Mexican Volcano

Interesting, if true. Certainly strange and anomalous things happen on mountains and around volcanoes. Mt. Shasta, for one, where Bigfoot type creatures have been seen. Are these giant beings on Popocatelpeti some kind of animal, unidentified human climbers, or something unexplained altogether?

Popocatepetl (

(Video) Giant Beings Seen Rapidly Climbing Mexican Volcano: In a recent interview on Tercermilenio television, climber Guillermo Vidales, also known as Huracan Vidales, said that mountain rescue crews on Popocatepetl saw humanoid creatures measuring about 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) in height at an altitude of over 4,000 meters (13,000 feet). Seen on more than one occasion, the beings appeared to be thin and brown and not wearing any visible clothing. They showed amazing speed and skill, according to Vidales. (